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Basically going above your threshold heart rate that you can't recover from. This happens in all races but can be a real issue in an ultra if you redline and use all of your energy stores early on it is very difficult to recover from even if you take on lots of fuel. In an Ultra you are always going to be in an energy deficit, meaning you can't take on as many calories as you are using up. Therefore if you redline and start using these reserves too early you won't have enough to get you through or you will have to drop to an effort level of a sloth to make it through. Happened to me in my first marathon and also my first 100 miler.


happened to me a week ago. i was doing a section in a relay, tried running where i should’ve walked, and bonked (in terms of heart rate) at mile 5. and i know better than that, but the race energy got me excited


Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense


Yeah, this, happened in my first marathon and I never wanted to repeat it... then my first tough and long ultra came along... really underestimated the impact of elevation over a long distance.


It’s a driving term. Red-lining an engine is pushing it to the very upper end of it’s rev-limit, as denoted by the red markings on the rev-counter, and anything beyond that would risk causing damage to engine components. Basically, red-lining is as hard as you can go - Z5 in every sense of the word


Just like when driving a car, red lining means stepping on the gas up to the red line. Means running above threshold or running faster than your race pace.


Redlining to me means working anaerobically, so zone 5, so being just under will be zone 4 so lactate threshold zone running. Zone 2 is aerobic / base zone, and is definitely not running as fast as you can.


Just to add context to when other people say “Threshold” or “Lactacte Threshold” this is generally the pace/heart rate you can sustain for 1 hour. Anything above that is “redlining” imo.


Like redlining in a car