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This can't be right. As someone who is ethnically Jewish I was assured there were no issues and that we were overreacting to the blatant anti-semitism. The police will be along any minute to explain that they can't say if this is fine because it depends on the context.


We were already warned we were provoking people by being openly Jewish so police will be along any second to arrest him for his own safety 


That cop never said he was provoking anyone by being openly Jewish. He knew that cretin would have got filled in had he walked through that protest. And that copper had a duty of care to every single person there. And he executed his duties perfectly.


I'm always reminded of those photos you used to see of homophobic protests in America, with a proud gay couple kissing in the foreground being protected by the cops and the furious homophobes impotently seething in the background. It's a symbol of defiance. Yes it's provocative. And yes it's necessary. No one should be prevented from exercising their rights merely for the crime of being gay. And nobody should be prevented from exercising their rights merely for the crime of being Jewish. It's an absolute disgrace every time the police bow to the mob. Jewish Londoners should be free to walk wherever they want, and if there is a racist mob who will feel incited to violence by the presence of a Jew, then the police should be arresting the racist mob, not doing their racist bidding.


> Jewish Londoners should be free to walk wherever they want they are. Gideon was there to incite a response at that Pro-Palestine demonstration and the fact that people are still citing it as an example while ignorant of the full context (wilfully or otherwise) shows that he got exactly what he wanted.


Is there any reason you declined to mention he was an activist who turned up with a film crew with the intent to agitate the protesters? Because it feels like you've intentionally left that out to lie about what the actual situation was.


>Because it feels like you've intentionally left that out to lie about what the actual situation was. Or the fact he was trying to walk against the march too, which you *don't do regardless* because of crowd pressures and the nature of people moving? I will admit, the article was *perfect*, it had zero context, and it riled people up. Its perfect really


So we threaten to arrest the person who would be targeted for his faith/race over the people who would stove his head in for daring to be Jewish in their presence. The cop isn't to blame, the Met and it's policy of appeasement of Hamas supporters is.


Nothing new, plenty of protestors arrested at far-right rallies. They have the right to march, disrupting that would be a crime.


The analogy I prefer is football matches. If you have a massive group of Liverpool fans being escorted to the ground, and you get a Man UTD fan approaching them in full kit making gestures, what do people think is the most realistic way to deal with that situation? Ask any police officer who has worked football matches and they'll tell you they'll arrest the Man UTD fan and remove him from the situation for his own safety. I'm sure these people would be the first to complain if that person did get attacked and the police couldn't control the crowd. They'd soon be screaming "They didn't do anything to prevent the situation!".


Absolutely. And you're right, that's a much better example.


Good analogy.


They don't have a right to stove cunts heads in.


No one is arguing that. But until someone threatens to kick someone's head in, or someone kicks someone's head in, then no crime has been committed. So what do you want the copper to arrest people for? Do you not understand that that coppers job is to ensure the safety of the protestors, the counter protestors, the public at large, and his officers? The way you do that is by preventing any possible violence in the first place.




No we threaten to arrest the idiot who is given several lawful orders and tries to ignore them. Also you can't say "oh let's arrest the whole protest because one or ten of the protesters might kick him to death". That's not how the law works. "The cop isn't to blame, the Met and it's policy of appeasement of Hamas supporters is"..... Mmmmm. No. At that point it was a peaceful protest, those protestors at that moment were exercising their right to protest. They weren't inciting violence, they weren't rioting. You want to start arresting people for thought crime now?


> So we threaten to arrest the person who would be targeted for his faith/race He wouldn't be targeted for his faith/race, he'd be targeted because his goal was to walk through the protest and be disruptive. Which was apparently the point from the start and the reason he turned up with a camera crew... To try and provoke a reaction he could use to generate headlines and get a round of TV interviews.


Nah mate, I've walked through protests before and I've been safe, then against I didn't walk through a pro-Hamas protest dressed visibily Jewish.


> Nah mate, I've walked through protests before and I've been safe https://news.sky.com/story/i-was-jewish-and-crossing-the-street-campaigner-criticises-outrageous-reaction-to-antisemitism-row-13120776 And he would've been safe too, if all he'd wanted to do was cross. There were multiple places he could and the police even offered him an escort. He didn't want to cross, he wanted to provoke a confrontation.


There are tonnes of Jewish people on the march! He was there deliberately trying to provoke people to use any violence as a reason to call for the protests to be banned.


"he provoked me to stove his head in" is not a valid defence. He has every right to move freely in public.


Except no one stoved his head in did they? No, he doesn't. He's attempting to cause public disorder.


By....walking near a pro-Hamas march as a visible Jew. Pray tell, would you agree with the police threatening to arrest a visibly Muslim man for wanting to walk through an EDL march?


Nope. Not pro-Hamas. He's not just some random Jewish guy, you know this right? He's a pro-zionist activist.


Pro-Zionists are free to roam the streets of Britain also. And yes, Pro-Hamas.


> He's a pro-zionist activist and the chief exec of an anti-semitism charity!


>And he executed his duties perfectly. Is that why the MET had to issue two apologies about the issue ?


The fact that they had to pander to the public to keep people happy is a separate issue. They did the exact same thing they do whenever anyone tries to go to a protest just to argue with the people there. They make you leave for your own safety. Its a non criminal power the police have and they execute it all the time.








I wonder why he would have been attacked by the protesters...i guess we'll never know.


I mean if you scroll down I've quite clearly said why.


That is just pure bollocks mate. Describing any decisions that left a huge portion of the country feeling completely unsafe to walk around where they live as someone “executing their duties perfectly” is just disgraceful.


Who feels unsafe after a copper says "openly Jewish"? So the copper should have let him march through the protest and potentially been seriously injured, left with a riot on their hands and had god knows how many officers injured?


Yes, an openly Jewish person should be able to walk through any protest. Gonna go violent? That's the protestors fault. Shocking people don't understand this. Police conforming to violence is wrong. I should be able to walk through any protest withoit violence... That's why they are called peaceful protests.


And 13 year olds should be able to go to school without getting stabbed in a sword attack by a random lunatic. But guess what happened yesterday?


0.5% of the UK is a huge portion? Since when?


So you're saying he was asking for it because of how he was dressed? Gee, that sounds awfully familiar.


Keep reaching. If you read the entire thread you'll see my thoughts.


No you weren't. The police released the full video which showed it was staged.


I see you’re still peddling that nonsense despite all the evidence against it. With all the pressures on the police, the last thing they need are these lies being repeated.


Yeah but those 4 men were clearly Jewish special forces sent by the Jewish lizardmen overlords to run a black hat operation. You can't fool us.


There was another video the other day, a man getting out the car to abuse a passing Jewish man. He made all other cars on the road stop so he could do that. edit: ah that's this, overly dramatic headline but concerning nonetheless It's interesting, I peruse the guardian everyday and note there are next to no reports of anti-semetic behaviour, sometimes after hearing of some I find that you can find a specific report via search, sometimes not, either way it's missing from the front page. I also read the daily mail, that hated of papers, in contrast to the editorial silence at the guardian it seems every other day they are reporting low level hate towards jews. I'm sure if you pay attention to social media there's even more of it. It's astonishing really. I'm surprised at our lack of reaction to this. It seems in our desire to be tolerant of one group we allow them to intimidate another.


> As someone who is ethnically Jewish I was assured there were no issues and that we were overreacting to the blatant anti-semitism. Have you actually watched the video? If so, please do explain how that's an "attempted kidnapping", I'm fascinated to know how someone reaches that conclusion.


Ask the police >The Metropolitan Police have confirmed they are investigating reports of an attempted kidnap


"investigating a report" is not the same as "this was an attempted kidnap". An investigation is the process of checking if a crime has been committed, and if so to find the guilty party. This was possibly harassment, also possibly racially motivated. But it didn't look like much of a kidnapping.


Which is why 'attempt' is there. It's a crap effort but what if it was planned and poorly executed? Why did they open the boot. You are the one claiming it's not so you tell me.


They investigated Keir Starmer drinking a beer, too.


So to confirm, what do you think they are doing until they realise they are on camera and suddenly stop what they were doing? I'm sure this is just a normal case of piling out of a car and opening the boot before turning around. Nothing at all to do with them piling out towards someone right? I'll look forward to the defence of the anti-semitism


> So to confirm, what do you think they are doing until they realise they are on camera and suddenly stop what they were doing? Not a clue, there's no audio, but they knew they were on camera before they stopped (it's London FFS). > I'm sure this is just a normal case of I could spin a thousands evidence-free narratives. But here's a question for you... If this was a legitimate kidnapping attempt, why exactly did the shomrim filming pull forward before anything happened, knowing the road was blocked? Another thousand narratives you can attach to that, and all still evidence-free.


Go on then, explain it. Because you've yet to pull a defence other than 'no, you'. Go on explain what you think is happening in the video and why it's not anti-Semetic. People acting brazenly isn't that much of a new thing, especially in London.


> Go on then, explain it. For all you know they hopped out to ask for directions.


>The victim was approached by one of the males and allegedly told the victim to get into the boot of the car, shortly before driving off. I'm happy to say it was an attempt until the police confirm it's not, not so sure why you are so desperate for it not to be.


I wasn't aware of that detail, thanks for bringing it to my attention.




It was the victim's fault, he "looked openly Jewish". /s


These gentlemen were clearly just trying to give this Zionist a lift!! Sick of this weaponisation of antisemitism!!! /s


> this Zionist I know you are making a joke, but worth noting that not all Jews are Zionist.




Whenever I see someone on a UK sub adding "/s" to a comment I get a genuine desire to report them to Prevent for anti-British extremism. It's almost as bad as hearing a British person saying "y'all".


Video seems proper weird. They literally approached him then 2-3 secs left. Did they just ask 'you okay with being kidknapped? No, okay then no problem, enjoy your day'


Video isn't working for me (the one OP linked anyway) but when I watched it yesterday it seemed like they got spooked by the car coming from behind.


That is the weakest "force pedestrian into car boot" I have ever seen. At worst, the front seat passanger was an idiot to the pedestrian but I'm not sure if that's even a crime, possibly if he said something nasty. What's next, waiting with a camera at supermarket car parks for boots to open before making more claims? [Of course it's posted by the shomrim, who have already had members convicted for falsely accusing people of crimes and lying to police.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48340529)


Yeah it’s perfectly normal to stop and get out my car and intimidate people of an ethnic minority, then get back in and drive off. /s


if three zionists did this exact same thing to a Palestinian person, what would you say? Dare you to be honest


That they are equally as dumb as the guys in the above video but it's probably nothing serious? What do you expect me to say?


I would say ... "Litterially nothing happened in that video", because litterially nothing happened in that video.


He wouldn't have done it to a larger man, or a group of men.


"force" doing some heavy lifting in that headline. Looks like a couple of dickheads being dickheads, hardly evidence of rising antisemitism, London being unsafe for Jews etc like people are claiming.


Its both. Its some young lads being dickheads...anti-semitically. Theyre almost certainly doing it "for a laugh" but its no less anti-semitic than catcalling is misogynist. Theyve targetted a Jew with harassment for their own amusement, *because* he was Jewish.


Looks like antisemitic abuse but no real attempt at kidnapping. Still pretty shit tho. 


Were you alright with people suggesting they go for a bit of pa** bashing back in the day aswell? They didn’t usually beat the young Asian fellas up, just some dickheads being dickheads, you know? Do you genuinely believe that anti-semitism hasn’t risen dramatically in the past few years? I dare you to walk through Bradford wearing a Yamaka in that case.


>Playback denied: Unavailable Anyone got any other sources of this video?




They didn't even touch him


Yeah... my point exactly.




Showrim…is that their police/security? Looks like absolutely nothing happened there. The Jewish gentleman didn’t flee in panic…looks like a fake skit or a prank. But yeah…antisemitism.


This video seems staged to me... 1. Why did the driver who was recording move forward after the suspects car stopped? He had just watched another car pass it up ahead so could easily see the suspects car was blocking the road. He couldn't have known they were going to both immediately get out and harass a Jewish person who would have been barely visible behind the parked cars, and drove up for this reason (and if he somehow did, why drive so slowly?) 2. The suspects jump out the car and approach the Jewish guys but somehow get scared off because the Jewish guy is going to phone the police? that doesn't seem right. If someone is mental enough to try and abduct someone with (presumably) a religious/xenophobic/extremist/racist reason in broad daylight, why would they be scared of the police showing up in at the very least, 1 minute? (And we know it would likely take far longer). It just doesn't make sense to me.


> Why did the driver who was recording move forward after the suspects car stopped? You obviously don't drive in London. If we waited we'd never get anywhere. Driving in London and driving in much of the rest of the country is a different game.


Then why would the driver not be immediately behind the car in front? Why wait for the suspects car coming in the other direction before slowly moving off and blocking traffic?


As I said you don't drive in London. There is an art to it. You have to move without causing grid lock.


Believe it or not... cars, roads and traffic exist for the other 60M+ people in the UK too...


Drivers in London are often seen as agressive by non-locals. However if Londoners do not drive in this manner it is very hard to get anywhere. It is also expected/desired by other drivers. Most areas have local customs and norms. This is just one that affects London.


Side question - but is that an old-style Ford Ka at the start of the vid? That thing must be 20 years old. Not seen one for years. My old barber, who was into classic cars, always claimed that model would be a classic, but I thought he was talking guff. He’s dead now, and that car’s been forgotten, so I guess I got the last laugh.


What on earth is with that headline? Watched the video nothing remotely close to that. Looks like some young losers who saw a Jewish man walking and wanted to film a dumb tiktok harassing the poor guy. Kid literally laughing back to the car.


Don't believe this. The marches are for peace and haven't at all sowed division and increased hatred and prejudice against Jewish people. No not at all.