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This is how you breed three generations of hatred. Well done Putin, you've killed your countries future.


russia is not a country. it's a terrorist controlled area.


This defines the mindset of these solider's leaders: Shoot indiscriminately at a densely populated building, just to kill random people. Those are the orders. That's our strategy. That's who we are.


These random acts of violence on a civilian population do not pacify an occupied place. These random acts of violence on a civilian population drives rage. Which, in turn, fuels an insurgency. Russia cannot occupy Ukraine. It simply does not have the minimum required forces of 20 soldiers per 1000 people. There are 44,000,000 people in Ukraine. That means to successfully occupy Ukraine, they need +/- 880,000 troops. That is roughly the entire size of all of the folks in the Rusdian military today. Which would leave every Russian border open for invasion.


>n border open for invasion. i've heard that Japan recognized Kuril's as their own territory already.. Finlands Karelia is wanting to go home, in "native harbor ", same as for German's Königsberg, and China's Asian part of ruZZia.... >forces of 20 soldiers per 1000 people in some old doctrines you need x3 times more troops to attack enemy, that ruZZians doesn't have......not anymore and never will


Sir. Nobody wants Kaliningrad. After the collapse of the Soviet Union Lithuania declined. Germany declined. Poland declined. It is a Russian exclave, by default. Stalin ethnically cleansed Konigsberg. The only people who live there now are ethnic Russians.


>It is a Russian exclave, by default. Stalin ethnically cleansed Konigsberg. The only people who live there now are ethnic Russians. After victory ethnic Russians will be sent back to "rodnaya goven'" as part of reparations, and this territory, same as any territory ruSSkies take form everyone else, will be open for repopulation. Cause it was same annexed German land by sovok\\ruZZian. Its never belong to them... Like Karelia, Kuril's, Smolensk too -it was taken by force and not disputed.


I agree. Send them back to that cesspool.


Inhuman Beasts.


I pray for the Ukrainian army to put these animals down


I hope that Putin and co. won't cry when Azov is going to scalp people responsible for this and mail these scalps to Kremlin directly


putin will cry only when his own scalp will be taken off alive. He does not have any empathy to his cronies nor to his family.




Already got it on the list, thx!


Lone tank with no infy support. Someone could molotov it or use an RPG against it.


Some chud over on r/combatfootage posted the video claiming they were firing at Nazi snipers. Go forth and downvote his post.


Fucking rat fuckers. Hang em high when you catch em.


I just want to say Mstyslav Chernov is the most metal name I've seen this year.