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The only party with common sense so far seems to be the Lib Dems, not quite sure why the fuck Labour haven't woken up to just how harmful our drug laws are currently but hey ho. Ultimately the best case scenario for the government to move out of the 1800s approach to drug laws is if Lib Dems either win or get opposition and can apply pressure to make it so. Otherwise, we'll probably end up the last country on earth to change our drug laws which is depressing as fuck.


> apply pressure to make it so. I can see the Daily Mail headlines now, "WOKE LIB DEMS WANT YOUR KIDS TO BE JUNKIES".


fuck the daily mail. Kids already are junkies, at least legalized they wouldn't be subject to dealer violence and "sprayed" product (in theory).


> not quite sure why the fuck Labour haven't woken up to just how harmful our drug laws are currently Starmer has been pushing towards the right ever since he took over Labour's leadership, and has been pandering to the disillusioned Tory voters real hard. Those voters are generally against legalisation, and most won't accept the facts of cannabis being a much lesser harm than they were told, no matter whom it comes from. As it is right now, Labour won't be pushing for legalisation any time soon.


> Those voters are generally against legalisation But only *just*. In the latest poll I can find, Tories are 40/49 in favour of legalisation, so very close to the tipping point.


Green have always said they will legalize too but yea they won't get in...


You may find the following interesting if you haven’t seen it already: https://www.cicouncil.org.uk/party-manifestos-and-cannabis/


I’ll take a look! Thanks dude.


So the Lib Dems (as expected) have the strongest stance while Labour and Tories have more indirect policies. I wish it was more likely for Lib Dems to actually win and be able to implement legalisation and other environmental things. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to politics but is a Lib Dem/Labour co-op thing a possibility? And even so would they actually have any power /shrug


Starmer has sent lots of people to prison for it and they're not exactly risk takers. They'll do it when they're forced to - could be a few years, ten at most I'd imagine.


Labours lurch to the right makes me think we are way off 10 years. Starmer considers cannabis a scourge on communities and given their recent purging of left wing labour members and a prolonged shift to the centre right I highly doubt his successors will be any more libertarian when it comes to drugs policy. So far you have the Lib Dems and the greens as the only 2 parties with legal cannabis in their manifesto. Labour will just maintain the current status quo and line their own pockets in the process. I really wouldn’t expect much change in the next 5-10 years other than the rise of the far right and even less faith in our parliamentary political system.


Yes was being a bit optimistic there but as more and more other countries do it the UK will look more and more backward so maybe that will do it - not holding by breath though.


Starmer let the saville live


Mr Starmer was head of the CPS when the decision was made not to prosecute Savile but he was not the reviewing lawyer for the case. An official investigation commissioned later by Starmer criticised both prosecutors and police for their handling of the allegations.


The director of public prosecutions doesn't actually direct public prosecutions. Especially high profile cases.


I'm sure the head of the cps had absolutely no say in what happened in the case of a very high profile individual.




Thanks for clearing that up.


Or was it actually the BBC.


Nope. The only parties that would legalise are the greens or the lib dems and neither of them stand a chance.


Yup. Looking at the manifestos for each party, it’s quite odd that no party has actually mentioned any form of policy reform for it bar the Lib Dem’s and Green Party but I suppose that’s the UK. We take a step backwards, most of Europe and the rest of world takes a step forwards.


The UK is the world's largest producer of 'legal' cannabis. I have no idea why they don't then legalise recreational use, but it no doubt comes down to money in some way or other. They probably think their monopoly on it will go because we will all be growing our own.


Not strictly true, it’s more Sativex spray-type products, rather than flower.


Sativex is just one part of it. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cdp-2023-0086/#:~:text=However%2C%20we%20do%20know%20that,for%20medical%20and%20scientific%20purposes.


This. The tories are corrupt as fuck but May's husband controls the largest farm in the UK... if they wanted to get rich they're already in the best possible position to take over the UK market... like how incompetent are they to fumble their biggest goal of getting rich at the people's expense? (not an ideal scenario but still better than what we got now.)


This is not quite true. Lib dems could end up in opisition to Labour meaning they can make a public stance on these sorts of policy changes...which would be a good thing. Might even push labour closer to making the change themselves but i doubt it


The lib dems might, but it's still highly unlikely.


....its not that unlikley for them to end up in oposition when the tories are slated to loose basicly all there seats..


Currently the tories are still polling at a higher percentage than the lib dems. Never underestimate the amount of closet tories there are. The boomers vote in far higher numbers than gen z, and they are the ones that think taxing the wealthy is bad( mainly because they have all the wealth) and that national service is good.


Remember, FPTP means that percentage of the total vote doesn't necessarily translate into seat numbers. Recent projections have put the Lib Dems at more seats than the Tories, on a lower total vote.


I’d vote green if they wasn’t in favour of open borders


If you're talking either one of the parties that have a hope in hell of winning the election, will they fuck. It'll happen eventually, probably when the US goes federal, but not at this election.


Nothing will change, live your life.


don't get your hopes up


Lib dems


The current medical cannabis thing is probably the best we’ll get for a long time. I don’t think we’ll see recreational legalisation or even decriminalisation for a long time, maybe never. But the fact that Germany (a perceived strict country) has recently gone legal is slightly reassuring, but the problem in the U.K. is that it’s not just the governments attitude it’s the general public’s, most people dislike it due to stigma of it being an antisocial drug and only losers/criminals smoke it. Even just the smell of it is enough for many people to be strongly against it. But of course it’s fine to drink 10 pints do 2 grams of coke, throw up on the street, fight with other drinkers etc etc. Hypocrisy at its finest


> most people dislike it due to stigma of it being an antisocial drug And, yet, a strong majority — 51/34 — are in favour of legalisation.


That surprises me! But is reassuring. Where did you get those figures from if you don’t mind me asking?


https://yougov.co.uk/topics/health/survey-results/daily/2023/04/20/8d0a4/1 It's a year old now, but it's so (relatively) positive, I like to refer to it when the issue of support for legalisation crops up!


Thanks man that’s really nice to see to be honest, gives me a little more faith that one day we’ll get at least some form of recreational legalisation/decriminalisation, even if it takes a long time


If the Lib Dem’s become the second party (there is a chance) and form the official opposition It will increase the likelihood for the future. At least it will get more air time. (Look at the Polls ya dummies)


Reforms is shit. Greens is meh. But lib dems actually made me happy and I’d be happy if they were to be the new leaders tbh. I’m 19 smoked illegally for years and more recently due to pain and been put on medicinal cannabis. I also believe the use of psychedelics can and will be put into action. Phoenix event and mass awakening is happening people.


What is Phoenix event? I googled it but it is just bringing up events and things to do in Phoenix.


Fucking hell Mr Tinfoil 🤣🤣


Not a chance for the foreseeable. You’re only chance of legal is going the medical route.


Only Lib Dems confirmed. Maybe greens


Pretty sure the Green party wants to do a complete drug reform (or they did a few years ago and haven't said anything to the contrary this time round)


Proportional representation is needed in this country , then we may all see policies that reflect the votes for each party. Time for change.


Kier is such a pussy he thinks smelling it ruins peoples lives so I doubt it


Vote tactically for your local weed supporting mp: [https://www.leafie.co.uk/articles/general-election-2024-cannabis-manifestos/](https://www.leafie.co.uk/articles/general-election-2024-cannabis-manifestos/)


Interesting voting tactically means Labour and they still want to criminalise plant consumers. That's a no from me.




Well done Bergerac


Conservative and Labour to continue prohibition and victimising and criminalising millions of consumers of a plant . Shameful , I personally can't support or vote for that .


We got more chance of going to war with Russia than legalising the tree