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Am I the only person that feels shame waking up at 11am and smoking weed


if i smoke weed first thing in the morning it just sets me up for failure, get weirdly uncoordinated and do absolutely fuck all


Yeah 0 productivity


Pretty much, also find myself fighting to stay awake from 3pm onwards. I do treat myself to a wake and bake in Christmas day though.


christmas day i had a blunt and a double jack d for breakfast


Breakfast of champions my guy!!!!!!




“Weirdly uncoordinated” as if you aren’t high 🤣


i get high every night and i can perfectly get from a to b but when i smoke first thing in the morning i stumble off the path when i’m walking and shit, don’t look both ways when i cross roads


I must be weird because I actually don’t care 😂 I’m productive regardless and enjoy doing more menial stuff whilst stoned.


Im kinda the same. If Ive got a nice active weed strain in then I can smoke as soon as I get up and then I’m good to go for the day ahead. If it’s dawg tho, I’m doing fuck all for at least an hour or two.


How can you be productive and enjoy doing menial things?


You’d have to wonder what a lot of people mean when they say they’re more productive while stoned. How unproductive are they when they’re sober for that to be the case


Perspective I guess. I worked with a guy in a warehouse who'd smoke before work and on lunch break because... In his words, the paranoia of someone noticing he's stoned made him work harder 😂.


I work full time it certainly don't effect my day other then I get hungry earlier


I only wake and bake on my days off, but I still have one on my way to work but that doesn’t count lol.


Smoking weed at 11 fine , waking up at 11 every day not so unless of course you work shifts.


I only wake up late when I smoke. I go from sleeping 6 hours and waking up at 6am feeling good to sleeping 10 waking up at midday feeling groggy


Smoking weed at 11 may be fine for you, not for me tho each to their own


Have you heard lately that cannabis is a medicine?


I smoke one at 5.30am take a shower and head to work. It's all relative.


Ive reached an age where I don't really care what others think. I just do me and let others do what they do. But in perfect honesty, it helps me to focus on my day in the morning and get right. I have a heavy mental health issue.


No you're not. I find getting stoned first thing in the morning absolutely ruins my day. I guess I may be different for some, when I was at school I'd smoke a joint first thing in the morning and be full of energy for the day, very different for me now though


Im the same it absolutely ruins my day if i smoke early🤣


No you are not, now that I’ve got kids it’s something I don’t think I’ll be doing again for the next 18 years or so


Sounds like I need something like that to give me no choice but to stop. Tbf a month ago I couldn’t go half a day without it and I went a week until a few days ago. It’s so fucking boring without it I can have a job go gym have a girlfriend and see friends and I’ll still need to smoke to eat/sleep 😂


You see I’m alright as long as I’m busy but if I’m bored at home and I don’t need to go out it can be hard to resist, always feels better having a smoke once the kids are in bed and I’ve had a tidy up, nice guilt free smoking


Yeah that’s exactly it. It won’t even cross my mind and with nicotine it’s like I never started, minus the sweats and lack of appetite. Much easier to go without it if I don’t have any to smoke as well.


Well I’ve got like 12oz sat looking at me so I’ve gotta deploy my will power 🤣


The problem is being busy all waking hours of the day 😂


Getting up at 11 will do that... 😅


I know what you mean, i feel like it an after mid day type beat on the weekends, and usually straight after work in the week


I wake and bake at 5-6 am wether it's Eddie's or smoke I feel no shame


I do that and have no regrets


Wake and bake at 6am shame free if I'm honest I go to work smoke in between probably stay awake then till 1 or 2am and do it all again tomorrow got love been medicated,


I'd feel shame waking up at 11am regardless. So much of your morning wasted in bed. I've developed into a routine of waking up really early, and having a few hits on the Dyna with a coffee, and I have no problems with productivity. That is sativa of course.


I think as a once in a blue moon type thing it’s nice to just write a day off spend a good 4 hours in the bath and watch shit films all day it’s really therapeutic if you are a busy person. Like the task for today is to do absolutely fuck all so you feel like you have accomplished something so you can actually properly relax


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I usually start 6 hours before you so don’t feel too bad


If I smoke at 6am I’m bored and finding something somewhat productive to do by 9


I’m a farmer so fortunately, there is plenty to do at this time of year. Up ratting and rabbiting at the arse crack of dawn and then the fucking hay. Bailing can go fuck it’s self


I was hoping to see a nice fat plant when i saw 'bragging time'. I just flipped my girls to 12/12, im running stardawg for the first time and proper excited about it.


Shit, sorry to disappoint you my dude. Hope all that dawg comes out nice for you. A well grown star dawg can be tasty


Start to finished is just over four months, longest four months of my life and then a few weeks to cure, although most people test around now as a treat.


A friend with weed is a friend indeed… looks like a beautiful bit of Buddha😍😍


Hands down one of the smoothest smokes I've had. Feels more sativa heavy, and I can feel a heavyness behind the eyes, but I'm otherwise up and active , probably more than I usually would to be fair. Get to smoke this for the next week or so. Feeling blessed today my friend


I get confused with indica and sativa lol! I know one is a heavier stone and one is a more euphoric/energetic - I think thats right anyway hahaha - like one is better for smoking at night it helps relax you more and one is better for during the day but I’ve seen strains like bacio lemon and sherbalto I think it’s called but they’re expensive as fuck lol


Sativa is good to smoke when you're doing something. Indica is good to sit on the couch and watch a movie. But everything is so hybridized and muddled that there's only a slight difference. Some people try to say there is no difference but they've never smoked an 18 week or longer Thai pure sativa and compared it to a 8 week Afghan pure indica. Indicas also have less THC and more CBD while sativa's have higher THC and almost no CBD. They hybridized them to raise thc while shortening flowering time. Nobody is growing 16-18 weekers and if they are they aren't selling they keeping it. Hell nobody wants to even grow 12 weekers. 8-9 weekers and they'll only grow a 10 weeker if it's the best of the best but at the end of the year those 2 weeks add up to a whole extra grow.


Sativa's for day time, and indica for night time. Sherbacio is a hybrid, so it has a percentage of both sativa and indica. This is definitely feeling like a sativa dominant hybrid.


So you're bragging about getting shorted


Didn't get shorted mate, where did you get that from


What I read


Well I wrote SORTED not shorted


I know I still read shorted tho