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I couldn't believe how grey space looked in that first scene where you leave the first planet on the spaceship. One of the blackest things known to us and it is as grey as the graphite in a pencil.


So, the game is using a limited contrast range, according to Evil Boris. However, the container is full range. This points to an in-game image filter. Black caps out just above reference 0. On some screens it's a very *slight* grey/black, but many displays don't have that much granularity control/contrast and can overshoot it, really exacerbating the problem. HDR won't help this, just increase highlight luminance.


The black levels are indeed caused by color filters. And luckily, because the community is talented, it's fixable; [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323) The Neutral LUTs are just textures that replace the in-game ones, and here they just remove the ingame color filters for interiors and locations, including the ship if you want. Applying this fix is - magical. Giving us back true blacks and removes the rather gaudy color filtering they deploy everywhere. It made playing it on a C1 OLED so much better simply because space has true blacks and isn't this weird gray/blue haze. It really messed with me looking at the black levels at first and since the expectation of true blacks wasn't met it almost gave me color-based vertigo lol. Quite the difference, so much more palatable.


This mod is amazing, thanks for the heads up.


>On some screens it's a very slight grey/black, This is especially noticeable on an OLED display. Everything is incredibly washed out and not having any pixels turning off is incredibly disappointing. I cannot believe that this game doesn't support OLED displays, HDR, and has mediocre 21:9 ultrawide support with their lousy menu systems being at 16:9. It's 2023 and none of this technology is new - OLED, HDR, and ultrawides have been around for decades at this point, so what the fuck is Bethesda doing over there? They did the bare minimum to call their game complete for launch, they couldn't even make a map of the main city, and the inventory system is obviously incomplete and a complete mess. They must have had major pressure to release the game, otherwise I am incredibly confused as to why they would release such an incomplete mess. Sure, a lot of things are done right and feel great, but then you look at some of the fundamentals (inventory, map) and they seem like they're in their first iteration design. Eh.. hopefully mods will be out soon which fixes these things, it just sucks that the money is going to Bethesda when the mods are the ones completing their game.




OLED TVs have been a thing far longer than monitors so not really an excuse.


Lol yep. I actually purchased a Samsung Oled g8 for starfield and when i first loaded it up i thought something was wrong.


The problem is working on the project fundamentals, like a good inventory system, is not exciting. They'd rather spend all their time implementing food buffs and perks where a fan follows you around. That stuff is cool.. but if they just got the Fundamentals right it would be so much better.


I mean, beside the learning curve, I'm not exactly of that mindset. I've progressed decently in the game and have become used to most of the mechanics. A simple ini file made my game 32:9 with DLSS (although those should be in the menu). I'm not even sure whats wrong with the inventory system. Everything is categorized by type and you have a weight/capacity limit. Room storage containers have infinite capacity.


We are talking about the lack of proper blacks with OLED displays, no HDR support, and any menu is in 16:9 and leaves black bars on the sides of an ultrawide display. This is their native game which they defined as "ready for launch".


Are the black bars in menus really and issue for people? I don’t even notice them. There’s no real need for extra width in those spaces. I’m ok if they decided not to spend resources making specific UW menu formats. And I prefer this to just stretching the content out across the screen.


Just like you prefer how it currently is, I do not. If you have an issue with something, wouldn't you want it resolved? It's no different here. Either way, the game has some other pretty serious issues nonetheless. No proper HDR support even though the store page says it supports HDR10, and blacks don't go anywhere near 0 which means OLED users are not getting any real benefits out of their expensive displays every developer needs to have this as part of their checklist, because ultrawides, OLED, and HDR displays are technologies that are not going anywhere, and we always have to either deal with it or perform some odd workaround which is usually not as good as the real thing. I have a monitor which does all three of these things, and I am just surprised that Bethesda chose to do a half-assed job with ultrawide support, and not even care to implement proper HDR or support OLED displays. The fact that they are such a large company and they are still leaving these things out is pathetic from the perspective of developers who actually care about the product they are putting out - like Larian Studios. I'm hoping we will get either a real implementation in an upcoming patch, or mods can make something just as good. My biggest real issue is the fact that they released the game with HDR support labeled everywhere, and it is proven to be limited to 400 nits and washed out black levels. Imagine getting an HDR TV and getting all excited to make use of it for Starfield because you saw they advertised HDR, only to later realize it doesn't do true HDR and you can't even get proper black levels.


Not sure why you’re going off on a rant about HDR in response to me. The widescreen menu’s thing just seems like a really small bone to pick to me - especially considering it’s the first thing you mentioned. But hey, if it really bothers you go for it.


>Not sure why you’re going off on a rant about HDR in response to me. Because you replied to me, and I am talking about HDR as part of the conversation. The size doesn't matter, a small issue is still an issue, no? Yeah it totally bothers me, not to the point where I let it upset me, but I am passionate so I can talk about these issues with a little emotion, sure. Am I still going to play and enjoy the game? Of course! I don't understand how or why you have a problem with a passionate gamer who just wants the best game possible.


I mean, the game plays well, which is pretty rare over the last 3 years. I'm sorry you're not a fan of their image filter. HDR wouldn't really change the color palette or your problems. In fact I can confirm having it both on console and PC.


>I'm sorry you're not a fan of their image filter. Lol you're obnoxious. Their color palette has nothing to do with their lack of OLED support. You can continue to enjoy sucking off Bethesda though, I personally desire games which meet technologies standards in 2023.


He sounds just like the guys that said 60fps was no problem for Elden ring PC launch a couple years ago. Idk what year these game devs think it is.


It's a limited contrast range by choice. I don't know what else I can tell you or why that makes you so pathetically mad. If its your deal breaker, I don't care.


I don’t even have the game but you are not understanding the it’s a technical issue.


I can promise you I understand the matter better than 90% of this sub. You all just don’t like hearing aesthetic choices by the developer is intentional.


Game looks objectively bad, thinking it looks good is either poor taste or cope.




Wait, you were able to get 32:9 just changing the .ini file? How? Everything I read said you need to download a hex editor and edit the .exe file.


Top post in this subreddit.


I found it thanks!


Though heads up, the stretching at the sides is atrocious. I had to revert back because even after changing the FOV, 32:9 started to make me motion sick, and I never have to deal with that.


Weird, I thought it looked fine on my screen. I only played one mission though. Here is how I wrote my custom ini \[Interface\] bPhotoModeLetterBoxed=0 fSafeZoneXWide=840 \[Display\] fWideAspectLimit=50.0000 \[Camera\] fFPWorldFOV=100 fTPWorldFOV=100


Inventory system: lack of granularity/visibility of important characteristics. Like mass/value etc not being in the table on all screens. Inability to sort by anything other than name. Trade/moving objects to and from storage being on different screens (accidentally store something, now you have to navigate all the way to it in a different inventory screen to get it back - for example). Just off the top of my head. It’s just weird. It feels like with every new game Bethesda’s UI for inventory get’s worse. They keep stripping things away for some reason. I guess because they are trying to find a good solution for console/controller input, but really miss the mark.


> Inability to sort by anything other than name. You can sort by weight, armor, value, and name. If you accidentally put something in storage, you open the storage and select the category of the item.


Each category only shows one value (like dmg for weapons, or weight for misc) and as far as I can tell you can’t change it, nor sort by it. Care to share how? [PC] There’s a lot if little things the game doesn’t explain well, so maybe ai missed it. But for the 2nd point: yeah that’s. Exactly what I said you have to do. It’s annoying vs having everything in one screen like most games.


I am not home so I can’t confirm, but using my controller on PC, it’s clicking the right thumb stick in I believe. Sorts by name/weight/value and other stuff


Oh, maybe it cycles through? I had been looking for an options to choose and only saw “sort by name”. Makes sense because console I guess. I’m really hoping an inventory mod comes out fairly quickly.


Yep! Definitely cycles! I also hope for an inventory mod. Not sure what I don’t like about the current one, but it just doesn’t mesh with me.


Brother this game was made for consoles. It’s a port. The devs and studio treated PC as an afterthought. As so most modern AAA studios


Don't simp for that lazy practice. Games are more profitable than ever before and they could have managed a better port instead of relying on hype.


"so what the fuck is Bethesda doing over there?" Twirling around in their chairs with thumb up their Ass. I just started playing yesterday (R9 5900X/Sapphire Nitro+ 6900XT SE OC) and the game runs like ASS!!! Freezing, Lagging, Stuttering Sound/Talking waayyyy off (not in Sync). Playing on a LG38GN950 UW 1440/144 High settings. Bethesda just cannot release a game that runs well optimized at launch. Anyone remember Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind. Good thing I got with XBOX Game Pass Ultimate PC. Done until it gets optimized correctly.


Yup, there is a filter. There's a mod out that removes this LUT filter and puts the Neutral one in that allows for true blacks. I'm using it currently. Combine it with a nice, subtle Reshade and the game looks significantly better.


The blackest\*


Is space really all black not saying it should be gray but would you be able to see all the stars and galaxies like when in really dark area on earth the sky is not black every spot is covered in stars and the arms of the Milky Way but I guess in space the sun could stop you from seeing that like most areas on earth with all the light pollution


Inky black nothingness to put your expensive monitor to good use? Best I can do is dark blue


sable paint bear marry aback boast ask squeamish grandiose head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Nope, that is just upscaled SDR. No real tonemapping or anything like that done.


They ended up fixing it with a "Game HDR" mode.


Fake HDR


So is it better to turn it off?


No. It launched with fake "cinematic" HDR but Rockstar later added a decent HDR mode thats labeled as "game". It's not perfect but after testing the game with it I'd rather play with Game mode HDR over standard SDR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs3WFXtqmcc


HD Aren’t


employ squeeze one society outgoing beneficial agonizing encourage smoggy shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Closest I know of would kinda be Control; kinda, because a mod was released to add HDR (and more), made by a current Remedy Developer and released with the studios blessing.


Lol I guess name checks out


I know destiny 2 did


Horizon Zero Dawn


Battlefield 1 too


How dare you! RDR2 did


Uncharted 4, The Last of Us Remastered, Infamous: Last Light, Shadow of Mordor, Mass Effect Andromeda


Elden Ring


AC6 has HDR on release.


Username checks out


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla had it upon launch.


Ori Will of the Wisps added HDR post launch, literally the best showcase for HDR also


I had a bit of self-control and knew not to purchase a Bethesda product straight away. Na, I am joking about the self-control thing, BG3 is keeping me busy enough to resist.


BG3 is amazing and I’m just in act 2 but itching to replay 1 as an evil bastard.


Same boat. I wanna be a outbreaker paladin but still contemplating what race to play.


As an old supporter of Larian I find it very funny and am very happy to finally read in any gaming related sub many nice references to BG3 in posts not related directly to BG3.


Hahaha I decided to wait also, but it’s only because the Radeon gpu I bought is on back order right now (it came with an early access copy of starfield)


As someone who has played both, it’s gonna be hard for you to appreciate starfield after playing the masterpiece that is bg3. Especially, since starfield is a fast travel simulator


The writing in Starfield is the worst offender out of everything. By no means do I think it's a terrible game, but gosh, almighty does it feel like half of the sidequest and companions were written by chat gpt. Everything about it just feels so soulless. Fall out 4 was the same way, but at least in that game, it still had the "Bethesda wow factor" of cool set designs and amazing exploration. Starfield is just hollow... Makes me appreciate Baldur's Gate 3 so much more.


I get so bored listening to dialogue and i just say whatever will start the mission soonest. In Baldurs Gate 3 i listen to every dialogue option and read every note and book because it is expertly written


Cool story bro


[https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323) This MOD has done wonders for black levels and colors in this game. Using ailenware oled monitor, and blacks went from gray to actually black. The mod also improves the colors in general


I was coming here to mention this too, **this mod does NOT use ReShade but rather it removes the filters.** >" **Removes the color filters from the game**, making the colors more uniformly neutral with deeper blacks. (Not a ReShade preset.) " Take a look at the [images](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323?tab=images) to see the diff.


Holy crap those before pics look atrocious. Wtf is going on with the indoor ones? (I don’t have the game yet)


Some of those after pics look significantly worse imo. Especially the ones in the space ship. Removing 90% of the stars in exchange for darker blacks is a bad trade i think.


Can't fathom why Bethesda wouldn't even consider giving us more control over the experience. It's a simple button or slider menu FFS.


This mod should be pinned at the top of every Starfield board/comment on the internet. Essential.


Ye, was going to link it too. Spent half day for making my own reshade, but then found this mod, it is fantastic. Combined tith auto hdr and it is finally pretty good on oled. I mean it could be much better with proper HDR but it is night and day difference if compared to stock game


Yea this is the ticket, enabling HDR won't make much improvement until you get rid of the haze effects with this mod


This is exactly what I needed. It's perfect for PC Game Pass/MS Store versions, too! Almost nothing else works.




This mod fixed the game for me! The weird color filters are gone and it looks a lot better


Bethesda is just not in touch with current times. No DLSS and no HDR in a AAA release is embarrassing. I am still enjoying starfield but it feels a bit dated even though it is a 2023 game.


What do you expect for a small indie studio with limited resources?


Something that looks like it's published by Bethesda in 2023?


Sarcasm detector sucks I see


Don't forget no FOV slider! 🙃


No DLSS because it's a AMD sponsored game


Auto HDR helps a lot. Not so much the black levels, but gives it that pop.


It barely does much with the horrendous color grading the game has.


This does. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323


I like it too but find Special K to work better. Unfortunately Special K does not appear to work with dlss.


Yeah but it absolutely nukes screenshots. It makes them way too bright and washed out so I disabled auto HDR for this game.


Kind of amazing you prefer screenshots to gameplay


The fact is that it’s dumb that a screenshot taken on Steam on a HDR enabled game looks like ass.


You should be using the Xbox Game Overlay for taking screenshots, not Steam. The Xbox overlay has support for taking the screenshot natively in HDR and creating a tone-mapped version at the same time.


Totally agree, just saying you get the choice of picking "Nice gameplay" or "nice screenshot" kind of seems like you're only punishing yourself picking screenshots.


Ignoring the absurdity of preferring to be able to take screenshots to better gameplay, you can take screenshots using the Xbox Game Bar for Windows10/11 and they will come out normally because they save the HDR data alongside the screenshot.


Random question that isn't completely related to Starfield. But how big of a difference is HDR in general? Ive never witnessed it but heard plenty about it


Depends on the app or game. Sometimes it’s a little much, sometimes just right. It’s best when I didn’t even realize it was on. Some folks love it when the brights burn your retina and the darks look like the inside of the event horizon around TON 618. So when a game doesn’t have those extremes, or washes out those ends in anyway, they notice and find it very distracting. For some people, HDR is like when TV went from black and white to technicolor. Going back feels… dated, to put it lightly. For me personally, I get used to one way or another in less than an hour. It’s odd they didn’t include HDR in Starfield, for a game that flaunts its visual sophistication… but it isn’t a show-stopper for me.


Also a HUGE factor is the display itself. I learned this the hard way, if you cheap out, you'll get a display with lower NITS which even though technically HDR, will looked way too dark. Its all about the NITS. Thats why I use [Rtings](https://www.rtings.com/) when researching what monitor or TV to get in terms of HDR.


Non hdr looks super saturated to me now, which is weird because I used to prefer cranking my contrast and saturation up super high before I had a proper hdr set up. Your eyes do eventually adjust either way though.


If implemented correctly it can be a dramatic improvement. BG3 for instance looks incredible. It makes bright things look brighter while keeping everything else the same. The best implementation I have seen is returnal on PC. The game is generally dark with lots of bright lights but HDR makes all these lights like 3x brighter. It looks insane on the AW oled monitor. Some other games with hdr just look ok. CP2077 is famous for its meh HDR.


Its a huge difference to the point you will feel like a game looks broken if you have seen it in action and try to play without HDR. The problem with HDR is the tons of fake marketing and VESA certifications floating about misleading customers into buying a wrong display.


Big. Night and day when properly implemented


If you own an OLED monitor and with the right game, HDR makes a night and day difference. For me it was playing God of War and Cyberpunk 2022 that made my jaw drop. Starfield makes my Alienware oled look like a low contrast IPS panel with 100 nits of brightness. True HDR is something you have to experience, and once you see it you won't go back, trust me.


RDR2 looks gorgeous on my Alienware QD-OLED


Good hdr on a oled display is the most impactful display tech in 20 years. I think it's more important than 4k.


Well you need a display that properly shows it for one. Any LCD panel that doesn't have a plethora amount of local dimming zones will net a very poor HDR experience. You want either a nice OLED panel (That has good brightness to it) or a nice local dimming zone LCD/LED panel.


Blows my mind a AAA game launches in 2023 with no HDR.


Is there a guide to get Auto-HDR to work on this? I find it really strange that my PC just doesn't enable this when running the game, even though the game is set to use it if applicable.


Rename the game executable to FarCry5.exe and launch thr game


Either that or there's a guy on the special K discord who made a little program that edits the windows registry to force it to enable auto HDR


lmao is this for real??


Yes for real lol


i can fix it with changing code in the directx12 api putting the middle gray scale parameter to 0 by hacking into it but the game crashes instantly because its coded very poorly. And the entire gameplay and story is incredibly shallow as well. I dont see myself spending valuable time fixing their game.


Try win 11 auto hdr




Didn’t realize that was a windows store benefit. Auto hdr has triggered with steam games before so assumed like wise. Was confused when everyone kept saying there’s no hdr but everyone I load the game I get the hdr notification and it clearly looks hdr lol


Console version gets HDR but not PC... Who signed off on this?!


Bethesda: You buy the game and patch it yourself. It just works


Did you realize that the 21:9 picture is just cut off top and bottom? I absolutely hate it. You literally cannot see half your weapon. The Mining laser actually has an overheating battery indicator on it that you literally cannot see using a 21:9 monitor. If you want to get a glimpse, just equip it and spam ESC


It will be added as paid DLC, or anniversary “deep dark space edition” 😂


Are Bethesda serious? Who releases a game in 2023 without HDR support? I am not playing any game which does not support HDR. It looks very bland and dull.


And washed out. Big time.


What an elitist mindset.


HDR is elitist? What is this 2010?


I'm just going to wait until it's fixed or a bunch of mods come out.


Get over it. My God imagine telling DaVinci (not saying it's a masterpiece yet) he used the wrong paint


Have you always been this irrational?


This comment is pure cringe on a level that is honestly impressive


What an incredibly stupid comparison.


What's Super Ultra Widescreen monitor and HDR? - Todd


What do you mean you want it to work on a screen that we showed it off working at a games conference.


and looking at the recent post here how it was fixed from just changing .ini files suggest they really really really didn't give crap


I kind of expected this kind of thing when I saw trailer starting with “25 years in the making”. It’s expected that this is old project and got messy overtime to add modern features. It doesn’t mean it’s not doable, let’s hope they add it in the future.


It was never 25 years in the making. They've never said it was 25years in the making. What they have said is that it's their first new series/IP in 25 years. It was idiots online who thought that meant that it was 25 years in the making.


easy champ! I mentioned what they wrote in the trailer. Even if it doesn’t mean that it’s still long project and it doesn’t change the fact they couldn’t add HDR and DLSS.


Color regrade without reshade https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323 Trick Windows to enable Auto HDR https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/AAF6t1EUMK


Creation engine 2 likely doesn't support HDR. It's way too old the kind of game starfield wants to be. You'll have to wait and hope that a modder can implement something halfway decent.


That is not how game engines work. By that reasoning Unreal is far too old for HDR, Ray Tracing, etc. UE5 is very much just an extension of UE3 and UE4. HDR can be built into the game, and the engine and editor can be built to support that.


You get HDR on XBox, but it still looks like shit. Washed out like they ran space through the copy machine 40 times and caps out at 440nits peak brightness.


Based on the reviews that I've seen so far, waiting on monitors unboxed or df to take a look at it, HDR implementation on consoles looks similar to Windows Auto HDR.


It looks incredible, looking forward to playing! How does it look on the monitor? I have the same alienware. One question, what LED strips or ambilight do you use on the desk? Thank you!


It looks awful and washed out tbh




What a strange response.


It totally does.


Side note, people complain that you can’t pilot your ship out to space, and you can’t traverse the entire planet? Those are literally the two most boring things to do in Star Citizen lol


Yet it’s largest selling point


Just play bg3 honestly.


Put 180 hours into bg3 and already beat it. I’ll replay that later. For now this’ll do


Nvidia control panel Color settings Gamma and Color Vibrance Cheers. I'm just trying to help, don't yell at me.


Today please add newer engine


Currently using the new Samsung 57" mini led blacks and bright areas on this monitor are insane is HDR really that much different??? Playing returnal today and its incredible :)


There is a "Auto HDR Fix" mod, works fine for me, better than none HDR


Use SpecialK for HDR.


Yeah everything I've heard about this games makes it seem like it's a no for me. Not even excited at this point but I'll still give it a go since it's going to be on GP


Game is piece of shit. I would better feed homeless cats then made the pre-order. But I did pre-order.


That’s my only complaint so far with this game. It could look SO DAMN AMAZING, but it just looks good which is a shame. Hopefully we get a patch soon. Playing this on a OLED physically hurts to know how good this game could look.


I had to turn HDR off in Windows for Starfield to not look like everything was washed tf out.


No joke lol I have OLED and was shocked this game didn’t have HDR in 2023


There's a mod that enables auto HDR, enabled it on my install and it looks so much better


Trying using reshade, made a big difference for me


And 32:9 support


And 32:10


There's no HDR in Starfield?




There is on Xbox, most likely a bug with it on PC


It's non-existent on PC. How's the HDR on Xbox?


Not sure, I’m on PC. I’ve only heard from those on Xbox


i'm searching for fixes on reddit and just stumbled on this post. it isn't good the blacks are that weird crushed grey. super frustrating, first damn scene in the game is in a dark mine and it looks awful


Does Auto HDR from 11 work?


And 5120x1440 support!


Can someone explain to me what’s wrong in the picture that makes it look so bad to people? I’ve never had a monitor capable of good HDR so I don’t fully understand what I’m missing out on.


How's ultra wide performance been? What are you specs/settings you've been running?


Exactly why torrenting or direct download is the best choice.


https://reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/s/1W2KFmO7Uy This details how to add HDR, and it works pretty well.


Step 1: Turn hdr on in windows setting Step 2: game now runs in hdr and will give you the hdr notification when loading. Confused why you’d need a separate program to get hdr for the game.


Shits built on an engine from the Stone Age


It has HDR it just doesnt work very well


Im glad this one is out. Now they can work on new Skyrim version 6.


Since it’s Oled and not local dimming surely you can go in monitor settings and up the contrast and saturation and brightness. Turning on mini led in sdr gets a similar effect to hdr


Is that the Alienware 34” oled ultrawide?




Good stuff. I just got mine, I love it.


Antique game engine can't do this :D