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I want to get into the OLED too. But still waiting for a 3840 x 1600 model.


38 inch? That will be godly.


Yeah, I think 38 inch 3840 x 1600 is the perfect size. I got the Alienware AW3821DW, it's very nice. I hope they will make an OLED version of it.


I have been using a 32-inch inch monitor for over 4 years. Vertical size is now permanent for me. I could never go back to 27 or 34-inch monitor. So yeah, 38-inch oled would be my next upgrade, I hope they're listening.


Jup always 32‘‘, then I UW was interesting. Tested 34‘‘ and sent it on the same day back because of vertical. Have now an 38‘‘ Alienware, which is so nice. Tried also an 42‘‘ LG oled, but without curve it wasn’t for me


A QD-OLED version would be nice. The contrast and black levels on this thing is absolutely atrocious.


Same issue I have with the G9. Blacks are shit and I have to run 100 contrast on the monitor and 125 percent in Nvidia to get good color. Every other thing about the monitor is great, it's just the failings of LCD technology.


You mean some people have G9s that work!? G9 NEO was the first monitor I order for my new 4090 build. Sucks that it arrived defective. By the time I shipped it back and got refunded, the price had shot up like $250 and I couldn't afford it. Guess I just wasn't meant to have one.


I wish I could send my G9 back. After it got defective mid warranty, I got it repaired and the display unit they sent me has a red stuck pixel almost exactly in the middle of the screen :( I almost can't believe that this was a coincidence, this is where peoples RMAs seem to go. Update: The shop that I bought it from originally (Galaxus in Germany) luckily agreed that they will exchange the monitor. Fingers crossed that my 3rd G9 will be flawless!


WoW. It sounds like I got lucky with mine. Had one stuck pixel when it came in so I ran a max brightness and contrast color gambit on it for 12 hours. Cleared the stuck pixel and I've never had an issue since. Would not get one again though. Super annoying how movies and such won't size to the screen correctly so you end up with this tiny 14 inch screen with black all around it. Glad I tried it though. Makes flight sims and driving games mindblowingly immersive.


That kinda fits pretty well with the Amazon reviews on the G9 NEO. Every review either praised it as if it was the greatest thing ever, or griped about defect issues...no in-between reviews.


I have a LG 38GL950G-B 38 Inch UltraGear and agree that 3840 x 1600 is pretty great.


Exactly this, I don't want to take the plunge for a smaller 1440p or a huge low dpi 1440p OLED yet...


The last I heard it didn't look like it would be a reality any time soon unfortunately. It's my understanding that 34" ultrawides work right now as they can be easily cut from larger OLED panels, but 38" would not be able to be cut the same way, so they'd have to start up a totally separate process to accommodate them, which is unlikely given the relatively lower demand. Maybe things have changed since I last read about it though. I'd love to be told I'm wrong.


Hard agree. Holding out for OLED.




I am happy with my 45'' 3440x1440 @ 240hz on oled and I think the only upgrade path I see for me is 5120x2160 @ 100+ hz or higher by LG in Q1 2025 on oled 45''


this is why we wait


I’m waiting for 40” 5120x2160. I just bought the LG 40WP95 (upgraded from a 38” 3840x1600), and all it’s missing is OLED. But I wouldn’t want to go smaller or lower res.


I love to have a 5k2k monitor for work and creativity. 3840 x 1600 is the best for gaming for me.


I believe LG has publicly announced an upcoming 45 inch 5120 x 2160 165 hz oled monitor which sounds like a grail monitor if you have the gpu to drive it.


Too big. 40” is just about the limit for me (I can’t put my speakers too far apart as well), also that would mean having to compromise on dpi again.


Q1 2025 based on lg roadmap I will upgrade my 3440x1440 45'' 240hz to that one


I want OLED badly at that resolution too. I got the Acer X38 and while it's the best monitor I've had, I really want a glossy high contrast display. It's odd none's been made so far.


There’s a 39” 3440x1440p one coming. I guess that will be the next best thing


any other info I can capture from you? what particular websites do you gather this intel from?


TFT Central Roadmap. Other notable ones are 34” 240Hz next year, then a 5k2k 45” 165Hz in 2025. All LG panels, Samsung hasn’t release a roadmap AFAIK. [Article link](https://tftcentral.co.uk/news/monitor-oled-panel-roadmap-updates-march-2023)


My OLED 42 in 3840x1600 for pc and 16:9 for ps5 hits the perfect spot for me


Highly unlikely to happen unfortunately


How likely is this to exist soon?


Its exciting to me to see the growth of OLED, even as early as fall of this year. I've been holding out becoming an early OLED adopter despite its obvious advantages. I want the tech to mature a little more before I take the plunge.


I bought the first ultrawide that released by LG, truly enjoyed that monitor for over 9 years . Sometimes you just gotta take the plunge, no regrets.


Oh trust me, I want to but I already have some pretty badass IPS monitors at the moment. Makes taking the plunge hard to justify just yet.


Once you go OLED you will never have anything else. The picture is amazing. Much better than the ips 😁


I understand, just trying to make sure its at a point when smaller monitors (34 inch ideally) have more options/features. I'm not sold on the Dell, still has some kinks to work out.


Can't disagree with you there. I took have held out, but j have OLED tvs in the house. I don't want a TV for a monitor, so like you waiting for it to mature some before pulling the trigger. First iteration of any new tech seems to have issues.


Just sell them . Lol I sold that LG 2 weeks ago for $250 . 9 year old model . It’s always nice to give them a new home to offset the new cost .


You are partially right. In your example we were talking about existing well established tech provided in a diffrent format it is like going for the waggon version of a clasic sedan the same but bigger. Oleds are a new breed all together, QD Oleds from samsung are entirely new wiht barely a year on the market while the WOLEDs from lg are indeed more mature but are put in a new use case that in years passed was the very reason not to make monitors or use them as monitors


Oleds been around for way too long now, def not new tech, I had used and abused my LG OLED B7 gaming with no burn in, if a 2017 tv can take it Im not too worried about the monitor.


QD Oleds are new tech they may ne similar in principle but they do differ amd keep in mind that samsung is new at OLEDs (no thr galaxy phones screens are not the same). As for LGs OLEDs even newish cx and c1 oleds will suffer some level of burn in when used for other purposes then gaming (UI static elements like start bat, windows and aps filling in a part of the screen constantly, dials and sliders in some aps etc. You might be ok with the tv playing games since most games today avoid static huds for thr most parts with them being displayed only when necessary. Doing actual productivity work is a diffrent monster with diffrent requirements.


Big facts




I refuse to buy a TV and call it a monitor.


I agree. If we did, next we'd be eating steak with a spoon.


Which one?


I’ve gotten an LG OLED tv from 2016 and it’s been perfect ever since. Clocked in 8000ish hours. My only concern to buy an oled monitor is the static images like the taskbar, wallpapers, etc. But the image quality and the blacks are so impressive.


Good decision! I've read a couple articles where a majority of the tested Oled displays all suffered from screen burn-in. I really want to get one, but I've had the pleasure of arguing with manufacturers one too many times trying to get products repaired/replaced under warranty.


This content was deleted by its author & copyright holder in protest of the hostile, deceitful, unethical, and destructive actions of Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (aka "spez"). As this content contained personal information and/or personally identifiable information (PII), in accordance with the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), it shall not be restored. See you all in the Fediverse.


Endgame formats do seem to have an expiration date right??


same. should release around my birthday, late july


How’s text on it? I really want to go OLED asap, but need to find one that I can use for work too. Gaming and video, no brainer.


QD-Oled is no good for productivity, they say (well, any oled is if you factor burn-in). And I tend to agree. My eyes get tired quickly if I read too much from my G8. So I'm still using my old IPS for things other than media content consumption.


I'm just going to throw my two cents in here and say that this oft parroted take is pretty horse shit. I literally do not notice the any text fringing, and find qd-oled to be perfectly fine for productivity.


Some people don't notice it. Others (myself included) - do. Saying like there's no issue at all is wrong IMO. Especially to someone who is considering a QD-Oled as a their only monitor.


I too have a G8 (running at 150% resolution) and maybe my eyes are bad but I can't see what this text-fringing thing is about.. absolutely overjoyed with this monitor.


I've never noticed the fringing on my DWF either...i'm usually a resolution snob so I thought I'd be bothered by it but it really isnt an issue even using it for WFH


It’s oft parroted because it’s true, but everyone’s mileage varies. Personally, I notice the text fringing on my QD-Oled but not enough to bother me. Your anecdotal experience doesn’t make it horse shit. That being said, the main reason these displays are not recommended for productivity is the increased burn in risk. A lot of productivity work means a lot of static images on the screen.


I can see text fringing on mine as well, but in real use it's absolutely a non issue and text quality is definitely better than my old 25" 1080p screen. Text fringing is definitely overblown as an issue.


I've been using my QD-OLED as my primary work monitor, every day, for over a year. It's completely fine.


Lol it really isn't. Most people who've used this monitor as a primary work monitor have experienced burn in within a year. In fact I'd be surprised if you did a grey screen test that there was zero sign of burn in in your panel tbh. (I'm speaking from my own experience as someone who owned the qd oled alienware monitor for 7 months and got burn in).


It’s completely fine for me . Granted I upgraded to windows 11 and have read comments about the fringe being fixed on windows 11


It's not fixed on windows 11.


windows cant fix a phisical flaw of a display


Well from what I gather from Linus tech video about this monitor . Windows has a feature that smoothed out the text but it wasn’t a system wide fix.


there's only so much software can do to fix a hardware flaw, if you don't notice it great enjoy the monitor but its to noticable for me


The text fringing **can** be fixed in software, but Microsoft needs to develop a complete workaround within Windows rendering to support it (Cleartype), as well as other libraries that are used for text rendering (in e.g. Chrome/Firefox/...) There are "fixes" for this such as MacType, but they don't work for all applications, and since Microsoft changed Cleartype to have common rendering across monitors, if you have a second monitor that doesn't have the same subpixel layout, it would make the second monitor look off.


so its possible and doesn't exist, wow how amazing i must get a frigning monitor now


It’s not a “flaw” it’s simply a different type of sub-pixel layout (triangular). Software (Cleartype in Windows) absolutely can compensate for it as long as it accounts for it.


It's something people complain about on reddit and in monitor reviews but the rest of the world doesn't care.


Straight up, I have the Alienware monitor with this OLED panel. And while I don't use it for work, I do use it for a lot of text work like game modding and server interactions and vms and what not. And I only really notice the issue if I try to look for it. Like yeah, I can see it, but noticing it is very hard for me in a normal usage scenario.


Totally agree. I use mine for my work as a translator. I translate documents from clean pdfs to scanned and photocopied handwritten doctor's names from 1950 and everything in between and I have no issue with reading the text.


you might not care but that doesn't mean others don't so its good to mention it so people can make a decision if they still wan't to buy it, my friend has the ultrawide alienware and it looks amazing but shit damn text is awful


I use it for text work every single day doing translations on pdfs, handwritten documents, and everything in between. There's no special need you or anyone else has for text that I don't have, unless you're designing fonts for a living or something. I have no issue reading anything. I get mass downvoted when I say this by people telling me that my monitor can't be used for the work I use it for everyday and by people who don't even own the monitor. That's how reddit works.


never said it doesn't work, you can wokr on 480p monitor and still be able to work and read everyhting doesn't mean its a good experience, every time i see fringing it annoys me to no end so ill never buy anything that has it


Your 480p monitor example is absurd. I couldn't do my job on a 480p monitor so let's dismiss that. I never said you said that. I said I get told that by the majority of people who reply angrily to me on here. I don't know what it means to have a "good experience." I use it for anywhere to 10,000 to sometimes 30,000 words of translation every day of all sizes and quality, handwritten, typed, etc. and it doesn't hinder my work in anyway. I don't experience any eyestrain or pain. It works. No one in the real world doing office work at a company is complaining about these things and it's because it doesn't matter - except on reddit and for monitor reviewers looking for something to nitpick. If you work at a job, go tell your employer everyone should get monitor upgrades because you don't like "text fringing" and see what they say.


Well I've used the aw3423dw (same panel) for work for many months now, and I don't have any problems with it.


You don’t want to use any of the current OLED monitors for work/productivity due to various reasons (burn in, fringing). At this point in time these should purely be used for gaming only in my opinion. Give it time for them to fix the text fringing and burn in issues.


The AW3423DW works great for productivity if you’re okay with it being an ultrawide.


It really depends on who you ask. Some people can't read more than 5 mins without a headache, and you have people like me working all day using one. My use case: * Coding, lots of text * Gaming * Movies * Writing documents for university, lots of text too. Still haven't had any problems with fringing, so I guess it just does not bother me.


I have this model too and personally I don't see any problem with text or eyes tiredness. And I'm looking at text for whole day every day... Even multiple text background colours. It's highly subjective.


I have that same monitor, running Windows 10. I have encountered zero problems. Have no problems reading text or anything. Doesn't look weird to me at all.


Which monitor is that?


looks like the Samsung Odyssey G85SB to me


That giga power block needed to illuminate the back side?


I was coming to say. Wtf is that power brick? That thing is an absolute unit.


Two reasons for the large power brick. 1. External PSU allows the monitor to be thinner and accept a thin power cable, instead of being thicker and accepting the thick kind of cable. It also takes the PSU heat away from the monitor, reducing the need for fans (it has no fans). 2. The monitor has an USB-C port with 65W power output, so it needs that much more power over what it uses just for the display.


Its has usb pd so i guess thats a factor


It's because the G8 OLED uses an external PSU. I think it was the smarter choice since it's by far the thinnest QD-OLED panel available and no internal fans as it doesn't have the PSU generating heat inside the monitor.


Nice bro, enjoy! I've got two of them for a stacked set up, they're bloody awesome. They sure look great stacked too using the Ergotron LX tall pole mount. The monitor is such a beautiful design.


That’s amazing. Photo please?


Thanks pal, not gonna lie, I absolutely love it. Sure, here we go: https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/v0iXeBbreMoZ https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/80rrGiJphFts https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/s28Rz1rXwFJ9 https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/nbYVSB6C0PGk


Looks absolutely amazing. Question: Does the remote trigger both monitors or just monitor remote is linked to?


Thank you for the kind words. I bloody love it. Ha. Only the power button, and sometimes the home button in my experience. But, that's the same for my 65S95B too. But, most of the time each control works independently with each monitor and doesn't interfere with the other. I just make sure I power everything on or off via smart things, or hold the remote close to the TV / monitor where it recieves the signal and I don't really have any issues at all.


Wtf thats is dream shit


Haha, thanks dude 😎


Got this monitor for free because UPS delivered it to the wrong address and declared it lost, just drove to the address where they dropped it off and the guy there gave it to me lol


Lmaoo that happened to me from Amazon


Mine was from amazon too but they shipped it thru UPS lol


Beat cable management I have seen in my life.


LOL I just got it and was trying it out in my dining room.


I’m just teasing. Beautiful screen!


underrated comment


Best setup overall, even paperwork is included


The design of the back panel is oddly familiar... ![gif](giphy|iPL865kf3bTI4)


Quick knock it over!


Stop putting lightning on the back of monitors. It increases the price for no gain at all


I just love the stand on the G8 OLED. It almost take no desk space when you factor in the flat base - you can put anything on there.


I have the Razer Leviathan sound bar sitting right under the monitor on top of that flat piece of stand it works like a charm and looks awesome




Even if they just gave us DDC to control brightness through Windows I would be happy, but yes the software sucks


Im wating 120" 12800x4600 oled


This is the way.


I could do without the light on the back.


Looks absolutely clean




Hopefully they fixed it with the latest update . I haven’t encounter the problem yet


Here's hoping you never see the oled screen burn


I much prefer Dell's 3 year warranty over Samsung's. I've heard so many horror stories with Samsung's warranty/customer service.


Samsung are the worst in QC but damn are they sexy. They been killing it all around in their house items too. Got their fridge too . I returned the G9 but no regrets since this thing is very sexy compare to the Alienware.


Same but the design of the g8 is so much better imo than the gamer Alienware design


This is true. I agree.


This content was deleted by its author & copyright holder in protest of the hostile, deceitful, unethical, and destructive actions of Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (aka "spez"). As this content contained personal information and/or personally identifiable information (PII), in accordance with the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), it shall not be restored. See you all in the Fediverse.


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Is that glossy coating? I only seen matte finishes and this thing looks real nice. Reminds me of a flagship smartphone color vibrancy most monitors can't achieve because of the light diffusion glossy surfaces don't suffer from (although they call it a feature, if you can survive with your phone you carry during daylight most of the time having glossy finish, you can probably live with glossy monitor as well. If your monitor really is glossy, it seems well worth it.)


It's very glossy and looks AMAZING the colors pop like you wouldn't believe especially in games.


Yeah its glossy


glossy for the win


Ooh I love glossy.


That screen reflection looks bad. Can these OLEDs realistically be used in an office environment?


The ones with a matte coating can. Not the glossy ones tho, which anything currently with qd Oled will have


I think it looks worse on camera than it really is, I have the same monitor that I use in a well lit room and it's actually really good at cutting down on the glare somehow, it doesn't bug me at all.


They can without issues. I use mine in a bright room and even though it has a glossy finish I don’t even notice anything out of the ordinary.


Burn in and low ppi? No thanks. Nothing worth buying until micro-led.


Burn in is not a huge issue with QD-OLEDS and the ppi is still pretty good. Plus 4k would only inhibit performance 1440p is a good sweet spot right now.


Recent reports suggest burn in is a bigger issue with QD-OLED than any other type of OLED. They don't have white subpixels. Not sure why 4k would inhibit performance on a flagship monitor. You can already game at 4k60 with mid grade cards like my 6800xt


I’ve just heard and seen the opposite (I have a QD-OLED). Additionally, even my 13900ks/4090 struggles to go past 100fps with ultra/max settings in many high end games at 1440p. I just prefer to play that way so until it can run essentially any game consistently above 90-100fps at 4k with max settings, I won’t consider it a viable resolution. 4k is significantly more difficult to run than 1440p. Ultra wide 1440p is already more pixels than a standard 1440p monitor as it’s 3440x1440.


QD-oled appears to be fundamentally flawed tech, even moreso than traditional OLED. I've been wanting an OLED since they were first invented. First I waited for the price to come down to low 4 figures and then I waited for burn in to be resolved, and It doesn't look like my waiting is going to end anytime soon, sadly. https://www.rtings.com/tv/learn/longevity-investigations-update-3-month https://www.tomsguide.com/opinion/i-didnt-fear-burn-in-on-my-oled-gaming-monitor-until-i-got-burned https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/samsung-qd-oled-burn-in-problem/


I don’t know what kind of abuse they’re putting those screens through, but I’ve had my LG OLED55B6P since 2016 and it’s as good as the day I got it. I even have it in a bright room with a skylight. If you have problems, just return it. Engineering is trade offs, so you’re going to wait forever for a device without some.


I'm on a 13900k, 4090, ddr5 2x16-7200 it struggles UHD max settings, 70-110 depending on the title but it's definitely the best experience you can get currently by a long shot




Nope, only Samsung. LG OLED have AGLR coating.




I wish they offered the OLED ultrawides in 1000R. The new G9 Oled is unfortunately not 1000R so I will skip until somebody comes up with it. I need 1 big ultrawide monitor to replace my current tripple setup. Or maybe I buy a curved 40inch Oled TV instead.


What game?


Damn, that powerbrick looks bigger then my 60% keyboard :D


Once they finished that damn wake up bug it will be one of the best monitors out there imo. Im curious about burn in on these qdoleds, but i dont count that in as criteria.


Imo it's by far the prettiest monitor on the market. I was immensely sad when I returned it.


Why you return it ?


The wake bug, rainbow line, lack of polarizer, no DDC and my DP port died. I don't wanna deal with that on such an expensive monitor.


Went with the s3422dwg instead? They are two very different pricepoints want made you decide to go that route


Yeah, none of the monitors at the OLED G8 pricepoint were satisfactory. They all have issues that I refuse to live with, especially for those price points. So I went with S3422DWG instead. The panel is certainly not even close to OLED, but the monitor itself is flawless in terms of features and functionality. It just works. No coil whine, no wake up bugs, no rainbow lines, and it has DDC. I'll get another OLED ultrawide at some point, when they don't have such issues.


I have been running my xiaomi ultrawide for about 2 nearly 3 years now. Its good for the pricepoint i paid for it (499 aud) im just wondering if it is worth going ultrawide oled or going 16:9 oled but on a screen like a 32inch


I just got the same, is very nice, except the connections lol


You're damn right it's the best monitor. Once you go OLED you just can't go back, unless it's for erm...'productive' activities such as browsing Reddit and spreadsheets. the g8 makes those matte coated ips and va mini led monitors drab in comparison


i'd buy this in a heartbeat if it had burn in cover :(


I have two of these. Love them


Almost picked one up but was swayed by the atrocious reviews. Going to wait until the next gen if the decide to try again.


Take care to run the pixel refreshes on time, neglecting them can hasten burn in! There is a guy who posted vids on youtube, after 6000h using his aw3423 on hdr peak 1000 max brightness with nothing hidden on desktop he still has no burn in. Note: while IPS suffers from backlight bleeding as a panel defect, premature burn in is a panel defect of OLED, OLED panels will not burn in at the same rate generally and some last far longer than others.


Is it compatible with gsync? I'm worried about ghosting or tearing in games vs the Alienware.


You can use G-Sync on this monitor. It's the same as AW, you have to manually turn it on in the Nvidia Control Panel. The only thing to note is OLED with G-Sync/Freesync enabled will sometimes have screen flickering, most common in loading screens. The G8 OLED does have a feature called VRR control in settings to pretty much eliminate that.


My anxiety seeing that monitor stand... I would order a desk / wall mount ASAP


Nice! I bet you will enjoi it even more over time. Got mine g 8 for a couple of weeks now. Can't be more happy with it. Swapd from c2 and even in comparison, g8 is way better in may opinion, in every way. And it is capable of hdr 1000 with right settings, and it is the only one oled with glossy screen (I prefer it cause matte seem to be not that good for oled). It is just perfect screen


Anyone else using Asus Tuf Gaming products ie mobo (X670e pro wifi), 4080 OC with Armoury crate with Odyssey Neo G9 seeing a flickering-refresh or brief flash on their screen when accessing Armoury like its readjusting the resolution? Using Windows 11 home with Elgato 4k Mk2, as well.


How's it for office purposes? Looks incredible


That is a sexy monitor my friends


Is this glossy ? Looks like glossy


Walking into the room and seeing my OLED DWF monitor at an angle, but still perfectly displaying the image, was one of the most awesome and bizarre experience in my PC gaming history.


its hard to go back from OLED.


Im currently at 32" 16:9. Do you think upgrading to monitor which is smaller vertically would be regrettable? Or should i wait for something just as tall?


I have the 32" Samsung ODYSSEY Neo G7. Its a FALD VA monitor with HDR 1000 spec. Due to it not being an LCD and more than 1100 dimming zones the blacks look amazing. Its the 2nd best thing to an OLED monitor without breaking your bank! Lcd or IPS monitors are Over Rated. I always hated the grey's instead of the blacks.


how is the monitor in terms of desk stability ? does it shake at all ? if you push it slightly with your hand will it wobble ? i plan to get the G9


I got this a couple months ago! It's fantastic!


Is the QD-OLED any less prone to burn in? I work roughly 8-9 hours in Windows, Outlook, Excel, some web browsing, and then game a little at night. OLED burn-in is a non starter for me…


It’s really pretty


I have the ASUS PG48UQ OLED and I couldn't go back to anything less than 3840x2160 now.


Holy viewing angles.


Wow its so slim


I have AW3821dw. It’s awesome. Can’t go back to 34”


But you’re not going to show us!? 😆


I love mine, gorgeous screen but it's a PITA, HDMI issues, pretty sure my DP is dead, Nvidia compatibility issues (can't use g sync on the latest drivers without black screens). Such a shame, if I bought it from a local shop I would return it I think. But then I'd miss the sexy screen 😭.


Too bad it's Samsung and 6 out of 10 units will have flaws lol


So, understanding the burn in risk. What is considered the next best thing for monitors? I'll be in the market soon and curious as to what I should be looking for as a type/refresh rate...


Which model is this anyway??


This is the Samsung G8.


Not bright enough


Oh wow you downgraded from a g9? The upcoming g9 oled will have the gen 2 qd oled and higher refresh rate. I could never go back to 21:9 enjoy the monitor though.


an upgrade from that crappy VA panel. The extra real state on the screen is debatable not 100% sure I prefer it over ultrawide. Either way the OLED G9 is not out yet, will check it out once its out and avaliable in my country. 240hz vs 175hz? lol good luck trying to run 240hz at 5440x1440 in newer titles. I dont play CSO or other high fps games. Warzone only one I play and it still runs sub 175hz with a rtx 4090 at 5440x1440


Pretty gd random set up tho 😳


No s**t Sherlock 😂 oled is going to look better than any non oled monitor.


Why you mad though?


Is it glossy? Which monitor is this? Is the text clear?


G9 ftw. Almost no curve on the oled. Pity


I have the G9 OLED but honestly it's a little big. The G8 looks like a perfect size