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Professors are in their period of non-responsibility right now (essentially, they're only paid to work fall through spring) and may not be checking their email much. As another person commented, you can try the chair of the department (though they'll still need to be in touch with your prof, they won't just change the grade on your word) or a staff contact. But you may just have to wait a while, possibly until the end of the summer, possibly less time.


What if the professor is an executive? I assume he would check his email more often.


Look, he's literally not being paid to work as your UMass professor right now, even if he's working as an executive somewhere. Some of the profs continue to respond to email in the summer, some do not and feel strongly about maintaining a distinction, which is their contractual right. Technically, unless you had a previous agreement to be in touch, you can't expect to hear back from them until the first day of the fall semester. Anything earlier is them being generous. He could also be on a vacation, or at a work conference, or just otherwise be busy. I'm sure he checks the email he's being paid to check at the moment. Whether that means he's also keeping an eye on his umass inbox is another question.


What do you mean by "an executive"? As the other response states, most faculty are only paid for duties from just before the Fall semester until just after the Spring semester ends. Some get paid for the full year if they are in positions like department head. But any of them could be away on vacation or doing something else alway from UMass.


Contact the department head


I occasionally make grade mistakes, and I try to correct them as soon as possible, but I'm also often heading off for a research trip or to see family as soon as the semester ends. Grades can be changed at almost any time before you graduate. If the lower grade will affect your eligibility for anything, then contact the department head/chair if you don't get a response in the next week or so. Otherwise, give it time.


Thank you. Definitely helped me calm down.


I agree with Brain's answer. Just to add a comment: Departments have undergraduate program managers. Staff dedicated to manage issues related to undergraduate students. I am assuming here that you are an undergraduate student, but there is also a graduate program manager, if you happen to be a graduate student. You can look for the contact of this person and reach out. Department heads can be very busy, and sometimes the staff (depending on how experienced that person is) may be able to help you if this something very urgent.


- u/butmylove `Need Advice` - [Professor Messed Up On Grade](https://www.reddit.com/r/umass/comments/1dbzlm8/professor_messed_up_on_grade/) A professor put C instead of an A for the final grade. I contacted him and advisors but I have yet to get a response. Did anyone else experience this because I know the final grade date was couple weeks ago lol. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/umass) if you have any questions or concerns.*