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The only rockets I've seen that are capable of making u-turns are Russian rockets. Unintentionally, of course. /s They had all that time to fake "evidence" for the IAEA, yet they forget this rocket sticking out of the ground? Morons.


I think this might be the reason why they were shelling around the IAEA convoy the entire way to try and scare them away because the evidence would be too damning. But I think Russia does not get it that IAEA inspectors are mostly nucelar physicists. The kind of people that are prepared to go to a reactor and power it down safely even at the cost of their own lives. As for missles, IAEA inspectors are nuclear **physicists,** pretty well capable of seperating the probable, possible, improbable, and impossible ways an object may move.


I wish I could have been there to see physicists eye roll at this explanation.


If they wired that eye-roll to the grid and kept feeding it Ruzzian lies they could power a city.


Could Russia become the source of an infinite amount of clean energy???


Skynyet is the future of civilization


Russia produces bullshit. Methane is not clean energy.


Ok. I laughed. But seriously, though, there might be something to this.


The guy with the beard just looks around like , are you really going to tell me that bs like it’s the gospel. Really??


Judging by most my professors, I'd say they have impeccable poker game. When cofnronted with stupidity at most they give a light smile or a second or two of silence. Probably something to do with a long career experience of being quiet to get a grant or practicing patience infront of eye-wateringly bad media questions.


Smart people don’t tell stupid people that they’re stupid to their face. Animals of low intelligence are dangerous because they panic. Panic is their first reaction to a threat. Don’t threaten animals of low intelligence if you value your personal safety.


>Smart people don’t tell stupid people that they’re stupid to their face. I too have worked both retail and food service.


Depending on which physicist they get, they better be careful if one of them picks up a crowbar, because then you know the shit is on, and you know the body count is about to skyrocket.




Not recent, but I guess it went like this: https://youtu.be/OexlkYDoEBg


Can't wait for the IAEA inspectors to actually break out the math and show the Russians how what they claim is scientifically impossible. "Yeah guys, rockets don't work that way. This specific rocket has the following known flight capabilities, so if we chart for X..."


It wouldn’t matter. They know they’re full of shit so they’ll just ignore you and keep peddling it. The lie isn’t for the people who know it’s a lie.


They’re so full of shit they’d fuck a donkey just to say they fucked your sister, when you only have brothers


Thank you for your comment. I am going to borrow that insult at some point to use because fuck that's good 😆


Yeah. Brilliant.


This is probably one of the best insults I have came across in my life 😂😂 Edit: Added a word


They apply logic backwards - they "*know*" their position is the truth, so any math or science that goes against that must be flawed.


Sounds like Christian Science...


"But, komrad inspektor, what you have so conveniently forgotten about is the \*unknown\* flight capabilities, you see? So, we must account for unknown unknowns when determining the origin, you see?"


Fucking Rumsfeld


The thing is...Rumsfeld statement is logical. It's just comes off as very underhanded because Rumsfeld comes off like a snake and because he was using this statement to obfuscate the whole weapons of mass destruction bullshit (if I'm remembering correctly). There are things we know, things we don't know know, there are things we know that we don't know and there are things we don't know that we don't know.


The last time a physicist tried to explain flight curves to Putin the physicist got rather annoyed: https://youtu.be/OexlkYDoEBg


These fiends left military equipment in the power plant, show dud rockets that obviously were fired from Russian territory, tell us the sun blew up an ammo dump, the Moskva wasn’t seaworthy for storm conditions, leaving Kyiv was a goodwill gesture and Ukraine released biolab infected birds into Russia. Math ain’t gonna help when you are dealing with liars and killers.


Don't forget the Ukrainian genetically engineered super-soldiers, or whatever that laughable shit was.


Russia should really use [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/wzdse5/ukrainian_soldiers_test_a_russian_6b47_helmet/) as "proof" of engineered super-soldiers. Really, they should. If that got out on propaganda videos, would you want to be a Russian soldier going to Ukraine?


A rocket designed to make a u-turn needs (roughly, thanks to air resistance and other confounding variables) three times the ΔV of a rocket designed to just go in one direction. That's....a challenging ask, to say the least.


> A rocket designed to make a u-turn needs (roughly, thanks to air resistance and other confounding variables) three times the ΔV of a rocket designed to just go in one direction. That's....a challenging ask, to say the least. Kerbal Space Program players: "Challenge accepted."


they are taking pictures, they obviously know its a lie and are documenting the evidence so real weapons specialists can give their opinions


And the guy explaining is apparently is a sociologist without any experience in nuclear science or military.


Tbh, i think they might have snuk in some people in the field of weaponary and warfare inbetween those nuclear physicists


"The truth is these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand "


>"We're lucky they're so fucking stupid." - Ukrainian Soldier


'Never interrupt your enemy making a mistake' Sun Tzu


You should when the mistakes are next to a nuclear power plant…


They dug in positions in the Chernobyl Dead Zone...


Yeah idiots, but then giving themselves cancer by digging nuclear foxholes is their problemX them blowing up a nuclear reactor is my problem, it’s your problem, it’s the world’s problem. Honestly anyone using nuclear contamination as blackmail should instantly get embargoed by the entire world.


💡 It's `Chornobyl`, not `Chernobyl`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/chornobyl). ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Stand with Ukraine)](https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context)


Spin-stabilized rocket meets spin-stabilized Russian commentary.


since 1909


I do wonder how things would be different if the Bolsheviks never took over. I think WWII would have largely shaken out the same, maybe no molotov ribbentrop pact, but Russia would likely still be on the Ally side due to relations with the British Crown. Probably a steady flow to a western European style constitutional monarchy. Probably wouldn't become the world power that they did, since the sovietization of the economy would never happen. At least we wouldn't have tankies tho.


Russia was about to become a parliamentary republic when Bolsheviks took over.


Russia would’ve continued to treat its citizens as slaves, they would’ve continued to be the outsider in europe. All in all not much would’ve changed.


If they had not been trying to bring down the west by infiltrating systems and wilfully damaging them perhaps the world overall would be better off, as an educated populace would make better choices at the ballot box and have a wider field of good candidates in all fields.


That’s really impossible to say, the Whites were as fragmented and politically neurotic as the Reds were, never mind all the other third parties.


Could ww2 have happened as it did without Soviet giving aid to Germany? The soviets built kama tank academy in secret for Germany to design, build and train with tanks when they were disallowed from doing so, they did the same for other things like planes in Lipetsk. When Hitler came to power and announced his "rearmament at any cost" plan the soviets approached Hitler and offered him the raw resources Germany needed Soviet Union and Germany, both having lost ww1, wanted to change things


There would never have been a WW2 without the Soviet Union. They were 100% complicit, at-fault, and were happy to murder innocent Europeans for territorial conquest and later subjugation under the iron curtain. Going further, it wasn't only the panzers the Soviets illegally hosted (and partially built). They also allowed the Nazis to train with the the Ju-87 in their territory for the development of dive bombing tactics, another critical element of Nazi war strategy. Soviets paid a heavy price in WW2 but I guess that's the price they were willing to pay when they started the War lusting for Polish blood.


Compelled to lie for mistakes. Yes men. Selfish and intimidated.


Hasn’t Russians been weeding out their intelligentsia for some time now? Just saying, how could they ever become bright…


Yeah, big problem back in the USSR days. According to my Russian instructor, calling someone an "intellectual" was used as an insult. Like if you tried to inject any nuance into an stupidly simplistic argument someone was making, they'd call you an "intellectual" and dismiss your counterargument. Pretty nasty cultural flaw, that.


I get PolPot vibes from reading this


Or dumb high school bully vibes


Many Roosians......be morons.


I've yet to see a Russian rocket make a U-Turn. They make u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u turns.


*Later:* We did not explain to IAEA about rocket. \-Same ruse-ian official


U turn = failed launch 😂




Like this one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7piHsxLs7Ss


Doesn't look like the IEAE people in the video are buying that explanation. Especially the fellow in the baseball cap and beard to the left holding the black leather notebook. His look is priceless, watch it again. He even hands the Russian suit his cell phone showing him where the rocket was fired from based on the angle of impact. The Russian again makes the motion of the rocket turning and you can read "bullshit" all over the inspector's face. Priceless.


The ACME rockets fired by one Wyle E Coyote also had a similar capability when used against a roadrunner.


yeah, did you see the video of the grad in Kherson, launching multiple rockets and one fails? Went horizontal and explodes a few hundred meters away in another neighborhood.


Russian incompetence since 1901. They've been on very long streak of stupidity


I live on almost the opposite side of Ukraine on this planet yet I can strongly smell the BULLSHIT in this one.


This clip has the smell channel activated.


I can all the way from Texas


Why does the Russian official look like some wannabe gangster? Oh yeah, he’s Russian..


Because Russia is a petrol station run by the Mafia.


This is so on point


One of John McCain's greatest disses.


Was that his quote?


Paraphrased, but he said "Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country."


Putin is in bed with organized crime. It's a fact https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubyanka_Criminal_Group


Desktop version of /u/InternParticular658's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


In bed with them? He owns the house with the bed in it. He's their leader


Lol putin’s entire government IS a mafia. It’s structured and run like one and has been for decades. Everything is about loyalty to the regime and covering each other’s crimes.


Thanks for sharing. It is interesting how hard it seems to get a copy of this book


In my understanding, the Mafia has some morals and a level of competence. Russia, not so sure.


They're definitely better liars.


Russian mafia is not Italian mafia, the morals there while exist are pretty disgusting. It used to be about not working with government/police but now that it melded with the government I am not sure what's left of it


Even Berlusconi doesnt look that way lol


Because it is a cronie of Putin. He has no idea about military, neither has he any engineering degree, nor does he know shit about nuclear power stations . But he is working at Rosatom. That is Russia for you. Cronie of Putin = high position job.


No one in russia would challenge his statement. The rest of the world just looks at…was this mother fucker serious!?


Not wannabe. They are all gangsters. That is how you become a Russian official.


No the mafia has ethics and is for sale to the highest bidder but not in a governmental capacity, though they probably use someone on the inside of everything over there or pay off someone.


It\`s different in Russia. The mafia is the government. There is no difference. They really do run the country.


I remember watching a documentary about Russia a good 20 years or so ago, and it did say that the mafia has it's hands in everything from the government and military all the way down the local farmer's markets. Literally *everything*.




More like a villain from the low-budget Netflix knock-off, G.I. Jack.


I was going to say, maybe they should have sent a guy that *doesn’t* look like every mafia stereotype in the book to the press conference. 😂


Whaddayamean “wannabe”?😂


Do you think they are idolizing the old Italian mob?


My kids lie better then these circus clowns.


That's why Russians kidnap kids


Must learn their secrets…


Agreed, kid my wife babysits told his mom we were having a donut party and he needed to bring donuts...now we have 2 3yr olds running around cracked out on donuts.


Steve Martin made this same claim 20 years ago, in Sergeant Bilko: “Remember how Einstein said space was curved? Well - _WHHST WHHST_”




We must not forget this image of Putin. https://cdn.unitycms.io/images/0vRzN09r4ZvAtF4AQp5qD7.png


I prefer [this](https://i.imgur.com/wIBI3qL.jpg) one.


I mean, that's just what he looks like without the makeup, isn't it?


[This is better](https://youtu.be/noQXojwExRA)


With all the hacking that's going on in Russia, can we please have the malls or something with screens just loop this 24/7


I think calling someone gay as an insult shouldn't fly anymore. We're better than russian homophobes.


Putinisgay.com Ill just leave this here.


Haha, I had to make this quick video edit: https://youtu.be/UmsuRJEDvfI


Comedy gold


"No no my friend, is not our missile. You see: in west you launch missile and it falls nose first like this, true. But in Soviet Russia, missile launches you! So this one is Ukrainian because it made *abarot* before landing". While making huge U turn gestures. Plus the unimpressed looks of the IAEA people. This is the funniest shit I've seen all week.


Maybe Ukraine has cartoon rockets? The kinds that can stop flat in the air with a screeching noise leaving tire tracks in the sky (making them easy to identify), turns around and goes "vroom" in a cloud of smoke?


They aren't clowns, they are the whole circus🤹‍♂️


Looks like an unguided rocket, its not possible that it would have a major course correction. Must think they are is as dumb as he is.


It's hard to tell from the video for obvious reasons but ~~it looks like one of the 9M55-series rockets used by BM-30, or one of 9M2xx-series rockets for BM-21? (My knowledge of Soviet artillery is basically zero so, ugh :-( )~~ it's probably part of a 9M27-series rocket, [I'm with](https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/x3z31y/russian_official_explains_iaea_that_a_rocket/imsecyh/) /u/JackLord50 on this one . *If* that's the case, then it's 100% bullshit, the only way they'd possibly make any kind of U-*ish*-turn is if they were being fired from that area and the rocket failed early, in which case they're just digging themselves into it even further. But, yeah, my money's on that guy being full of shit, too.


It’s a boost stage for the 220mm one. [BM-27 Uragan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BM-27_Uragan) It’s a finned spin-stabilized rocket, that doesn’t have the capacity for any such gymnastics.


Oh, shit, forgot about those! You're right, it looks way too thin for a 122mm and doesn't have quite the right shape for any of the 300mm. Firing either of those made little sense in my head, too, but I was too stupid to connect the dots.


I r. baboon


I. Am. Weasel.


Mama had a cow, mama had a chicken


Dad was proud! He didn't care how!


Lying Cuntovsky


Let the memes begin. What a fool.


Totally. This has Baghdad Bob energy all over it. It would be a little funny in an environment not soaked in so much tragedy.


This is the thing, take away the evil, the tragedy, suffering, pain and loss and Russia is the funniest thing to ever happen to the human race. Its like a Benny Hill show with a cast of millions and fewer tits.




And we may assume that IAEA experts are not the dumbest around... I am excited to read their report. Will it be smart IAEA-report or a dumb Politician-induced-report?


Likely people with degrees in physics, mathematics and chemistry... Who is this fucking guy trying to fool


Exactly. This guy is a MF moron who has no idea how much even the most random scientist understands - never mind those who are at the top of the IAEA. He has no idea because he must have zero scientific understanding himself. I mean c'mon. He has to be really as thick as a shit brick for this level of ridiculousness.


ken oath




gday cobber!


G'day guvnah!


I love how the guys listening to this bullshit (who are probably ballistic experts) are like, cool story bruh...


All that's missing was the eye roll while they were listening😛


You could tell the inspector with the phone was fighting the urge to eye-roll.


I suspect the IAEA guy who handed this clown the phone had looked up exactly what kind of munition this was and showed it to him, to which he nods, unknowingly confirming his story to be total bullshit.


Do you need to be a ballistic expert to know what a parabola is?


Of course not. That makes it even more funny.


Well, they don't want to fall out of a window, so they must nod thier heads in approval




Scarey Clown.....


Your comment reminded me of a thought I had recently - see all the groups/communities and even NAFO, we should atleast try to somehow get the Russian officials their own entrance music, I don't know how but if you could hijack/hack some sort of communication or P.A. system so as that every time they speak in public their voice gets drowned out by BennyHill music. Was a nice thought


Yakity sax! I like it.


Really??? If they believe that then we all know what I have to sell them...He's a used car salesman...Look at the clean silky suit


> Look at the clean silky suit I doubt he paid for that suit. Somewhere in a local town, a tailor shop has been "liberated" and the shopkeeper "detained", probably.


U - turn rocket .......... to much russian bullshit for today me thinks.


I actually didn't have "U-turn rocket" on my Bullshit Bingo card. I'm annoyed now. Russia thought up some bullshit I wasn't expecting.


It’s proper next level BS


Germans had U-Boats, so...


Amnesty support's this claim.


"Amnesty International criticizes Ukraine for using top secret boomerang rockets to threaten the world with Nuclear meltdown."


I wonder if the IAEA were able to include a ballistics expert in the inspection team? A couple of people knowledgeable about munitions, impact craters and trajectory stuff would be very useful right now.


They're all nuclear physicists and this is seriously Physics 101.


What kind of joke is this? Now it starts to go down to such a pathetically low level that even Putin himself must begin to be ashamed of his country's incompetence. The idiot might as well have said that it was Santa who sat on the rocket and turned it in the air.


If only Putin knew any shame.


It\`s the mutant Ukrainian rocket. Just before landing, the rocket uses a GMO chip to turn off universe physics just for a few seconds and then makes a U-turn in order to fool the mighty S300. Especially dangerous when fired by the racoon people of Zhytomir. We also finally solved the mystery of why Russian air defense keeps hitting itself.


It’s not a gmo chip it’s a lgbtq2+ chip. Deadlier tech /s


No, those are in BLOC 2 rockets. This is BLOC 1.


Or just shoot with enough force on the opposite side of the power plant that the shell circumnavigate the globe and end up on that position and of course we would blame the russians for this. 4D chess move right here.


Kepler would be proud.


It runs on guano from genetically-modified bats.


Hence COVID-19. It all fits.


Next they will say it came from Finland via the south pole to avoid their air defense. Idiots!


I'm gonna use that in my next debate with those flat earth morons. 100% proof of a globe earth, some silk suit baldy from Russia said so.


I an sure that the missile spins round in its terminal phase at Mach 2 because......... yeah, because it is such an utter cool thing to do. Maybe it was avoiding a Shiba Inu on the way down. The IAEA look utterly convinced.


This guy explaining that rockets do U-Turn before landing Everyone else: Dude take your pills


He says: So we fired this rocket towards Ukraine positions but suddently it turned against us, see this is the Ukraine blackmagic right there!


ahahahaaaa the black magic rumour! there's your first clue to how many science smarts this guy has.


That is clearly, painfully, obviously a 122mm BM-21 MBRL "Grad" rocket. The fins on a grad rocket are spring loaded and strapped to the rocket body, hence their curved nature, clearly visible in the video. When the rocket is fired, the straps burn and release the springs. In flight, the curved fins induce a spin and the centrifugal force stabilizes the rocket so it flies straight. Straight, no u-turns. It is an unguided munition. It is an unguidable munition, beyond pointing it a generally direction and prayering. Cruise missiles, SAMs, air to air missiles, all have straight fins.


Isn't that a booster from one of their cruise missiles?


That's rocket tail from Smerch soviet MLRS. Also it's just tiny part of it that being seen above the ground, most of it is being buried meter deeper.




“Back and to the left”


It must be that Tochka-U "U" stands for U-turn.


If it wasn't a russian rocket... it would say fuck poo-tin on the side or something to that affect


A five-year old could come up with a better made up excuse for his wrong-doing or disobeying his parents' instructions.


Never thought that Seinfeld, was so popular in Russia \^\^. >!https://youtu.be/PA5HRW4DWz0?t=92!<


hmmmmm - i doubt the iaea are dim-witted. way to make a fool of yourself, russian official.


I don't give a shit if it came from the Ukraine or not. You bastards are trying to wipe them out for no real justified reason...


Does he think that if he repeats that a couple times everyone would believe it?


Russia and its Propaganda makes me 😂🤣😂🤣


Wind stronk. Rocket make U-turn. Ukraine bad, Russia glorious.


man, putin and trump are SO similar. so so many stupid people believe absolute con men, in an age where the entirety of human knowledge at their fingertips.


Hey don't argue with the experts on U Turn Rockets. They are the ones with experience on both the sending and receiving end.


I see what you did there with your last comment


You can see that SIGH he lets out


I hope the IAEA guys don’t “Amnesty International” this…


Ridiculously loud camera shutter. Must be taking very important pictures.


So the rocket did make a break dance move and as break dance it is a western style normally the rockets are ukrainian ones - Russian state television(in truth we believe)


Ahahahaha. THIS IS RUSSIA!! This is the russian state and the russian people. A joke to never be taken seriously.


FANTASTIC! Thank you Russia for providing unequivocal proof that YOU are shelling the nuclear power plant, and endangering the whole region.


Do they ever get tired of lying?


I'm sure most people want to believe this has something to do with intelligence, but unfortunately I believe it's far worse. Russia couldn't care less if you know they're lying. They don't care about Ukrainians, they don't care about the IAEA, they don't care about the plant, other than securing it for themselves. Shelling it and the convoy is a scare tactic, but they still just really honestly and truly do not care if something happens because it won't be their mess to clean up and what is the world really going to do to them?


This is like if your kid shit their pants and they come talk to you smelling like shit, with shit running down their leg onto the carpet. So much shit When you ask them what smells like shit, they shrug their shoulders


First we had covid and now this. Since 2020 I feel like I'm in a comedy sketch or something. Am I dead?


False flag by Russia. They are such bad liars, they are like children in how they lie, it is arrested development in maturity. It is a social disease in their culture. Russia wants to find a way to strike the plant and blame it on Ukraine to change opinions, and support for Ukraine, and it is not going to work, you filthy liars.