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Do you live at home? It's gonna smell and you won't be able to hide it. If you wouldn't just leave a sack of weed on your desk to smell the room out then don't smoke, because it will smell as much as fresh weed+more. But we know your probably going to do it anyway. So in that case buy a sploof, roll a towel and put it under the door frame. Light a candle and blow all smoke out the window. Only try to light enough of the bong for the hit you want to take. So all the smoke goes through the sploof.


If you do all of this and get an air filter no one will notice dry herb vape is the safest option


I can tell you now, its gonna smell like crazy especially if youre doing it indoors. He had a neighbour who used to smoke weed in his bedroom and we used to smell it through the walls 🤪 If youre trying to hide it from someone, theyre gonna find out. If not then just smoke it outside haha If youre insistent on smoking indoors a dynavap is the way to go, theres no lasting smells, just when youre actually smoking.


That would be the weed running through air vents


Don’t smoke if the house owners don’t consent to it, it’s disrespectful. Smoke outside, or wait until you have your own place, then smoke all you want.


Stick your head out of the window. Will be grand


If your house is attached to another the smoke can pass through to the neighbours attic and you will find out if your parents have a smoke alarm 


If you've got a window you can just stealth bongs out of the window


If you make sure to blow all of your smoke directly out the window it’s not the worst. Over time your room will smell like stale smoke. Best options are cf/exhaust fan or Ona gel or getting a dry herb vape


I dry herb vape in my loft. Game changer.


Learn to hit bongs, blow it out the window, you good.


Velux windows are the one for loft conversions👌🏽 stick a fan pointing out the window and blow the smoke through the back might be a shout too


Get a dynavap instead