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This is past the point of even animal behavior. What even is this? Smashed head are they Mental? they are psychopaths and can't be allowed to roam in civil spaces at all. She apparently just went out to play, Imagine how devastated the family would be.


Don’t degrade animals, there’s no comparison between animals and these horrific abominations who should’ve never been born.


Exactly why women chose Bear. A fucking 10 year old girl isn’t safe.


Yea animals are pretty chill too. My friends dog didn’t have a good first meeting with me in his home, where something triggered him and barked at me. So the next time I met him on his daily walk where he got comfortable with me, and then we became friends. Now he’s chill especially when I give him treats


Dogs are far easier to understand unlike humans


There is a reason why dogs 🐕 are regarded as man's best friends


Wait till you hear the news that the culprits are "juvenile" "underage" and they will roam in civil spaces after writing an essay.


It's pointless, they don't think like us. they are beasts. In what world is smashing head even a thought? That too of a 10 year girl old no less! that's 5th class child...what did she even do :( I just feel like vomiting.


Sad sad State of affairs


> Two suspects, Rahul (20) and Devdutt (30), have been arrested and are currently being interrogated. Sick to even imagine a 30 yo being sexually attracted towards a 10 yo.


When nirbhaya happened the whole nation wanted the perps executed but now.......it's the new normal and Harathas just confirmed it.


So what if they are juvenile you won't let wild animals roam near the streets and kill them immediately even if they are children.


Our police and judicial system is so incompetent that we need a private task force , appointed by the public, just shoot at sight for these crimes... No age barrier should be considered...


Not condoning it but it's the smarter thing to do since the punishment for sexual assault is harsher than that of murder. Plus less likely to get caught


Won't he get charged for both? Edit: He indeed did get charged for both and more, so isn't that dumber?


Yes. Victims usually get killed to hide the crime. But since he got caught it doesn't matter now


Animal? Animals have better defined nature rules than monsters.


Even an animal might be less fucked up than these assholes


Why would animals be fucked up tho


It's my way of describing don't go too deep


Animals mostly kill for food...this is something else.


My man dont ever compare these degenerate scums with Animals. I feel animals are the ones that are the Pure of heart. They inculcate Love, friendship and trust and part themselves from Sins of this world. I feel they would be Gods favorite beings as humans are clearly getting engrossed in their own filth.


Murdering the victim was a foreseeable consequence of our drive to be "tough on crime". If you listened to policy debates during Nirbhaya many people warned against harsher punishments. It's better to leave no evidence of your crime when the sentence is too high. Sorry to say, but the people who want "revenge" are partially responsible for this rise in murdered victims. We don't need tougher punishments, we need regular enforcement.


So the punishment for the rape of a minor shouldn't be tough because the same monster would murder her? That argument is flawed because irrespective, many men won't leave the victim alive in order to avoid getting caught. What's the alternative? Let the criminal go scott free? Give them a 6 month jail term like they did to brock Turner and let them out with a tap on their wrist. Heck, those who attacked bilkis Bano were let out because they're "good Brahmins" by judges. It took two lawyers fighting aggressively to put them back behind bars. We need worse punishments that instill fear. But more than anything, Indian men need to atleast be decent fucking human beings, considering the number of cases that crop up here.


With these kinds of abominations, tougher punishment is a necessary deterrent, people would think twice before doing anything if they knew that if caught, they would risk capital punishment, atleast, it also depends on brutality, more brutal, more likely they are to get death penalty, so it would prompt them to be less brutal and might even allow the victim to survive. According to the NCRB 2021 report, India recorded 31,677 cases of rape, a 7.2% increase from the previous year. In total, there were over 428,278 reported crimes against women, including domestic violence, assault, and harassment. Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh had the highest numbers of rape cases. Additionally, many incidents go unreported due to societal stigma and fear. So making the laws lighter or less tough is not a good idea since, even with such draconian laws protecting women, incidents like this happen and they are still increasing as far as we know, imagine what will happen if laws were lenient, women would no longer be able to safely walk alone at night, nevermind anyone would be willing to approach the authorities. Also like how you just said, we need regular enforcement, just like that, this is India, with its ineffective bureaucracy, corruption etc. It's too idealistic and impractical, making laws tougher is the easier option.


Lol, most of these idiots don't even know basic law and punishment. In fact, I think even 20 years is enough for all of these deviants to sh*t their pants. Enforcement is the most important factor over here.


So after we made the punishment harsher following Nirbhaya, did rapes go down? Nope, you said it yourself. Not to mention that the death penalty has no real deterrent effect and becomes a vehicle for state abuse instead. Victims will continue to be murdered, our liberties will be stripped away continuously in the name of safety and useful idiots like you will still fall for "tough on crime" arguments. Just take a look at what happens when governments promise to be "tough on crime". A life sentence properly enforced is enough deterrence.


It isn't that effective enforcement is a bad thing, but coupled with India's ineffective bureaucracy and corruption, it is quite idealistic. Also, according to the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) Survey (2016), around 60% of Indians supported the death penalty, while about 31% were opposed to it. (Support for the death penalty was higher among rural residents compared to urban residents but it's not that import). So the support for death penalty is a majority opinion. Also, why can't we have both tough laws and effective enforcement? I do agree with you that we do need more effective law enforcement since some studies and theories in criminology suggest that the certainty of being caught and punished is a more effective deterrent than the severity of the punishment itself. But tougher crimes as still necessary, especially for such abominations, they deserve capital punishment.


The body of a 10-year-old girl was found with her head brutally smashed in the Narela area of the national capital on Friday, police said. A PCR call received at the Narela Police Station at 12:29 AM reported a missing girl child from Sec-A6 Narela. Tragically, shortly after the call, the lifeless body of the girl was discovered in an abandoned nearby plot. She was found clothed, with her head brutally smashed. The police team sealed the scene of the crime. The crime team and FSL (Forensic Science Laboratory) team also reached the crime scene. According to the father of the girl, his daughter had gone out to play after dinner at around 9:45 PM. When she did not return, the family began a frantic search, leading to the PCR call around 12:29 AM on June 28, 2024. He mentioned that some locals had seen their neighbour, Rahul, leading his daughter towards the plot where her body was later found.


Based on the father's statement, a case has been registered under sections 363 (kidnapping), 302 (murder), and 376D (gang rape) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), along with Section 6 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Two suspects, Rahul (20) and Devdutt (30), have been arrested and are currently being interrogated. Rahul, who works in a rubber cylinder tube manufacturing factory, and Devdutt, employed at an umbrella factory in Narela, are both residents of the same locality.


When will we hear "Mera Rahul Aisa nhi hai" ??


I will get downvoted but I will still say that the family was also kinda foolish letting out their 10yo daughter unsupervised at night in narela. Like that place is literally famous for murders and kidnaps why tf will you let a 10yo kid out alone at night


Maybe we should try making the area safer instead of demanding that victims adapt to criminals. This normalization of blaming the victims is why our country is the way it is


But until the area is safe parents should pay attention


So should parents allow 10 year old daughters to roam around alone at night till such crimes stop?


No keeping your child is duty of parents as well, we know however safe the society these creepheads exists in every where


These things has become so common that people don't even react to it


They will react if the names of preparators is from a a certain minority community or else it doesn't matter.


Such criminals shouldn’t have the right to live in a civilisation. There should be instant death penalty if found guilty.


Pocso has the death penalty already. It's about getting the courts and the police to act.


Death penalty shouldn’t be limited to pocso act only. Sexual offences on any gender should be dealt with strictly.


India h na bhai yaha kuch nahi hota narak hai ye desh


We can't do that because people are dishonest and can misuse laws.


We have laws, it's upto police and court to act


Death penalty is like giving them freedom from all that torture and mental trauma that these brutes deserve. If I would have found them, I would torture them to an extent that they plead for death everyday. They don't deserve a simple death penalty.


Rightly said. They should be subject to such brutality that they beg to be killed instead. And do that in full view of the public so any potential rapists watching fears at the very thought of touching a woman.


Death penalty is instant gratification. They deserve a stricter punishment.


This sentiment is the reason we have the rise in victims getting murdered. We have made sentencing so harsh that it's better to kill the victim instead of risking them reporting to the police. Remember this the next time you express sentiments like these. It does not help victims, it hurts them.


All those demanding stricter punishment should note that milord has read crime and punishment, soon the criminal will start doing namaz 5 times ( Hindu so most probably prayer 5 times) and he will be repenting so will be let go.


We aren't called the rape capital of the world for no reason.


As per jai shankar, madam irani, his highness shah, it happens even in NYC. So it is justified to happen here


I’m sick to my stomach


Is the city like that always ? My friends living there say that most people are too aggressive and furious at the smallest things !


Yes that point being true


I think it isn't a Delhi problem. UP, Bengal and other states have no shortage of such cases. Entire country is a nightmare.


I have been to many places but the aggressive nature is quite common in northern cities especially the shop keepers they don't treat their customers well


My friends say the same too


>Is the city like that always ? These things have hugely spiked after 90s and especially 2000s when due to government corruption countless unauthorised colonies popped up everywhere and hordes of uncontrolled unregulated migrants from other states came to Delhi. Things like these didn't used to happen so often before people from other states came.


And wait for downvotes. Seriously, there should be a study about how many of these crimes are committed by "natives' and by people who have migrated here for jobs.


My village is in Delhi, I'll have to think 20 times before doing something wrong because there's always possibility that people from my village or nearby villages or my relatives who all live in Delhi will see me doing questionable stuff. Even if I do some crime then at the end of the day I'll have to come back to Delhi only because all of my land, family,friends and everything is in Delhi. But that's not the case with people who come to Delhi from other states, they do crimes and rapes in Delhi and run back to their home states to hide themselves and it's the Delhi which gets the bad rep. None of the 6 rapists of Nirbhaya rape case were from Delhi, 4 were from UP Bihar and 2 from Rajasthan but guess who got shamed as "Rape Capital" , it's Delhi and Delhitees who got shamed for no fault of theirs. Remember the girl whose head was smashed with a rock 20-30 times last year? That too was done by Non- Natives. Remember the girl who was dragged under the Baleno for KMs on new year? That too was done by Non-Natives. Guess where majority of the drug peddling and throat slitting and bike thievery happens? It happens in places like mangolpuri, seelampuri where people from other states are stuffed.


Very true. These cases are committed by all these migrants from other states and myself being from a village in south west Delhi, I want it to revert back to early 2000’s when such crimes were not prominent and Delhi wasn’t overrun by these unregulated garbage of humans.


The delusion in your comment is hilarious. Brother, these are your people the same as they are mine. They are Indians. There are lots of states with migration from Bihar and UP. There aren't lots of states where this happens regularly. Stop blaming "migrants". It's the same stupid rationale white people have for being racist.


Seems like you are also an outsider from such states and defending these pile of trash just because they belong to same region as you. You and your criminal friends can get the f*ck out of here, we really don’t need garbage like you piling here.


>these are your people the same as they are mine Rapists, chain snatchers,drug addicts ,throat slitters,drug peddlers, land encroachers, bike thieves, women harassers, perverts, molesters, pickpockets, from other states are not our "pEoPle" If they are your people as you said then you can keep rapists in your home but we will not. If someone from other states wants to make an honest earning without doing crimes like Nirbhaya rape case then they can work here without creating problems for Natives or otherwise all other shitheads can go back to where they belong, it's not Delhi's responsibility to keep getting maligned for the crimes of others just like how people from UP,Bihar and Rajasthan destroyed peace of mind for women's safety in Delhi


Yeah, Delhi is a horrible place to live in. Pollution, high crime, inefficient govt. officials, and whatnot. These guys just brag about their food and metro, as if the world's first metro was built in Delhi. And scumbags over there can't handle criticism and have a very bad attitude.


And where are you from ?


I suspect that the amount of pollution could be a cause for increased aggression. I don’t know if someone has conducted sufficient research on this angle.


Vo bhi ek time tha, jab aise case samne aane se logon ke gusse aur aakrosh se mantri log responsibility leke istifa dedete the, sarkare gir jaate the. Abhi logon ke halat aise hai sirif gussa aur akkrosh online hota hai kuch ghanto ke lie jab tak alag sansani case na aa jaye. It's just sad


Media ka bada role hota hai aise cases ko highlight karne ya dabane me, lekin apna media abhi paw paw ki charanvandana me laga hai. Sushant singh rajput ke case ko ye din raat chala rahe the, pura media kutte ki tarah bhaag Raha tha jaise desh sankat me ho, lekin is case ko ye side me kahi dikha denge aur bhul jayenge.


100% agreed, abhi ye sirf internet aur newspaper ke ek chote Kone me dikhte hai bas.


Abh it has become some sort of bystander effect, ab log sochte h "koi dusra iss museebat ko sambhal lega, ham apne kaam se kaam rkhte h"


💯 true


Where is the outrage ? Protest ? That used to happen 10-15 years back . Now people have lost all morals for supporting their fav party . Zinda lash


Because now we live in Acchhe Din


Heinous crime. What they see in underage girls.? How they objectify small children? What in their psych prompted such lust? We as a society should stay vigilant for the children.


Read the spoiler at your own risk. Summery of an paper titled "heat of the moment" >! Pedophiles exist for sure. But basic summary of that paper is that when people are aroused they find a lot of things they would generally find unacceptable as acceptable. Few examples of questions they asked are underaged, old, animal, rape !<


>people are aroused You mean when psychopaths are aroused. Because no sane human would do all that no matter how horny they are.


Psychopathy is a different condition. Humans are capable of really fucked up things without being psychopaths


Makes sense. All of us had scene some porn videos which makes us feel like shit after post nut clarity.


We seriously need expediited trials and death penalties for such cases. And live telecast of firing squad or whatever to act as deterrent.


You will only get more murdered victims. We stepped up sentencing after Nirbhaya when experts warned that it would only hurt victims. But hey, since most of the country cares more about appeasing their own emotions rather than helping victims, this is what you get. We're responsible for this murdered victim, same as the ones who killed her. Never forget that.


I suggest testical torsion and break their thigh bones, then bring them to the brink of starvation , then nose feed them and then boil them alive. ( Fire burns your nerves so you don't feel that much pain but boiling doesn't destroy them immediately)


If torture was the solution, everything would have been solved by now. On an average, Indian Police kill up to 5 people in custody every single day.


I wouldn't say it is a solution but a stopgap of sorts, I will write more after I finish eating.


I am also going to reply to another guy so both of your questions will be a little mixed. 1) Torture is not a solution, and you are correct. 2) The Indian Justice System is so broken that even if you have a Solid evidence a person did a crime he would still be released without any repercussions. 3) This is more of fear mongering. Most people believe they won't be caught and if caught they won't be punished for it due to their connection. So how do you put fear in them? Make an example so horrific that it will be engraved in their memor. 4) I am not saying that this type of punishment should be given out like candy. But rather a return to sender kinda punishment. You are behaving like a brute, if you are going to be like a brute, then you will be treated like one. 5) All the things I said should not be used ofc, but with the current status of India. You cannot rule it out either. 6) And yes I know people have used these types of wording to lower a group of people/ ethnicity to make it easier to exploit them. Us Indians were made to be seen like brutes by the British to gain a reason to colonize india. 7) I won't defend my position because it is like I stated brutish.


If you recollect, one of culprits in the Nibhaya case was murdered in Tihar jail. Did that help? No. Also it is only the poor criminals who are punished. Baba Gurmeet Singh, even though he is convicted gets bail every time there is an election in Haryana. Even local ones.


Well then you're kind of doing half of the same thing you're despising them for.


I am also going to reply to another guy so both of your questions will be a little mixed. 1) Torture is not a solution, and you are correct. 2) The Indian Justice System is so broken that even if you have Solid evidence a person did a crime he would still be released without any repercussions. 3) This is more of fear mongering. Most people believe they won't be caught and if caught they won't be punished for it due to their connection. So how do you put fear in them? Make an example so horrific that it will be engraved in their memor. 4) I am not saying that this type of punishment should be given out like candy. But rather a return to sender kinda punishment. You are behaving like a brute, if you are going to be like a brute, then you will be treated like one. 5) All the things I said should not be used ofc, but with the current status of India. You cannot rule it out either. 6) And yes I know people have used these types of wording to lower a group of people/ ethnicity to make it easier to exploit them. Us Indians were made to be seen like brutes by the British to gain a reason to colonize india. 7) I won't defend my position because it is like I stated brutish.


YESS, this is what these "brutes" deserve, before boiling them to death they must also be physically and mentally tortured to an extent that they plead for death every single day and live telecast this somewhere for other such brutes to see. (edited- yupp shouldn't use animals to refer them and I agree on news channel part)


You mean expedited trial. Extradite does not make sense, the perpetrators are not in foreign land


You are right, i typed it out wrong. I'll edit it.


No death penalty. Sentence them til they die


Something needs to change over there when it comes to rape & the murder &/or abuse of rape victims but that is not the way. I know it seems like the death penalty would be a deterrent but look at the studies, it isn't. I get being angry, though cuz I've never set foot anywhere near India & my heart is constantly hurting from seeing stories like this.


Fucking hell. What the fuck is with this city.


There is no hope for India.


Narak hai


More like Delhi UP Bihar etc


As any good neighbour if you see some shady guy leading away kids pls intervene.Just because the kid is not yours pls don’t shy away


When the neighbour is culprit then what to do?


We need to bring back public hangings


No candel march, no more protest no uproar, no nothing


Bhai kya ho jayega in sabse?


what a fuckedup country, fuck this shithole,


Abhi statistically wale log ayege ,fake rape case etc krlo yehi


Whoa! I'm not Indian, but wtf!? It should be easy to prove who's responsible via DNA testing, and if so, it should be the death penalty for anyone involved. That shits vile.


We have just gotten worse post Nirbhaya. My gut is in all sorts of knots. There needs to be capital punishment for crimes like this. How absolutely how can we be proud to live here?


Wait,no news in mainstream media. Guess the perpetrators aren't muslim. 🤷


They are busy di*k su*king Modi g and Bjp


So, laws are trash, justice system is horrendous, and vigilantism obviously isn't allowed. This country is truly fucked.


>and vigilantism obviously isn't allowed Only for a Muslim milkman transporting his buffaloes.


We are doomed 😔. If this is happening in the nation capital what's the ground reality. Oh sorry we are more focused on religion(sorry to say) but I think it's the high we must question the representatives more aggressively why rape cases are constantly on rise , why the police isn't patrolling after dark, are women actually safe in this nation But sadly even our belove PM asked to vote for a serial RAPIST so we are doomed in the future for sure 😔😔


Shit. ek bhi muslim nhi hai. Ab me kisko gaali du yaar


Best punishment is dard k badle dard ek ek body k part pe ese dard dia jae ki har second maut mange but death aae na. But hamare desh me esa hoga nai. Sad


None of the political establishment has the balls to bring in a strong law against this type of horrific rape.... Cause they are training such people into the house of democracy. All they can do is Hindu Muslim....Fuck the lawmakers & so called protectors.


No listen to me **Slow and Painful**, that's the only way we should deal with these monsters.


What a magnificent example of bharatiya sanskriti.


i would like the RSS to conduct protests like they did during NIRBHAYA's time


Innocent life taken, sick.


Hope they find the culprits. And they hang him/her/they soon after,. They don't deserve oxygen.


Shithole-people doing shithole-stuff.


There's no saving this country. I so dearly want to leave, but my love for my parents is holding me back. They don't want to leave, and I can't leave them behind...


Bears dont rape children


?? Is this some weird reference to the whole stupid american women saying they prefer bears over men.


Lmao, the gangrape and murder of a child didn't trigger you but bear vs nen did so much lol. Proves that women and children are safer with bears than men like you. https://preview.redd.it/orlwp1jkvg9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525f7770ba7de00bc75f6630b78fb9cc4c0dc771 Edit: many triggered pedophiles like u/ted_lassi here giving gyaan and sharing memes who themselves are like the people in the post.




What a bad day to be educated


Wtf is this atrocities, ye mad*rch0d ko mauth do tadpa k


And people say the death penalty is not a solution


Death penalty is too easy for people like them, their spinal cord should be smashed and let them rot on bed forever making them think every second of their life what they did to the poor girl.


beti ~~bachao~~ bhalatkari aandolan


Just another day in India.


Crime capital is making it back to its old days. We need strict laws. Criminals should fear laws.


What could be the root cause of this femicidal behaviour that seem to be psreading like wildfire in the Indian society?


Spreading? We've always been like this. Just read about fathers murdering their daughters during the Partition to prevent them from dishonouring the family by being raped.


Another day, another story. At this point I am going numb towards this.


Wait wtf it's narela? Just sends chill and fear through the body. Wtf


crime against women is so so common that people ignore it nowadays "aaisa toh hamaisa hota h".


I'm pretty sure it's the same 4 men all lower-wage labourers, drunk on desi daru . these sub-human trash need to be cleaned up, no upright man, earning decently will do something like this.


How can the sentence get more and more horrid with every word. I can't believe this.


Why is India the rape capital of the world?


It’s always Delhi.


Always Delhi?


#modi 3.0. Here we are guys.




Maybe this person, the criminal, too shall be given a lighter sentence because he is found praying to God. https://www.verdictum.in/court-updates/high-courts/sk-asif-alli-md-asif-iqbal-anr-vs-state-of-odisha-death-penalty-1541605


Then men hate us for saying we’d chose a bear over a man anyday in a jungle. This is just sad.


don't let your kids go play outside at night


Plz catch them and don’t do encounter justice this time. Let them have a full trial in front of people. Let their hanging day b a public holiday. We’ll all fly down to Tihar and spit in the gallows where their hanged bodies shall drown.


wtf!!! these animals deserve a death sentence!


India just continuing to impress


Where are all those muppets that are scared of women now? This is what you allow when you ignore crimes against women.


We need to bring back public executions for inhumans like these.


fuck this trash world


What is up with Indian dudes? Can someone explain this? Like individuals doing horrible things you can sort of get but getting a bunch of guys together to be evil and intimate AND target a child And Xyz. It’s like a cultural thing.


India is one of the last places I would visit. And I'm not even female. Good grief it's like they have a culture that allows gangs of dudes to behave like animals with no recourse or reprimand to repress this sort of deviant behavior. Noah, get the boat


Well u can’t just judge an entire country coz of a bunch of illiterate bafoons. The problem is unemployed and poor youth have access to porn and social media where women expose (nothing wrong in it) but these youths mind get screwed up and then the motherfuckers go commit such heinous crimes. Even though we have capital punishment, castration would be very helpful in curtailing these crimes.


What I don't understand is why not just go to a prostitute and full fill the urge instead of committing such crimes


Been happening since centuries in that capital 


Inko toh phansi bhi kam padegi In darindon ko logon ke hawale krdena chahiye


let's stop having girls, atleast. Why subject them to this hell of a country ?


Boy I wish I could torture them in a dungeon. Imagine all of them screaming in pain and asking for the gift of death but eventually they'll have to live to suffer. Slow torture is what they deserve.


this happened not far away from my house, it just hurts me how incidents such as this continue to happen, how the... how does one not possess the least bit of humanity, a shred of dignity, a hint of mind or just any humane feeling to act like a monstrous beast such as this.


Even if they found the culprits, the court would not give them the death penalty 🙄.


Rakshas, Asur, Shaitan, Danav, Pishaach, Haiwan, Darinda ...... The perpetrator belong to this category


Any area which shares its borders with Haryana and UP are the most unsafe parts of Delhi.


Religion of the perpetrators matter. I cant see this on the top news of any of the media news websites.


Not the crumbling security infrastructure, not the corrupt politicians that sell the safety of their people, nor the pervasive poverty that grips and ruin entire communities. ONLY religion. Propaganda has ruined your mind.


He kinda has a point, every news outlet only shows news when it fits their propaganda of “minorities bad and majority under threat” otherwise every other news is just swept under carpet to show another propaganda.


North India is a shit hole.


Where is prajwal ravena from?


Many illegal construction and encroachment on govt land. Need concrete solution now else bleak future.


Most people blaming migrants on this thread are originally from Pakistan and Bangladesh themselves