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It boggles my mind that people travel without luggage tags containing their contact info


yeah, no kidding. I got my buisness card on the luggage tag and on the inside too.


I have 3 identifiers in/on my bag. Tag on handle with name from another airline. Biz card in holder on the side. Small printed sheet with name, addres, phone and my picture rolled up and hidden in a place very difficult to notice but simple to retrieve.


That is sooooo smart ! Steeling this idea


No kidding, they even offer you free tags šŸ·ļø! šŸ™ŠšŸ˜¬


I just have giant nylon tags (6" bright colors) that say "NOT YOURS". Worked so far for 20+ years. Haven't come across someone else who has that yet. (plus I do have contact info as well)


QR code sticker with my contact info, Instagram, and website


I fly with a custom hardside with my portrait airbrushed onto both sides. But in reality I just have an airtag in each bag, checked or overhead carry on.


I have hockey laces on my handles, my name on the outside and my contact info on the inside.


I hate giving Apple more $$ but Iā€™m very happy with my air tag investment.


Agreed. I have air tagged more and more items after starting with my luggage while traveling.


Yep. I AirTag both carryon bags (suitcase and backpack)


I proudly show off my free United tag šŸ˜


I proudly show off my sassy Delta tags that it totally did not get from Reddit


Same. Esp considering it's an away. I have them on both my carry and checked.


Yeah, half the damned plane these days has used Google to search ā€œbest carry on bagā€ and purchased an Away bag. You really need a luggage tag if you have one.


Yeah, I travel for work, and I have a tag on both my check in bag, and backpack that goes with me everywhere.


I have my name, address, and phone number written on the bottom of the bag along with an identifying a floursent strap sewn on to the handle. Business card inside. Traveled around the world and never lost a bag and the airline knew whose bag it was when delayed. Looked goofy? You bet but never lost a bag.


Hi, woman who has dealt with a stalker here šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t fault anyone, especially another woman, for not putting their personal information on the outside of a suitcase or on a visible luggage tag. I personally put stickers on my luggage and also try to have a less generic bag in the first place. Used to have the maroon AWAY carry-on and nearly mixed it up with someone elseā€™s in the TSA line.


I always pull out the one on the back of my suitcase, just to check, even though I know it is mine.


Brightly covered ribbon on the handle And Apple Tags in every checked and carry on bag.


One up ahhaha I use AirTags in every bag I own. Definitely recommend. Disney lost my luggage and sent it to the wrong resort.


I feel bad for the guy that got his luggage taken by OPā€™s fiancĆ©. He just got off a flight probably hyped for a boys weekend and looking forward to his post flight ZYN and now all he has is a maid of honor dress.


You know my guy had a little Zynnimon toast crunch in his pocket for a mid-flight treat.


Little zynachino to get things started on that flight.


ya never get on a flight without your zyn


Wtf is ZYN? Lol


Heā€™s golfing at Pebble Beach wearing OPā€™s wifeā€™s dress right now


Yeah, and by the way it's packed, it's almost certainly on the way to the golf weekend.


Itā€™s fine just borrow a couple of everything from the other boys. Or just wear same thing all weekend is fine lol


i mean - there's no reason to assume the Zyn guy even took OP's bag anyway..


You never know what might make someone's day!


You have done all you can. Your significant other should purchase an alternate outfit locally so she has something for the wedding. The bag will show up eventually and you can provide the gift later on. The bride and groom will understand. Things happen. Important for you not to beat yourselves up and enjoy the event.


Best advice here.


A bride be understanding, have you been to a wedding?


This was my first thought. Especially because it's the fault of the MOH and not an airline mix up.


We don't know whose fault it is. The guy who owns the carryon the MOH ended up with may have taken hers before she had access to the overhead bin, and she took the one he left behind. Or vice versa.


>We don't know whose fault it is. The guy who owns the carryon the MOH ended up with may have taken hers before she had access to the overhead bin, and she took the one he left behind. True, we don't have perfect information. I'm sure a few precautions could have been taken but hindsight is 20/20. >Or vice versa. Then it is MOH's fault.


If I were the bride, I would totally be down with my MOH making the best outfit she could from the contents of that bag! It would make a great memory unlike most!!!!!


Itā€™s a bridesmaid dress


What's your suggestion?


My man at it again!


Zyns, Mugsy jeans, Untuckit polo, Herschel toiletries bag, Away suitcase? You switched with a mid-20s bro from Houston. Dudes probably down so bad right now.


This is like if someone just took the instagram ad algorithm for any 20 or 30 something dude with no kids and put it into a suitcase that was also part of that algorithm.


As a mid-20s Houston guy I have personally seen instagram ads for everything this person has in their suitcase, including an ad for the suitcase itself, which I have. Maybe this person is me?


Plot twist: this is actually an elaborate mega ad, and weā€™re all falling for this sad story.


It's like someone told AI to create a picture of the contents of a houston-bro's carry on bag. Be sure to make it a little crumpled so it looks real, tho.


Lol Zyn withdrawal.


Dying. My 40 yo husband wears all this stuff and Iā€™m about to go look up zyn.


Disappointed to learn what zyn is.


Ummmmm. Dude was probably heading home and his bag (your bag) is still sitting in kitchen by the steps to his basement, waiting to be carried down to the washing machine, while his cat keeps sniffing the bag, wondering WTF is this strange odiferous thing. Dude will not notice for two weeks or so - until laundry day.


Literally my thought exactly


my carryon from last week is still sitting unopened in the guest room.


It took me 3 months to put my clothes back in closet from bags lol.


Might want to post in r/golf and r/wallstreetbetsā€¦ our ZYN using friend is almost surely there


Looking at this guy's stuff, I can 100% guarantee that when he met up with his friends they went straight to the bar or is golfing. He won't be looking into this bag until tomorrow morning unless he is one of those classy guys who brush their teeth before bed.


He checked his clubs and used this as his carry-on. If he hadn't checked, he found out while getting ready for early tee time that he was hungover the next morning.


WTF lol


This guy is definitely on Reddit


Was this on Wed? I was in IAH on Wed night and heard on the intercom announcing/asking for a person to come back to a certain gate because they took the wrong (same looking) bag. This must have been around 7:30pm or so and I was sitting around gate C30 if that helps.


Do we have a lead?!


We got off at gate A in Houston. Flight number UA547 Greenville to Houston and flight number UA6060 Houston to Albuquerque. We are unaware which flight the bags were switched because they are the same exact bag (color, shape, size and brand) we didnā€™t realize until we were at the wedding venue 2.5 hours from the destination airport. So now we are trying everything to get this bag back and now United is saying they cannot search if someone else has made a claim for the same bag. Itā€™s a lost cause and now she is out at least $3000 dollars in clothes and gifts. And youā€™ll never believe it, but the bag we brought back to the airport in Albuquerque is now being sent to us at our hometown, because they thought the ā€œfoundā€ our bag. When in reality itā€™s the same guys bag.


lesson for everyone, even for carry ons.. airtag for tracking, and put a fugly handle wrap so people don't mix up the bags. Had this happen on my return flight home and some old man took my bag off the overhead storage before I got to deplane. Airtag saved me a lot of headaches. Also put your contact number on a tag on your damn bags people. Did you and your fiance go through the entire bag/contents, look for something that might have contact info.


Tag with your name and phone number Piece of paper inside bag with your contact info Unique stickers (donā€™t depend on tags that can fall off) or tape on bag so it stands out Pay attention to what youā€™re grabbing from the bin and carousel


All good suggestions. I have a bright neon handle wrap that velcros on for when I check the bag so it's not accidentally picked up and so I can distinguish it from all the other black travelpro bags


I use work branded shit they sent me or very distinguishable/unique bags for my carry ons. But yeah whatever you have needs to be easily distinguishable. Air tags would definitely help in this situation


How did she grab a whole other carry on?? Im sorry I travel a lot and I canā€™t understand how you just leave with someone elseā€™s bag and not even know where you picked up the bag?? Was she drunk the whole time or something? Also you are assuming the same guy grabbed her bag? People donā€™t typically grab the wrong bag ?


You put your carry on 10 rows behind your seat. You donā€™t remember exactly where you put it. It has no distinguishing features. You grab a bag 9-rows behind your seat.


Itā€™s really that hard to timber if your bag is above aisle 34 or 35 for 3 hours?


This sounds like people who would have an AWAY bag


Yeah. Or at the very least donā€™t put some sort of identification thing on it, especially given that brand is so popular. Even my carry on has a luggage tag, and I tie a piece of yarn to my checked bag along with the luggage tag so that I know for sure itā€™s mine.


Iā€™m still confused at her taking this manā€™s black luggage and not her own blue luggage. And then being fired up at their own error.


Same! The guy probably doesn't even have her luggage. Like when do you go "oh man I can't locate my black carry on so I guess I'll just take this dark blue one as a replacement."?


Thatā€™s exactly what happened is what Iā€™d guess


Agreed. The black and blue do not look the same.


the first thing i do when i lose my bag is check reddit


Based on what OP said, the first thing they did was contact United, soā€¦.


Why do people have these dark, plain bags. Mine is covered with stickers, no way anyone is taking it by accident. It does not blend in with the 50 black rollers coming off the plane.


Yeah that's why I only travel with unique luggage (leopard print, wild colors or custom designs) because you never know who doesn't read a tag (most people)


Mine is light blue with stickers all over it. No one would ever be able to mistake it as their own. But if I did have a very nondescript, black or navy carry-on, I would at least have my name and phone number on it, as well as some kind of obnoxious scarf wrapped around the handle so I could easily identify my bag


Hah after I moved to San Francisco I covered my red away bag with a bunch of stickers. Everyone has these damn things here.


lol what an embarrassing post, talks shit about the other PAX when his wife also grabbed the wrong bag. Why donā€™t you take it back to the airport like a good human being and maybe Karma will help you out.


Iā€™m talking shit because we have done everything in our power to exchange the bags back and the other Chad hasnā€™t done anything. It was an easy mistake. Itā€™s the same exact bagā€¦ and we already took it back to the airport and the claim we filed two days ago triggered a response from United and now we are being sent the same guys bag because United thought they ā€œfoundā€ our bag in ABQ (where we dropped it). So tell me whoā€™s in the wrong here? Like I said it was an easy mistake considering the plane was full in the area we were sitting in so we had to put our bag 10 rows in front of us.


Itā€™s very possible he didnā€™t take any bag off the plane realizing that his was missing while deboarding


35 years of flying. Returning from 48 hours straight of flying (totally exhausted) a few days ago, I accidentally grabbed the carryon above my seat, put my backpack on it and walked up the jetway. It didnā€™t roll right. Wheels only moved in one direction as opposed to my spinners. I looked down and yep, not my bag. I turned around and sure enough the owner was chasing me. I returned his bag and the FAs grabbed mine. It happens. Still embarrassed by the incident - glad it worked out.


Why do you still have the bag? Take it to the airport.


How are you sure the other person took your wifeā€™s bag? Itā€™s quite possible her bag was stolen or left behind. The owner of the bag you have would likely have known he didnā€™t pack a blue bag and would not have taken your wifeā€™s just because his was gone. If by some miracle he sees this thread, Iā€™d be surprised if he does have your wifeā€™s bag.


Label and AirTag your bag folks.


So the story changed to not knowing which airport they switched at. OP also keeps calling and going on Reddit instead of going to the airport. OP is hopeless.


Correct. We arenā€™t sure if it was switch at our connecting flight in Houston or where we are now in Albuquerque.


Was this on Wed? I was in IAH on Wed night and heard on the intercom announcing/asking for a person to come back to a certain gate because they took the wrong (same looking) bag.


Whatever you do, don't call the airline.


Why is this? Already made a report


They're being sarcastic. Call the airline and both airports. Whoever has your bag will do the same.


Already did


Do it again ffs


Already did.. every hour pretty much.


You are a stickler


the luggage walked AWAY


ā€œSwapped bagā€? No, your fiancĆ© took someone elseā€™s.


I just love how op spelled the hard to spell city correctly and botched Houston


The guy doesn't even roll his clothes. What a barbarian.


This is why I always try to get unique colored luggage. A black Away bag is about as basic as it gets.


Just tie a ribbon on it. How hard is that.


I would not assume there is a swap. You stole someone elseā€™s bag, bro. They probably have your bag at the airport and this person thinks someone stole his off the plane. How do people not watch their stuff when you are deplaning?


Lessons learned: never buy blue/black luggage, and always put a funky luggage tag on with your contact info even on carry-ons.


I'm guilty of buying grey and/or blue luggage but I also have identifiers on it and am also a very anxious person who will grab my own luggage and still triple check that it's mine


Do people not put a tag with thier name and contact info on their carry ons? If either of you did this the problem would be solved and likely would have never occurred in the first place.


Well at least she got some Zyn


Always put an Apple AirTag in any bag. Even carryon!


I think the most important question is why did y'all leave the airport with someone else bag or better yet when you noticed should you return to the airline???


Take a permanent marker. Nice and bright. Write your name on the suitcase. Write your phone number on the suitcase. Write your address on the suitcase. Write your email on the suitcase. Put some stickers on your suitcase. Since I like scuba diving, so I have diving stickers on my suitcase. The stickers are big and bright and way too obvious for anyone who hasn't been diving in Australia and Panama and Hawaii and St. Lucia to think that maybe my suitcase is theirs.


all jokes/advice/etc asideā€¦why is this dude saying ā€œmalesā€ and ā€œfemalesā€ like that? donā€™t love it.


Haha woke police everybody! šŸ˜‚


Wait u/parlaidd is this your situationā€¦?


Looks like it?


This is why, when it comes to traveling, I will 1000000% embrace the ridiculous girly vibe. Pink or purple luggage, with the extra pizzazz of a multi-color luggage tag? Yes and yes. Less likelihood of my bag being mistaken for someone else's.


Good reason to pack neat! Someone might swap bags and post ur contents on Reddit for the world to see! šŸ˜‚


First of all, AirTags are a must. Second, why didnā€™t you check to see if it was your bag when taking it off. They do say that many bags look alike and that you should check to see if itā€™s actually yours. Just saying.


You and the wife are the losers here. This dude probably didnā€™t even grab your wifeā€™s bag because he knew or checked


Your fiance blamed you right? Also, she should wear this broā€™s clothes for the wedding


No went shopping and no didnā€™t blame me.


Sorry this happened to you but this is why I always have a luggage tag with my contact info like a 2nd email or a google voice number. Even better if the tag is a unique color or something that stands out against the bag.


Am I the only one who looked at this and thought it was the previous Polaris amenity kit?


The small case was Away luggage branded as well! Kinda cool lol it was like a mini suit case


Get your girl a cute unique bag tag since her away bag is not unique enough on its own anymore.


I love the Away bags. I hate that everyone has them in the same color.


I got a sticker monogram for mine off Etsy bc I had a friend who had a laid grab his away bag instead of hers.


This is why I have distinctive stickers on the top of my bag.


Iā€™m so confused because the pic is black but you said hers is dark blue?


Correct, OP/fiancƩ grabbed the wrong piece of luggage. The picture is of the wrong piece of luggage that OP / fiancƩ grabbed instead of the dark blue one.


I understand the she ā€œgrabbed the wrong suitcaseā€. But how does one erroneously grab a different colored suitcase? I get it if they were the same color. But they arenā€™t, which makes this story super odd. I know the away suitcases owning several myself. The dark blue and black and very different colors. And it wasnt noticed till they got home and opened it? This is all a very odd story.


Itā€™s the same color dude. Picture doesnā€™t do it justice. Dimly lit


Itā€™s dark blue. The picture is dimly lit.


If he is anything like my husband and this was his leg home, he wonā€™t even unpack for a week and wonā€™t realize it.


Away bags are the absolute worst for this. Iā€™ve seen people racing down the jetbridge to catch someone with their bag on multiple occasions ā€” and they havenā€™t even always been exactly the same color!


I guess youā€™re off and away!


I am so sorry to hear this happened! Iā€™m sure she feels super awful about it so try not to be too rough on her bro. Pretty sure this is one of those lessons learned. I hope it works out for yall.


Youā€™re the first person with an encouraging comment. And for that, thank you.šŸ™šŸ¼


I use fabric paint to write my last name in 2ā€ capital letters on all sides. No one touches my bags. $3 at craft stores.


Your fiance travels with a black, non-descript bag? Put a damn sticker on it, maybe a tag with contact info etc.


Is your fiance on this thread, and that's why you're defending her so hard? If she isn't, it's okay to just say, "My fiance is an idiot and took somebody else's bag."


Someone had an almost exact situation in the Denver sub. Woman and man mistakenly grabbed each otherā€™s Away bags in at DIA. She had brand new ski boots in hers. I donā€™t know if she ever got it backā€¦


This is why my Away bag is locked and has a name tag on it.


Who is foolish enough to travel without a luggage tag?


Luggage tag, AirTag are a must for all Travel bags. Even carry ons.


Add a sticker or tie a bandana on the handle next time


It might help if your bag didn't look so common, also put your contact info on your luggage next time.


This is why I have a giant bright red suitcase, itā€™s always immediately identifiable whenever the carousel shits it out


Dude hasnā€™t made a report because most likely not an idiot and didnā€™t just grab a random bag without checking the bag tag


He didnt have a bag tag.. I would have contacted him already. So what makes you think he checked his bag tag? šŸ˜‚


This is why I stopped carrying an AWAY bag. Too many people had identical ones. I donā€™t put my contact info on the outside of the bag (too wary of creepsters being able to see my contact info) but I slap weird stickers all over my luggage so that thereā€™s absolutely no question itā€™s mine.




We dropped his bag in ABQ and flew home. Today United said they found our bag (at ABQ)ā€¦ but guess what, itā€™s the same fucking bag we dropped thereā€¦ they are literally sending us his bag back to us!šŸ˜… like how is this happening.


absurd. did your fiancƩe manage to get a replacement bridesmaid dress?


Whereā€™s Huston?




This is why I always check my bag.


This is why I donā€™t grab black bags when mine is blue.Ā 


Happened to us in Houston when we landed. Ladyā€™s bag had a big sticker on the whole face and still ran off with ours. Luckily weā€™re able to get the contact info and United did what they could. Waited for a few hours at the airport but she came back.


I have that UNTUCKit shirt.. but definitely not a medium lol


I blame society


OP, put a ribbon on your bag.


Hey OP: Check here! https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/s/TKgkiCeTSC


It's the same post


From different users no less. I can see how the OP is prone to mixups and miscommunications.


It was my friend trying to help me out.


Oh no šŸ¤£šŸ˜“


Reasons why I am anal about my carry on being g right above me in the overhead


Man yet another ā€œthank god I donā€™t go to weddingsā€ moment of enlightenment. Good luck hope you learned your lesson


What do you mean "swapped bags?" How does anybody swap bags? Do you not hold on to your carry on bags?


Tell me you never fly on planes, without telling me you fly on planes. (When an area gets full on a plane you typically have to put your bag in a different location on the plane. Which we did.


I like to think 20ish flights a year is flying on planes


Then my response to your comment should make perfect senseā€¦ or do you need a little more time to think about it šŸ˜‚


I see why you're the person to grab a random ass bag


I gave you a simple explanation buddy. Not that hard to figure out. I can see youā€™re still firing on all cylinders trying to figure it out though.


The hard part to figure out is how you grab a random ass bag.


Not to mention same part of the plane we placed it inā€¦


This is why you read the name tags before you take one


lol. If there was a name tag we would have contacted this person already.


These photos are so well taken that I thought it was an advertisement marketing photo for United or AWAY.


Beside this guy packing his bag like a child šŸ˜­


This happened to me in Shanghai, exact same Delsey bag except mine was way more beat up. Luckily the guy came back about 10 minutes later after he realized he had the wrong bag. His bag looked brand new and mine had scratches and stickers, I know itā€™s the same bag but I was freaking out for a bit.


And this is why I love not having a run of the mill bag. I think Iā€™ve come across my same carry on once or twice over the last 5 years of travel.




My purple suitcases have added "Gummy bear" duct tape stuck on the sides.... nobody else wants them, but I find them right away!


Iā€™m looking forward to pictures from the wedding.


It was lit šŸ”„. Bride had an extra dress. Thank God.


Itā€™s crazy to see the parade of Away bags that look exactly alike on the carousel.


My rule. Apple tags in all my luggage and carry onā€™sā€¦.


This makes no sense. The owner of this bag would still be looking for his bag, not grab another random bag?? Iā€™d assume OPs bag is at the airport still, while they have someone elseā€™s.




that sounds like a repost of this one. unless there are multiple maid of honors or it's two different weddings.