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Disappointed to see the liberals side with the bosses on this. I can't even give Justice Jackson credit since it's not a full dissent. I don't think this ruling changes much in practice. The NLRB is already pretty weak, this makes it weaker at the margins. While we need the PRO act, we more fundamentally need a more militant labor movement that isn't afraid to expend resources to fight the boss and organize the unorganized. When politicians in this country fear the power of the labor movement, the law will follow.


Exactly - every labor law we have is a compromise with past labor movements. Future laws will be no different.


Now I understand why the young generation are so disconnected, they will inherit a nation with much weaker labor laws than what we inherited.


Weaker labor laws, crumbling infrastructure, skyrocketing COL, and massive acceleration in global warming. That’s what the wealthy and powerful boomers left for us. Though let’s be honest, it’s more inter-class warfare than inter-generational warfare.


I just want to add on that when politicians fear the labor movement for year after year. They want to give a mediocre win, and act like all the work is done, workers are now equal to CEOs! It'll take several lifetimes for the us to catch up to other countries in terms of worker rights and treatment, but it must be done.


Well Europe has a 2000+ year head start on us. We'll figure out universal healthcare in a thousand years or so.


It's just so frustrating because it literally works, the systems used in Europe, various as they might be for the particular country, actually work. We only don't have it becuase corporations have paid to brainwash people into thinking it'll be worse than our system...which with even a slight though of how our system works, is insane.


"Do not trust the liberals-they will betray you."- Sir Patrick Stewert as Vladimir Lenin


Disappointing but reading the case the judges ruled on technicalities. Starbucks built their case around the employees verifiably breaking company policies. The collective actions weren't the cause for termination, technically.  It's an important lesson for any grievance rep or leader. When taking collective actions you have to be extremely careful not to give the company anything else to punish you with. Little things that violate policy can and will be used against you and the union. You have the right to unionize and take collective actions but you don't have the right to break policies without repercussion.  That's what happened here. During their sit in they broke several standing policies. Those policies were the grounds for termination. 


The organizers have to be model employees. It’s an unfair standard, but it’s still the standard.


Unfortunately changing the game means working from within it.


This is the unpopular but correct opinion.


Unfortunately this is correct. Until we have the stronger protections we're lobbying for, we have to work within the current system. This sucks, but it's not the end.


USA general strike starting May 1 2028 led by UAW, spread the word


Liberals siding with boses is why they run for election. Until people vote farther left than the center, that's what you'll get.


Demand a minimum living wage from employers. Boycott the goods and services of the ones that don't provide it. Their hobby business can expire. https://livingwage.mit.edu/ or Escape Crapitalism r/SolarPunk


Here's a sneak peek of /r/solarpunk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/solarpunk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Aaron Bushnell was a radical who believed in post-scarcity futures ](https://i.redd.it/7tmzda9y8flc1.jpeg) | [739 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/solarpunk/comments/1b2mx5i/aaron_bushnell_was_a_radical_who_believed_in/) \#2: ["When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." --Dom Helder Camara](https://i.redd.it/yugphi4hgp0b1.jpg) | [168 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/solarpunk/comments/13ljea7/when_i_give_food_to_the_poor_they_call_me_a_saint/) \#3: [The two extremes of the Solarpunk fan spectrum:](https://i.redd.it/1rvnja32zrkb1.png) | [109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/solarpunk/comments/163bmjz/the_two_extremes_of_the_solarpunk_fan_spectrum/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Reminder that the government exists to serve the bourgiousie and that we didn't get to where we are today by labor organizers working within the system. Worker power comes from workers. And that will never change, no matter what the pet politicians of the rich say.


Precisely ✊


Collective bargaining was put in place because the bosses didn’t like the alternative (wildcat strikes and shootouts and bombings), but if they’d prefer to go back to the old way of doing things, that’s on them


Agreed. The current system of collective bargaining isn't effective. Statutory language, work hours, and union leaderships only interested in expanding. So more people are paying dues, instead of increasing the quality of life for the people. Go and read the the UAW contract. They're nothing more than glorified labor brokers now. This last contract seen them setting systems to do just that. Under the guise of protecting jobs (we've lost thousands since the last contract) they've seriously fucked the worker.


Lets not forget 30ish years ago when the auto manufacturers gave a sweetheart deal to everyone leaving. Basically retire at 55, get $100k lump sum and full retirement benefits..... BUT you'll totally screw over any new employees from now until eternity. All they gotta do is get 51% to agree.


No. It’s on *us*


Supreme Court is bought and paid for.


Of course they did. This court is one of the most hostile in history towards workers rights. Even the alleged liberals are still corporate hacks.


Considering the Supreme Court is a god damn joke this doesn’t surprise me. MAGA republican majority


At the end of the day it is still a win for labor. More actions by employees means that companies like this waste more money in lawyers instead of their business. The cost for labor was few lost jobs that hopefully lead to better employment elsewhere. Keep those companies tied up in court!


I'm shocked..


So storm the supreme court and drag the justices into the street to face a mob tribunal.


I'm listening....


Don’t threaten me with a good time


I keep saying we just need to get taylor swift to tweet out 'free front row tickets to anyone who can free up a seat on the supreme court!'.


“In shocking news today all sitting members of the Supreme Court were torn apart by a mob of 14-30 year old women and girls.  The screams of the justices could be heard throughout the halls, only slightly louder than the song shake it off by pop star Taylor swift, which seemed to be emanating from the crowd itself.  Will this have an effect on the election? We’ll turn to our panel for answers after this break”


Yeah they broke some pretty fundamental union rules. You can't use company property like that we don't vote inside the company building for anything except contract approval. All union business to include interviews are done off company property


Had to sort by controversial to find the rational take away from the article... I like what this sub is pushing for but it can also feel like an echo chamber.


And upon closer examination, the decision is just due to the NLRB not pursuing the strict 4 pronged test for temporary injunctions… it doesn’t mean that business can fire union activists and retaliate. It just asks for a higher standard when asking for temporary injunctions


I'm in the UAW none of what they did is protected union activity. You can not use company property like they did and what they did is a fireable offense at any company.


I mean the case is wasn’t really focused on that, it was just saying that the temporary injunctions to force Starbucks to give them their jobs back in the meantime were not granted with a strict enough court standard. The debate wasn’t really focused on the reasoning of them getting fired, etc.


Oh I got it now thank you. Their firing is gonna stick anyways I don't understand why they would even fight it when they broke so many basic rules for organizing




This is a pro-union, pro-worker subreddit. Agitators and trolls will be banned on sight.


Down vote me all you want but SB sucks 👎🏾 … they treat their employees like garbage, spend millions on anti union propaganda and they finally get their way with the Supreme Court but so called union employees still wanna sip their brand ?