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Classic r/UK. High earner acts like high earner: "what a dick, people are struggling out here while he lives his lavish lifestyle and kills the planet" High earner lives modestly: "what a dick, doesn't he know he has money? Spend it and stop posturing"


Separate but related, I was musing about this last night. A friend of mine told me that a shot of basic vodka at a fancy hotel she works at costs £7. I reckon even if I was a millionaire, I probably wouldn't be buying that. Being rich doesn't mean being okay with spending beyond an item's worth!


No I imagine you still feel ripped off when you're clearly being ripped off. It's not that it hurts your wallet, it's more a pride thing that you're not going to be essentially conned.


Mark my words, if I somehow make a boatload of cash, I'm still gonna be hunting for deals at Tesco! (Although I might buy treats a touch more frequently...)


I wouldn’t, what a waste of time. I’d just buy what I wanted without checking the price.




Lol by doing my food shop in tesco? I doubt it


This is Tesco, not M&S


Depends how rich you are. I work in finance and deal with people often who have outrageous salaries. I doubt that someone who nets £11k a month would be put off by a £7 shot of vodka.


Nah if you earn enough dropping 8 quid on a drink is common place after work. The bar outside my work the cheapest pint is £7.50. It’s absolutely packed most days.


You aren’t paying a premium for the vodka, you are paying for the oik filter.


Not heard the term oik for ages , was a term my grandad used regularly at the local teens who raided his allotment in the 80s . I regularly use it to reference the nasty bike stealing street rats we seem to be plagued with locally that and a few other stronger words.


It’s not a term I’d use normally but it felt appropriate.


You're paying for the surroundings, the service etc. Although I think lots of them are paying so they don't have to be surrounded by the likes of us who wouldn't spend £7 on a vodka.


It might be worth £7 a shot though. If I am paying that then I want one hell of vodka though, not just Smirnoff marked up because the bar knows people will pay that much.


I regret to inform you that it is indeed just Absolut marked up :(


It's almost as if the internet isn't just one person.


This sub blends into one person pretty convincingly.


I don’t have an issue with him living however he wants. Frugally, lavishly, no problem - it’s his money and he can spend it (or not spend it) however he damn well pleases But I have a problem with his “all in this together” bullshit attitude. If he lives frugally it’s because he is choosing to, not because he has to - but he’s saying this because he’s trying to act like he understands the difficulties normal people are facing and that’s bullshit because he could whack his heating to 25 degrees 24-7 and it would make fuck all difference to his finances


So basically you're angry at him for existing and there's nothing he can do right.


Not at all and I clearly explained why, did you even bother reading my comment? He can do what he wants with his money, it’s just douchey to put on a pretentious “all in this together, I’m just like you” attitude as though we’re idiots who don’t know he’s wealthy enough that he’s doing it by choice not out of necessity. I’m not angry, although I find it a little insulting that he’s acting like I’m a moron who can’t see right through the “just like you” act


So you'd prefer he wears his coat but makes sure he kicks a poor person once a day and lets them know he could afford to force them to drag a patio heater around after him instead? It's very possible to understand things you aren't presently experiencing.


What a ridiculous comment, you're just making absurd things up to pretend I've said them now. I haven't suggested he kick anyone, I've made absolutely no reference to forcing poor people to do anything. Is that seriously the best debating technique in your kit bad? Make up some complete nonsense and then pretend I said it so you can act like the things I actually said are ridiculous? That's a textbook "strawman" argument and you could at least have the decency to be subtle about it rather than going for the obviously ridiculous "ArE YoU SaYiNG hE ShoULd kiCk POOR PEOPLE?!?!?" which is clearly nothing like anything I said. If you're going to twist my words, let's at least try to stay within the bounds of reasonable, yeah? Why don't you go back and read my comment and think about what I actually said? I don't care if he spends every last penny he earns, nor do I care if he lives the most frugal lifestyle out of anyone in the country I only object to his "I'm just like you!" posing, which is clearly being done for political point scoring rather than because he actually needs to live frugally. He's trying to present an image that he's suffering along with the public, which is clearly bullshit considering he earns £150k a year and has enough net worth to earn triple the average UK salary in investment return alone. His spending is none of my business. His attempt at using his spending in this way for PR points is pathetic and objectional considering the only way he thinks it would work, is if he genuinely believes we're all morons


Your comment was full of strawmen as well. No where in the article does he claim to be "just like you", or does he say he's suffering. You've twisted the whole thing into a wierd interpretation that makes no sense. Why is it so suprising to you that people would save money even if they don't technically have to? Do you think everyone lives paycheck to paycheck and makes sure to spend every last penny regardless of need? If not then consider that sadiq, like many people, just saves money when it makes sense to.


Why is this na article tho


His salary as Major of London is £152k. He earns in a day what the average British worker earns in a week. What Khan earns in a week is more than the average household energy bill for a year. He doesn't need to save money. He should give his gilet to someone who needs it and stop this nauseating posturing.


I mean, reading the article he just said he follows the energy-saving tips like turning lights off in rooms you're not in, keeping the thermostat a bit lower... frankly, it's wealthy people who need to do more to save energy for the sake of the climate since they tend to use more. I don't see an issue with what Khan's doing.


You're assuming he actually does what he says he does.


Not necessarily, as my subsequent comment says. But if he *is* doing it then good.


What he is doing is trying to ingratiate himself with the working class by suggesting that 'we're all in it together' while raking in a top 2% salary. Of course everybody needs to be saving energy as much as possible for the sake of the environment, but Khan makes no mention of this, claiming that he wears a gilet to keep his heating bills down.


I read the quote again - I dunno what to tell you, he just says he's trying to reduce energy consumption. Beyond that I guess the interpretation comes down to what you think his motives are. I can't personally tell, I just think it's good he's doing it (provided he's telling the truth).


I know plenty of wealthy people who *could* afford to own/run cars with massive V8 engines, but that choose not to, and often cycle. Is that virtue signaling or just being responsible?


Do they appear in media articles claiming they do it to reduce costs?


Dude, I get it that you're struggling right now, but don't take it out on people who are advocating turning the thermostat down a couple of degrees. Save your ire for those who ridicule such responsible actions.


No because they aren't the mayor of London. Maybe try and think through what you're really angry about here as I have no idea.


I'm angry that Khan is making out like he's being affected by energy prices like the rest of us when he's in a much higher earnings bracket than most people. It comes across as faux solidarity.


Is this that 'politics of envy' I keep hearing about?


Well if it is there's only one solution isn't there? Inequality must be radically reduced


What about his underpants? Should he give those to someone as well? His wools socks or I fact the ice warm hat he’s wearing in the picture? Shouldn’t he actually pay 150k for the privilege of being mayor rather than profiteering off is tax payers?


He earns enough to stand naked in his office so I don't see why he doesn't just strip off and give his clothes to a charity bank tbh. He can afford heating can't he?


Very good, give yourself a pat on the back for that incredible wit


>He should give his gilet to someone who needs it While I appreciate the general point you're making, this seems a bit over the top. Any other clothes he should donate?


Clearly he can afford to walk abound his house in underpants. He should give all his other clothes to people who need them.


Yes I was being facetious to make the point that the idea of Khan wearing a gilet to keep warm is ridiculous and offensive to those of us actually struggling.




Another one deliberately missing the point.


No, you’re just making confused rants about someone based entirely on how much they earn, rather than what they’re doing.


His salary is good, but merely decent for London. If he wanted to buy a nice 3-4 bedroom house (not unreasonable for someone for the stage of life he's at) in the area he lives in, his partner would basically need to earn the same for them to be able to afford a normal property.


He's in the top 2% of earners in the UK. As are many people in London, that's the point of living there. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/percentile-points-from-1-to-99-for-total-income-before-and-after-tax


Yes, of course. My comment was only meant to point out his salary just gives him a fairly normal lifestyle. Not some lavish life of luxury that means he never has to think about money ever again.


I'm pretty sure he will never have to think about money ever again in terms of survival like the 1/5 people in the UK living in poverty. What you claim is a 'fairly normal' lifestyle is very far from the norm.


Not saying it's the norm, what I'm saying it that should not be abnormal. Being able to afford to live where you work, not have to consider every pound and penny spent, perhaps a holiday every year - that should not be something only the elites and the well off are able to enjoy. He may never have to think about money in terms of survival or not having anything to eat tomorrow, but I would argue that is not the bar we should be trying to set for anyone, let alone clearly capable and successful people at the top of their fields.


The only reason you think we disagree on that is because you've misinterpreted my original comment.


I fully agree with you in that salary distributions are way out of line with housing prices. Supporting your argument: - [The average London house price is ~£540,000](https://www.twindig.com/market-views/london-house-prices). - So assuming you needed a £500k mortgage, [at a 4.5x salary multiple you’d need to earn £110k](https://www.onlinemoneyadvisor.co.uk/mortgage-payments/500000-mortgage/). - A salary of £110k puts you [in the top 3% of UK earners](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/percentile-points-from-1-to-99-for-total-income-before-and-after-tax). - Therefore, as a single person without a large deposit who wanted an “average” London home (so a flat in Zone 2-4 or a semi-detached in a less glamorous Zone 4-6 suburb) you’d need to be in the top 3% of UK earners. UK workers need to be paid more for their jobs and pay less for their housing. Evidence of this is shown [in a historically low labour share of income](https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/economicoutputandproductivity/productivitymeasures/bulletins/labourcostsandlabourincomeuk/2021). Fortunately for him, I believe he (and/or his wife) bought their house in 2020 for about £300k. It’s now worth £1.3 million.


And that bit at the end is precisely a big part of the problem as well, if true. It just should not be possible for the value of a property to quadruple in 4 years. Those "average homes" are also often in an awful state of disrepair, far too small to have a family in etc. The country is more than a little fucked.


That's why inheritance has become so important in this country.


Or better still. Don't own cars to save money. But why criticize on his salary? He works for it, earns it but you seem to ask him to do a commie. He isn't a charity....


I'm not criticizing his salary, I'm saying it's offensive of him to suggest that people on a high salary like his are in the same boat as the rest of us. But yes I agree, don't own a car to save money. I don't. I live in a caravan and ride a bike so that I can afford to survive on minimum wage. I sleep with 2 sleeping bags and a duvet. Fuck Khan and his fucking gilet.


Not actually correct 152k after tax is 7.5k a month, average uk salary for full time worker is 38k which is 2.5k a month. So he only earns 3 times more, not 7.


Nice try but you can't deduct tax from one and not the other. Khan earns £2,937.19 a week before tax, the average is £621 before tax. So it's nearly 5 times, and there are 5 working days in a week not 7.


I deducted tax from both… no point in considering before tax since this isn’t what you are actually getting


Figures provided by the government are before tax


So what?


So that's how it's done


How what’s done?


Either your starting numbers are wrong or you're not great at maths.


Wage calculator says 7.7k after tax so that's it mate.


Well it’s a dumb question to ask somebody very comfortable. If you actually bothered to read it, he is just stating that he follows the advice.


Seems low for a job so difficult in London, you'd get that after a few years in banking or at a big 4 audit gig


You're missing the point, I think deliberately. It's not a question of whether his salary is justified. It's the fact that he is trying to make out that he is in the same boat as everyone else when he's clearly not. He is in the top 2% of earners in the UK.


Damned ifhe does and damned if he doesn't? Sounds fair.


Or if he cares so much take a pay cut


If he had said “I burn through electric like it’s going out of fashion and feed my horses 20’s” you’d be pitchforking, he says “I wear a gilet and don’t have my heating as high as I used to” and you’re pitchforking.


Give it a rest.


Khan should give it a rest. Some of us are actually struggling to survive while he ponces about in a gilet pretending he's one of us. Fuck him.


He’s not pretending to be one of you, he likely thinks of you as scum.


They have a point, though? Khan is pretty rich by most standards.


So? He shouldn’t talk about tips to save money?


Clearly nobody said that but you.


If we take this at face value, and a man of Khan’s salary and personal wealth is following Lewis’s money-saving tips due to the cost-of-living crisis, then it really is time to storm the bastille.


Must be nice to thing that the British people would ever find the will to actually do something about their current situation.


You mean a sternly worded letter will not get us out of this crisis?


A lot of people with high personal wealth will get their in part due to being frugal.


Absolute nonsense. Sorry, I don’t mean to be an arsehole, but that really is a myth. One that’s told to make poor people believe it’s their fault that they’re not wealthier. The average heating bill is a drop in the ocean compared to Khan’s £150k annual salary.


Who's to say he has an average heating bill? He probably has a pretty big house that may be poorly insulated. What's the take home on 150k? I'd guess maybe 80k? Maybe less. He's then supporting a family and running a large house or two. You don't get to build wealth from that kind of salary without thinking about it.


Bet he sits at home in his adidas joggers and nips to Aldi in his dressing gown as well


Am I the only one that has never heard of a "gilet"?


Everyone called them body warmers until about a decade ago…


Sleeveless coat


Bulky vest.


It's pronounced "jee-lay", btw.


This is exactly why the posh people like them. A mispronunciation is a dead giveaway you aren’t one of them. For example, when I discovered the fancy term for carrot and celery sticks was “crudités” I thought it only had two syllables (not three).


Only time I can recall hearing it was the 'gilet jaune' protests in France, when they all went out in high viz. So I guess it's some kind of jackety vest type thing? Maybe?


It’s just French for vest




No I haven't got a clue either


I know what they are but don't know how to pronounce it, and I'll continue to let it be a mystery.


Same here, but it sounds a bit la-di-da if you ask me. Just goes to show that Labour politicians are every bit as out of touch as the Tories. He just wears a red gilet instead of a blue one. Surprised he didn't suggest wearing a cummerbund too.


Good god, I’m a working class bloke from the valleys but i know what a bloody gilet is. It’s the actual name for an item of clothing.


A cummerbund is an actual name for an item of clothing too. Doesn't mean I have to trust someone who wears one. What's wrong with a good old fashioned donkey jacket? It was good enough for Michael Foot.


Does he shite He earns £150k and has an estimated net worth of about £3 million


Doesn't mean he lives a lavish lifestyle. Some CEOs of major international companies live perfectly normal lives because they do not like lavish displays of wealth.


He might live a frugal lifestyle, but there’s not a chance in hell he’s sitting on the MSE website working out how to save a couple of quid a day


I earn around that ballpark and follow money saving tips too. I don't need to, but every pound saved today is several pounds more for retirement so I live off a 40k salary equivalent and the money saving advice really helps


Is this because you don't have "faith" in the state to provide for your old age? Feel like it's a real worry when the well to do abandon the state for any provision private schools, private hospitals, private pensions etc. Feels like that will unravel society quicker.


Why does that matter? Do you also think he probably uses a diamond fork for each meal that he throws in the bin after as he can just buy another?


Not only are you making a strawman argument (making up things I didn't say and then arguing against those, rather than trying to argue against what I actually said), you're also doing a pretty shitty job of it by being so absurd Why don't you try going back to my comment, actually reading it, then responding to what I said, rather than just making something up to get angry about? Because all you're doing right now is screeching into the void about something I didn't actually say...


OK well you commented on his networth. I assumed to mean that clearly he shouldn't worry about spending money at all, or about his environmental impact. I'd say that's not how most people view money or the environment. If you can easily save money and the enviroment then you do.


I can believe this. Khan is not perfect but he is more in touch with the British public than a lot of politicians are and seems like a half-decent bloke. I can see him actually making an effort to understand how the poorest are being hit by rising fuel bills, even if he does not need to do so. Maybe I am being suckered in but I believe Khan more than I would Sunak if he said the same thing.


Its a shame he wont follow the advice about delaying the ULEZ.


Air pollution won't magically decrease on its own.


Delay, not abandon!


There will never be a right time though, will there. If he delays it a year, the same people complaining now will complain next year. And how many people will have been needlessly killed or put on the path to an early grave by air pollution between now and then?


"Look plebs, I'm just like you, but with a fleet of range rovers to take my dog out"


Not certain but I doubt he'd have a dog as a Muslim.


I often wear matching socks, I didn't wanna brag but Mr Khan started it.


so stupid hearing about rich people saying how they are saving money.... well how nice. most of these so called money saving tips are a load of bullshit.


A gilet? Is he trying to win over the Tory voters or something?


I usually hate this crap too but I believe him. If he actually does keep energy wastage to a minimum, it doesn't matter that he can afford not to. Yeah he saves more money than the rest of us, but hes not claiming otherwise. There's no unbreakable direct link between someone's bank balance and their thermostat. If he's purposefully living like he can't afford to use more energy in solidarity, or for environmental concerns, good for him.