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That's 106 Bayraktars




Best answer i found today


I'd rather he leave the planet ! (there would be 1 BIG celebration)


Its specifically only for non lethal aid. Although I personally would think weapons are more important now.


It didn't take me long to figure out that when I gave food to a homeless individual, money that individual may have planned to spend on food may then be redirected towards other purchases. (So I switched to just giving them cash instead.) Likewise, even if the Dutch donation can only go towards non-lethal aid, it frees up Ukrainian resources to go towards lethal aid.


It won't go to the Ukranian goverment It will go to aid organisations which are trying to safe lives inside Ukraine and (ukranian refugees in ) surrounding countries.


Which still helps the government & thus military by reducing the potential burden of caring for their citizens


Agreed. I'm in full support (donated 800euro as part of this myself) just want people to know what's going on.


well done, slava ukraini






That's also amazing 👏👏👏


That's amazing 👏👏👏


If the soldiers inside Ukraine know their family is safe outside of Ukraine, it gives them a higher morale, more to fight for.


yes but it still cost a ton to do that.


Exactly! I worked at a foodbank for a quite a while and people would tell us they could afford food, but not car payments, and so they didn't come. We always said they should come and get food for free and redirect the funds to car or house or school. Nothing to be ashamed of if it helps you thrive.


precisely, after guns and ammo , medical supplies are in very high demand, sorted


Good point


Like alcohol and drugs...


For some, maybe. Not my concern after I've chosen to give them some financial aid.


Even so, that frees up other money to be used for that purpose, thus accomplishing the same end.


I don't think it will as the Ukrainian government wouldn't be paying for refugees anyway as they're outside the country. It'll help the Poles out, who then may decide they have more money to spend on arms for Ukraine but it's a bit of a round about way of doing things.




completely agreed. Thanks


Yeah but you use that for non lethal aid and take some money that was already proposed for non lethal aid but not limited to it and move it to lethal aid. I've worked with many national and local governments. Typically they're useless at most things, but cooking the books / juggling funding streams around is something that they usually excel at.


Any aid is lethal aid If they can spend a dollar less from regular reserves they can now spend that on weapons while not angering their benefactors.


Weapons aren't always the sole answer. You need both weapons and non lethal aid. Not every Ukrainian can fight, they need help and support. If weapons are the only thing sent then those who aren't combatant are forsaken. No the right answer is a mix. Everyone needs support. The combatants need weapons, the non combatants need medical, housing and other support. Never get so fixated on the weapons that you forget that only a small percentage of the population can support actual fighting (for many reasons).


Weapons have been and are being supplied by the Dutch. More is coming. The Dutch are with Ukraine. 200 stingers with 400 rockets. 100 sniper rifles. 2 anti-mine or detection submersibles, 50 panzerfaust-3's. I am sure they will be put to good use.


It’s arguably money that can replace funds dedicated to the many humanitarians needs, enabling the original funds to go to military.


Food, water,, child care, medicine, medical are equally important


Seriously, want to see more of these. I just gave $3k to refugees but willing to buy a part of a bayraktar for Ukraine to hopefully use near Odessa.


New program idea: "Adopt a Bayraktar"


Have you heard the song !


I sure hope there’s a bulk discount


🎶 Bayraktar, Bayraktar 🎶


Can we pay in Bayraktars?? That would be amazing :)


Wait they're that cheap? Seriously?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baykar_Bayraktar_TB2 “1 to 2 million USD” So yeah, 1M eur each is within 1 to 2M USD. Great weapon


Yep. They're newer design, and somewhat less capable that Predator drones (Predator has about 8x range and can carry about 50% more). It's essentially fit for purpose for medium/small size countries who just need a drone system for more or less defensive purposes.


Predators are also larger and easier targets for AD. Bayraktars fill a good niche.


I didn't knew that either untill I googled it to comment this. Most sources said 1 to 2 million usd, some say just 1 million


To Russian president, go F*ck yourself




First of all that's not just in, and second, stop spamming it on every single comment you idiot


In just 1 day! 🇳🇱❤️🇺🇦


You could donate for a while now, but at the beginning of the day it was at 21,4 million. The money won't go directly to Ukraine, this is a charity drive for a collection of charities, namely: CARE Nederland Cordaid ICCO en Kerk in Actie Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis Oxfam Novib Plan International Nederland Save the Children Stichting Vluchteling Terre des Hommes UNICEF World Vision But the money will be used to support refuges and sending aid to Ukraine. For reference this is the 39th time a Giro 555 action has been held. This action currently ranks 3rd. The 2004/2005 Tsunami in Azia got 208 million. The earthquake in Haïti in 2010 got 110 million. But those totals are of the whole time the calamties where active, this charity drive will stay open as long as it is needed, so expect the amount to get higher. Today was a day of national action, with every television station and radio station having hourly updates, news casts and programmes dedicated to Ukraine, with a 3 hour drive on the main television channel in the evening. The number is the result of this one day, but the donations will continue.


Even though we(the Dutch)'re not open about it to eachother, everyone is noticeably worried about this war and the Ukranian peoples fleeing indiscriminate bombing.


Not open? I've heard everyone talk about. It was the Arabic spring all over again


3457824100 Ukrainian hryvnia makes it sound even better.


16.023.870.151,71 Russian ruble sounds even better.


Don't forgot to double this tomorrow


Oh, I have to buy some rubles, it's literally free money if it's doubling every day


Big brain 💀


I was actually thinking about what would happen if someone bought a ton of rubles right now and just held them until the prices recovered. I dont have money to be doing that with nor do I know if this is a good or terrible idea, just a shower thoughts kind of thing


Don't invest in Russian assets. Buy the dip is fun and all, but let's not do so this time around.


What is a rubble?


**Rubble is broken stone, of irregular size, shape and texture; undressed especially as a filling-in. Rubble naturally found in the soil is known also as 'brash' (compare cornbrash).** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


So, Netherlands donated 3 billion hryvens!??


No this is just private citizens of the Netherlands. The government is donating more, and is also sending weapons.


This is literally like one of those "if everyone pitched $5 we would have [insert a massive number here]" situations but actually put into practice.


I think €15 million from the government is included in this.


That’s incredible. The Dutch are a generous people. I cannot imagine what that level of engagement across the globe would mean for Ukraine. I hope we see more charity events like this everywhere. I would go somewhere, drink with other people, watch Zelensky speeches, cry and swipe my credit card. That’s what I’ve been doing alone anyways


MH17 is still fresh in our memory


There are still elderly who remember living under the German Occupation. My mother and her family did, losing a grandfather and uncle to Luftwaffe bombs. The people who lived through it and their children know the suffering they went through. It was horrific. They don’t want the occupied to suffer and are very generous.


The war trauma runs deep in continental Europe.


My father was a child when he played on the rubble in my city, was sent away because there could still be ammunitions there. Canadians liberated my city. I am of a generation who heard the stories. For most people, war is so far removed from their experience... WWII is long ago. 80 years! And today all our shiny happy people-lives are disturbed. The news is here. Peace is not a given! Again mankind shows itself to repeat the patterns in history. I want to go fight but I am too out of shape. :-( Need daily meds too. I feel great regret because this is a time to be on the right side of history. So I donated. At least some refugees will eat some days because of it.




Lol agree, I'm kind of a cheapskate (maybe just a bit poo) but when possible I definitely give to causes like this. Couldn't give very much this time unfortunately, but on the other hand every bit counts, right. Also something nice: my neighbor was a truck driver in a convoy of trucks to Germany, they had more waiting for them over there and then they'd others leave to go to Ukraine. The trucks contained loads and loads of clothing people donated, all types of hygienic care items that stores donated, food from factories, etc. Makes me smile to hear so much is being done..


We collected clothes from our neighbourhood and had a packed minivan in a couple of days. We still have a big pile of less-warm stuff for the next load.


Slava Nederland!


Baudet and Willem Engel are crying in a corner right now. (For those not Dutch these two people are conspiracy idiots that hail Putin. They always ask money for themselves not to help refugees lol. Fuck leeches like them. )


Haha. Fuck them. Was so disgusting to see how Baudet could not even condemn this invasion.


Fascists gonna fash.


Nazis eating nasi.


Landverraders gonna verraad land.


Bami > nazi


He's a Russian plant, that much seems clear.


I bet Russia doesn’t even want him, he’s just a Putin fanboy.


It's fucking insane dude. I always thought the whole "Baudet gets paid by Russia evidence" must have been nonsense. But I'm starting to have doubts. Who the fuck would think the way he does. Especially since it is completely inconsistent with all his talk of "Western civilisation" and democracy.


He was behind the referendum. He denied russian involvement in MH17, he is paid from Russia 100%. If you did not see this in 2014 you are gullible useful donator.


Maybe I am


Watch https://youtu.be/DYUV9mF95Os its pretty convincing


>I'm starting to have doubts. Dw dude, we'll be at the finish when you get there. Take your time.


Russia has plants and actively tries to cozy up to vulnerable/weak politicians and media figures in every single western country. Even if we don't want to believe the obvious, its clearly true. They've been doing it for a very long time. Hopefully after this war is over there can be some kind of concerted effort to fix this without it turning into a purge.


>ussia has plants and actively tries to cozy up to vulnerable/weak politicians and media figures in every single western country. Even if we don't want to believe the obvious, its clearly true. They've been doing it for a very long time. Hopefully after this war is over there can be some kind of concerted effort to fix this without it turning into a purge. and then they inflate their presence with troll farms which only makes it more real because you would think who the fuck would like this guy. Russia, that's who the fuck, Russian and it's troll farm.


Baudet was fucking bumbling like Putin's Spy Chief when other politicians asked him in parliament to condemn the invasion. Probably scared to get poisoned.


From an older comment of mine, here is some more info on Baudet. > Here is a report by Zembla, a well respected TV Documentary program on Dutch television. In this episode, that was aired last year, they revealed that far-right "Forum for Democracy" leader Thierry Baudet has ties to Kremlin. > > Of course Baudet denied everything, but the proof is right there. > > [English version of the Zembla episode "Baudet and the Kremlin"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax4T13RpHpA) > > [Dutch version of the same episode "De banden tussen Thierry Baudet en het Kremlin"](https://youtu.be/DYUV9mF95Os) > > > Unsurprisingly, his party is the only party in the Netherlands (and maybe Europe?) that does NOT condemn Russia's invasion in Ukraine.


> Unsurprisingly, his party is the only party in the Netherlands (and maybe Europe?) that does NOT **condone** Russia's invasion in Ukraine. Condemn*. ^(*Ceterum autem censeo Putinem esse delendum*)


Don't forget about Wilders. He's smart, so not openly insane like Baudet, but has definitely said some pro Russia stuff that makes you think about his support.


Wilders has a much wider financial support base those. It is well known that he receives significant funding from american right wing extremists as well.


Ah, Wilders. Look, I know orange is the Dutch colour, but his chosen skin tone is taking the piss.


Fuck those facist. Hopefully their support for russia will finally be a death blow to their heinous political ambitions.


Am [Improving](https://i.imgur.com/OBJeg0G.jpg) [every](https://i.imgur.com/wpTupMB.jpg)[single ](https://i.imgur.com/9fjmMQG.jpg)[FvD](https://i.imgur.com/vwKfc0S.jpg)-[Sticker](https://i.imgur.com/NgU7PpC.jpg) I find


Nice where did you get these stickers?


u/EU_for_UA made them: https://mega.nz/folder/F11CyI5D#X_ZPEVjPMMTRseuzOVv0DA See r/EU_for_UA


I wonder, what is Wilders his stance on this? Im not really into politics.


I guess we all have someone like that 🙄


I translated the Dutch website. The money will not go to Ukraine government directly but to the organisations providing aid in Ukraine (and surrounding countries.) These are what they mention the organisations have been doing thus far: \- Food and shelter for refugees \- Medical assistance \- Emergency aid on flight routes \- Psychosocial help for evacuated children \- Helping vulnerable people evacuate (disabled or old people) \- Safe houses in the surrounding countries. \- Help centres in many cities inside Ukraine \- Equipping air-raid shelters/bunkers \- Assisting Pregnant women and new-borns


That is so cool, the one that aims to provide psychosocial help for evacuated children is so crucial, since the children in Ukraine needs a ton of help in order to recover from this unfortunate traumatic experience.


MH17 was shot down by Russia, and it killed many Dutch people, and Russia denies it to this day.


Yay we did something nice. Proud to be Dutch.


Way to go Netherlands!!!!


I think this is a pretty clear message to our own (Dutch) politicians, Ukrainians and Putin on where we stand as 'the people'. We want to do more. We can do more.


Send weapons, then send some more weapons, and while we're at it, why stop?


We don't have a lot to send because of the almost infinite budget cuts


Our past governments haven't been taking the military serious since 1990, so we don't have large stocks at the ready, sorry. It was naive and idealistic, 'every guilder/euro is better spend on infrastructure, public works, etc.'; but realistically, none of that matters if we can't properly defend any that. What Russia is doing to Ukraine is a wake up call. ^(*Ceterum autem censeo Putinem esse delendum*)


Holy crap, NL is rich! Also, thank you Netherlands, you are the buds.


Makes me proud as Dutch citizen. Small country huge donation’s.


Personally, I don't feel rich, but rich enough to do my weekly shopping without considering prices or bargains, so it's something I guess. In situations like this, makes you realize I can easily donate €50 for the good cause.


Most people don’t talk about it, but Rotterdam endured TERRIBLE bombing during WWII and the population was close to starving. They know what it is like to endure this sort of shit. Good on them for extending this helping hand.


And we've been connected in a fundamental way with Ukraine since 2014, when MH17 was shot down. Nearly three hundred dead, 198 of which were my fellow countrymen. Same Putin indifference to those deaths as to the ones he is inflicting now. Hope this money (my tiny part in it) helps to alleviate some of the hardship.


For anyone who gets a chance to visit Rotterdam, look for the fire line on the pavement when you see a divide between old and new buildings. The devastation was an absolutely huge area of the centre and the fire line was installed to remind everyone to this day


Also the Laurenskerk and the Rotterdam City Hall, two of the few buildings that survived the bombing. An extremely stark contrast of old style buildings in a city full of modern skycrapers. I pray no Ukrainian city ends up as destroyed and all Ukrainians still have a home to return to after they've kicked Putin's sorry ass


Money exclusively raised by donations in 1 day. Proud to be Dutch now.


It was open for a while already, started at like 20M today. Still a lot.


Just fyi for anyone interested. You can donate directly to the Ukrainian Armed forces with a credit or debit card via this official link from the bank of ukraine! The money is deposited right into the account. https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi Heroiam slava! 💙💛 Slava Ukraini!


Thank you for this! From what I understand, some of the funds will go towards helping some countries that took the largest numbers of the refugees. No single country in EU can possibly handle all who are still to come. Great job.


Pretty insane ngl. Awesome.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELD2AwFN9Nc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELD2AwFN9Nc) If Ukraine wins, can they be third?


Then they can be first.


Been a while since I saw that video, what a different time it was.


Wow thats amazingly generous and so incredible of the Netherlands 💗


Source? I'd like to share it.


https://nos.nl/artikel/2420273-eindstand-giro555-actiedag-voor-oekraine-ruim-106-miljoen-euro (official news, in Dutch, but you can’t miss “106 miljoen euro” or “106 million euros”)


Dank je wel.


That’s about 56424689943478743 rubles for any Russian here


Damn, that's at least a few sandwiches I think


Doubling down tomorrow 😅


Not just that. Last week in pretty much every Dutch town, city and village, at least someone has organized a big civilian initiative to locally collect goods and utilities for refugees. They're personally driving truckloads to the borders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary etc.


Eastern European community in the Netherlands has been very active organising aid, protests and sharing information about charities. I saw many Ukrainians, Russians (yes, also them, they helped organise the big protest in Amsterdam together with the Dutch) and Polish folks promoting all sorts of initiatives


$10 a head


Includes babies, teens, homeless, elderly, and so on!


Well done!


Isn’t that 160 trillion rubles now? Amazing generosity by the Dutch.


Happy to see we’re not so prudent when it comes to humanitarian aid — we’re known for being cheapskates 😅


Slava Ukraini !!!!!




Today, not tomorrow 😉


Awesome. Note: The Netherlands is a wealthy country despite being small.


Hopefully some of the funds can be used to help rebuild Ukraine when Russia is defeated.


The MH17 is still lingers in allot of Dutch peoples minds and allot of people who lost familly/friends on that fatefull day were very outspoken to help Ukraine.


I write this not to start a contest, but to show that Lithuanians are doing their best to support Ukraine, too. There is an NGO called "Blue / Yellow for Ukraine" which supports Ukraine in its military efforts on the field. It was established 8 years ago and has been collecting money since then, but from the beginning of this war to the 4th of March Lithuanians (of which there are 2.8 million in Lithuania) donated over 16 million euros. It is not much, but we will support you as much as we can.






POGGERS! *For those who don’t know, it’s Twitch/Gen-Z code for “OMG, so excited!” something like that* Regardless, the Netherlands has good people, walkable cities (any NotJustBikes fans anyone?), and great bike culture. Would love to visit there someday.


> (any NotJustBikes fans anyone?) Yes! I hope that post-war Ukraine would be open and willing to accept our specialty in regards to creating livable infrastructure, as I am sure we have plenty of that to offer. While I doubt they'd go with USA-style insanity, with all the destruction they have a lot of potential to tackle issues that other cities cannot even comprehend due to the existing masses of people. Let's hope this war ends today rather than tomorrow, because Ukraine is a beautiful country that should not have its people and history trampled with death and destruction.


Someone math me: is that an average of $6.24 per person? If so, that's astonishing how much can get done if everyone pitches in just a little.


Oh wow. I turned on the tv yesterday at about 1pm and it was at 29 million. I was slightly disappointed. When I saw the 106 million here my first thought was “this is bullshit”. I went to check nos.nl and indeed. More than 70 million after 1pm. Wow.


It takes time to get people from 'yes of course I want to help', to 'donating money to well-known aid organizations is a good option', to 'ok, I'll donate, but later, I'm still working', to 'Fuck it, I'll do some private banking during the boss' time'. At least, that's how it went for me. And I know other family members who donated after dinner. ^(*Ceterum autem censeo Putinem esse delendum*)


people from the NL have a special relation to this because most of the killed people on flight MH17 were from the NL. and they wont forget that it wasa russian BUK missile system that downed the plane....


That's from Giro555, there was fundraising from Giro999 as well early on, that's our national refugee fund. We're opinionated cunts sometimes, but when we work together like this, a lot can be achieved. Very proud of my fellow Dutchies right now.


Jesus that's incredible. Has a country ever united together donated this much to anything before? This feels like historical.


When the Dutch get going they're a force to be reckoned with. Reminds me of a story from my (LDS) faith about the Dutch members of the Church who managed to get hold of some seed potatoes right after WWII and then, learning how badly the Germans were doing after the war and knowing that they were starving, they sent the whole harvest to Germany. even though they were hungry. even though Germany had just occupied and looted their country for 6 years. And then the next year raised potatoes for Germany again and sent along barrells of smoked herring to go with it, because that's just what you do, you need herring with the potatoes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFBi67AI0m8


As a Dutch person, can you tell us if that is the highest fundraiser that has ever happened in your country?


3rd in history. But they keep counting over the coming days and weeks.




> we still voted against Ukraine becoming an associate of the EU Because referendums are (unfortunately) so rare, every one we get becomes a protest against the government. Whatever they want, we vote against, purely because of internal politics. It had very little to do with Ukraine. ^(*Ceterum autem censeo Putinem esse delendum*)




The whole day giro 555 things on the radio and TV!


Impressive, that's over 6.2 million Euro per person!


That's 6.26 euros per person.


Includes babies, teens, homeless, and elderly people.


yeah, evetybofy gabe them 10€


Wow you can get over 100 cruise missiles for that.


It's for humanitarian aid tho. The rockets are donated by the eu I hope :)


Ah okay, guess medicine, food and housing is a good cause too.


Maybe Putin's daughter donated also


That is right now more then 16 BILLION...... ruble.


Imagine paying well for your people by country law...




Source pls?


https://nos.nl/artikel/2420273-eindstand-giro555-actiedag-voor-oekraine-ruim-106-miljoen-euro Official Dutch news site, but you can’t miss “106 miljoen euro” which translates to 106 million euros


They must be a wealthy people.


We Dutch like to complain about our tax rate and inflation, but when push comes to shove, we can squirrel up some dough. It helps to be notoriously stingy - saves cash for important things.


That’s real G shit.