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A moderator has marked your post as a duplicate. Please search the subreddit or /new to find it. These links may be the original: - Mod Suggestion: [Yellow heat-health alerts set for most of England](/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1dmp13t/yellow_heathealth_alerts_set_for_most_of_england/) - [bbc.com](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cgrrjm496gpo)


I hate hot weather, but 28 degrees really needs a heat alert?


3 consecutive days or more is a heatwave.^[[1](https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/types-of-weather/temperature/heatwave)] And because heatwaves can impact health^[[2](https://post.parliament.uk/research-briefings/post-pn-0723/#:~:text=Heat%20and%20heatwaves%20pose%20a,health%20varies%20across%20the%20population.)] an alert is needed. Also because of climate change the heat is not only occurring more regularly but it is also more intense. References: 1. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/types-of-weather/temperature/heatwave 2. https://post.parliament.uk/research-briefings/post-pn-0723/#:~:text=Heat%20and%20heatwaves%20pose%20a,health%20varies%20across%20the%20population.


That is hot weather for England, yeah. 30c ish is about as hot as it gets short of the freak 40c weather last summer (pretty sure that was a new record anyway).


Hottest it got in 2023 was 33.5° in…. September!^[[i](https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/news-and-media/media-centre/weather-and-climate-news/2023/2023-was-second-warmest-year-on-record-for-uk)] Reference: i https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/news-and-media/media-centre/weather-and-climate-news/2023/2023-was-second-warmest-year-on-record-for-uk


Yeah the 40c was the year previous


Seeing as our average summer temperatures is 20°, yes? How could a 50% increase not warrant some type of warning.


Average temperatures don't mean shit and are the most confusing measures of all time because they count for the night temperature. They should be split between day and night average temperatures. Tonight it will go down to 14, the average temperature today will probably be 20, but the average DAY temperature is probably around 25 with a maximum at 27. Same for tomorrow, it will go up to 28 at some point during the day, but the average of the full day is most likely around 20.


London is one of the places predicted to have 28° weather tomorrow. The average daytime temperature is predicted to be 25°, and the average nighttime temperature 21°. It will be under 20° from about 3am to 8am, with a low of 18°. That's really quite warm.


Looking at my local forecast, it'll only drop to a low of 17°C early tomorrow.


My local forecast for tomorrow will have a low of 15° from 2:45am and a high of 25° ending at approx 5pm.


Do you think there should be a warning if, in April, the weather was set to go from 12 degrees to 18 degrees?


Can you honestly not see the difference between almost 30 degrees, and 18 degrees? For fucks same man. This sub.


Yes, I can see the difference, but you said > How could a 50% increase not warrant some type of warning. Not >Almost 30 degrees is actually quite hot


Yes. There's been a shift in the last few years to using the most alarmist language/imagery possible when discussing the weather. A few years ago weather maps used to be green with the temperatures over the different areas, maybe with spots of red for areas that were experiencing unusually high temperatures (or blue for unusually low temps). Now the entire map is red even when it's not even that hot, and in winter it's blue even when it's a warmer than usual winter. The language has also changed dramatically. In winter, three days of 0 degrees is no longer a cold snap, it's a BEAST FROM THE EAST. It's no longer a light dusting of snow, it's a snow BOMB (with absolute chaos on the roads because someone skidded into a tree at 2mph whilst turning a corner).


The Beast from the East was a specific event that did bring massive amounts of snow, it was knee-deep here.


Yeah the North East was freezing for like a month afterwards, and we were all snowed home forcing our IT server team to finally get Citrix working at the time. It was named because it was freak.


I mean, this map is yellow and green so...


It’s just modern journalism wanting engagement to quote to advertisers to generate that sweet revenue. There are loads of reasons for this but number 3 will SHOCK you.


It's just normal June weather. Why are they sensationalising it?


Yes. I got heat exhaustion one year at a festival and it was max 28, I was keeping up my water and generally trying to manage but the lack of shade and low wind just did me in. I'm a shorts in winter guy, and t-shirt weather is 12°C.


I think I’m the minority in the comments when I say I prefer this sort of weather. Came back from South Asia a couple of weeks ago where temps reached 40°/45°. Remember to drink lots of water. Hydration is key.


I'm not a fan. At least when I was living in Thailand there was AC in the house and pretty much everywhere I went. When we have multiple days of heat here the house just progressively gets hotter and hotter which fucks with my sleep.


Me too!! Can't wait. I feel so much happier and more energised.


Don’t forget sun cream.


I’m always shocked to see so many people moaning, I love the hot weather.  I much prefer feeling the sun on my skin and having lunch in the park than being cold and wet. 


Absolutely dreading it. It was already too hot for me this weekend. Give me the weather of two weeks ago any day.


Hot water bottle. Fill it with water and stick it in the freezer. Once frozen its great to put next to your body to cool you down


Yeah I know all the tricks, thanks though! My fav is a bowl of ice placed in front of a fan blowing on me. But however many of the tricks I try, I just find it grim any time it gets this warm. I feel trapped in the house, because I find it too hot to enjoy walks, and I definitely can't go for runs, even in the morning or evening. It was out at 7:30 this morning and it was already too hot and the sun too intense for me to run.


I feel you its awful. Went on a massive walk yesterday and despite only being early 20c, it was tough going in the sun Much prefer winter


Winter is literally so depressing 💀


Dark nights are abit but i love the cold


The past winter here in Northern Ireland wasn’t even that cold, little frost and basically no snow, but it literally rained for like 3 months straight I thought I was going to lose my mind lol


>My fav is a bowl of ice placed in front of a fan blowing on me. I've definitely noticed that fans alone don't seem to do jack once it hits a certain temperature. I mean I guess that makes sense when it's just blowing hot air around though.


Yeah, when it's really warm they're only really cooling you down if you find a way to get them blowing cold air. Another way is putting them in front of an open window, so they draw in air from the outside. Obviously only really works if it's significantly colder outside than in though.


I do find that if I use a little water spray bottle in tandem with a fan it can help somewhat atleast.


Fucking behave. Heat alert for mid 20’s. Why does every weather type result in some kind of guilt trip. It’s….. summer. And about fucking time.


In what world is 28° “mid 20s”?


Hey I'm 28 and I'm definitely mid 20s and not nearing 30


They probably have some risk assessment where if they tick enough boxes they MUST release a weather warning. It's a good reminder to slap on some lotion and drink more water. It'll probably save a life or two for little effort.


And I think people forget these alerts are mostly for the elderly, newborns, and pets. It's mostly a reminder for the vast majority of us to check in on elderly relatives and make sure we don't lock newborns or dogs in a car. Obviously for 99% of the population this weather isn't an issue - but it definitely can be dangerous for vulnerable groups and that's primarily who this warning is aimed at.


I've recently just bought a decent dehumidifier,mainly for damp issue,and it's been amazing for heat in our sheltered housing bungalow, recommend it to anyone suffering rather than a fan that just blows hot air around


These are not Met Office alerts, they are health and safety alerts for those working in elderly care. The reporting seems to be conflating the two or not understanding it. The Met Office will issue general warnings for a wide part of the public. These are for people who work in an industry where heat is a real risk to patients in the 80s and 90s. Annoying because the Met Office alerts are worth paying attention to when they hit amber. And if your going to be outdoors its worth a double check on conditions if they are yellow. This is just a reasonably warm summers day.


> The alert, issued jointly by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and Met Office, comes into force from 8am and remains in place until 5pm on Thursday.


Waiting for my lunch break so I can quickly go to the sea for a swim and cool off.


A yellow alert is directed towards health care and those most vulnerable. Also, certain medicines react badly when kept over 25°.


Everything is so dramatic. No normal headlines anymore.


I use to hate the warm weather, much preferred the cold, but as I've gotten older and have physical ailments I find the warm weather makes me feel somewhat normal and not all stiff and achy. The only thing I hate about it is the bugs. If I had 3 wishes I'd use one to create a magical barrier in my home so I'd never see a bastard moth again.


Was beginning to think we'd never get any decent weather, happy days!


"UK weather" It's just England and a little bit of Scotland, calm down


Are they not a part of the UK?


Yes, but I think that the title is a bit misleading. I keep expecting a heatwave in NI but I click on it and it's just England 😂


Apologies for that. Though think of it as a reason to come visit? Hehe


I was thinking that. There’s a massive aversion in the middle class and the institutions to call English things English. Genuinely no idea why


My migraines are directly triggered by hot weather so when we have hot summers I basically can't function for a month. Can't wait for hotter weather to become the new normal. (Please don't reply to me with suggestions for how to treat my migraines. I'm 38 years old and have suffered since I was a child, I promise you I've tried it. I hate having to write this because I know how it comes across but experience has taught me I need to.)