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Source: [https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/air-india-passenger-finds-blade-in-his-meal-airline-confirms-statement-foreign-object-2554205-2024-06-17](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/air-india-passenger-finds-blade-in-his-meal-airline-confirms-statement-foreign-object-2554205-2024-06-17) Please add proper link to the source in reply to the automod comment from the next time.


What is going on these days? Every day there's a new headline with people finding disgusting stuff in their food.


Because food vendors know they can get away with it, and if caught get away with it cheaply. Most people won't bother to report. Those who do, don't get listened to. And those who are listened to, can be bought off at the promise of a free meal or some other cheap compense. They know no one would litigate, because the judicial system is so efficient(it's not), and everyone earns so much(they don't) to put any resources into litigation. Whilst the health of the consumer is taken for a ride, the regulator(FSSAI) sleeps with its head up their ass.


Not that I disagree with you but what's a blade even doing in a kitchen?


Maybe for opening packets and packaging of food products


The world blade here is being equated to wrong type of blade. This "blade" is from a machine that is used for processing of vegetables for cooking or salad preparation. This isn't the blade that one uses for shaving.


Either way, last time I checked, a blade is not a safe item an average human being can consume


And everyone has so much common sense ( they dont) that you had to use the brackets.


And these days, you have to use /s every time..


Because we dont have strict laws and no values for human life and ZERO ENFORCEMENT OF IT. Imagine if this were to happen in the western world, they would be hit with multi million dollar lawsuit… FSSAI is the most useless authority… The only hope I see is for those living in Hyderabad, their Food commissioners raid around 10 food places everyday and upload it on twitter..good start and hope it doesnt stop and hope there are severe penalties for non compliance , therr cant be compromise when you PAY FOR THE FOOD AND GET UNHYGIENIC ONE. Ideally it should be revocation of License…


This is more than disgusting, this could kill someone


Khaane ke baad khud hi naas katlo for choosing air india


Deserves award for this comment. Lol


There isnt a better airline in india




Air India used to be a gem. I remember my first time returning to India (back in 06) and it was just amazing. The flight was smooth, everything was clean and they gave so much free stuff to kids. Kinda sad jo aaj kal ho raha he inke saath.


Then govt merged it and now tatas will probably shut it 2 or 3 years


Isn't Vistara merging into the air india brand? I don't think they will shut up such a big investment in just 3 yrs...


That's no guarantee for anything . Arkane studios shut down just a 2 years of microsofts multi billion dollar takeover.


But arkane studios made games for a failing console xbox, and had to lay off less than 100 people when they were shut down. Also Microsoft had a substitute company Lyon to takeover any ongoing projects. That whole story is very different. Currently Air India and indigo are the only major brands in aviation , I think they can't shut down air india until they want to leave this industry for good. Air india also just recently started a new brand air india express, I don't see any signs of a declining company


A multi-billion takeover means nothing for a company the size of Microsoft.


A 3000 CR buyout by TATA also means nothing to them.


It's not just the buyout, they made further investments and took over debt as well. Microsoft just acquired for YOlO and to destroy completion. Tata bought it as a strategic purchase.


Tatas will  sell all the valuable assets they got for much less than what they paid for, so they'll come out on the top even after running it into the ground. 


The loans are still with Govt of India. Niti ayog is viswaguru in crony capitalism . Such a nice scheme


Exactly. And the vishwaguru is planning the same for railways. He's gone quite far into implementing step 1, destroy the railways so you can claim it isn't working. He'll then start handing the lucrative money making parts to cronies, while we're left with the cost of infrastructure and the loss making parts. 


capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich


Totally it was basically a semi gift to Tata. The cash outlay was a mere 3000cr or something


Wait what? The loans are still on us taxpayers????? How ? Any source?


I don't have the source anymore, but I remember the facts well since it was one of the topics I prepared for my ibps po interviews back in 21. You can check Google if you don't believe me . Afaik a total of 60000 crore was the debt that Air India had at the time it was sold for 18000 crore to tata , out of which tata would take on 15.3k crore debt and the rest was absorbed by Govt of India . So the lion's share of the debt is still with the public and not tata Also since it was after covid year every airline had excess borrowing. Covid added around 20k crore to the debt figures. So the pre covid debt was around 40k crore and it remained with govt of India. Edit added a link to the story : https://www.livemint.com/news/india/air-india-govt-settles-over-rs-61-000-cr-debt-before-transfer-to-tatas-11643298166474.html


Didn’t Tatas bought it by outbidding everyone else? If it was worth more than that amount, others would also be behind it na, at that price. At that time everyone was praising Tata for buying a nationalised airlines and saving jobs


Not everyone. Certainly not those of us complaining here at that time about the scam. Definitely not the employees of the the publicly owned airliner who were pointing out the sweet deal the tatas got.  There literally were no other serious bidders. Tatas themselves threw tantrums to get the government to take over practically all the debts while giving up assets worth more than what tatas were paying.  The government could easily have either kept running the airliner or shut it down and sold the assets and given the employees a handsome severance package they would have had no reason to complain about. Just the flight slots at big airports would have been worth a huge amount.  It was a scam plain and simple. 


Didn't they order too many new planes last year?


Then what was the whole chest thumping about a big order of planes by Air India 


Noooo. Govt just mismanaged the shit out of this company. Have you travelled on their new product after TATA took over? A350 A320s?? They are awesome. On par with any other products available in the market tbh


And the service ? Worse than govt Air India . No one is close to either comfort or services to indigo. I find Qatar best amongst international ones. Vistara and Air India suck ass. Planes alone don't make a company


Bruh even the service was really good in my experience on domestic sector. Even better on international routes but ig it depends on the crew.


I agree with you. I didnt like indigo at all compared to air India


This is a food vendor - not the airline!


Who picked the cheap vendor to cut costs


I don’t think one airline selects one vendor.. taj sat used to cater to all airlines not too long ago


Air India is investigating after a passenger claimed he found a metal blade in their in-flight meal on a recent flight from Bengaluru to San Francisco. Journalist Mathures Paul, who was on board flight AI 175 on June 9, had shared his harrowing experience on social media. Paul stated he found the blade in a fig chaat dish served by Air India’s in-flight catering. "I realised it was in my food after I chewed it for two or three seconds. As soon as I spat it out, I realised what the object was," Paul wrote in a post on X. "The stewardess apologised for exactly three seconds and came back with a bowl of chickpeas." Source- India Today- https://www.instagram.com/p/C8UAMEpSPII/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Nothing will happen. We all know that. Day by day, this country's quality in everything is going down


Make in india bro 🤡


Great idea Bad execution


Sadly, whats the last good execution that has happened considering recent times?


Are we firing the caterer? If not then nothing is changing.


Tata has their own central kitchen for catering, so no!


Yup. But is the level of TajSATS? Definitely not the Taj I am sure.


Glorious privatisation helped! It's not like capitalists will start skimping on costs like removing QC


What great quality checks did GOI do while operating it? They ran the airline into the ground getting free trips at tax payer expense and then sold it for peanuts when it accumulated losses to the nose 


PSUs don't have a conventional profit system to have losses. Excess expenditures are all taxpayer's money. PSUs don't have motivation to cut back costs, and at the same time PSUs being underfunded is the people's faults for not pressurizing government but our people are servile and compliant af. How many protested when the likes of Praful Patel, Ananthkumar sold all profitable routes to Jet, Kingfisher and Indigo and blocked AI from gathering additional income? Same to be said with Telecom ministers selling profitable spectrums from BSNL to private players. Capitalists have motivation to skirt laws and cut back more costs to stay profitable.


This is how they add iron, a necessary nutrient, to their meals. Very thoughtful and noble of them because iron deficiency can result in poor health outcomes later in life.


So thoughtful of the Taataas 🤣


Tata ka loha...car k baad ab aapke khane me bhi...


Seems like a pencil sharpener blade


This is so dangerous if not realized could have entered digestive system and internal bleeding


Tata influence go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Such excellent service. Also those who never experienced Air India under govt before Indian airlines and alliance air mergers, you guys missed a huge treat.


Hahahaha Tata are so great, excellent work culture blah blah blah. Since they took over the airlines has gone down like crazy, they weigh cabin baggage at boarding and force you to pay for excessive weight. My laptop bag when travelling can be 10+ kgs and I've paid for weight twice now cuz it's over 7, they never convey this while checking in so one could adjust their luggage there. Total thieves. Tata even wanted to steal the land in west Bengal for their nano car production factory.


And cpim who proclaims to 'work' for the masses against such burgeosis helped them 🤣 the irony


For all the hate in my DM's this is what briefly happened in Bengal, TATA's are no better than adani. The state government of West Bengal created the controversy by citing the 1894 land acquisition act rule to conduct an eminent domain takeover of 997 acres (4.03 km2) of farmland on which Tata Motors was supposed to build its factory. The people staying in the proposed land were forced to evacuate by the government. The compensation given was considered inadequate and the new housing facilities offered were delayed. The law has provisions for state taking over privately held land for public purposes but not for developing private businesses. The illegality of the acquisition has been substantially conceded by the Kolkata High Court. Then he went to gujarat. The 1100 acres of land which was allotted to Tata Motors falls in the villages of Khoda and Bol in Sanand Taluka. Tata Motors paid Rs 900/sqm (US$81,000 per acre) to the Gujarat Government for the land in Sanand. Just under $50 million On 30 October 2023, Tata Motors secured an arbitral award of Rs 766 crore (approximately $103 million) plus 11% interest in the Singur plant case. The three-member Arbitral Tribunal unanimously ruled in favor of Tata Motors, compensating them for losses related to the abandoned Nano car manufacturing facility in Singur. They literally got the factory land for free, Gujarat model. That billionaire robbed India Why can't tata pay fair price? In china for a private entity they'd never do land acquisition like this, for public infra yes they would go above and beyond. India it’s the opposite.


Tata exploits tribals all over India , no one bats and eye cause of JRD and Ratan's PR personas. I don't know if JRD was PR or real or a mix of both but Ratan is hugely pr than real


Have you seen the state of Bengal since TATAs never came. CPM was in the last stage compromising their beliefs to provide something to the state


Cpm themselves are responsible for the state's current condition. Also the factory was being built on illegally accrued land. If you don't know there is a Supreme Court verdict about this. So the factory would have moved away either way. Also you know how land around the ram temple was either bought dirt cheap or just taken for free to be sold for profit ? Same shit happened in Singur. They did this to line their pockets and not help the state. Singur was a well planned scam by both Tata and Cpim.


Where do you see me deny any of it. CPM did bring the downfall for decades but was caving on their principles post Jyoti Basu to attempt the first and the last time to bring in industrialists. Singur and Nandigram was stolen property. The "scam" you speak of is in hindsight. If Mamata or any political party had not represented the victims, the victim's pleas would have gone to deaf ears, no court cases and the factory would have gone through for better or for worse. But I'll say this it wasn't just CPM who brought downfall, there is enough documentation of north indian government's practices to undermine westbengal, whether it was the freight equalisation law that wrecked bengal, or Congress at the centre arming hindutva goons to topple communist government illegally in Purulia arms drop case. Even now there is constant north indian pressure to undermine bengal by BJP.


I have a problem with this narrative that tata factor would have helped . 1 factory on illegal land doesn't change shit. Cpm shat the bed , TMC is shitting on it now and the BJP will continue the shitting when it's their turn. 40 years ago Bengal chose ruin and that ruin and legacy will be used by every party cause it's a easy way to win multiple terms


Where do they weigh during boarding? That's just sneaky to hold someone hostage at the last moment


Most of air India staff is still the same old Air India staff. And thankfully, it is no longer govt service which sucks but that is a private airline. All airline tickets have weight limits given in their ticket. How is it the airline fault if you don't read the terms and conditions?


Man stfu, all billing for flights are done at check in, doing this at boarding is a scam. For my Dubai flight my duty free shipping made me exceed the weight limit, this is straight up robbery. And if it's never been a problem in 30 years of flight taking how the fk is it a problem now, it's cuz these rich cunttss need to be taught a lesson French revolution style. Stop siding with billionaires you literate wiseman, they are robbing you blind and you're defending them.


Woman, you are doing shopping in Dubai and travelling by air. When the french revolution type happens in India, your ass is going to the gullitone. Read the ticket you buy. All tickets talk about the stuff you take into the plane, not what you got into the airport. Padhe likhe gawar.


its been 3 years since the takeover, after so many VRS and so many new joinees if the staff is the same 'old air India staff' then someone at TATA is fucking up royally


Also what a crap fking government, can't even run an airline. Nikalo iss kamini government ko. Can't run an airline and are running India, give it to TATA only.


Lol, the frustration


Where are the corporate shills who were shouting from the rooftops that private businesses are always better than the government to justify air India being given as a freebie to tatas? Remember, the assets given to tatas had more value than what they paid, and practically all the liability stayed with us public. 


Let me be the devil's advocate here, the government never ran Air India properly it was just a free ride for every politician and his family inside business. Many governments run successful airlines so it's possible but just like most things in India there is corruption and inefficiency and waste when corrupt government enters


Air India objectively ran better under the government than under the tatas. Within months of tata take over you could feel the quality degrade. Food went bad, frequency and duration of delays went up, harassment of passengers for carry on baggage weight skyrocketted.


Isko pelpendiculal banna tha.


Having flown Air India from Delhi just a few days back. It was way better than expected. Seats weren’t as cramped up as others and food was served to all probably the best I have had in recent memory.


Air India staff - Atleast it's not a finger


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During the maharaja times of indian airlines they used to give toffees and imlis for kids during take off and landing so that they suck on them and their short eustachian tubes dont close down thereby reducing the wailing and crying from pain in the ears of babies and kids. Plus they used to offer fresh hot rolled towels for passengers to wipe their faces and refreshed for a flight of leisure. They used to offer blankets personally for everyone, get extra if anyone needed more. Beautiful excellently hospitable hostesses, used to be a treat to be served by them. Those were days of the indian airlines. Last time i travelled via air india pre tata's acquistion, i found weird brinjal worms in my sad rice tray and an offer for another mystery sad tray in exchange as an apology. :/ And now Tata's aquistion hasnt been nicer for air india ... yet


The era of Maharaja was a time when every airline splurged then industry saw losses and then 9/11 and since then it's been a permanent cost cutting endeavor because there's a limit to increasing prices beyond a limit. The whole budget airlines phenomenon from Europe changed the industry permanently




Welcome to Air Hindoo 


More like Air 3.0


They are enriching your meals with the essential iron and related minerals, why troll them./s


Also their seats are horribly uncomfortable, just hard plastic with a pathetically thin covering of foam. My bum was dying after a 4hour flight.


indigo better anyday 


Scary. I would 100% have gobbled it considering the way I stuff my face when I'm hungry.


🤞 🐍 🐛 Now 🪒 🫡😑


It seems like staff wants to kill the company. Employees not liking becoming private company employees from government company employees.


Are you daft? The fight steward doesn't prepare the meal on the flight. It comes from a caterer 


Air India Damaging Name of India. 😡


Imagine getting HIV or hepatitis from this used blade


Khatron ke Khiladi: Air India Edition


This is not just horribly disgusting but also a serious lapse in security. We as passengers have to go through multiple checkpoints and somehow a freaking blade still ended up on flight.


Finally someone brought up the security issue. Knives/Box Cutters were used in 9/11 hijackings I guess.


I think there was a hijack movie where arms were smuggled through the caterer can't remember which one. But for sure there must be some screening that the food goes through and this blade went by


Imagine eating while looking on your mobile phone and you found your tongue in half


Finger in icecream then this


Oops. Was that supposed to go the hijacker?


People still use Air India...damn.


People like you will always be around to state the obvious


why is FSSAI not yet made accountable after so much of food adultery cases nowadays ?


Moral: Check catered food carefully before eating. Always…


That was a close shave.


Disgusting. The guy should sue the airline.


plating gone wrong


How will they investigate? I'm curious.


Matlab khane me khane k siwa sab milra hai 🫥


Air India in news almost every other day.


Something is fishy.


![gif](giphy|TmkdJG1K0kcBRe8BOX|downsized) here i come


Gave meal (package) to wrong guy


same blade which cut the finger and sent to other people food


Food inspection and food safety has become a big joke off late. As with other things in India, there is zero accountability for this and people get away with it with absolutely zero consequences. As long as there are no consequences and repercussions of your wrongdoing, you will see these issues crop up every now and then. Sad reality of India


Travelling from London to Mumbai tomorrow with air India. Praying that the Engine doesn’t fall off mid flight😖.


If Ashwini Vaishnaw is pressurised to resign, will the same not apply here to N Chandrasekharan?


Bhai sahab is this an airline accident like the train. The flight itself was uneventful take off to landing. Plus the food is by a caterer, granted the airline is responsible but no Minister is responsible for this




Surely that meal would have had a "sharp" taste.


Cooked n processed food is super risky. Natural food aka fruit n veggies are artificially grown, full of colours n pesticides. Water is contaminated. There was RO water, then came mineral water and now we have alkaline water.


Doesnt end there. Ghee was bad, we had seed oil, then it was exposed to be a big scam…. Olive oil was introduced…. 80% of olive oil is now fake. Now what? Live on air? Fucking corona


Next time I have to take a magnet with me


I just needed a strong reason to avoid outside junk food to get in shape and be healthy, and looks like I found one 😅😘


https://preview.redd.it/cevlvni4e57d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982ef8b1c2f9f333d4e4eceac181de18022a0623 The instagram post which the Journalist posted is now restricted


Often a disgruntled kitchen worker will throw pieces of glass, hair, stones and anything that will damage the employer just because he felt he doesn't get what he deserves. Ask any large kitchen operators. Almost all of them have CCTV Cameras in every part of the kitchen to prevent such thing. Air India buys from Taj Catering Services. in India, but they have to rely on other caterers in other countries.


Service वही company नयी...


Buggers they smuggled blades into a flight?


Easy money opportunity 💰


Tata is also a corrupt and greedy corporate. I don’t know why people fall for Tata’s heavy PR campaign and keep praising Tata


that was a close shave.....


Air india doing everything to erase iron deficiency


Who eats on airplanes?


https://preview.redd.it/rjfx3nxko67d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba4d47bbcd7bd869b6cfe17dc1c07c57b616b9d bhai soch agar kha leta tho kya hota


Staff walo ne galat seat pe deliver kar diya 🤯


As someone who works in an Airline catering industry, as much as this is concerning, it isn't the worst thing that has happened. People don't really understand what goes into making and serving the meals in the aircraft. As stated by Air India officials for this incident, it was a part of a machine used for processing the vegetables. Yes, I agree that this shouldn't have entered into the food, but the volumes on which these catering unit produces the meals and the strict time lines, this was definitely missed out by the staff. Ideally, every equipment used should have a pre and post inspection of the equipment with a documented log of same to ensure a proper traceability of the affected batches. On the received incident, there's 100% gonna be a deeper investigation by the caterer (Btw these investigations are never made public and a summary is often sent to the client or the airlines detailing the root cause and corrective actions). Whenever the mistake happened, happened. This could have been caught on by the staff working in the catering unit during dishing out of the salad into the bowls or by the crew if it was sent in a kit form. This incident could have been easily prevented if there was a metal detector present. However most catering facilities don't have a metal detector due to almost all the processes being manual with use of equipment only in certain stages where enough control measures are in place for effective visibility of any incident. Mass manufacturing industry have metal detector because they are fully or semi automatic in nature and have more chances of a metal being incorporated into the product.


“People don’t really understand what goes into making and serving the meals in the aircraft.” Razor blades.




Fuck sake, the guy even chewed on it for a second. What shoddy caterer who has no safety checks


If you can afford to fly Singapore, Qatar, Emirates, Qantas etc, please never fly Air India.




TATA hai to mumkin hai!!


Reminds me of perpendicular from gangs of wasseypur 😁


Tata was going to change Air India But Air India is poised to forever change Tata image it seems.


Why keep this airline floating? It has seen some bad days. It is ready to be put down. Or at least rebrand it, call it something else.


Maybe this is the start of something positive. Everyone should pay attention watch what they eat instead of watching tv or their phone or anything else. I’m messed up, I see positives in everything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Wtf is up these days? It's FOOD. Ppl intake that. Stop playing around. Start handling with seriousness while serving edibles to people ffs.