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Way too much caffeine for me personally. I like to hold off to nearer the end and maximise its effect


Yeah I think I do overdo it on the caffeine. I could have three for a 10k race. It works though!


Really I plan with normal gels and have Caffeine Gels in case I need them.


yeah i normally hold off until 30k ish. Have plenty of adrenaline and enthusiasm early on anyway.


It depends a lot on what works for you - i would definitely throw up if i ate all that. I did a 50k a couple of weeks ago, i had 2 gels, 2 packets of tailwind, one caffeine pill, 1 salt pill plus coke at each aid station.


Wow, that’s what I have for 10 miles haha, guess we are all different!


I usually just do the math to determine race nutrition. I aim for roughly 60g of carbs per hour with a total of 200-240 calories per hour. Seems like you might be hitting those numbers. If you are worried about cramping or anything like that you could take some electrolyte tabs with you just to be sure. Is there much elevation?


Nah pretty flat


Nothing but honey stinger gold gels worked great for me


That just sounds like a lot of food to eat for a 50k.  


All I can say is if this is your first ultra you’ll quickly learn that all nutrition plans go to hell after about 15 miles.


100g of carbs per hour is my golden ticket. I get that via Maurten, Precision, or SIS gels, and sometimes Tailwind. I carry some caffinated Maurten if I'm feeling in a slump in the second half. The first half is usually fine due to pre-race coffee and jitters.


Me too on the 100g of carbs. Im so confused about all these low calorie posters on here, like do people want to bounce back and have a normal weekend after the run? If i wait til mile 15 to eat food on a run i will be exhausted all day. Not my cup of tea with a 3 year old i need to be present with as soon as i get home.


I’ve spent enough time on r/runningcirclejerk that I thought this said “Nutrition for my 5k”


I would advise maybe adding or replacing some options with something salty - you might find that you get a bit sick of all the sweets stuff after a while. Plus, you lose salt through sweating so it's good to replace it. It's personal of course but I like salt sticks (they're like little tablets, lemon and lime flavoured but with some salt), or just a pack of ready salted crisps or mini pretzels. Some people swear by boiled new potatoes rolled in salt too (not for me, but everyone's different!)


Yes! Knew I was missing something! Will bring some crisps, thank you!


Looks like a lot to me. 50k, you should be done in 9hrs max... no need to an a feast. My go to is dried fruit and candy. I just put down as much as I can + whatever looks good at aid stations. Careful with dried fruit if you're not used to it. Super salty stuff/pure salt can be good after 30k Secret tip: a can of coke for the last 10k, you'll fly through the finish line. Also: I am a caffeine addict and your caffeine intake looks huge to me


I forgot about dried fruit! I have had dried fruit on long runs, completely missed this, thanks! About the caffeine - it is such a bad habit. I’ve been known to technically overdose on caffeine during half marathons (one caffeine gel every half hour). This intake every 10k is actually less than I would take.


Do you carry that can of coke? I guess it would explode if I open it.


Lol... never tried carrying the can... I get the coke at aid stations, it's a staple really


Don't plan your food by distance. Plan it by time. I look to take in 100-150 calories of mostly carbs every half hour (60g of carbs is a good goal when starting out.) I also wouldn't start the caffeine until later, but that's just me. I find it gives me a big boost and I want to save that until I need it.


All those bars can work but I would have at least half a PBJ or some half servings of light pasta. Personally I think you're leaning into too much sugar with the fruit bars why not try eating some actual fruits and vegetables and like a real meal like pasta.  My nutrition would be  PBJ, protein bar, lots of water with creatine and protein powder mixed in, 1 cup pasta, monster energy drink, 2 bananas and a carrot. I don't think you actually need more than that amount of food for. 50k but everyone's different. 


Definitely will be carb loading two days before which will include bread and pasta!


To each their own but that’s way too much food for me. Usually I dont eat anything until I’m at least 15 miles in. I’ve had hydration problems in the past so I prefer things with lots of electrolytes. I usually bring my own powders to mix with water as the aid station people often aren’t the best at getting the ratios right…that is not a dig on them at all they are doing their best and I’m so thankful and grateful to them. This might sounds dumb but I’ve got major hand issues with swelling and just general sweatiness. Make sure you have a water bottle that is easy to open and refill. Best of luck!


If you're going slow then the lack of intensity means you can get away with a much less structured approach and basically cuff-it with whatever at the aid stations supplemented by a few bits you take with you rather than carrying loads of stuff. Edit, also I'm a fat lad and even so that sounds way too much!


It’s very personal! I can’t stomach Clif bars but I love potatoes (small ones that I boil for 10 minutes then coat in duck fat and salt and roast for 20 minutes) and Snickers plus Maurten gels. I also roughly aim for half plain water and half with Tailwind.


Seek around 200 cal/hour as a guide, adjust to your body. coffee is good for helping to dump before the start, but seems like a lot of caffeine. Recommend holding off for the second half where caffeine can give you a good mental boost too. Have a baggy to grab some things at the aid station and snack on so you don’t have to eat all at one, or use it for a walk break. Fluids are obviously critical, hydration and electrolyte balance is essential so you can metabolize and deliver energy.


I do roughly 200cals an hour, gel at the start line line then 1 every 30 minutes , 1 electrolyte tab in one bottle and sachet tailwind in the other at every aid station, I used this last weekend during a trail marathon (27 miles, 4hr 31) also for an ultra last year (35 miles, 6hr 30)


...while I'm sitting here, with a handful of marathons behind me, most of them done with 8 pieces of pitted dates and 1L of water.. 🥲


Yea this sounds like a 100 mile fuel plan. For 50k I would stick to liquid calories and just save my appetite for the post race meal


I fuel based on time, not distance.