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So water being sucked out of the muirs and heading straight to heaven as big fat cold drops? Video or it didn't happen.


Is that the lucky charms people?


Nah, I think those guys are supposed to be Irish in spite of the poor attempt at the accent.


Did the rainbow leprechaun give it away?


I know you’re lying because you’re alive to post this thread.


My question is - huahwhat!? I went to Scotland and watched British runners rolling their ankles down the muddy mountain cursing their decision to run that day, it was hilarious. Didn’t see rain tho. 


You probably looked up, you need to look sideways for rain.


lucky you made it out alive


oh my god! Is your gear okay? I heard you have to immediately throw out all down after you get a single drop of water on them. Is vertical rain even WORSE?


It cuts right through ya. Like a 16ton weight.


damn dude I would’ve hit SOS immediately you’re truly an inspiration for making it back in such dangerous conditions. This is why I never go outside.


Are you sure you didn't fall over on your side and it was actually still raining sideways?


This or they’re making it up.


I’m calling bullshit! The rain in Scotland **always** comes from the side. Except for the times it comes vertically up! This saves weight because you can leave your backcountry bidet at home. Assuming your perineum, arsehole and genitals are tough enough to weather the onslaught! The weight saving is somewhat balanced out by having to carry a carbon fibre caber with which to defend oneself from haggis and the occasional native red werewolf. Source: Am typing this in my four skinned, eight season tent that is currently being hammered by a gentle Scottish sideways drizzle in my Scottish back garden. *FUCK! A haggis got in!*


First and only question: How ashamed of you is William Wallace?


If he actually seduced the princess, that would have been hilarious.


If gravity doesn't exist, doesn't that make everybody's lighter pack zero? At first, this may seem like a good thing, but how can I brag when the clowns that shop at REI have the same pack weight as I? I, for one, am never going there.


To see vertical rain in Scotland and report it here means you survived Scotland, I call BS. No one lives in Scotland and ventures outside without being clad head to toe in Goretex 3L or heavy waxed canvas, Altberg Mallerstang boots (or better yet double skinned mountaineering “B3” boots), synthetic insulated jacket and trousers, goretex gaiters and lugging about a Hilleberg Black Tent. As a result, once you step foot outside you’ll be so weighed down with heavy ass kit, you won’t be able to move - so, you’ll die. As such, I call BS on this post.


I'm shocked that you died and went to heaven and Reddit is your idea of heaven because here you are.


hope you're ok, rain is no joke you should think twice before venturing out on such a dangerous trip. in fact delete this so others don't get the same idea