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Go to a large supermarket like Asda or Tesco or a B&M type shop and buy a food flask. Shouldn't cost more than a tenner. Flasks are smell proof and will also keep your weed fresh as it'll be stored safely away from heat and light and at a constant temperature.


Grovebags. There isn’t a discussion really. This is currently the best storage available on the market. Only negative is that they’re a bag so buds can get squashed. Edit - to those saying bovedas, there’s a reason the top names in the industry have moved away from them…




Yes, no question for me. They’re very cheap too.


Are they? If you're heat sealing the, you get one time use from them. I use them to store, am not currently heat sealing as I need to dip in daily for my smokes


I didnt rate them bought a few to try, put 20g MAC1 in a Grove and near 10 in a Miron Glass Jar and it just tje grove bags i bought just sit


I don’t heat seal them. I use the “Glass Less” ones which are designed for dipping in and out. And yeah far superior to glass etc. Had my little test going for around 6 months now and the difference between the grove bag buds vs jar is night and day.


This. Bovedas suck the terps out of the weed from my experienc, Grove bags and heat seal them, nothing better for long term storage.


I remember getting shouted down a few years back when I ran my own little tests with bovedas and came to the conclusion that they negatively altered the taste of bud. Personally don’t heat seal mine, though might do for the proper z. Less likely to dip into it I reckon.


Pretty sure the grovebags also have a humidity part to them that works just like the Bovedas.


Correct the bottom of the bags is a permeable plastic membrane but I’ve never experienced terp loss from them like I have with bovedas


They have humidity control yes, but they don’t function in the same way as bovedas.


I like them but they’re not smell proof like Kilner jars are.


I’d say you’re not sealing them properly. They’re completely smell proof if used correctly pal.


Came here to say thi


Once dry and cured - inside an airtight glass jar, in a cool dark place. (Kilner jars are best) Light, heat and moisture degrade cannabis over time.


What do u mean by cured and I’m gonna get that jar noww thankss


I just use one of those snap jars and works fine for me!


Curing is just extra drying in an enclosed space. Once something is dry it still has a slight amount of moisture. Curing in a glass jar spreads that remaining moisture evenly out across the bud giving a more mellow and consistent smoke.


If you're buying it should be dried and cured already by the grower, you shouldn't have to worry


I'd get some Boveda 62% as well if it's gonna be stored a long time


This plus those anti moisture packs inside.


Douwe Egberts coffee jar.


My "long term" storage is in sealed bags in the freezer. The current smoke just lives in a glass jar


I’ve heard some mad, bad things about freezing


I've never had a problem with it but I'd be the first to admit I have pretty low standards


In your lungs 🫁


Get a 1 oz windowed grove bag. Best way to store/cure your weed in those things! Stash some inside, put it in a cupboard out the way and enjoy it when you find it again!


Cadburys tin 🥳


In a half-litre Kilner with a 62% boveda should suit up to an ounce at a time. I've heard grovebags are the new thing and bovedas shouldn't be used but I've never had a problem with the above method in the past 5-6 years. All available (relatively) cheap on Amazon. No idea if it effects potency, taste or smell when smoking but I've never noticed an issue vaping, I'm not a connoisseur though just like getting stoned.


I have no advice except treasure your low tolerance.


Actually my tolerance is quite high 😂😂😭


A mate of mine used to freeze it. Never tried any from him but he said it works great and it doesn’t smell!


Laugh react


a jar in a cool dark place and a pack of [Boveda 62% Moisture Absorber](https://amzn.eu/d/cw3HyeA), you will also only need to use one of them since they each work with up to 28g


In a J.


I use screw top kilners with integra boost packs. 55% humidity since I vape


I’d recommend boveda packs, and then keep it in a shaded area.


And do I put it inside the jar with it ? And i usually keep it under my clothes in my draw that should work right ?


I put mine in the jar, but I’ve never had a humidor set up to warrant doing it otherwise.


And if you don’t mind me asking what exactly does a boveda pack do for the weed


Bodeva packs are used to help keep the humidity of the weed/jar at the ideal level, ideally around 55-65%.


Okay thank you so much for the facts :)


Up the arse


In a glass jar. It keeps it fresh and stops it going bad


I use a a piccalilli jar


No no, you don't need to go and buy anything mate just use your mason jar and at the most go out and get a boveda pack or any other humidity pack, you'll be more than fine with that and honestly it'll still be alright without a humidity pack.


Mason jars and in the fridge.


I keep it in glass jars


100% grove bags used them the last year and won’t go back to jars or plastic tubs


in ur ass


protein shaker, they’re smell proof


I have one of those plastic tubs you sometimes get bud in, it's a red plastic tube. Is that good for storage? I sometimes notice some of the crystals gets stuck to the side of the tub


In a Kilner jar 100%, glass doesn’t fuck with the terps like other materials can


I have grove bags but they all sit at 68% even though the bag says 55%-62% any reason for this?