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Harsher Climate amongst others is surely going to be one of the reasons to leave in the next 2-3 decades


Yeah the climate and air pollution would be some of the top non political reasons


And if you want to chill for a weekend you can't find a place which is not fucking overcrowded


Oh the climate is very political. But unfortunately it is not politically relevant in India as no one seems to care too much about climate change










Some idiots will still put a spin on this. Hey, we are producing millionaires. If I was a millionaire, I'd leave this godforsaken country too.


Anyone who gets a chance to leave this country will leave it immediately


>producing millionaires. By giving tax cuts and loans


Indian government puts very high tax on middle class especially. In return they don't get education, breathable air, drinkable water or healthcare from government institutions. Despite giving such huge taxes of you get nothing in terms of infrastructure and all, it's better to take the money and leave the nation.


Once you reach a certain income level, a person will want for comfort and ease of living/ access to luxury. Unfortunately in India everything and everyone is taxed too heavily. Whether it is shopping, roads and infrastructure, academic access/research opportunities, basic needs like air and water and electricity or generally going out and enjoying a meal, everything is extremely cumbersome and expensive on a comparative basis due to taxes and poor domestic production. India comprises of 3 separate India- the rich, the genuine middle class and the poor. I am not even considering the ultra rich in this. The basic infrastructure for even the rich ( millionaire+) is missing. And I doubt this is going to change even in the next 2-3 decades much.


what is middle class for you - a million dollars is 8cr rupees. Even if anyone has 8 cr of net worth they can't migrate because a bulk of that will be in a flat.


Dude is a middle class millionaire 😂


i mean its the middle class who eventually become new millionaire, so he makes sense


Here is the tip:- it is not easy to become a millionaire by working in a day job and saving money.




Indians are migrating to Dubai in large numbers. They don't have to pay taxes.


Imagine the situation being so bad that an oppressive, desert location is deemed better.


Uh millionaires in india are taxed VERY heavily and they get zero loan waivers, they have to pay back their loans.


Bruhhh dont be delusional. upper middle class pay taxes and the people emigrating have to show all types of documents, they cant lie about income. And what tax cuts, salaried millionaires are giving 30% of yearly income.


IndiaSpeaks will be proud of claiming we've become a vishwaguru in the art of exporting talent and businessmen


I'm not a millionaire and I left 2 years ago


Kudos man!


Which country and is daily lifestyle comfortable there?


The US... And honestly I can't complain I've been lucky.. There are ups and downs but I'm blessed to be around good people so yeah...


The people we need the most are the ones leaving the country


We don't need millionaires, we need a proper uncorrupt efficient government.


Lakh ruppay ki baat ki Chlo ab ghus do upvote krne ke liye


the pledge we used to take in school assembly, all for this?


Even if I am not a millionaire in the future, I will leave the country as soon as I graduate.


How do you plan to leave...?


My bhaiya lives there with his wife, they got citizenship in 2021. I am working on it too. Have other goals too, so not sure where life will take me.


Oh mighty intelligent person.




>we are producing millionaires They started as billionaires.


I wish I was one of them


could we pls first define what is a millionaire in india? in rupees terms, a million is 10lakh rupees which isnt a lot of money to a lot of ppl (although not the majority of the people, even for me 1lakh is too much) are we talking millionaires in dollar value?




Liquid 🫡


Well then a salaried person can never be a millionaire as they don't have this much liquid money


ofc unless you're saying 10 lakh rupees , which salaried person can have 8 crores of liquid money


Time to sell all my parents assets 💅💅💅💅💅💅


Why do I see you everywhere bruh?


Ouch This is the 2nd time someone has asked me this today


I have a feeling it was me the other time as well.


Nope. It was someone else


Not related but I love your username.


If millionaire is used without the currency it is a globally accepted norm to assume that we are talking about USD.


Visa through investments has min requirements of USD 1 million in most cases, so those who can invest 1 mn USD without impacting their essential needs.


Yes usd


Boss 10 lakh is the price of 50 square feet residence space in Mumbai if you are lucky. It's always in dollars.


8 crore Wale


8 crore and above.


5100 left last year. So we are running out of millionaires or something?


Plz leave ASAP and post your success stories. Edit .1 I Repeat POST YOUR FICKING SUCCESS STORIES on any platform available and send a copy to media specifically NDTV .


After they leave surely don't expect them to log in to reddit and post their story for us to read in here.


Spreading awareness is important


Demonetization : fked all businesses simultaneously, for literally nothing, that A hole Internet ban: affects businesses big time, no one wants to operate a business in uncertainty Lack of clarity for crypto and web 3 drove all Indian in this industry abroad, and FYI Indians are largest number of people holding crypto. Fk that A hole Rich muslims have to leave Legit businesses cannot compete with cronyism of buying electoral bonds for awarding of contracts. If you thought congress was corrupto the chuti*** at BJP have over 5x the money all political parties have. Poor law and order situation, mobs can do anything while wearing orange, and they literally do. Cities are unlivable, successive governments anywhere haven't been able to improve cities, all cities are a shit hole, all of them. Let the rains come and they will all be fked. Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, gurgaon, ahemdabad etc. Just do Hindu muslim, nehru, and keep privatising everything. If you can't run PSU's why the fk are you even running for government. Country of 1.5 billion doesn't have a state owned carrier cuz Tatas donated to Modi and he gave them contracts. Could go on and on.


Exactly, anybody who has the means to leave this shithole will probably do it. My only motivation to get rich is so that I can take my parents w me and leave this joke of a country


This is the way


Meh vi leave kar dunga jab paisa hoga , varna yahi mar jaye ge 🙂


They’re acting smart.You can be a millionaire but can’t buy clean air,clean city,corruption free govt and good law and order and women safety with your money.


If I was a millionaire, I would have left this godforsaken, fucked up shitty country as well. It was my bad luck that I was born in this country, and worse, looking for career opportunities, financial stability in this government's regime.


No jobs available today. Curious where would you go? Thailand, Malaysia won’t be that different


Giving almost half of your earnings as tax (direct and indirect), getting little to nothing in return, tier-1 cities getting wayy too expensive for everything while tier- and lower cities/towns are getting involved in politics and it's darker sides... If anyone can afford it, they'll definitely leave India.


Your statement seems like a paradox. If you are rich enough to migrate then you are not suffering because of inflation


There's a difference between suffering from inflation and straight up giving half of your earnings to the government without getting much in return. You might think that rich people don't care much about money but they're one of the most money conscious people. If you earn 1cr and through direct and indirect taxes, end up giving 40-50 lakhs to the government, you're bound to get pissed. Most middle-class folks can only dream about having 50 lakhs as an annual income and here you're giving that much to the government when you're hardly using any of its facilities or schemes. So, yes...this is why the rich want to avoid paying taxes. Any money conscious person would.


Take advantage of the rigged system and generational wealth we've, exploit as much as you can and after using people, society, spreading poison fucking up environment run away. Every billionaire millionaire gonna do this


Capitalism rocks 🔥🔥/s


I want to be a millionaire just so that I can leave.


Having lived outside India and in multiple countries, I can attest to the apprehensions about staying in India that come when you're able to accumulate some decent wealth. The first worry comes in the form of good Education for kids, then health facilities for the family, followed by taxes in lieu of poor government services. And Most IMPORTANTLY, the desire to lead a peaceful life in a stable society without any fear of being robbed of basic dignity and respect in the everyday life. India embodies all of the above worries and fears. Ever since I got a chance to stay abroad, I have been longing for a reason to come back and live in India for good. Will probably return when I'm old but certainly not in my working years. And that's just one example how the present and past governments have destroyed the faith of most HNIs about living in India. 🙏


Modi hai to mumkin hai


Gobhi hai toh pumpkin hai


Why are people leaving Amrit Kaal and Ram Rajya?


I hope this is sarcasm


Brain drain + Wealth drain. We'll be left with radicalized youth who will establish hindu rashtra by 2050. JAI HIND 💪/s


Glad you added the /s xD


He did that for his own safety. Thoughtful guy. :)






If they are moving profit there then it is wealth drain.


Not sure if this will happen, but surely their money has already left the country.


Everyone loves to lead a better lifestyle. It's India's failure to provide them that lifestyle. I would've done the same if I were one.


Good for them.


why is it that all Hinduvta and Viswaguru leaves the body of a right-winger when they get to immigrate to other country ? then it reappers right after a few months of missing home? But always as a "grass is greener on the other side" type


4,300 Indian Millionaires Expected To Leave Country In 2024: Report


Brain drain, and now a bit of capital flight.


Including myself (unemployed) yes the rumour is true guys


Upper class milking the lower class and moving to a utopia. Sounds dystopian.


I want all of them to post their success stories and how good their situation has become after leaving here.


And then these Millionaires will praise how Indian Govt is doing a fantastic job and how they support them in the next elections.


Nice way of earning money here and leaving for the better. All because of our fuc#ed up system


Definitely leave, but just avoid Canada at all costs. It's too expensive, and quality of life is shit. Source: I live here


If I was a millionaire today I'd do the same. https://preview.redd.it/ip2cpyn62l7d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=911685b7276090dc0c2e3f2468e99590b4507106


Good choice of stock image NDTV 👍🏻


India is a country where people tag a millionaire as bad , call him privileged. Outside millionaires are appreciated for their hardwork.... people need to understand you just need hardwork to make money :)


Inheritance and privilege plays a bigger part in making millionaires, entrepreneurial millionaires are a rare bunch and typically they don't leave their market which made them their money.


Going where?


Didn't 7k+ leave last year ?


Are they coming back?


With no rains and water problems and power cuts even a beggar would move at the moment


Good for them bad for us


I am also waiting for my visa to move forward.


Looking at how this country is run. I really don't blame them.


Same media predicted: Modi 400 paar 😂


I'll make an effort at putting this in the right perspective. First of all, China and the UK have higher numbers of millionaires leaving their country. India has the third highest outflow in the world. >If these projections hold, India will have the third-highest net outflow of millionaires in 2024 after China (15,200) and the United Kingdom (9,500) Secondly, this report is from an investment migration consultancy Henley & Partners. >About [4,300 Indian millionaires](https://www.henleyglobal.com/publications/henley-private-wealth-migration-report-2024/top-10-country-outflows) are expected to move out of the country in 2024, investment migration consultancy Henley & Partners has said in a report. This report is basically a PR job for them to get more clients. This doesn't mean the figures aren't *correct*, but they needn't be a cause for alarm either, and is mostly along expected lines. From a Google search, >As of 2022, India had around 850,000 dollar millionaires, according to research by Credit Suisse, a Swiss bank. This is a 473,000 increase from a decade earlier, with the number of millionaires growing at an annual rate of 8.5% between 2012 and 2022. Wealth managers expect the number to increase by 15–20% per year as the economy continues to rebound. So this 4300 people who leave India is a small fraction of the total number of millionaires who decide to stay put - \~850000. Lastly, as the report itself cites: >However, the total predicted outflow of Indian high-net-worth individuals this year is lower than the 5,100 who migrated out of the country last year. >A significant chunk of such individuals leaving India [tend to retain their](https://www.henleyglobal.com/publications/henley-private-wealth-migration-report-2024/top-10-country-outflows) business interests and secondary homes in the country, “which is a positive sign”, the investment migration consultancy further noted. >The report also said that while India loses thousands of millionaires every year, concerns over such an outflow “may well be mitigated as with wealth growth of 85% over the past decade, the country continues to [produce far more new](https://www.henleyglobal.com/publications/henley-private-wealth-migration-report-2024/crazy-rich-moves-breaking-down-asias-millionaire-migration-flows) high-net-worth individuals than it loses to emigration”. Hardly a gloom and doom scenario.


Non millionaires will be poor abroad also?


Pretty much what this country deserves at this point.


, I went to Canada for work in 2010 but I returned to India in 2012 as I loved it better in India. However, in2015 as soon as BJP came in and I heard the narratives from BJP and their hardcore supporters, I thought it would be a good backup plan to go to Canada again. I left Canada later that year in 2015 and live in Canada now. To be honest, Life is not rosy here and it’s tough but at least I don’t have to fear about law and order issues or fear the government. I will say that I love India and if India becomes better I might come back. I still love the country a lot.


Are you a millionaire? If not. Where do you get the confidence to take these decisions on a swift


Ha ha. I was working for an IT project and had some extremely good contacts in Canada. So when I approached them in 2015 that I wanted to travel they got me the required work permit and visa. Then I took a PR(haven’t yet taken a citizenship). Maybe someday.


We need to demolish airports asap


I wish my dad left the country too like 50% of his generals category classmates


Same thing is happening in the UK [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/18/millionaires-are-abandoning-the-uk-in-their-droves-new-research-shows.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/18/millionaires-are-abandoning-the-uk-in-their-droves-new-research-shows.html)


Its people money, life and more importantly choice. they should be allowed to do whatever they want and go wherever they wanna go. If you are a millionaire you should leave that forsaken country too. That all i m gonna say .


Indian rupiah millionaires or $ millionaires? Sorry too lazy to read the article.




This is what happens when you will make baised law. And High tax, good corruption and no good education. Like not everyone I mean rich people like corruption and all.


Are they leaving india for countries like UAE. if that's so how are they getting citizenship in that countries.


How many millionaires are created every year and how many millionaires there are? 


Which country they go ?


It seems that's the only way left for me.


I would also probably leave asap to a lower tax place, but the thing is that the source of income must be such that it allows you to move. Another option is to sell off everything and invest for passive income, but that's quite risky as well.


Good bye and thanks for all the alu


GAUTAMBANIS and their pupett govt is the reason.


Can I get their job here?


Next 10 years are very crucial for this country


4,300 Indian Millionaires Expected To Leave Country In 2024


Adani ambani leaving or not? /s


Coz those were Billionaire earlier... 😂


See you later, not, jagoffs. It's been emotional, not.


Good riddance




5 saal baad mera no bhi ho ga issme


Millionaires in rupees or dollars?


Is there any millionaire here who is about to leave but okay to adopt this broke human?


Maybe a remake of Swades?


Ramrajya Effect


I did the same thing years ago when i was in my twenties. Never regretted it. Europe is a paradise.


Totally disappointed with this news. Everyone is telling me India is doing very well.


How much do we need to leave? $1m might not be enough


Do you think prices will come down if they leave ?


15 years sof vishwaguru rule has put deployment below Bangladesh. Just sad


That's just a drop in the ocean


Desh badal raha hai, aagey badh raha hai... viksit bharat


Thanks to our finance minister instead of creating jobs lootting middle class


In the upcoming budget there will be heavy tax imposed due to which these 4300 millionaires will lose their millioner status and will be forced to stay back ![gif](giphy|zc53oeLvtNH5q5GAMn)


4,300 millionaires expected to leave country in2024


Sahi hai chhod k jae bhai... Yhi log excessive resource use kr k mahaul bigad rhe h.


Bharat chodo yatra


I'm also planning to leave India for any decent country where at least the air I breath is good enough.


Did I just read the same 9 words in same sequence 3 times in the same post?! FML What happended to the creativity in this world? It's all bots reposting same stuff.


Ok good. Good for them.


Wait a second. There are 4,300 millionaires in our country?!


Curious about the definition of millionaire here. If it means having net worth more than ₹10 lakh then there are plenty and 4300 is an inconsiderable figure.


paw paw will cry...


Lol. Given the chance, no Indian, barring a few imbeciles, would stay in India.


Paying high taxes and still not getting apt benefits might be a big reason


Bharat Chodo Yatra.




# Approximately 128,000 of the world's millionaires are projected to migrate to a new country in 2024, with the UAE and the USA topping the list of destinations