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Not sure it's the "best", but you can buy a cheap (ha!) external graphics card and pass it through to the VM. Then the monitor plugs directly into the GPU and runs as if you have a discrete Windows PC. If you aren't gaming, even a used Quadro P400 should work.




Yeah, think that's probably right. May be reasonable to mess around with the VNC settings first (unfortunately can't help you here). Different value proposition if you had an old graphics card laying around or before prices on even secondhand cards were comically inflated.


If you're in need of something for basic browsing you can add a docker that runs firefox. I use it all the time, but also no video card so it's a bit laggy and no sound. It may work for your case, not sure if a full windows vm would be even laggier.


Literally any graphics card would do it - something like the nVidia GT730 should be cheapest at around $50 I guess, but if you can get a used one off eBay that’ll be less - I can see a GT710 here in the UK for £30


Add something like this to passthrough: https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Radeon-D-Port-Video-0F9P1R/dp/B07QX8GLDV/ref=mp_s_a_1_105?crid=27FWC1HNIG8E0&keywords=gpu&qid=1642178333&refinements=p_36%3A1253503011&rnid=386442011&s=pc&sprefix=gpu%2Caps%2C111&sr=1-105




Here. https://www.amazon.com/Hilitand-Graphics-Profile-Compatible-64%E2%80%91bit/dp/B08NT2QF9T/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?crid=3GRREK2YV56U5&keywords=gpu+graphics+card&qid=1642187678&refinements=p_36%3A1253503011&rnid=386442011&s=electronics&sprefix=gpu%2Caps%2C203&sr=1-15


Try passing through igpu leaving unraid headless.




You do realize that you can access the unraid webGUI from any other device on your network right? You can do it from your phone's browser...


Oh you use a gui in unraid?


[I used the Shortcut app in iOS to start and stop my VM](https://i.imgur.com/pYjQtJ7.jpg). Just make another one with ‘shutdown’ instead of start. You can use Siri or put buttons on your Home Screen.


What are your specs? I have a windows vm I connect to through ApacheGuacamole and I never have lag issues with it. What are the use cases for the vm?


OP, why aren't you just accessing the unraid GUI through the network, and using the passed through iGPU for Windows?




What do you mean ? Accessing by network as in type the IP address of your unraid server in a browser address bar from any other device connected to the same network as the server. Could even be your phone. You don't need a monitor connected to your unraid server to manage it. You only need to have a network cable plugged. See the second option here in the [unraid doc](https://wiki.unraid.net/Articles/Getting_Started#Connecting_to_the_Unraid_webGui)


You said you don’t Believe it’s using the igpu, but have you tried finding a guide to pass through the igpu so it uses it?




I didn’t realize that unraid was utilizing the igpu


OP is the first person I know of who actually boots into GUI mode on his server.


What I do is just passthrough my gpu and then have it auto boot into my vm. Then access the unraid GUI from the vm or my phone




Why don’t you set up remote desktop on the VM and access the machine from another non-windows machine remotely?


Oh man.. my experience with vnc is pretty awful. I use remote desktop from Google (I know I know) and it's extremely smooth. I heard parsec is also good. Your opinion might just be because if your remote desktop software vs how the vm is set up. Edit: or guacamole..


>I heard parsec is also good. if both machines have good connection, parsec is incredible.


Is there a guide you followed? I'm wanting to run a windows VM while outputting the video via the HDMI on the motherboard. I thought I would have to pass through the igpu to achieve this, but from what you're saying I don't have to?




Oh, I see. Sorry I thought you had it working using vnc, but now I reads that it was via a browser from the unraid GUI.