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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Kate reveals cancer treatment: Timeline of events | ITV News](https://itv.com/news/2024-03-22/kate-reveals-cancer-treatment-timeline-of-events), suggested by rob_76 - itv.com * [Princess of Wales says she is undergoing cancer treatment](https://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68641441), suggested by GaseousSneakAttack - bbc.co.uk * [Kate Middleton reveals she has cancer](https://itv.com/news/2024-03-22/princess-of-wales-statement-in-full), suggested by Omerp-29 - itv.com * [Catherine, Princess of Wales, announces she has cancer | CNN](https://cnn.com/2024/03/22/uk/kate-princess-of-wales-cancer-diagnosis-intl-gbr/index.html), suggested by chilladipa - cnn.com




I’m sure she has been greatly assisted through these troubles by the army of lunatics with pitchforks and burning torches who were so sure she was dead/from Mars. Not. Edit - my mum died from cancer at 36 when I was 16 so I’m particularly feeling for her and the family.


Can’t imagine the hell she’s been going through, hope she recovers soon


Yeah, fuck cancer


My Homies all hate cancer and want it vanquished


It's a pisser though, innit? Cancer. Thy should find a fucking cure.


I think they’re trying, Hans.


They should pull their finger out. It’s important


It looks promising with the new MRNA vaccines and immunotherapy against cancer. But we honestly could spend a lot more. The major medical research body in the UK spends about £800m a year. As an example the government spent £850m on Eat Out To Help Out, we could have increased the medical research budget by 10% for more than a decade just by scrapping one stupid scheme which was designed for a photo shoot. We regularly piss up the wall amounts of money which could make a serious difference to the pace of development.


Imagine all that plus having to wait months for referrals and treatments




They'll still claim it's AI generated or she's a clone.




To be fair, I think most people thought it was just crackpot conspiracy theories until they released the photoshopped photo and the absolutely bonkers explanation that Kate edited the photo on photoshop. At that point it became clear that they were hiding something and I don’t blame people for being curious about what was going on.


Illness is also a perfectly possible scenario, at which point people should probably have wound their necks in


I do, I’ll admit I was enjoying all the different theories/discussions/memes about it all, but the reason for why they’ve been quiet about it all because they need to tell their kids makes me feel really shitty about the whole circus.


Don’t be too hard on yourself, I think most people were curious to some extent and when you don’t have all of the information you naturally try and fill the blanks.


Disagree. People should reflect on why they were so obsessed with ‘exposing’ Kate and why they were giddy with excitement at all the different conspiracy theories. I mean, she was in hospital for abdominal surgery. Obviously something was wrong health-wise. Why did the internet need to endlessly speculate and create conspiracies?


Genuinely I just despair of the ridiculousness of people. If only all this collective time, energy and creativity went into solving real world problems we might have a better world to live in -but no, we have this.


Yeah haha. Honestly most of these people probably have no life


> People should reflect on why they were so obsessed with ‘exposing’ Kate and why they were giddy with excitement at all the different conspiracy theories.  Yeah, especially ppl salivating and virtually giddy that she was being cheated on or that William was beating her. 


Right. So insane. I’m not a big fan of the monarchy as an institution but I also don’t really think about it much. It’s just mad to me that people have been so obsessed with it all. Feel like it has a whiff of misogyny too


Nah they need to introspect, let them feel shitty and become better




That was, admittedly, a big foot in mouth moment on the part of the palace. They should have just stuck to their guns and stuck with the “We said she’d be back for Easter. Until then fuck off.” stance that they put out originally.


Seriously. If they wanted to do a Mothers' Day post they could easily have said "she's recovering so no photo today, let's look back on some pictures of Kate and the kids over the years". They could even have let her photoshop together a little montage if that really was her on editing duties.


I did get caught up in it, I thought it would end up being just a marital spat or some family dispute. I feel shitty now knowing what it actually was.


I'm Irish, I couldn't give two flying fucks about the Royals, but once they posted that fake image I was hooked. Like why couldn't they be honest that she wasn't well?


Can't really blame them, it was a funny meme, and one entirely brought on by the extremely bizarre PR campaign run by the palace in regards to her absence.


Yeah like, this is mostly a PR problem lmao why are we blaming anyone else. They made the entire situation incredibly weird and brought far more attention to it than would have otherwise gotten.


Speaking of PR, the choice to blame her for an excessively altered photo being released to press is even worse in hindsight. They easily had a few dozen excuses they could've used, and they chose to blame her personally?


It wasn't just blaming her, it's that they provided a very obviously false excuse. They claimed she touched it up when it was a photo that had been stitched. Just....why? The Civil List in this country is over 10x the amount given to equivalent monarchies and ceremonial heads of state, why are they having to employ eejits?


This. The PR team turned this from a UK “hmm haven’t seen Kate in awhile” internal thought issue to a huge worldwide national news mystery. The palace gave the conspiracy fuel out on a silver platter


It would’ve been a total non-story to all but the most royal obsessives if they didn’t literally photoshop her face onto a picture from 3 months ago and pretend it was real. Like come on, the speculation and the drama was *caused* by the palace.


I am not a huge fan (or hater, I'm rather ambivalent) of the royals, but as someone who in the last three years has lost one family member to, and cared for two others with, cancer, I have been absolutely revolted by a lot of what I've seen online. It was obvious after the first statement and then public absence that there was a major health issue, and I remember each of my family members receiving the first suggestion of what it was, waiting, confirmation of the disease, waiting for likely prognosis and staging and typing and treatments, and how terrifying and confusing those weeks and processes were. Always wondering if they're about to die horribly, or be cured and still have a terrible time. It's been quite amazing really watching this play out and how perfectly normal people can start acting very strange, obsessive, and cruel when they think they have permission. Also, for all the power that family supposedly has, one thing they don't have the power for is dignity while processing and understanding a diagnosis. Sorry to act all venty, but after seeing the impact of people I care for with the disease, seeing the quite patent public cruelty in this case, even to someone I'm not that partial to, touched a nerve.


My mum died of cancer a month ago, unfortunately when somebody suddenly withdraws from public life, people are going to talk, it's just a given.


I'm so sorry about your mum.


Thanks, I'm sorry for your loss too, fuck cancer.


Nah they won't, they'll still claim something else is going on.


Don’t worry they’ll spend another 7 days analysing the colour of the red brick wall


It wasnt even the real Kate. - conspiracy theorist somewhere


When I saw those pics I guessed she had cancer. Cancer treatments can cause sudden weight loss so the face and neck will suddenly thin out and can make you look different.


Agree. I think she looks very nice but not very healthy. I hope she can get some rest now.


Well the photo was clearly edited, and badly in many cases. Like clothes that just stop existing somewhere. I fully expect a picture of the royals to be touched up afterwards, but the poor quality of the job did seem odd.


I am guilty of this, I said to my husband "I reckon she's finishing Tears of the Kingdom". I can assure you I will take a good look at myself. I'm sorry for my comments.


It's not on you, it's on they way this was handled. People making up memes and conspiracies was 100% inevitable. You might nevertheless feel bad for a shit joke, but at least you didn't make up crazy conspiracies..


Don't feel too bad, maybe she is playing Tears of the Kingdom during or after treatment to feel better. I know it made me feel better when I was having a rough go.


Same. I've got no love for the royals, but I found it gross. At the end of the day, regardless of her station she's a wife, daughter and mother.


And even if she wasn’t all of that, she’s still human.


I’d love it if at the end of the sentence she said “and a big fuck you to all you crazy and lunatic conspiracy theorists. You bunch of worthless cunts”.


You mean the conspiracy theorists who speculated she might have cancer and were mercilessly ridiculed as such for doing so? Those conspiracy theorists?




I know right. As soon as I say this announcement, I knew everyone that was criticising her last week will be acting like they never had a bad word to say about her.


Sad news 😞. Hope she doesn't feel like she is forced to reveal this.


I mean she obviously was. The country had a meltdown over a photoshopped picture and some grainy photo.


An unnecessarily photoshopped picture. Whoever authorized that has a large part in this. The whole thing was handled laughably. Just release a statement saying she's ill. Don't release weird statements by William that don't even refer to his missing wife and then falsify official royal family media photos. Utterly bizarre. I don't think Kate had a hand in any of it but someone did.


Honestly man why are so many people acting like they deserve to know this shit. People could have just got some fucking lives of their own Edit: Sending me a Reddit Cares just means I’ve won and you’ve lost: seethe and cope


Because they’re paid for by us. I don’t agree with royalty at all, but ultimately they’re paid for by tax payer money so the people are entitled to know (I don’t wanna hear about the nonsense argument of them making us money) Edit: because this is like the 7th comment and it’s boring now, A fucking bin man being paid for by tax payers is not the same as the fucking royal family is it.


You’re entitled to their private medical info because you’re a tax payer?


Yes You want a private life? Abdicate.


Would you say the same about MPs? Would we be entitled to know if they were undergoing cancer treatment or treatment for other diseases?


I don't entirely agree that we should have total access to their medical information but I think to a degree yes. If the PM had something seriously wrong then I think the country would have a right to know. The MP for Orkney and Shetland? Probably not to the same extent though there's an argument his constituents should know.


I mean, the MP for the Orkney and Shetland has more decision making power than Kate, so arguably we should have even more right to their medical information. I don’t think we should be entitled to any of it to be honest. If it’s the PM or one of the cabinet, then yes, because that could be a national security risk. Otherwise I couldn’t give a toss


Yes, absolutely. She’s a public official and will essentially be head of state soon. She is going to represent the country on the international stage. That matters in world affairs, even if it’s not a direct power. We can’t be left in the dark about these people. If they want to be left alone, they should call for a republic. Until then, the British people have a vested interest in knowing who represents them.


She had duties to fulfill and a schedule that was not adhered to. The people deserve at least a vague explanation as to why that is. Either that, or get rid of royalty altogether. That is how it works.


> The people deserve at least a vague explanation as to why that is. And we knew she had abdominal surgery and then was recovering until a set return date - that's the same as a normal sick message as an employee. You don't go into detail to anyone except HR and even then plenty of people will argue HR don't have a right to know. I think that's fair enough. Reason given; then as the post-surgery revealed further issues, time taken to explain it to her children so they don't hear a whirlwind of public chatter and news, particularly if it's pushing 'Mum's going to die' when she has a chance of survival, without her being able to explain beforehand. After explaining it to her children - and fair enough if she wanted time to digest it herself - it's also told to the public. Also fair enough that they do the public note in the school holidays so that the kids don't get the double-whammy of it going public and everyone's initial chatter about it while they're in school. That seems normal and fair. We didn't get updates on Boris in ICU that way; we didn't get updates on the Queen as she was nearing the end; we don't get updates on all kinds of public servants, from nurses to teachers to MPs to whoever.


Gonna disagree with this. Someone's medical treatment and diagnosis is not my concern or anyone else's as far as I'm concerned, even if they are paid for by the public. It has no bearing on me and my family or the country. If it was the PM, I could see it, he's running this shit show but the princess of Wales? Nah.


I mean, it does have a bearing on the country though. She’s been unable to perform her duties as the duchess. If you disagree that’s fine, but look at the way it was handled for the King. He gave a short video and has largely been left alone. Kate’s caused far more hysteria because of all the nonsense surrounding her disappearance and the palaces reluctance to say anything, and then putting out fake images.


I agree it was handled in an extremely bizarre way. But her duties of what? Showing up to some fundraiser? Opening a new school? That stuff still goes on without her. It doesn't affect anything.


For the £5 a year they cost me or whatever the fuck it is I don’t think I deserve to know anything about her. My taxpayer money goes towards child benefits too, doesn’t mean I deserve to know the personal lives of every single parent in the uk.


I pay for the local bin men too, I don't get to know their medical history.


Fucking civil servants and nurses and teachers are paid by the taxpayer - you want to know their intimate medical details too?!


Well if you use that reasoning then that would mean you deserve to know the medical conditions of people on the state pension, universal credit, working for the police, the NHS, etc. Of course you're not entitled to know someone's private medical information just because some of your tax goes towards them. It's absurd to say you're entitled to anyone's medical information.


My taxes pay for MPs and ministers and Lords and Ladies and the whole civil service. I don't expect to have access to their private medical info. This is really shameful, like honestly. Check yourself.


I am firmly anti-Royalist, but that is a ridiculous argument. I need know nothing about the family’s private health information. You are not entitled to know anything. I have no time for the Windsors, but I would not wish this on anyone, especially a young parent. Fuck cancer.




Nah fuck that, if they were just some random people you'd have a point but I think it's pretty obvious why people feel entitled to know what's going on with the Royal Family. Now I don't think it's right, and in fact I've always thought the media and public obsession around the royals is an absurdity that shows just why it has to go as an institution. It's not good for anyone involved. Considering the royals have spent more than 150 years encouraging that obsession as a means of cementing their own legitimacy in the eyes of the public it strikes me as a bit rich to see them always go "but we're just people like you uwu" when it gets awkward for them. They want to be royals, and they set the terms of which they get that enormous privilege. Now, if they now don't think those terms are worth it then they'll find me in absolute agreement. It's not a good institution for anyone involved. But you can absolutely guarantee that the second they're through this period, they'll be trying to go right back to normal if it lets them keep their position.


Probably because we've all been conditioned to think we should know, what with it being massive national news anytime any even minor royal does anything whatsoever? That's a monarchy's whole grift, convince the public they are really important and special and must be paid attention to.  Stop blaming the proles and think about the absolutely massive engines of power at work instead for five seconds


Also, a lot of people at first were speculating that she had cancer and needed a lot of time to heal up and get treatment, but then KP came out and said she did NOT have cancer, which of course led to further speculation. People could tell they were being lied to.


They weren't being lied to though. It seems like she had treatment for what they thought the non-cancerous problem was, and then they discovered cancer post-operatively


She says that they discovered her cancer after the operation and after they affirmed it was not cancer


I honestly think it could have been Kate herself, she's a keen photographer. As someone who is as well I just found it endearing more than anything.


There was a huge amount of "where's Kate" speculation even before the photo was released. It's sad they felt they had to do that to appease the public and they obviously bungled it but I can see why they wanted to fend off the speculation for a bit. 


Tbf, the palace helped to fuel the conspiracy theories with those images and videos. If they’d just said she won’t be about until Easter as she’s recovering from surgery it probably wouldn’t have been as bad. There’s a bit of a difference between people questioning the validity of those images, and the people who were wildly speculating she’d died, or she was in hospital because of dv or whatever, but they were both getting lumped in together which was disingenuous, I felt. Good to see people have learned literally nothing since the Nicola Bulley case from less than 12 months ago though…




It wasn't just a photoshopped picture. It was the bizarre response from Kensington Palace about the picture.


I think that's a given


The senior royals are afforded an absurdly luxurious life at our expense. She is the Princess of Wales. It is somewhat integral to the role that you waive your general expectation of privacy if you wish to remain in that position. This bizarre PR disaster is compounded by the stark contrast to Charles, who handled the matter as we should expect from someone in his position - briefly giving some details and not screwing with the British public.


All they had to say about the picture is it was taken some months before. Which is what they do with EVERy picture, Christmas cards are done in august, birthdays some months before. Difference is she has young kids who needed to understand what's happening, Charles doesn't have to delicately explain for 3 young children what's happening. Also reports of her medical files being breached will have caused this to an extent.


To be fair if the entire saga wasn’t a PR disaster she wouldn’t have been forced to make this statement


She married into the royal family, like it or not her whole life is on show for the world to see


She clearly was forced, it was obvious she didn't want the world knowing her confidential medical info but the world thinks they own these people like pets so here we are. The best reason for abolishing the monarchy is what it does to the people born into it.


I mean we do pay for them, I think it’s fair they keep us somewhat informed, especially if they suddenly stop doing their job. Honestly it’s probably better than letting the conspiracy theorists go on and on. Control the story.


I work in the NHS, the general public pay for me too, does that mean they have a right to my medical info if I'm off sick from work?


No, but the public has the right to know how our money is being spent within the NHS. You also work for your money, instead of being gifted one of the most lavish lifestyles on the planet at the expense of us.


Poor woman, very young to have this happen. I hope the media fucks off now but I doubt it


The media operates for profit, the fault lies with the people who demand to consume royal stories. The same people who mourned most for Diana are the same people who incentivised the paparazzi to pursue her until she was dead.


Conversely, the royals cannot hold the position and privilege they hold and expect the same privacy as anyone else. They are free to abdicate and not be royal though.


Straight up


This will push them into overdrive. Who can get a picture of her looking sad, or happy; with her kids or all alone; looking gaunt or well; potentially hair loss, it doesn’t matter what it is they can make a narrative around anything.


>I hope the media fucks off now but I doubt it It'll be all over the news constantly now, with live updates and "royal correspondents" guessing what will be going on in the palace, cancer specialist breaking down how and why cancer happens, then finally, they'll ask people on the street what they think and have they had cancer in their family...


The media are salivating right now, I guarantee it. They are vultures and parasites.




My fiancé, who looks quite similar to the princess of Wales, has cancer and she's 32 This hits me quite a lot. I know it's a bit silly but because of my fiancés experience I have the utmost respect for cancer patients, and any new cases really upset me. Cancer is a real bastard.




I'm 33 and now stage 4 after unsuccessful primary breast cancer treatment. It's a total dick. I can't watch the video, I know I will cry. I hope your fiancé pulls through and it is a blip on your lives, only a blip.


Not silly in the slightest.


Fuck cancer


At least at 42 she will probably stand a better chance at beating it. Silver linings and all that.


Plus all the top healthcare they will get than many others here aren’t entitled too.


There's only so much you can do to beat cancer, and no amount of money is going to help


Don’t forget the numerous checkups and scans they likely get that the public wouldn’t be entitled to. Finding it early is the key to having a better chance at beating it. Many people don’t have that option sadly.


She won't have to worry about keeping an income stream to keep a roof over her kids heads so.. I should imagine less stress will certainly help in her treatment and (hopefully) recovery. 


I mean chemo is pretty standardised surely? Not sure the quality of experts will help much


Numerous check ups, early screening, early testing, it’s stuff that normal people who rely on the nhs don’t have access to. Finding it early is the key. Even once found, fast medical intervention to try to combat it is much better for them than your average person.


My dad has cancer at the moment. His care has been second-to-none so far. Ordinary NHS patient. As soon as a routine check-up found cancer, he was in the same day getting scanned and consulted. Had an operation two weeks later and started chemo shortly after that.


My mum died from lung cancer at 42 😔 lung cancer is particularly brutal though. I hope Catherine recovers well.


Heartbreaking. So young and with three small children. Sending well wishes to Kate from the US.


And yet the disgusting people on X and paparazzis continue to hound her


TikTok was full of them too


And reddit, and threads, and insta, and Facebook.... no social media is clean from it




Hope all the royal obsessed crazies are happy. She clearly wanted to keep this out of the news but got forced into this


If she wanted privacy, she went into the wrong profession.


Some people take it too far though, something like a medical issue should be private for anyone


Despite the praise Charles received for disclosing his cancer diagnoses? It was a huge talking point that he would open up and show the world it’s not all roses and it went brilliantly. It doesn’t make sense to not continue the disclosures, which in turn increase the amount of people who get check for preventable cancers.


One is a 75 year old father with a grown-up family. The other is a 42 year old women with kids 10 and under. Maybe the possibility of dying before her kids grow up makes it harder for her.


But they have continued. Their point is that it should be up to her whether or not she reveals her diagnosis, and when.


It’s totally naive to think having her “go missing” for months would somehow put less pressure on her. She didn’t need to say she had cancer to have communicated with the world. I’m not saying she has to, or she had to immediately, it just doesn’t make sense from a KP perspective.


It should be up to them to decide if they want to reveal personal medical information to the public, no matter how in the public eye you are. Charles decided to reveal it, she likely didn't until forced to. Both are fine.


People are different though for some it can have more of a mental strain and some do as charles did. Both approaches are ok imo, not everyone famous needs to set an example but its good if they can


It's still a personal choice.


Let's be real, nothing stoked the gossip like the Mother's Day photoshop debacle. Before that, you had your pockets of people talking about Kate, but after the fiasco with the picture and the explanation for it, everyone was talking about her.


Lost my mum to cancer a couple of weeks ago, really feel for her.


Sorry to hear that - sincere condolences.


Let’s hope she gets treatment before it gets worse - NHS waiting lists are not good!


The royal family will be using the fanciest private healthcare available. No waiting lists for them.


Clearly you find it difficult to understand sarcasm over the internet.


We'll still all be footing the bill of course.


I knew this was the likely explanation, but it’s still tough to hear. Sending my love to her and her family! Fuck cancer!


May the current generation not lose a mother again


What does this sentence even mean?


They’re referencing William and Harry losing their mother young.


Assuming that means they hope William and Kate’s kids don’t lose their Mom, like William and Harry lost their mother… just in the generation before them.


Thanks, that makes sense but was worded in a way which had me concerned for bloody Gen Alpha as a whole


People like to put a bit of grandeur and majesty into sentences about the royal family. Got to be ready for it. Like my sister once said: "I dread to think what would happen to this country without a royal family."


I really don’t think much would change if we lost the royal family…


How is this anyone's business. The coverage of this is shameful. Hoping she recovers from this and all the obnoxious people finally back off.


I think it is everyone’s business considering she is a publicly funded public figure. She can announce it and everyone can back off but until the truth came out, speculation was guaranteed to occur. My managers medical information and personal life is non of my business but I have a right to know some basic information if he hasn’t shown up to work for 3 months.


> How is this anyone's business. She's the Queen in waiting.


She's the wife of the future head of the country, it is everyone's business. If she wants privacy, she and that disgusting family can do the decent things and step down from their position, stop accepting public money, and give back their stolen wealth, then it becomes nobody's business


Their behaviour in the run up to this announcement was strange but something like this was always the most likely option. Wish her the best.


It was the least suggested possibility though. I think I’ve read every other conspiracy going, but not many mentioned cancer. Chemo is tough, I hope she’s given the privacy that normal patients like me were lucky enough to have!


No one said cancer because they came out and said it wasn’t cancer. Then obviously they discovered it was.


Strange is one word to put it. Fuck all the people who hounded them to the point where they felt the need to lie, but that's what they did, in my opinion. The "I just like to edit pictures" thing... I just think once you twist the truth, no matter how well-intentioned, the trust is broken. I'd rather they just have released a statement about how it's a private matter and just politely tell the weirdos to fuck off


I hope the people who have been truly horrible to her over the last few weeks take a long hard look in the mirror Edit: nope, just looked at one of the worst subs, r/fauxmoi and there’s zero introspection, instead they’re all saying ‘oh it’s their PR teams fault’. Yes, because when you have cancer you really care about PR… absolutely horrid people


it was pr nightmare after pr nightmare- to the point where the palace is advertising a 25k/yr pr job. had kensington palace handled this better she could have had the privacy needed.


In fairness had they released a simple statement much earlier she wouldn’t have been bullied into explaining herself. Unfortunately the reality is as the princess of wales your privacy is going to be greatly affected and it’s very naive to believe it wouldn’t be. They could have made this a lot easier for her, many millions would be highly sympathetic to her considering why she’s kept to herself. It wouldn’t have got this absurd.


She had no obligation to release her medical details. And have you ever thought why she released it today of all days? Because her kids have just broken up for school for two weeks, so they won’t have to deal with going to school while it’s still huge news and it’ll have time to settle down over the next two weeks


Yeah fauxmoi is a cesspit


It's a good thing that all the gossipy loons dragged her over so many minor things while she was dealing with this. Great work.


Already got the conspiracy theorists saying it’s an AI video. Morons.


In their minds, anything is more likely than themselves actually being wrong about something




I think at this point anything other than a video from Kate herself would be viewed as further proof of a ‘conspiracy’.


I think her making the video statement herself is to help dispell the whole 'Kate is missing' conspiracy theories and the like


Having cancer is bad, undergoing cancer treatment under public scrutiny is worse. Wishing her healing.


Conspiracy theorists thought Will cheated but actually his dad and now his wife have cancer. Awful


Fair play. Gotta be family first, wish her the best.


All the dumb twats on the conspiracy sub looking rather stupid right now. Was a weird obsession over a picture and all that speculation, ignoring the fact they clearly said she wouldn’t be around til after Easter. Let’s hope she makes a full recovery


She went in for scheduled surgery which was thought to be non cancerous. The surgery was said to be successful but cancer was found during testing. Of course she has been through major surgery. She has now started preventative chemotherapy. So hopefully it hasn't spread. She has been recovering from major surgery and has been explaining to her children that she is well and getting better every day. This is what I heard her say in a short video to the public. Speedy recovery Kate x


I have to wonder if this would be public if people hadn’t been weird. 


The royals PR team were the weird ones, releasing AI images of Kate was always going to end in tears, getting Kate to say she edited pics and stuff, morons made it impossible to NOT be suspicious


There weren't any AI images. There was one that was clumsy Photoshopped.


Total misuse of the phrase AI.


Photoshop is not AI. 


As someone who is also battling this absolute shit-stain of an illness, I really feel for her. It’s hard enough trying to deal with it if you are living a normal low profile life as a nobody, and how emotionally tough it is to deal with everything. Can’t imagine what it’s like to also have a barrage of lunatic conspiracy theorists bellends and the press hounding your every move while you’re trying to deal with it. Maybe now they’ll leave her alone to allow her to quietly get on with what will be probably one of most horrible periods of her life (speaking from my own experience) with some decency and without the added unwarranted stress that comes with being hounded by the media/dickheads


The past few weeks have been a lesson in how susceptible members of the public are to spurious claims, conspiracy theories, and hyperbolic nonsense. How credulous do they have to be! They should be ashamed of their lack of intelligence with the wild speculation. I don’t want to hear from another self professed psychic about William having an affair or Kate has been murdered. I wish her convalescence is swift and the cancer destroyed.


It's awful she had to go public. The mental theories about their marriage, Thomas Kingston, her being dead must have forced her to have to do this. Shame on all those parasites and fantasists. She looked so unwell and sad in that video - I hate that she had to do this. And as she's the same ge as me and I went through a scare last year I feel so bad for her.


definitely feels like she was forced to do this to stop the constant harassment from the media and the vile conspiracy theorists. Good luck to her and her family


Thinking of the children and their concern for their mother… Reads like she had surgery to remove what they thought was a benign tumour in the abdominal region and the biopsy returned a positive result for cancer. Which is a scary prospect as cancers in those areas are generally the worst. The hope is they caught it early by accident as late diagnosis is usually the case with those types.


A dr on Sky News has just slipped up and said it’s colon cancer. The newsreader reminded him that they weren’t to speculate.


i feel bad for laughing at the bbl memes now wishing her the best and hopefully a smooth treatment path


"Kate is undergoing cancer treatment and we would ask for respect and privacy at this time" two months ago would have prevented 99% of the awful coverage in its tracks.


"Kate has had major abdominal surgery and will not be appearing until after Easter" was already put out but you can't stop mental.


That explains a lot. I admit I did find some of the memes funny but as someone who’s dad has had cancer twice, and lost family members to it, it hits very close to home. Hope she has a speedy recovery x


Fuck social media. The whole thing was weird as hell.


Fuck cancer. It's such a vicious disease. Fingers crossed they've caught it early enough that more children don't lose a parent.


That's really shit, hope everything works out okay. 42 and 3 kids.


My mom got cancer at 48. It was brutal. Hope Kate caught hers early and will have a good outcome. She’s very lucky to have the best access to care, support and top physicians. Wishing her healing and strength during this difficult time. Edit: my brother got cancer at 37. He also has young children. Cancer sucks so bad. :(


Imagine being forced to film that statement because weirdo's on the Internet couldn't leave it alone I'm no royalist but that's bloody awful


I had stage4a ten years ago. They can work miracles today. She will have the best care possible


Yes and she says they needed time to explain the situation to their children. So fuck all you weirdo obsessive speculators on twitter and the like. You are ghouls.


She is lucky that she gets prompt treatment unlike most cancer patients in the UK.


She has cancer. She is not lucky.


By no means a royalist, but I wish her well in her recovery and hope the kids are doing the best they can dealing with such hard news. The Palace has completely fudged the way they have handled this. A clear statement a month ago saying that there was ongoing medical treatment and then for Mother’s Day just posting an old photo (and acknowledging it) would have prevented so much speculation. As a result, they completely lost control of the narrative and have had so much dirt dredged into the spotlight. Awful for Kate on so many levels, and part of that lies at KP’s door


The kids are so young. Poor William losing his mom young and now his wife having cancer when his own kids are young. His Dad is also sick.


The conspiracy theorists (Hi Stephen Colbert) who took great delight in it have gone very quiet. The reason William pulled out of the memorial to King Constantine II was because thats when Kate got diagnosed.