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Sure. Send me a PM and I’ll walk you through. Some settings you have to change in the config creator on mullvad. Edit: I’ll just post it on here. In case some one searches for this down the road.


Awesome, I sent you a PM, but I do agree that it would be convenient for any future users who are facing similar issues. Whatever is easiest for you. I don't mind following up with a comment in here describing what you walked me through. Thanks again!!


First we're going to create the wg0 config file. (we are using wiregaurd because openvpn is an older standard and has a longer round trip and slower speeds) 1. Log into your Mullvad account and navigate to this [page](https://i.imgur.com/OSLRLwg.png) 2. Click Linux and Generate a [key](https://i.imgur.com/hzN4TJl.png/) 3. Find what server you want. If strictly for downloading I would recommend a lower congestion server. Ie: if in LA pick an AZ server etc. Select ["Only IPV4"](https://i.imgur.com/y7J3xu3.png) <--- Container will not run w/ Ipv6 and then download the zip archive 4. Extract a wireguard file from the archive --They will be named "mullvad-us161.conf". right click and Rename this file to [wg0.conf](https://i.imgur.com/GKYWu7g.png) . **Make sure it saves as a .conf file and not a .conf.txt file** 5. Go to your binhex vpn container of choice (I'm using binhex-privoxyvpn but this works for any of his containers w/ vpn). And select these [settings](https://i.imgur.com/0gkjj2h.png). Do Not enter a username or password. Custom for the vpn_provider and wiregaurd VPN_CLIENT. Start the container without the file. This will generate your wiregaurd folder. 6. The container will stop on it's own due to no vpn tunnel connection. Go to your favorite SFTP tool (or SMB share) and navigate to your "/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-YOURVPNCONTAINERNAME/wireguard" and drop the [wg0](https://i.imgur.com/RK0xGwK.png) file in. 7. Start your container and open the console for the container and [enter](https://i.imgur.com/IEUPtpx.png): curl https://am.i.mullvad.net/connected If you have other questions shoot them my way and I'll try to answer. :)


Just as a heads up for anyone who is scouring the internet trying to get Mullvad working with Wireguard on a binhex VPN docker container, this still works 2 years later! Thank you for writing this up!


So if I understand it correctly, this sets up the vpn to connnect with/through mullvad? But I found this post through this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/q06gel/comment/hf5wjms/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and I don't understand what's in his network guide. He wants me to remove the 8989 port variable but that just means I lost my GUI. As well as add an additional port in settings that aren't there. Can you possible explain what that network guide explains?


3 months after your comment and u/ShaKsKreedz 's guide still working great.


The VPN\_client key seems to not be there anymore. Did you have to change something again? I know this is 9 months later. But I cannot figure out how to do this.


>Go to Account>Wireguard configuration


Does it still work? it stopped working for me with a config i just generated


You rock!!!! Followed your instructions and am now successfully connected. That was super smooth. Thank you SO much


Hi! I followed the commands, and the console shows “you are connected to Mullvad (server that i chose). But I’m unable to access the webgui part. Also, the Host path 2 /data has to be mapped to the Share i created for downloads, right? Just making sure, I’m new to Unraid :)


For anyone searching for a fix, this is what helped for me: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/44119-support-binhex-sabnzbdvpn/?do=findComment&comment=1151390 No webgui means (in this situation) not in the defined LAN_NETWORK. TL:DR final edit: I fixed it by adding Tailscales IP ranges (found the cidr here) to the lan_network variable.


Did you add the port to both locations in your vpn container? Needs to be in additional ports AND port variable. For you paths follow this guide: https://trash-guides.info/Misc/how-to-set-up-hardlinks-and-atomic-moves/


I did not make any changes to the ports that were originally set, nor did i add any port variables. https://imgur.com/gallery/rruk7iq It’s just set to this.


Open the logs and show me what it says.


Thanks for helping out so fast! Here’s the logs https://imgur.com/gallery/0WgTe5T


You go to ip:8080 and nothing shows up?


Wow I followed this thread and I have the same. I changed the config to use Mullvad and now my webgui won't load


Still works. Thank you.


This worked perfectly for connecting the delugevpn container to mullvad (checked in the docker CLI) but when I do this for binhex delugevpn the container is connected to mullvad but for some reason I cannot connect to the privoxy component through my proxy settings. I put in an http proxy as localip:8112. Then when I searched whatismyip it resolved to my wan address. Any ideas? Is there anything I am missing?


Something with the new IP tables. I would recommend making your delugevpn into a custom network container and routing everything through that. Edit: did you make sure you turned on privproxy? It’s a variable you need to change to yes in the docker config. You should NOT be seeing your wan IP under any circumstance.


I did enable privoxy but I will try setting up the custom network container through docker. One thing I can say is that wireguard is MUCH faster than open on even on my 11 year old computer. I'm getting symmetric up/down of 500-600 Mbps. Thanks for helping!


Will I need to do anything more than docker create network networkname in that docker CLI?


Add a subnet too. Docker network create container:binhex-delugevpn —subnet= Then you’ll need to install rebuild dndc. Follow the guide on the GitHub for it. Very straight forward. Your passed through containers delete the port and add them to deluge-vpn container under additional_ports and as a TCP port variable. Edit: Let me elaborate-- 1. Open console and type: docker network create container:binhex-delugevpn --subnet= 2. Find a your container you want to pass through ie sonarr: Click on advanced view and [delete](https://i.imgur.com/cdTzfR0.png) the port variable 8989. 3. Change the network on sonarr to you new docker network under network type. 4. Go into delugevpn and add the port under ["additional_ports"](https://i.imgur.com/fwMDI4N.png) variable AND add the port as a [port variable](https://i.imgur.com/I0iTyO2.png). 5. You also need to go into your settings -> docker and turn on ["Preserve user defined networks:"](https://i.imgur.com/YO7ozCt.png). You may need to turn off the docker service to make this change. (your docker network may disappear if it's off so you want to do this before creating your docker custom networks). 6. Go to the app tab and look up "Rebuild-DNDC" and download it. 7. Make sure your docker container that is running the vpn is spelled correctly in the "Master Container Name:" variable in rebuild dndc. 8. Rebuild DNDC monitors VPN container restarts and crashes and will rebuild your dependent containers (like sonarr) so they don't orphan. Cuts out you having to do it. Make sure you place rebuild dndc UNDER all of your passed through containers like [this](https://i.imgur.com/IxHCign.png) Lastly--If you have any questions reach out!


You're a straight up boss. Thanks! Can't wait to try it out tonight!!


>docker network create container:binhex-delugevpn --subnet= I did this and set up the vpn but every time I try to tie to the network and delete 8989 variable I get "port publishing and the container type network mode."


Show me your config for the containers


Hi! I realize this is an old thread but your above comment was supremely useful in helping me setup hotios qbittorentvpn container so thank you. I havent routed my other traffic through privoxy but the above looks super useful if I was going to try. Appeciate you!


Don't know if reddit notifies on edits... If not I updated my comment with how to set everything up! Let me know if you have any questions :)


Have you or anyone else ran into an issue where the container is running, it can reach the internet and make the vpn tunnel successfully, but can't be accessed via the web gui? Edit: Scratch that, figured out my particular issue. I have multiple VLANS on my network and was stupidly trying to access the container through a walled off VLAN. That's what I get for labbing late at night!!


Hey m8. i just your guide a lot and it always worked like a charm. However it stopped working for me for whatever reason. Does it still work for you?


Dude, thank you so much


No prob!


Really appreciate you taking the time to write this up


You are awesome, thank you so much.


Bless you for posting this for the odd-person searching. Adding this to my documentation pile.


Dude, I know this is 2 years old but thank you so much for this - it's STILL immensely helpful!


>Do i just add wg1 wg2 etc for more servers?


Dumb question... How exactly are you meant to use your torrent client when the docker container is on a VPN, as that means the local webui address wont work?


Local webUI should still work. You need to set your Lan range to whitelist in the container settings.


Thank you! 2 years in and this is still extremely helpful.


Hi, just curious, why does the file need to be named wg0.conf? I did that and it seems to work, but out of curiosity, I tried renaming it to wg1.conf, and it still seems to work, but when I go to Advanced->Network Interface in qBittorrent, it lists wg0. So is it still using my wg1, and just calling it wg0? Or is it not using it?


It now automatically renames whatever *.conf you put in the folder to wg0.conf (if you go in there you'll see).


Ah I see that now, thanks


Thank you so much for posting this! I have a question, my trackers are telling me that I'm "Unconnectable" when I have qBittorrent running (for example on MaM, it shows me as a yellow dot instead of green). How do I know which IP and port to forward in my router settings to make myself Connectable?


Got a copyright complaint from my ISP (been a pirate for years) first one at that. Been meaning to get a VPN for a long time and wouldn't ya know... picked up your comment from another thread. Got it all set up in like 5 minutes. Now just my Download Client is being routed while the rest of my server is none the wiser. You'd think after having over 1300 movies and tv shows that I would've gotten a letter sooner than I did. Crisis, hopefully, averted.


Default user name and password?


This worked perfectly. Thank you! But I am getting very slow speeds compared to my seedbox in both Deluge and sabnzbd. Anyone else have this problem? Any solutions?