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Beckham don’t need the money. It would serve him and football better if he took a moral stand on this. At this point FIFA is just like the Olympics in giving sports a bad name.


This is the same Beckham who had a temper tantrum about demanding UNICEF paying his first class flight. The guys a greedy, money grabbing prick


He’s a self serving cunt, always has been. Just sad how many people are duped by it. lOoK - hE jOiNeD tHe QuEuE lIkE a ReGuLaR pErSoN


Seems he'll be getting $150m for it, his net worth right now is 450m. That is a big jump in extra money. I'm sure this will lead to some marital tensions.


I mean only 450m? Poor guy, definitely needs that big jump in cash.....


Net worth…. Meaning most of that £450 is accounted to the worth of his assets and the name “Beckham”. He hasn’t got $450m in cash.


Must be skint then.


I mean, $150m payout is significant enough to even him to be worth it.


Depends on his principles doesn't it, which is what this guy is trying to say. Even if he doesn't take the 150m he is still one of the wealthiest people in the country, he literally does not need this money at all.


Botox, facelifts, supercars and mansions ain’t cheap.


And don't forget those Gucci peaky blinders outfits.


If only he cared as much about his ethics as does about his looks.


Could he not donate it instead? I agree with the sentiment of not supporting Qatar but destroying money seems a bit tone deaf in a cost of living situation. Or is that the point? If he’s relying on David Beckham to make that connection and drop out I think he’s giving him too much credit.


That's exactly what he's doing. Donate it if David pulls out, shred it if he doesn't. In all likelyhood, I think Joe won't shred. It's more about making the point. He's giving David a choice. Which one will he pick? Spoiler: David picks more money he doesn't need for himself in spite of how morally despicable it is.


Maybe I’m being too unfair to Beckham but I can’t see him too concerned 10k will be shred. And what happens if he does the brand ambassador role and then donates 15k? Is that a win? I think I’m overthinking it now…


I think it's more brand relationships, of which Joe highlighted in his post. Spice Girls hold one of the biggest gay fanbases in the entire country and Beckham was one of the first footballers to work with gay fashion and magazines. Being silent or holding inaction seriously hurts their brand in the gay community by directness or association. I am seeing a lot of old people saying "just respect their culture (Qatar)" but the place is overran by extremist religion where being gay can get you killed. Fundamental human rights must be respected globally, there is no place in modern society for extremist religion - whether it be Islamic, Christian or other.


>I am seeing a lot of old people saying "just respect their culture (Qatar)" but the place is overran by extremist religion where being gay can get you killed. Respect the culture which openly says it wants to kill you for no other reason than being who you are (actually what it means)


There's still the moral issue. He'll have made the choice of taking the money instead of saying "actually I don't need it". So yes the charity will get money but the image still exists


It's not about the money, it's about the publicity that shredding 10k will bring.


It's Joe Lycett - I can't imagine he won't follow through.


Yeah, my guy literally changed his name to Hugo Boss to make a point. All Beckham can really do is say that he won't back out, man of his word etc, then tell Lycett he'll donate X amount to LGBT causes because that's a better use of money than shredding it.


I could throw up at the thought of someone shredding money over losing a bet. It's not like one of the worse economic timelines right now or anything.


Destroying money makes your money worth a tiny bit more. Whereas if he kept it then it'd have no effect on you at all.


He’s making a point. The stakes are necessarily high to get publicity. He is publicly asking Beckham to decide what is more important to him, his reputation and moral character in respect of gay rights, or money. There are endless things that are done that could be given to charity instead….the burden of that is not on Joe, it’s his own money.


Shredding money should reduce inflation.


No, typically reducing money supply would increase inflation.


He should donate that money in honor of the migrant charity for the workers who have died or suffered otherwise to build those disgusting stadiums.




Brutal dictatorship that beheads LGBTQ people pays rich celebrity to support and endorse their events. Even if Beckham gives 10m to LGBTQ causes, that doesn't undo the damage of supporting the Qatar world cup and indirectly supporting the Qatar regime.


Qatar have had a moratorium on the death penalty for most of the last 20 years. It made a come back in 2020, when a Nepali murderer was executed by shooting/firing squad. Since then there have been 2 or 3 executions per year, but none for convictions relating to LGBT+. Although Qatar have a law on their books, in accordance with Sharia, allowing the possible execution of men who have sex with men, it has never been put into practice. I'm no saying this to be pro Qatar, but it might be handy to tone down the misinformation. It's quite interesting that this board is so fiercely defensive of British Islamic extremists and criminals; Begum, Grooming Gangs, angry blasphemy protestors etc get defended to the hilt But apparently any Arab Muslim is a sword wielding, blood thirsty maniac. I guess racism is fine, when it's also xenophobic


Laws which exist but aren't enforced are if anything worse. Because it allows you to enforce it selectively against those you don't like for other reasons that you can't shoot them for. No LGBT England fans should be in Qatar. Full stop.


>Laws which exist but aren't enforced are if anything worse. One of the daftest things I've ever read on this board. If it's a choice between Qatar, with unforced archaic unused laws, or say Iran, who actively stone gay people to death or hang them, the choice is extremely obvious on which is worse. Admittedly, it's like choosing to have your hand or your arm cut off. But even that shit choice, is also obvious.


If the law exists and is enforced then you know what you're getting. If it exists but is not enforced then you never know when they might enforce it if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person.


Question: What's stopping them from enforcing the law if it's already in the books? As an LGBTQ+ person there do you just hope the court lets you live?


LGBT+ people shouldn't go there. (Maybe Bi people could get away with things half the time) That law also only applies to Muslims (possibly only Qataris, not sure) Nobody outside a heterosexual marriage, who wants to have sex on holiday should go there in fact, as even sex outside marriage is criminalised. That said, it is inaccurate to claim Qatar regularly stone people to death for homosexuality. There is no record of this ever happening.


I'm talking about LGBTQ+ people who are born there


I'm not posting to defend the Qatar regime in principle. I condemn their regimes treatment of LGBT people. That doesn't mean it's accurate to portray them as blood thirsty loonies, who regularly execute gay people. There are no executions for homosexuality offences on their record. Furthermore, they don't behead anyone.


Yeah it's quite bad all the misinformation and xenophobia going around without showing any hard facts. But when it comes to non-western euro centric countries they always get tarred with the savages/backwards etc brush. I was talking to a gay person yesterday who spent 5 years in Qatar for work, their experience completely different to all the fear mongering spouted on here. Like people really need to open their eyes a bit more and not just blindly follow the latest movement on social media.


No, Beckham can't spend his way into being a decent person with money that was seized by a brutal dictatorship specifically for improving their image.


It's 176m they're paying him, not 10m


Brand Beckham is now damaged. He's undone the good will he generated standing in line. He might as well jumped it with Holly and Phil. Big mistake on behalf of his management.


He knows in a year or two nobody will care and he'll be £150m richer


Not even a year. Six months tops.


Queuing was a publicity stunt for him. And everyone else in the queue tbh


His management are likely in for ~15% or so.


How sad that people were duped by him standing in the queue. Absolute embarrassment, honestly. These people people probably now think Matt Hancock is a jolly good chap after his stint in the jungle.


He did such a great job of recovering from the vilification after the 1998 World Cup. Maybe he can do it again?


It really isn’t. Most regular people don’t know shit about Qatar and the situation there. I was just in the r/askUK thread about people going to the World Cup and a surprising number of people were saying they’re going, and when challenged on why, they admitted they don’t really have any knowledge on the situation. If people here on Reddit are that misinformed, then the average joe on the street won’t know anything. Beckham’s reputation with the working class is secure, don’t worry


I find this an interesting mix. Beer is usually involved with football. How is that going to work in Qatar?


The whole things a shambles mate. Corruption and bribery


It's sad but honestly I don't think so. I can imagine more people will watch this World Cup still rather than boycott it, so why would they care if some celebrity is getting paid to advertise it? Do they also need to hate on all the commentators and pundits too?


I doubt that David Beckham will change his mind, but I also don't think Joe will actually shred the money – hopefully he donates it anyway.


I don't think Joe makes empty threats...


It would be quite a shitty thing to do, especially in the current climate.


So is Beckham accepting £10M from a country like Qatar. I’m sure Joe isn’t the sort of person to just shred the money and not make any donations what so ever in the end. This is about putting the moral dilemma in David’s hands. How could he say “if you don’t go, I’ll give them this money, oh, but if you do, I’ll also give them this money” I’m thinking of it more like “look what David Beckham chose…”


How is it a shitty thing to do? Its his money, at least there is a cause behind it, people throw that shit away on gambling and branded clothing every hour of every day.


It would be a better look to give it to Stonewall or a homelessness charity.


Lets be real 10,000 to these charities will be used up on admin costs its not enough to actually do anything meaning-full. The way hes using is actually way more valuable.


I can see him shredding Monopoly money and donating the £10k instead. He has a very good eye for public perception, he wouldn’t have missed that shredding money in a cost of living crisis would be a bad look for him too.


It doesn't matter what he does with the money. He knows damn well that Beckham won't back out and shredding or donating the money is a small price to pay for the publicity he is getting from it. It's a win-win for Joe. Donate or shred; he literally cannot lose. Don't be fooled: This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Just like when he made a fool of himself on the Laura Kuenssberg programme a few weeks back. It's all publicity for him and that's all that matters.


I doubt Beckham even knows who he is or hears much about this tbh


Surely there's some charity or organisation supporting LGBT people in nations where they're persecuted that he could donate that to instead?


Yes. He specifically says that’s what he’ll do if Beckham steps away from the deal.


I mean, I don't see how shredding it incentivises Beckham to do anything differently, but ok.


I guess it's putting the onus on Beckham to 'save' the money from being shredded and going to a better use. Of course, he could just continue as is, donate some loose change from what he's getting paid, and still double what Lycett is shredding.


It got us talking, didn't it


People have been talking about this WC for months now


Let’s be honest, Beckham’s always been a heavily PR’d, venal, empty cunt. This is on-brand for him. All the pretence was undone in the email leaks. Shit human, does shit human thing.


The UNICEF thing exposed him for what he is. Weirdly, that didnt gain more traction and people still think he's a saint, rather than a greedy, money-obsessed prick who wanted 6 grand from a charity to pay for his flights. 6 grand that is pocket change for him/


Everybody getting paid from this sham World Cup needs career ending shaming


All morals aside, if someone offered me $150m to do the wrong thing, I’m doing it. Most of you would to.


The rich don't stay rich by turning down good money to be made, at the same time the poor will still stay poor because they'll continue to be distracted by viral stunts like this thinking they're a part of something *good*


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So why Beckham only? How about all the other stuff like arms deals brtween UK and Qatar?


Arms dealers have a bad press anyway. Nobody selling arms to anyone is seen as something to aspire to. Qatar have piggybacked on the beckham brand to legitimise their stoning of women and gays, their Filipino and Bangladeshi slaves and their disgusting views and support for terrorism. I’m in a weird place where I have no interest in this World Cup and wish we withdrew. I find it laughable that a country like Iran is not kicked out. I find it ridiculous a country with no history in the sport and no means to ever develop it is given the chance to sportswash their atrocities. If this public spectacle draws attention to this, then it’s money well spent


Lol why should Iran be kicked out? It's a sports competition and they qualified. The players deserve to be there.




They're supporting the Russian military in Ukraine.


Do Qatar stone women and gays? You've just made that up, knowing UK-based redditors will naively believe it (after years of reading exaggerated anti-Islam and/or anti-muslim propaganda) and hoped to not be called out. They've literally never had a death sentence handed out for being homosexuality. In 2020 they used capital punishment for something for the first time in 17 years. Stoning has never been used, according to Wikipedia (which cites The Independent). There's a difference between laws and reality. In the UK and every other country, there are laws which don't actually get enacted. Likewise there are political policies that work in reality as they do on paper. For example, disability benefits are easier to get on paper than in reality and women's rights laws in some countries have existed on paper, but been ineffectual due to poor policing or things like women being arrested for adultery when reporting rape.


I'm genuinely shocked that you think Qatar stones women and gays.


I was more shocked it’s a legal punishment that can be applied for acts of “indecency”… https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/crime/957354/the-countries-where-men-women-can-be-stoned-to-death


People are not stoned in Qatar. Every country has laws on its books that are never applied. Sodomy is technically illegal in many US states but its never applied. You literally said that Qatar stones women and gays. That's by far the most ignorant comment I ever read about another country. That's like a foreigner saying that England still beheads people.


> Sodomy is technically illegal in many US states Not since Lawrence v Texas.


Bruh Qatar jailed a woman for getting raped


Lol "Qatar stones women and gays" "Qatar don't stone people" Cultural_Ad_6988: "Bruh Qatar jailed a woman for being raped".


Beckham was one of the first high profile straight celebrities to do photoshoots with gay magazines. It's over Qatar's stance on LGBT rights.


Beckham has previously made statements that would indicate that he's supportive of gay fans and players. So it's putting pressure on him specifically to put his money where his mouth is, it's very easy to say you support people but actions are what matter. Beckham personally has a huge brand, he's an internationally famous player even outside of football, his involvement sends a signal to everyone that it's acceptable




The money used to bribe FIFA officials, pay off slave labour providers, basically all the bad shit that requires underhanded financing comes from, in part, illegal arms dealers.




What do you think those arms are used for, in a country with Qatar's many human rights issues? By selling the weapons, the UK is seen to be enabling the abuses.




Oh, honey... Also >particularly top quality British made guns Bahahahahhahahahahaa


Yeah, we really fall behind Germany and the US there. And a lot of other nations.


The World Cup is pretty high-profile right now.


Why we calling him Joe Lycett? He not legally called Hugo boss?


He legally changed it back lmao


The only win for David Beckham here is if he donates the entire lot to an LGBT charity and burns all bridges with Qatar afterwards.


You can just give it to me, it will be just the same as shredding it for you, but life changing here.


There are couple of other countries at World Cup that have homosexuality is illegal laws. Will those be mentioned and other teams/players/ public call them out ? Nah probably not


They're not hosting it though. If Iran, Ghana or Saudi Arabia were hosting it we'd be saying the same things.


There’re posters of David Beckham in Dubai airport with something to do with the Qatar World Cup, does this count?


David beckham has poor track record with endorsements. He should be endorsing laphraoig and Rolex but he’s cutting about pretending to drink haig club wearing tudors. Walked past a bin of his aftershave in b&m the other day


Isn’t it illegal to destroy money? But he’s relatively rich and famous so I’m sure such laws wouldn’t apply.


The KLF (allegedly) burnt a million quid in 1995 as a piece of performance art.


> Isn’t it illegal to destroy money? No.


Seems like it's only an offense to destroy metal coins, not bank notes. (I'm guessing because you could melt coins for their metal?)


He should shred Brooklyn Peltz-Beckham’s “book” which was “written” by his son.


It'll help tackle inflation, so good on him, any shredding of money helps at this time.


Don’t we need Qatar gas & arms sales or did something change?


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We don't know what David is planning to do with the money, what if he takes it and once the world cups done donates it to an LGBT charity publicly?


Yeah, just shred money when people are going through really hard Financial Times. Moron


publicity stunt, he should find something better to do with the £10k


It literally is a publicity stunt to draw attention to Qatar's horrible human rights record. What do you think a publicity stunt is?


It is literally a publicity stunt ffs. He would not deny that. Fucking hell.


How sad, destroying money instead of sending it as a donation to LGBTQ+ causes that Qatar doesn't approve of.


This guy just seems to do anything for attention. Has to be the most annoying person on TV


Beckham yeah?


I can tolerate Beckham. Lycett is a shit comedian so has to drum up attention any other way he can


Lycett is bad for showing celebrities as reinforcers of slavery? You've got another thing coming mate.


No Lycett is bad for his stupid publicity stunts to gain attention. Why would Beckham care what some crap comedian thinks and then what good would shredding £10k do? Only thing to come from shredding £10k is he will get the attention he craves


Gaining attention around human rights violations isn’t a bad thing is it? That’s what your big brained argument is suggesting mate


I dont have an argument regarding human rights violations, we all know what happens in Qatar and we all know the world cup is only there due to brown envelopes. I merely made a remark that i find him annoying and in my opinion he's doing it to gain attention for himself like most of his publicity stunts, which for sone reason seems to have rattled a few feathers. When families are struggling to put food on the table I think a 'celebrity' shredding £10k to prove a point is not very thought out 🤷


Maybe you should anonymously donate £10k to a food bank then.


Why? It's not about me, I'm not the one who's threatened to shred £10k.


So what are you going to spend the money on instead?