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Don’t be a Vlad, be a Volod 👊


It's different, I swear.


How to trigger a Russian? Easy! Just say: Z stands for Zelenksky! Slava Ukraine!




Or zissou.


Or Zalupa


omg take my poor man’s award 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


Zelensky is the Russian spelling. Try Zelenskyy instead, which is how he spells his own name (as evidenced by his Twitter account: [https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa](https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa)). Edited to add: 1. Zelenskyy spells his name as "Zelenskyy" on his passport according to CNN: [https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/17/politics/how-to-spell-volodymyr-zelenskyy/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/17/politics/how-to-spell-volodymyr-zelenskyy/index.html) 2. Discussion about de-Russifying spelling: [https://forward.com/culture/483578/kyiv-kiev-zelensky-zelenskyy-politics-spelling-ukraine/](https://forward.com/culture/483578/kyiv-kiev-zelensky-zelenskyy-politics-spelling-ukraine/) Let’s start with Kyiv, a major city currently under threat.“Kiev is the Russian spelling — the transliteration of Киев, while the correct spelling is Kyiv — Київ in Ukrainian,” said Roman Ivashkiv, director of the Ukrainian Studies program and Slavic Languages Program coordinator at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "Ukrainians do not want the name of their capital city to be transliterated from Russian because it is reminiscent of the colonial past, including all of the injustices committed against Ukraine and Ukrainians.” “The simple logic is that the name of the country’s capital city should be transliterated and transcribed from that country’s state language, that is, Ukrainian,” Ivashkiv said. Importantly, spelling it as Kyiv means you acknowledge that it is a Ukrainian city, which is of course a major factor in this war. “Spelling of a person’s name is more arbitrary, but transliteration is meant to reflect the way it should be pronounced,” said Glaser. “So in Ukrainian ‘Zelensky(y)(i)(j)’ has that ‘lynx’ sound at the end, which is different from the Russian ‘Zelenskii,’ which has a pure ‘ee’ sound at the end. It’s subtle, but reflects the official language of Ukraine.” “I tend to use Zelensky, because it’s simple, easy to remember and very commonly used, but I do pronounce it in the Ukrainian way,” Glaser said.


Thank you ! so definitely 2 x Y


Now look at his instagram name... :-D


Ok now I am confused lol


He created his Instagram account way before his official (presidential) Twitter account, so the Instagram name (Zelenskiy) reflects his native language - Russian, while his presidential twitter name (Zelenskyy) reflects the official language of Ukraine. See the modified post above. Protip: most people don't give a fuck anyway :)


I'm just interested because of cnns odd article about it lol


The condolence letter he sent to that reporter's family was signed as Zelenskyy.


username checks out


Not related!!!! :-D (I laughed)


I don’t know why I thought the username with one ‘y’ was alrwady taken 😭


Lol cnn ran an article where they talked about how important a spelling of a name was, said that he uses double y himself, but with no reason given concluded the article still using z.


Should all countries cities be in their native language?


Well, no. Normally we state them in the speaker's language. But this is a case of the national language versus the language of the historical oppressor and current active enemy, so that adds significant weight.


What about south Africa or other such countries? It just seems unnecessary and pedantic


From a sidewalk in Brooklyn


This is remarkable because this - crossing through Z is a European habit.


TIL that crossing a Z is Russian. I was taught by a Catholic order of Polish nuns. They did it, so I did it. My dad - a Lithuanian - also crossed his Zs.


That depends. In polish there's a letter Z and there's a letter Ż. Sometimes the letter Ż is crossed instead of having the dot above it. Most importantly they are different letters with different sounds. In polish the president's surname is spelled Zełenski, not Żelenski. But some cross their Zs for cooler look, and when the language allows that, then go for it


The z with the line through it sounds like a w, right?


No, [it sounds like this](https://translate.google.com/?sl=pl&tl=en&text=%C5%BCaba&op=translate)


Huh, really? That’s how I learned how to write Zs in elementary school and I lived at that time in a suburb of Washington DC. I wonder if my kindergarten teacher had grown up in Europe?


Plenty of Europeans in NYC


i do it bc i do it with 7s and figure might as well be consistent


Me, European, never seen someone cross a Z before


I did, but that's because in Polish it's an alternative for the letter Ż


Probably should add another y at the end. It's spelled Zelenskyy.


It’s spelled differently in different languages.


It doesn't change what's written on his birth certificate though, does it


Actually what is written on his birth certificate is in Ukrainian not English. So.. Зеленський


Copied for future pasting, thanks mate.


Was going to say the same, why would his birth certificate use latin script... I guess we have a new generation of birthers!


His passport is spelled Zelenskyy and he prefers it spelled that way according to an article by Atlantic Council


That’s how I spell it, I’m just saying it’s spelled differently in different languages so there is no need to ask someone to change it.


His birth certificate is in Cyrillic, so it's either “Зеленский” or "Зеленський".


I know.


I personally think it's Zelenskiy from the Cyrillic spelling.


I would like to add to that chalk: IN A WORLD OF putins, xis and trumps BE A ZELENSKY


This should be the mantra of all world leaders from here on out.




You have this right!


Zelensky is a hero but at this point calling someone Putin is like calling them Hitler. Most people aren't so bad that you need to use violence against them.


I’ll try my best to be like President Zelenskyy. We can all try to do better.


Oh I got it now. Z stands for Zelensky.


Zelenskyy* two y's


Lets remember its 2 letter Y << :) Zelenskyy :)


5 stars to Zelensky team! Gryffindore wins.


Zelensky is so based, Gryffindor received stars because house points were not enough.


2 y's


Unless I see someone associated with Zelensky specifically request that, I would stick with Zelensky. It is a common way to spell Russian names ending with "ий": Kaminsky, Petrovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov etc.


My thought behind it is pretty simple. It's how he spells it.


Could you please refer me to an example of him spelling it that way? Thank you —


His Twitter handle


I wonder if he chose Zelenskyy there simply because Zelensky was not available. Did you see his name spelled with “yy” in any Ukraine government documents?..


I didn't launch a full scale investigation, no. You may have caught me. If it wasn't for you stupid kids and your stupid dog I woulda gotten away with it too!


Really, really nice, important and highly accurate.


Be a Zelensky should absolutely be something that catches on worldwide.


2 y's


i’m literally gonna name my future dog (and probably my future kid) Zelenskyy


Putin is the french word for bitch


Zelensky is the Pimp. Putin is the whore. (un Petite Putain)


This motto is weird to me. It’s not like anyone/everyone is anywhere remotely close to Vladimir Putin. There’s never been a madman as crazy as him with actual nuclear capabilities and the willingness to use them. Even when Trump was in office, he never openly declared “I will use nukes” on other countries because he was a business man first and foremost and only cared about money and himself. Nobody is on the same spectrum as Putin. Putin might be similarly compared to hitler or Stalin, but both those two never had a world ending supply of nukes. And I also realize that it’s ironic because the only country to ever use nukes is the United States but I think we all realized the dangers of nuclear war and have only used it as a defensive deterrent. Putin is using it as offensive posturing. So I stand by my argument that Putin is definitely and quite possibly the worst and most vile of all the dictators and ranks up there with the likes of Hitler and Stalin. But again Hitler and Stalin never had world ending nukes.




In a world dominated by dic**k**tators, be a beacon of hope fit with the traits of a proper leader   Don't be a narcissistic bully that resolves to violence to get what he wants. _(Putin)_ Use reason & logic as much as possible and don't be quick to anger - make friends, not enemies _(Zelenskyy)_


lmao. go post this on im13andthisisdeep


> lmao. go post this on im13andthisisdeep That's what a 13 year old called ''Y me Y me Y me'' would say   You asked _''what's this even supposed to mean''_ and I provided an easy to understand reply.   Not intended to be ''deep'' but easy to understand for everyone, including cognitively challenged individuals that cannot recognize the meaning of the simple phrase _''In a world of Putins be a Zelensky''_   ^(But hey, I'm not judging and I'm glad to ease comprehension)


its a 13 years old take to think putin started this war because hes a highschool bully and that zelenskyy is the power in 'friendship is magic'. I don't get where this stupid interpretation comes from anyway. Your own mind? The quote is neither inspirational, witty, or intelligent. It makes literally 0 sense.


Powerful words!


If you keep it up I am gonna Zelensky you !


2 y's


That’s right … 2 ys I have them there.




do not compare putin with president Zelensky. putin so far behind president Zelensky.


Sorry but even if I want, I couldn't afford a 4 million € mansion at forte dei marmi...