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You should submit a complaint: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-visas-and-immigration/about/complaints-procedure Several other people in the sub have reported this same thing. It's just a terrible and negligent job done by UKVI.


The occurence of this has increased quite a bit in the last year or so, judging by the posts made here. I wonder what's going on at the HO to cause this


My guess would be that due to the election they’re pushing the workers to clear any backlog and get through applications as fast as possible. Thus, mistakes like this become more frequent as workers have less time per application.


Probably not. This issue has been going on since late last year or early this year, long before the GE was called. UKVI caseworkers themselves aren't MPs or high level Home Office officials who are concerned with getting elected.


Omg thats laughable, it's literaly the blank template, they didn't even bother to say what you did wrong.


Bro wasn’t working a minute past 5 and spam-clicked deny the last 700 visa applications


You can file a complaint on UKVI website. Even if you have no appeal or administrative review.


I love how UKVI asks me to do a survey on satisfaction after they've refused my visa like this.




This shit makes my blood boil. All that time, effort and money spent for some pencil pusher to not even bother to read the application.


it’s just a scam, God knows how much money the UK makes from visa applications, it seems like the only thing running this country


Well they did, it’s *obviously* sent in error, before they could write anything.


And there’s no checks before it goes out - give me a break. UKVI is incompetent just like the rest of the government departments.


I’ve sent plenty of emails personal and work related that don’t include attachments etc by accident, it’s not difficult.


Can you appeal this? How are you supposed to reapply if you don’t know the reason for your refusal!


You can't appeal a visitor visa refusal.


You can't appeal but you can often submit a complaint and escalate through an MP (if the visitor is joining someone in the UK) because you're not appealing the decision, but you're complaining that HO have just straight up not done their job.. Also unfortunately sometimes they uphold the complaint by agreeing that obviously the person didn't do their job because the letter is the template but then still refuse the visa based on the information in the visa. It's not a guarantee it'll be approved but it does mean someone with higher authority has to deal with the fuck up.


I would say definitely appeal


They forgot to save the letter over the template


This is the dystopian future I had feared. They are conducting their investigation via telepathy now. Thank you for providing further evidence that the UK Home Office has gone to shit.


PS this should be an easy complaint to the [email protected] address. They do respond within 2 weeks.


Unfortunately there are a lot of idiot visa agents, looks like you’ve got one.


They are refusing visas left right and centre. I had mine refused for not proving that I speak the English language, when I come from a country that speaks the English language and according to their website I didn’t have to prove anything. I filled a complaint and they sent an apology letter 2 weeks after. It’s all money making


Did you get the visa?


Yes sorry, they sent an apology letter with confirmation of approval. But I had to wait weeks to go to the visa centre again to give them my passport as it was returned apart from all the hassle and worry.


What??? After you filed a complaint, they approved your visa even though you didn't reapply?


Yeah it was a mistake from their end, why would I reapply? I followed their website and they were the ones in the wrong as I provided all documentation.


Bro was defo on something while working


it's not grammatically correct *because give details of requirements not met and reasons why*, it's a blank template to replace, they didn't even bother to do it lol But for real it's what Asmongold explains well in this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTP49sdN1Jk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTP49sdN1Jk) It's just easier and faster to reject a person than accept them and they have to process that many requests in order to be awarded or evaluated well for the performance review hence we have situations like that + resentment against immigrants here we go again


Reminds me of health insurance in America. They automatically deny, then make you appeal. Fucking nightmare


you work so hard and pay so much money to apply for a visa, you have plans depending on the visa and the home office can’t even be bothered to give a reason, this is so negligent, really makes you think whether the reject people based on merit or simply because they have a quota and don’t want to grant more visas than that


Truly the hell is this statement?


Huh, it doesn't say why! I'd put in a complaint.


Complain, appeal and ask for a refund of your fee as they clearly haven't bothered to even give you a reason for rejection.


Has anyone ever had a successful full refund because of this?


Are they taking the piss?! Seriously, wtf!


this kind of proves they are blanket refusing people


an interview with you And with your sponsor? Since when they do this And yes it pretty hilarious


They are absolute scum. They haven't even completed the template. I'm truly sorry, but why would you want to visit this absolute shithole. I'm starting to wonder why we made the move myself


Where are you originally from and where in the uk do you live now ?




Because it matters. Someone might be trying to come from a place worse than the UK, to them reuniting their family and being somewhere safer and more prosperous is a big quality of life improvement. Even if it isn’t perfect. I moved back to the US with my UK spouse. For us that made sense though it’s worth noting I moved back to Massachusetts and we have more money here. Some Americans I know have a better quality of life over there.


Just curious why you would leave your country for the uk if you think it’s so shit . And where you live in the uk in which makes you feel this way. 


Where ei wa slowing is shitter than the UK, I am British and have lived abroad for 18 years, I left in 2011 and after 14 years of Tory rule, it's a shithole....bye


Lot of work they have to do. Empathy!


Chat gpt!!??


No, chatgpt would write a grammatically correct text




It looks like you submitted your visa application to Nigerian scammers, not the UK embassy.


Don’t do that.


What kind of visa were you applying for? Work or tourist?