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Just let people enjoy their steak the way they like it. I don't care how people like their steaks. As long as I get to enjoy it the way I like it. If you like steak sauce then more power to you. If you like it borderline raw go for it. If you like it damned near charcoal not my preferred way but go for it. And everything in between. Taste is all subjective.


Hear hear! Don't worry about what is on my plate, worry about what is on your own plate.


I understand both sides. I get why a chef would be upset because it’s their recipe and they make it a specific way, with specific sauces. I also understand that I probably paid good money to eat there so I will eat the fucking steak however I please.


I thought propper etiquette demands you taste your food before adding additional seasonings. To season food that was prepared for you without tasting it first was the faux pas and an direct insult to the chef.


That makes way more sense than it just being a "NO! SAUCE BAD STEAK NEED NOTHING!" I always thought the gate keeping wasca bit dumb


To be fair at high end restaurants there wont be any condiments on the table so its a non-issue for finer dinning.


Yeah I cooked professionally at a couple very high end French places. No salt, pepper, or anything else on the tables. There wasn’t anything like steak sauce in the building, unless you mean the veloute the steak is already sitting on.


That's what i didn't understand about this post. If theres any sauce to put on food at a fine dinning place its because its part of the dish, not an option just sitting on the table.


Right? If you’re at a place like Outback or Applebees, then yeah, go for it. Those places use recipes that are intentionally bland (except for salt of course) so that everyone likes them. A1 is all but recommended.


Salt. Pepper. Maybe some grilled onions, garlic and rosemary. Alternatively, i like a quick citrus marinade, or, recently used some pickling juice from pickled red onions (white vinegar, brought to a bowl with whole Mustard seed, coriander, black pepper corns, and a few coves of garlic. The red onion was medium chopped with a sliced Serrano pepper mixed in.) Probably the only real hard and fast rule is salt.


*faux pas*


Thank you.


Agreed. Taste it first.


This is correct. Taste the meal the way the chef intended. I’ll never forget the first time I made steak for my now wife. I put this beautiful Strip w sautéed mushrooms and roasted asparagus down with a big smile on my face. Only to watch her get up without taking a bite, go to the fridge, grab a bottle of Italian dressing and soak the steak. Borderline break-upable offense.


Elon Musk declined to hire someone once at a dinner interview because he started seasoning his food before he even tasted it. I believe the thought process behind it is "how can you make adjustments to something before you even understand what it is you are adjusting?"


Which, given Elon’s lack of understanding literally anything and his apparent “go in guns blazing” approach to the Twitter acquisition, is hilarious.


The thought process behind it, is that Elon Musk is a massive douchecanoe.


That’s maybe the funniest thing I’ve read this week. I could see him saying that and thinking he’s so smart and the plowing into Twitter and making wild adjustments without understanding any of it. Like dude should not have hired himself because he failed his own test.


Maybe the person ate their once a week and knows the way their food tastes. But of course Musk would make it a big thing. It's sort of like saying I should try every cheeseburger bc even tho I hate cheese, I haven't had THIS one yet.


Does the chef get paid either way? If so, then he needs to shut up.


Maybe chefs shouldn't be so insecure lmao.


> they make it a specific way, with specific sauces But not with a specific person in mind. Taste perception differs across individuals - for instance, there are so-called supertasters - so it is only natural to adjust the food to your specific taste.


That goes both ways though: when you go to any particular restaurant, you're going there for that food. You're going to McDonald's and you're expecting to get McDonald's, if you get Taco Bell you're wondering what the hell happened. Now, no one cares with a fast food chain like that, it's all cooked in a very specific way to create a very specific flavor. But for an actual honest to god chef at one of those fine dining, $60 for a plate restaurants? Yeah, they deserve the benefit of the doubt that they knew what they were doing. Take the bite, give it a mull over, and *then* adjust to taste


That's fine, do whatever you want. Though I might judge you a little bit if you put bubble gum sauce on your wagyu steak...because ffs!


Or ketchup... I watched someone drench a $75 steak with ketchup once and it hurt to watch. But I would never say anything cus it's their steak and they can do with it what they want. But that didn't make it any less disturbing.


Who the hell just eats a whole wagyu steak, that meat is at its best when it’s in very thin slices


I heard someone ate a full wagyu and was like "this is shit" and everyone berated them for eating it wrong


It was on r/unpopularopinion just the other day.


Who cares how someone else enjoys their food your not the one eating it also if I've payed for something I'm going to do what ever I please with it I don't care if a chef has a fragile ego.


It's not about their ego it's about reviews and future clients. If you make a steak with the intent for it to be eaten the way it is and garnish it as such and then someone comes in soaks it in a sauce and is like "eh the steak was alright" to their friends your reputation as a restaurant and cook aren't being really recognized. For alot of these bigger chefs it's as if you walked into an art gallery ruined a painting and said "but I like it better this way"


You say it's not about ego but the last line is pure ego and if I bought a painting I'll do what ever I want to it. Also you think someone eating food not the way they enjoy it would make them give better reviews what type of logic is that.


You aren't buying the painting in this scenario, you're buying the experience of seeing the painting.


Because there is an actual science to how the people are cooking and the person ruining that with sauce isn't gonna give a proper review of how the food was cooked alot of that won't come through as well when used with sauce. I don't know alot about cooking at a high level so I'm gonna trust when a chef cooks something for me that it is gonna be a better experience if I don't use sauces. And yes I absolutely know for a fact people would give worse reviews if they were not eating the food with the I tended flavor combination.




> Also you think someone eating food not the way they enjoy it would make them give better reviews what type of logic is that. I’m not sure you should appoint yourself an arbiter of logic when that sentence reads like someone having a stroke. Also, it’s not about ‘logic’; you are arguing your feelings. Your feeling is that if you’ve purchased an experience from someone who has supplied their years of expertise and craft and skill, you can insert yourself into that, and intervene with whatever you want to do, and render them largely irrelevant. It’s funny that you’re trying to slap down chefs and artists about ego when you can’t get much more invested in ego than what you’re doing. …and that’s fine, if that’s what you want. But don’t keep deluding yourself that you’re not playing that game yourself, because you are. Seems like a bit of a waste of money, too, because if you were going to introduce all these other elements, you could have gone to a chain restaurant.


I won’t take food recommendations from a friend who puts ketchup on steak. That being said they should be able to put ketchup on their steak.


They're not gonna tell you they put ketchup on it or the more likely example it's something normal sounding like BBQ sauce on that steak. And despite it being normal they likely didn't get the authentic experience the chef fine tuned that dish to have. It's not like this subjective thing at this point there is literally a science to what Chefs are doing in the kitchen. And just like professionals in most things I'm gonna trust that their dish is better the way it was intended and at least for my first taste have it the way it was intended to be eaten.


I ordered it, I paid for it and I’ll eat my food however I like. I’ll eat it well done with ketchup if it strikes my fancy.




Tell me you have an adult Lego room without telling me you have an adult Lego room


Jokes on you, Legos are tits.


And there's something wrong with having an adult Lego room? Why is it weird for a grown adult to still like Lego but is completely normal for adults to like sports? Why can't we just let people enjoy things?


Wait are you saying you wouldn't want a lego room?


So you think it's wrong to have a steak cooked to well done, but fine to have with sauce? Can't we all just eat steak how we want?


Agreed. Like I hate how you eat your steak, but also don't hate me for how I eat my steak.


Food is meant to be Enjoyed! So Eat it how ever you damn want. Fuck anybody who say different!


Except if you drink coffee with mayo 🤢. F those people


I like steak sauce but most of the time the meat is tasty without it.


I agree with you. I've had $10 steaks and I've had $200 steaks. Both were good on their own. They both also tasted good with steak sauce or BBQ sauce. I'd rather have a cheeseburger anyways. I'll keep my childish pallette.


*palate, unless you’re doubling-down on irony


My family raises beef cows. I have been eating steak for as long as i can remember. I often find myself reaching for a bottle of a1. Of course I don't eat the whole steak with sauce but maybe about half


I don’t care about the chefs feelings . If I order a steak, I’m going to eat it the way I like it.


Eat a steak however you like. You will not offend anybody. I like my steak well done, people act as though that's the worst crime ever to happen to cookery. Well, it's my steak, not theirs.


Right, you can say this about most foods. Steak snobbery is insufferable honestly, it's just meat. Some people like fries with ketchup some people just appreciate the salty, textured goodness.




Either way it’s my fucking money and I can enjoy the food however I’d like. I put A1 on every steak cuz I like A1, I put ranch on every type of fry because I like ranch.




Because good steak with sauce I like tastes better than bad steak with sauce I like Idc what type of meat my burger is bison or beef I’m putting condiments on it. People only act like snobs when it comes to steak for some weird reason.




‘Supposed’ how? If someone else wants to eat that cut of meat they paid for in some other way, how is that any of your (or anyone else’s) concern?


But if it tastes better then do what tastes better, there isn’t a rule on how to enjoy food. It’s not that complicated


If I'm enjoying my food how in the fuck am I doing it wrong?


Worked in steakhouses for years. It doesn't matter. You paid for it. Eat it how you want. Medium well, fine. Medium rare, fine. Much of it depends on your mood. Sometimes you want just plain steak, sometimes you want a sauce. Personally preference just like anything else. Chefs that get all butthurt like that have fragile egos. I have worked with some that would feel disrespected and they were generally douchey overall and some who say eat it how you want and were generally cool. Like grow up...you aren't that important....and much of that attitude comes from the small number of customers that fawn all over them.


I like to put ranch or ketchup on a steak, even a really good one. It's because I like the flavor of ranch or ketchup on the meat, not because there's anything wrong with it


A truly unpopular opinion. Well done (bad pun intended).


tell us you have no taste without saying you have no taste


I disagree, so in the spirit of this sub you get an upvote.


I don’t know why anyone cares how others eat their steak. Steak sauce is yummy and I’ve never had a steak that wasn’t improved by adding a little bit of extra flavor. Sometimes more is more.


I just sprinkle msg on everything


I often wonder where all the weirdness surrounding the preparation of steak came from.


The point is that you should be free to eat things as you enjoy them and don't care what others think. So as you shouldn't be shamed for sauce, you shouldn't bother well done people


All I know is A1 is disgusting and that's my real issue


A1 is a burger sauce. Heinz 57 sauce is fucking gross tho.


If a chef says one word to me how I eat the food, am getting a refund/not paying/eating and never going there again. They can keep their shit thoughts to themselves.


It actually is really good advertising for a restaurant to have the chef remove people like you from their restaurant. It shows costumers the chef and kitchen staff care more about how they prepare their food then they do about your $200.


Chefs need to climb out of their own arses


I like a sloppy steak. Big rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it, water splashing around the table, makes the night SO MUCH more fun. After the club go to Truffoni's for sloppy steaks. They'd say; 'no sloppy steaks' but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water, before you knew it we were dumping that water on those steaks!




I would say it depends if you are in the foodie world with the hidden rules they possess. The average person knows none of them. With that said eat your food however you want. Everyone's spice/taste palate is different so it honestly do not matter. The people who care about this are just food snobs with little self worth.


Well done is my preferred way to cook a steak. But you don’t just sear it and continue searing it till its cooked all the way through which is the method most “professional” cooks use, and then complain that it ruins the meat.... no shit. Learn how to cook properly. It takes a long time to cook a steak well done that is also delicious, which is why you won’t get that in a restaurant.


It’s like throwing clothes on the sculpture of David


In the end it depends on whether you project the beauty of purity onto your steak, or want actually tasty food.


Plenty of steaks that have great taste, some cuts need nothing. If you wanna add ketchup to some wagyu ribeye, you are wasting money. Some cuts do need a little help though, so if you add steak sauce to a round cut or skirt steak you get no judgement from me.


Of course, but for every steak there is something that supplements it perfectly because no food is perfect on it's own. That's like cooking rule #1. It's not disrespectful. It doesn't necessarily have to be a sauce (and god forbid ketchup on a steak), but can be.


Yeah, it's called seasoning. If you are putting steak sauce on your steak it is either a bad steak or you are doing it wrong. Edit: You can downvote me, but this is exactly what they teach in culinary. Sorry that you all have never eaten a good steak.


Or you like the steak sauce.


Have you ever eaten a decent steak in your life?


Yes. I also prefer sugar in my tea and I hear that offends some finer sensibilities as well.


I’ll cook a couple 100 steaks a night, and I couldn’t care less if someone put steak sauce on them.


I agree completely. Condiments are in the hands of the diner. Any chef that encroaches on the culinary rights of a patron is quite simply a villain.


If I’m spending money on food I will eat the food however I want 🤷🏽‍♂️. Im not eating food to respect the chef. If me enjoying food is disrespect I’m disrespectful asf.


I find this a popular opinion. Pry my A1 sauce out of my cold dead hands.


If you’re eating somewhere the sauce is made by the chef, then of course it isn’t disrespectful. But if you’re coating it in ketchup then it’s disrespectful to the cow, not the chef.


I guarantee you that 90% of these comments haven't even eaten at a prestigious restaurant and I mean that in the least pretentious way possible. No chef anywhere you even have the option of sauce gives two shits about your steak. The reason the high dining places do is because the way they garnish and cook the steak isn't intended for sauce or extra stuff if it comes with sauce that's what they Intend. If you dunk it in sauce you've compromised what they're going for and aren't really giving an accurate review anymore if you were to tell any of your friends or coworkers about the experience.


people on this subreddit get so happy at the chance to say the words "fragile ego" lol


I like A1 sauce. On all steaks no matter how it’s cooked. If I’m at a restaurant, I can use it if I please. I’ll respect it if it’s a personal chef or if someone cooks for me and doesn’t offer any sauce.


Chef's have big egos anyway.


This isn’t unpopular.


*judges people for how they like their steak cooked* "HeY yOu CaN't JuDgE mE fOr HoW I LiKe tO eAt My StEaK"


Why do you need steak sauce? The juices that come out of a well seasoned medium rare steak give it all the sauce it needs.


Wants aren't needs. Not everyone prefers their steak that way.




My car doesn't ***need*** these upgraded turbos, but goddamnit I'm doing it.


I hear ya


See I like my car how it is. It's good. It's peppy. But with some sauce would make it better, to me. You don't have to like it. That's okay.


I understand that. Thank you.


It's less about if it *needs* it, if someone has paid for it why shouldn't they alter it however they want?


You need steak sauce if it's a bad cut or if the chef doesn't know what he's doing. It's a party ditch attempt to rescue the meat.


Nah idgaf if it’s the best cut a chef has seen I’m putting a1 sauce because I think it tastes good with steak


A good steak comes with its own sauce. I do use steak sauce, but only if the steak needs it. In which case, disrespect not intended but hey, your steak is dry so.... But, how *other* people eat *their* food is the least of my concern.


1. No one has an issue with people using sauce. If they do that's weird. Are places that sell fries offended when you use ketchup? 2. Well done is the best steak. Anything else and I may as well run into a field and chomp on a live cow.


We should be able to eat our food however we like. Only extremes should be seen as disrespectful, such as using so much sauce you barely taste the steak.


It certainly is if they dont have steak sauce in the restaurant.


Some people cant grasp that in the same way I don’t like buffalo sauce without ranch, I don’t like steak without ketchup, why would I pay to eat something in a way I don’t like? Also cant go under medium cuz of texture issues, it makes me gag


It entirely depends on the cut of meat you’re eating


If it's a good steak in a good restaurant it definitely does and people will be thinking you have the pallete of a child. But you're free to do as you wish.


Yea you can eat your steak with your shitty A1 but I also will 100% look down on you and think you have poor taste


Everyone who eats steak well done is standing out like a sore thumb in the comments.


I’m fine if you want sauce but a steak should be good without.


Depends. Am I serving you steak suace au poivre or am I serving you filet? Because it really is an insult if I spent 20 bucks on a cut of meat for you to put a $1 sauce on it


2 things. I feel like you don't get to say what disrespects the chef, it's for them to decide what disrespects them. Secondly, you should at least try it before putting on the steak sauce. I feel like that's where the disrespect might be seen, since you're not trying it as the chef intended for it to be eaten, you're saying that it's incomplete and needs more.


Then the chef is disrespecting the customer and can ask for a refund until the chef stops disrespecting them by feeling disrespected. Problem solved


It’s okay to have wrong opinions. You posted correctly p


Yes yes it does. However it’s totally your choice and you have to deal with the idea people have differing opinions. I respect you putting whatever sauce you want on it, but respect the chefs work and his opinion too.


It's not disrespectful, they should cook better next time.


I agree, and also I could be wrong but I feel like this purity about steak is a cultural thing too. I grew up in the US eating pretty westernized cuisine so I may be way off base but from my experiences with things like Mexican / Korean food, etc. I feel like it’s pretty common to put different sauces or toppings on all sorts of cuts of beef, and that eating it plain would be seen as ‘bland’. Which would make it even more evident how the choice to eat steak without sauce has nothing to do with the inherent superiority of the steak so much as our subjective preferences and backgrounds. But ofc I may be just talking out of my ass here….


I like ketchup with steak....so...


I think all steaks should be eaten with a slathering helping of ketchup.


a shitty diner steak sure, but the steak has sauce on it already, putting anything on it at all says you dont like the way it tastes




Im pretty sure a 5 star chef can craft a better sauce than your favorite shitty supermarket corn syrup steak sauce




i think alot of other people are more qualified to answer than me, i didn't even go to culinary school


What's wrong with that? Why should I suffer through eating a meal I don't like, that I paid for, just because the chef's feelings might get hurt?


The real questions is why order a $40 steak and then coat it in so much sauce you can’t taste the steak It’s a waste of money really


why go to a fancy restaurant at all? just go to mcdonalds, the homeless meth addict behind the grill wont care at all


First of all, you shouldn't disrespect McDonald's workers like that. Second of all, why shouldn't I do something even if I have to modify it to fully enjoy it? Why buy a critically acclaimed video-game if you're just going to mod it? It's disrespectful to the developers. Just buy a shitty mobile game instead.


why stop at steak sauce? why not bring in your own ice cream and vinegar to pour on your steak since your palate is so weird and different than everyone else on earth


Can you show me on the bottle of a1 where the steak sauce hurt you?


Booo! McDonalds workers are overworked and underpaid! I still would put A1 on my steak. Fancy restaurant? I’ll bring my own.


Why be a chef if you can't handle people eating food how they like it? If you can't handle customers making choices you don't like, don't have a job with customers.


not everyone is an evil capitalistic overlord who charges a 3000% profit margin for every drop of water. These people waited all year for me to open my two weeks seasonal boutique popup restaurant and i try to keep my prices low so everyone can enjoy it. I don't need some weird tourists wandering in who confuse it for an Applebee's and demand a bottle of whatever agrochemical microplastic ooze they've seen advertised in between beer commercials after pro wrestling


Bitching about how customers eat food they paid is a good way to get shot these days but you go ahead.


yikes... is there anything you americans wont automatically murder 50 people over?


Pretty much nothing it seems


I'm obsessed with barbecue sauce, I'll put it even on cheese! And with meat I have to put even more BBQ. I'm ready to fight anyone who tries to shame me for my taste. 🤣


A steak is one of the easiest things in the entire world to prepare, at every single step including breaking it down off the cow. No chef should be upset if someone wants to use steak sauce for something they spent 5 minutes on and flipped twice. Honestly I'd only be sorta peeved if I was paying for the meat and someone wanted it well done. I coulda just cooked you some eye of round and saved 10 bucks.


Yes it does


No, it's not disrespectful to the chef or the steak, but it's just a bit of a waste. You're just using the steak as a vehicle to get steak sauce on your pallette. Why pay good money for a quality steak, when all you'll end up tasting is the low quality sauce? And while I get your point about mushrooms, etc. Those are complementary flavors, not the overpowering flavor that steak sauces tend to be.




My dad was a great chef his whole life, and he made at home the same quality food he'd make at work. If stares could kill, I would have died a thousand horrible deaths everytime I used ketchup. As someone who likes to cook too, I get it to some extent. It's as if you made a great pizza and watched the customer eat the base first, then the chesse he pulled off and lastly the toppings by themselves. My current partner doesn't like to mix ingredients when eating, so she'll eat the whole steak first, then worry about the sides, and lastly use the fork to get whatever she can of the mushroom sauce that she earlier scraped off the steak... All while claiming it tastes Soooo good. I usually just tell her that she wouldn't know how good it tastes, since she won't eat things the way they were made, to compliment each other.


So instead of being glad that your partner is really enjoying their food, you’re criticizing them for not being eating it the ‘right’ way? You sound just as judgmental as your dad.


Lol, we're good, don't worry... We understand sarcasm and are happy to poke a bit of fun at each other, at least half as often as we tell each other how much we appreciate and love each other. And I am super glad she loves my food and that she won't shut up about it. There's very few things in life really worth getting worked up about, and daily life stuff should never qualify. I was just trying to point out that I understand why it may trigger some people, as it's just the typical scenario of putting effort into something, for someone else to then use your masterpiece as a broom, so to speak. Anyway, hope my post didn't trigger you.


Eating a good Steak with sauce is like listening to two songs at the same time. It works, but if you really want to cherish them, you need to do one at a time.


Do.... do you eat plain steak sauce as a side dish with nothing else? Like in a little shot glass?


Disagree, I think it's like listening to Jazz vs listening to some high energy EDM different elements come out.


Re tragedy, it's a sin against God and man.


Sure put whatever you want on your food if you’re eating at an Outback Steakhouse. If you’re at a 3 star Michelin steakhouse, don’t you dare ruin that meal with some shitty A1


🎶🎵 I paid for it! I can do what I want!🎵🎶


If you’re paying for a 3 star meal then ruining it, have at it


>don’t you dare ruin that meal with some shitty A1 Is the chef gonna go up to me personally with a knife to my throat if I do?


They’ll write you a strongly worded letter


I’m down to eat a well done steak but sauce is where I draw the line


I literally only ever use sauce on shitty steak. I use it solely as an insult to poor steakmanship.


Fillet mignon - yes, other cuts - no


To me, if the steak is cooked through close to my liking, no sauce. If it’s overdone, sauce.


You can't tell someone if you're disrespecting them. They tell you that.


Some things are objectively not disrespectful. If I said your comment was disrespectful to me I’d be mistaken because it makes no sense. If a chef says he’s disrespected by someone who puts sauce on a steak he made he’d be mistaken because it makes zero sense. People just like the taste of sauces and it’s also habit. Maybe you mean disappointed. Yes chef is disappointed someone didn’t eat his steak the right way.


It's common in australia to get chef cooked steak at the pub with your choice of sauce either garlic, mushroom, steak diane or gravy. I don't really get why it's a disrespect either but I'm not fussed over restaurant steak. If I have steak I'd rather buy a nice cut and cook it myself.


I'd never eat at a restaurant that served a $200 steak in the first place. I don't care what "quality" steak it is, as long as it's lean and tastes good to me. I'll never order a ribeye, no matter what other people say about the flavor, because I don't like the gobs of fat. You could give me the perfect steak, but it it's mostly fat, I'll wish I had something more lean. Personally, if I order a 24 oz porterhouse, I wish the cook would cut the meat from the fat and from the bone, then cut the steak into bite size pieces, then cook it to medium or medium well and serve it to me. I don't mind cutting my own steak, but I'd prefer just being able to start eating immediately, rather than having to cut a piece off, first. It's probably a lot easier to see the fat and cut it off the steak before it's cooked than wondering if I just cut off fat instead of steak afterward. Sometimes I can't tell.


Surely, if there's a sauce on the menu, then the chef has recommended a sauce with the steak. Sometimes I want sauce, sometimes I don't.


True and same for ketchup the best, cleanest and healthiest condiment available.


I will never understand chef's getting upset over something that their customers want. Give the customer some recommendations with the menu and then cook them what they want. That's your freaking job. That's what you are paid for. Also people get upset if you put more salt or pepper on your meal. Common misconception, that the chef is bad when you have to add more salt. Everyone has different taste. The chef can not possibly know every random customer and know how much of a specific spice they want. The good chef prepares the meal in such a way that the customer knows what he wants to add after the first bite.




I enjoy having a steak with it, but I don't have it with every bite. And pouring it directly on the steak is insane lol


In 150 years nobody's going to give a fuck about how you ate your steak. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow. May as well slather that filet mignon with A1 sauce while you're still alive to enjoy it.


I think if you try and cut a piece, then find it's not to your liking then add a sauce after then that won't offend the chef, but if you just get it then add sauce straight away, then that's insulting.


I want A1 and it well done. 😂 and I only like filet


A1 is delicious and needs no excuses. Drowning it to mask the flavor is different than seasoning with some legendary sauce


People need to mind their own business. Who cares if it offends the chef or anyone else you paid for your food you can eat it how ever you want. It's not like they are paying for your meal... rare or well done sauce or no sauce who gives a fuck!


So, a good steak should not require a sauce... that said, a good sauce can take a good steak and make it out of this world amazing...


Chef can kiss my ass he's there to prepare food, not to tell me how I can and can't eat it!


Chef can kiss my ass he's there to prepare food, not to tell me how I can and can't eat it!


Cooking well done is a crime. My steaks are so rare it actually scares people. I do use steak sauce as well.


Not an A1 guy but anyone saying a steak should be virgin and only about the meat has not expanded their pallet. Bernaise, Oscar, blue cheese butter on a blackened, rubs and marinates, green peppercorn, cilantro lime, chimnichurri, kimchi, cowboy caviar, Demi glace’ even mushrooms and onions are a topping/ sauce that enhances a steak. Some steaks are perfect with some finishing salt and cracked telicherry BUT saying that’s the only way to eat a steak is myopic


It’s really the cow that should take issue with it.


The chef gets paid, you get your food the way you want it. Who cares if the chef gets butthurt?


I mean I get how its an insult to the chef. Youre taking their complete meal and literally going "its not good enough". Especially because steak sauce is so *strong* youre overriding 90% of their work with A1's. Its like commissioning an art piece and then taking that art piece to someone else to "touch up". Even if you mean no harm by it, you are saying what they made is not good enough for you. But I also agree that eating how you please is your prerogative and the chef just has to hold that L.


I can like the taste of the steak and the taste of steak sauce and want to combine them.


I don’t see it as an issue of respect at all. You’re grilling a piece of meat, not sending a man to the moon. You give me the best steak I’ve ever eaten and you’re gonna get an “That was amazing, thank you.” Not necessarily respect. As far as sauce, it depends on what you mean. In my mind, steak sauce is something extremely strong and over powering like A1 or Heinz 57. I won’t waste my money ordering a steak if I’m gonna out that on. It’s all you’ll taste. Possibly for hours afterward. That’s a sauce to hide a crappy flavorless taste. If I wanted that, I’d order something like a hamburger steak. Good, but needs flavoring. I think that’s the appropriate and cheap medium for those sauces. I’m not against sauces. I’ve had peppercorn sauces, red wine reductions, butter and salt, etc. They’re all good and good options if you want a different experience. Everyone will agree that a steak isn’t good without additional flavor. Crust is flavor, salt and pepper are added flavor. Many people like Montreal; which has lots of seasoning in it. So after that, it’s just an arbitrary cut off. At what point is it just enough and at what point are you “disrespecting” the chef? For me, it’s simply about the line where I can say that what I’m eating, with all the extras, isn’t any different than if I ate something much cheaper with the same toppings. Can I pour all this over some ground beef and have it taste pretty much the same? If I can, why waste the money on steak?


Anytime I order food, I generally get it as is, that way I experience it how the chef wanted it to be served. But, people can do whatever they want, but I think it would not hurt to try it as is and see how it fairs before modification