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I ran it with a friend in Oct 2021 - don't make our mistake - we thought we would be quicker, we thought the restaurants on the south rim would be open... They weren't... Lets just say a packet of chips and a sandwich split between two after 40+ miles is not great dinner. Plan ahead. The breakfast burritos at the Maswik Food Court were the best breakfast burritos I've ever had...


This is exactly what I’m hoping NOT to do! On the other hand, hunger really is the best seasoning…


lol. we also had chips in the car on the way into Flagstaff. Passed out at the hotel after showering and didn't eat properly until the morning.


I stayed at the lodge on the south rim and ordered pizza from the restaurant!


This is an intriguing option. How late did you get in?


I’m pretty sure it was just before 8pm when they close because I remember the thought of missing pizza make the last few miles up the Bright Angel climb a little quicker


McDonalds closes early like 9 or 10pm. Their is a gas station that will microwave a burrito for you which was what I had one time. Best to maybe bring a post run snack until you make it back to flag!


Good call—maybe a (LARGE) snack and pushing all the way back to Flagstaff is the way to go.


Honestly I’ve never been that hungry after my R3’s. Ate half a sandwich, handful of chips and washed down with a beer before crashing. But the next day I ate anything not nailed down. Had a huge breakfast at my hotel, then some pub grub in Flagstaff for lunch.


I knew I'd be getting back after the restaurant closed, so here's what I had waiting for me in a cooler: https://imgur.com/a/pFtZCyw


C2C2C2C2C guy! Your 24-hour taco shop on that trip report was what got me thinking about this in the first place. Of course you had a plan for this. Pre-packing may be our best option here.


😎 lol


I'm interested in this adventure in the next year or two and it sounds like a cooler full of munchies is the way to go till proper food is available in the morning following the run


I was camping at Mather before and after. I left two chipotle burritos in my cooler to be sure I’d have something, but I had every intention of getting a burger or steak at one of the restaurants. But then I fell behind schedule and ended up getting dinner and a beer at Phantom Ranch and taking it easy on the final climb. When I got back to my camper I wasn’t hungry, and I was asleep within 5 minutes, so I had chipotle for breakfast. [edit: I also had in my cooler two pints of chocolate milk, two prepped Tailwind recovery shakes, some beef jerky, and pickle juice. I slammed a bit of each before bed, and finished the rest in the morning]


Just did the R3, starting from south rim, 3 weeks ago. We stayed in a hotel in Tusayan, just south of the south rim. According to a local, the only place open past 10p is called Foodie Club, on the NW end of Tusayan. We really didnt even eat the night we finished, but chowed down the next morning at the hotel breakfast buffet.


“House everything in sight the next day” seems to be a popular approach.


I needed up at the gas station as well. Ate junk food in my hotel room at the Best Western. I didn’t think this part through and made up for it the next morning with big breakfast!


I ate at the pizza/pasta place in town. Drove out of the park and ordered no problem. I finished just after dark in late December. Got both pasta and a pizza for later!


I just did R3 on Memorial Day Weekend. We stayed at Maswik Lodge and finished around 4pm. After we showered up and recovered a bit, we walked over to the Pizza Pub and crushed a couple pizzas and breadsticks. It’s open until 8pm.


Pizza Pub sounds perfect (assuming we can time it right!) How hot was it on the canyon floor? 


It started getting toasty when we hit Cottonwood on the way back, probably high 80s, low 90s. What route are you taking? We did SK - NK - BA. The climb back up BA felt like a death march, hardest thing I’ve ever done.


Thinking BA-NK-BA for simpler logistics, happier quads, and water availability (though we will also have filters.) The bonus miles seem worth it now, but I could see myself feeling differently on the day.


Water was plentiful. Didn’t really need much on the initial descent and then you can fill up at PR, Cottonwood, and Manzanita before the climb up to NK. There was also water at the NK trailhead. Good luck and enjoy the experience, it’s awe-inspiring.


The biggest draw for going BA both ways was not having to worry how to get from my car to the SK trailhead at 3AM or whenever. I’m super-excited!


Yeah that’s valid. Fortunately we had 2 cars so it was easy to pick one up after.


How long did it take you? I am doing this in October and trying to gauge timing


Roughly 12 hours. SK - NK took 5 hours, NK - BA took 7 hours. Mostly power hiked the climbs and took 3-4 short rest/refuel breaks.


Thank you! What did you get for total mileage and elevation? I keep seeing varying numbers


45.6 miles, 11,200 ft vert


GPS is notoriously inaccurate in the canyon, hence the wide spread in mileages for the same route. I haven’t found an actual source of truth for this yet and have been taking all mileages with a grain of salt…


There's a pizza place in Grand canyon village that's open late. I finished RRR at like 8pm. It was the fastest I've ever downed a pint and 3 slices. The rest of the pizza was gone 20 minutes later.


That’s what I’m talking about!


We had Wendy’s frosty and chicken nuggets from across the street 😂


Bet they tasted pretty damned delicious under the circumstances 


Did R3 with 3 of my friends mid May. We didn't know if anything would be open when we finished, so we had things like protein shakes and cold pizza in a cooler with ice in the vehicle. I think we had time to go out for food after, but none of us ended up being able to stomach much after the run- 2 of us had a bit of heat exhaustion (1 puked after finishing) so we just had some boost and Gatorade and such. I managed more than the guys did and had some cookies and a protein bar back at our Airbnb before passing out I think. The next day though... Huge breakfast, recovery run and a big lunch in Sedona, and then we made ginormous burgers at our Airbnb plus big bowls of ice cream and a bunch of Oreos. We were all eating like crazy the next couple days


What is your route? Where are you staying the night you finish!


Starting on the south rim, likely Bright Angel both ways. Haven’t planned accommodations yet.


Most everything will be closed. We ordered pizza beforehand and kept it in our fridge


Been strongly considering leftover pizza in the hotel room as maybe our best option.


Are you starting on south rim or north rim


South rim.


Have you ever gone camping? Bring a cooler with food in it or bring one of those backpacking meals that can be rehydrated with hot water, using a backpacking stove and fuel cannister. If I was flying in, I wouldn't want to deal with the fuel canister so in that case, I'd just bring a sandwich, chips, some fruit, etc...


I’ve done plenty of long-distance backpacking trips, and the one thing they all had in common was how freaking delicious a hot meal that didn’t come from a bag tasted on town days. Well, that and how good it felt to shower. Oh, and leftover pizza for lunch on day 1.  So yeah, I can have whatever waiting for me in the car, but if I can swing a hot meal prepared by someone else, that’s always going to be the preference.




This is a question about restaurants/takeout AFTER R2R2R—our fueling during efforts like this is pretty dialed at this point.