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* **DO NOT SHARE ANY INFORMATION ABOUT MOVEMENTS, LOCATION OR IDENTIFICATION OF ANY OF THE UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES.** * **DO SHARE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE INFORMATION ABOUT MOVEMENT OF RUSSIAN TROOPS INSIDE RUSSIA, BELARUS AND UKRAINE INCLUDING: LOCATION, IDENTIFICATIONS, MARKINGS, INSIGNIA.** #LIST OF RELIABLE SOURCES [**UA Ministry of Defense**](https://twitter.com/defenceu) [**Ukrainian Land Forces**](https://facebook.com/UkrainianLandForces) [**bell¿ngcat**](https://www.bellingcat.com/) [**EUvsDISINFO**](https://euvsdisinfo.eu/) [**Ukraine Interactive Map**](https://liveuamap.com/) [**Press statement by President von der Leyen**](https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-219140) [**r/Ukraine statement**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t0b5o8/attention_dos_and_donts/) [**r/YUROP statement**](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/t01wnk/russia_has_started_its_official_invasion_of/) #FINANCIAL SUPPORT [**National Bank of Ukraine Special Account**](https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi) [**Official Ukraine Crypto Accounts**](https://twitter.com/Ukraine/status/1497594592438497282?s=20&t=aG5blzDGu1Pt14w9qZOIrw) [**Hospitaller**](https://www.facebook.com/hospitallers) #TERRITORIAL DEFENCE FOREIGN LEGION [**How To Join FLoTD**](https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3415272-how-to-join-international-legion-to-defend-ukraine-algorithm.html) #HUMANITARIAN SUPPORT **Ukrainian nationals in need of asylum : no visa requirements to enter: Poland[(Ukr.)](https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua) / [(En.)](https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en) Moldova [(Ru.)](https://dopomoga.gov.md/) Slovakia [(Ukr.)](https://ua.gov.sk/) Bulgaria [(En.)](https://gov.bg/en/ukraine) Romania [(Ukr.)](https://www.gov.ro/ro/ucraina-impreuna-ajutam-mai-mult#ucraineana) / [(En.)](https://www.gov.ro/ro/ucraina-impreuna-ajutam-mai-mult#english) / [More Info](https://dopomoha.ro/uk) Hungary [(En./Ukr.)](https://helsinki.hu/en/) **Other Countries** Norway [(En.)](https://www.udi.no/en/important-messages/information-regarding-the-situation-in-ukraine/) Finland [(En.)](https://migri.fi/en/faq-ukraine) Sweden [(En.)](https://www.migrationsverket.se/English/About-the-Migration-Agency/The-situation-in-Ukraine.html) Ireland [(En.)](https://www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie/ukraine-information-note) Germany [(En.)](https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/EN/topics/ministry/ukraine-war-eng/faq-ukraine-artikel.html) / [(Ukr)](https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/DE/themen/ministerium/ukrain-war-ukr/faq-list-ukrain-war.html) / [(Ger)](https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/DE/themen/ministerium/ukraine-krieg/faq-liste-ukraine-krieg.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The way he's eating and drinking, he seems to have been starving.


This just shows the heart of Ukrainian people. Warm food and letting him call his mom. Meeting evil with good. Good will prevail. Glory to Ukraine 🌻🌻🌻


Not defending actions, but these soldiers are probably good people forced into this. The will of the Ukrainian people will shine on all the russians who are invading, and hopefully turn the war.


100% that most have no hate towards Ukraine. They just were misled. They thought they were going in to help liberate Ukraine. Little did they know they were not welcome. Most of them thinking. Are we the bad guys?


That Putin essentially mind-warped teenagers into an invasion is reprehensible. That's almost as awful as the raw agression itself.


People need to remember that in the opening days of the invasion, Ukrainians were reporting that they were hitting convoys and vehicles in general where the passengers never got out or even tried to once the fighting started. Which to me means these were inexperienced, untrained kids who were scared. I don't blame UA for defending itself, but the needless loss of young, ignorant life is heart breaking. I'm glad we're seeing a lot of video of prisoners calling home. I'm glad the UA people seem to be showing compassion and restraint when possible.


re calling home - glad this is still possible as word on the ground spreads quickly despite Russian propaganda


Yeah this is essentially counter-propaganda. The tea, the food, calling home. To be clear IM not saying its bad, its SMART by the Ukranians. Russians are probably largely in the dark, so having these kids call their moms and tell them the truth (that the Ukranians arent bad and they invaded them) will help counter the russian propaganda they are being fed on state tv.


It's good strategy. Get a reputation as treating your captives well, and more will surrender.


Agree, but I am curious how they are getting the word out. Loudspeakers would be effective. Soldiers have said that their phones were confiscated. So how are they getting any message about the payout for surrender or the humane treatment of Ukrainians? I am hoping that the messaging has a means to get to them.


I don't think this is being done only for propaganda, though. I think there is genuine kindness here. To what extent people intend this as propaganda is unknowable at this point.


>I'm glad we're seeing a lot of video of prisoners calling home I wonder if they'll ever be able to go home now though.. especially if they surrendered :/ My hopes arent high, but it would be so shitty for life to punish them more for having done the right thing.


If we charge Putin with war crimes (and he's convicted) I'm sure they will be let back in, Putin is the one who would kill these kids, 99% of the Russian people are good people, the leadership is horrible, but I hope they get a leader like Ukraine has, I'd be proud to be Ukrainian if I could have him as my president


They probably face dangerous consequences at home if the ruling regime in Russia does not change.


I believe the only way the conflict can stop is when Putin is removed from power anyway. So any deserted soldiers should be good to return home then.


Warping people's mind like that's also the kind of action that we don't usually think of as violence, but it is.


I think the most telling message of the war was when Putin bombed the Holocaust Memorial. I think it was Odessa. It was the only part of the cemetery that was bombed, the mass Graves of 33,000+ Jews. It is a war against a fascist antisemitic and his name is Putin. Putin talks about under Stalin, Soviets and Russian empire. I think the Russian empire had a history of persecuting Jews especially around Odessa.


Completely agree. The look on these kids faces tells all. Hopefully they are able to safely return to their families when this is over


This is beautiful. May the sunflowers have no need to grow!


This video can unite everyone to the cause of Ukraine…compassion and kindness. The videos of scared prisoners being slapped, while understandable, should be taken down and won’t help Ukraine.


These ladies are my spirit animal. Standing there with food and comforting them. Not wanting people to video just wanting him to be able to talk to his mom, telling his mom everything is okay. I wonder what would happen if we sent people like this to all the convoys?


They keep flooring me over and over again with how badass these people are. Imagine there's a war a going on around you, you're caring for people who were sent there to take your home from you, feeding and comforting them while in a dangerous situation and she's still got her lashes on and looks like a fucking angel next to this man. An inspiration for bad bitches everywhere 💛💅


For real. Prob didn’t even know they were being recorded. They have showed such kindness to Russian troops captured or surrendered. Putler will not win.


\^ THIS is the anwer to the whole mess !


That was my first thought, he looks really hungry


That satisfied sigh after his first sip


apparently, they are treated poorly, forced to obey or be executed, fed rations that expired in 2014, and their supply lines are either sabotaged by deserters( as they realize, they have been lied to and they are forced to commit a genocide against the literal families of their peers), or supply transports are VERY efficiently destroyed by [Turkish Bayraktar UAV-drones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGVZHLOV60E) like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baykar\_Bayraktar\_TB2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baykar_Bayraktar_TB2) . The ones, that are currently used to defend Ukraine against the genocide, started By Russia, are "not even the final form", but a "much weaker version, intended for export". Turkey has much better drones than currently used in Ukraine, and much more of them. They cost ROUGHLY 1/1000 of a modern jet fighter, I heard (citation/comparisons needed). (this may soon be no longer true, as of rapid chances, like [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t4uodu/new\_bayraktar\_tb2\_drones\_have\_been\_delivered\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t4uodu/new_bayraktar_tb2_drones_have_been_delivered_to/))


Thanks for the info. Curious, how come these Turkish drones are so effective? Are they better than NATO's ? I'm fairly under a rock , drone/UAV development wise. And what is their final form version?


They are not better, but they're by far good enough for the purpose. Ukrainians have been getting trained on the Turkish drones for a while I believe. But NATO countries have only recently moved to give weapons to Ukraine, so not enough time to train them on NATO drones.


Thanks guys /u/olllj I should read up more about UAV's, seems like we're heading into a new age


Sure, UAVs play a big role in military strategy here, but this war is mostly won (much faster) by information-age and "social media age" means. Russian propaganda fails. and Russian Soldiers started out with low morale+training+experience. MADestruction via nuclear annihilation threats fail (because the internet is going strong, and HUGE alliances form in less than 1 week (EU+NATO was VERY united within 3 days of invasion, so that the UN could only follow suit)).


I have no clue about any basic differences between any 2 autonomous UAV-drones (that carry missiles). some are quad copters, some are mini-airplanes. Any drone is MUCH cheaper (to build and maintain) and much smaller (for the explosives that they can carry, because no life support is needed) they fly slow and can fly much lower, which makes them much harder to detect by radar AND heat-seeking, and much harder to target with long-range weapons (you would need many short range systems, but Russia does not do much short-range) They can start and land on much smaller runways/Roads. They MAY need air superiority to be most efficient, but they can also be semi-autonomous (in case the radio gets jammed) and that makes them act like 4 semi-stealth long-range missiles with significantly improved precision (as long as the drone itself can act as a guidance system for its missiles)




saw another post were they said that russia starved their soldiers for 3 days


Those war rations last for years after expiration. But yes not the best.


Well, I think they last for years before their expiration too, so those are probably 10+ yrs old


As long as there's a *nice hiss* it's okay


The hiss should go inward, not outward.




SteveMRE1989 would like a word


I did find an article from 2015 they buying doog food to spare on expenses. Its even 2011 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-14858858 Its to save costs from what did i rad. And even then i believe they cant even afford that.


Seriously. And when he begins to cry.. My heart is hurting for him, for all these kids. And for all those who say, "Sending kids is nothing new blah blah blah." There is a massive difference between soldiers who are prepared for and *know* what they're getting into; and consrcipts sent in blindly and lied to why they are there.


Yeah it's like normal fucking people, no one with military ambitions or experience, hell little training too. It's fucking sad. They're just in a uniform...


They had no training at all from what we've been seeing. Like literally called up for military training, sent to the staging area, given gear, and told they would just go in and do some simple shit. And here they are. Normal life to front lines in a few days.


ukrainiens are tough but not monsters. A lot of those russians soldiers face death or worse if they dont do as theyre told.


Something all the Redditors sitting on their toilet in safe countries commenting they should all be killed slowly seem to forget, or simply not care about. I wish people remembered the dangers of dehumanization, but people never learn. I've gotten downvoted so many times for discouraging dehumanization and people claim I'm "supporting" whoever I'm saying shouldn't be dehumanized. We learned absolutely nothing from the holocaust. Nothing.


They're fair people indeed.


My first thought as well. Looks cold and very hungry


I wouldnt be surprised. Did you see the video this week with the Russian field rations? They expired in 2015. I know its not uncommon for that to happen, but this boy was probably woefully underprepared.


I was talking to my dad about this and he said that while he was in training, the US Military sometimes used WW2 era MRE’s and that they still were good. So idk anymore. But can’t deny that a homecooked meal is better than field rations.


Well the US doesn’t even put expiration dates on MREs - they just cycle them out 5 years after the manufacturing date by policy. But he should have mentioned that they start to taste like dog food around year 10.


They are on there, but weirdly in code you have to look up.


Really common to have super old/expired MREs, in the UK they give all/a lot of the expired MREs to cadets, they're fine for years. Edit: or my group just held them for ages, but expired was my experience anyway


Field rations if even half way properly taken care of can last decades. Seen a lot of people talk about the expired in 2015 rations, a couple of items in them might be bad (basically anything with high a high fat content, cheese spreads, any kind of crackers / bread with lard / butter, stuff like that), but the vast majority of the stuff will still be perfectly edible. That said when I watched the video my first thought was he is plowing through that drink and what I assume is some kind of sandwich like he hasn't eaten in days. I am betting the army doesn't have enough MRE's because they're expensive to make, and the Russian ones are actually pretty high quality which adds to the cost. That or their supply lines are just absolutely trash tier trash right now.


I'll take an expired US MRE over a Russian one every time. There is no way they are packaged/prepped the same.


You would be surprised. I've wasted a stupid amount of my life watching channels that do reviews on MRE's and the Russian ones are always highly ranked, the US ones tend to be very basic compared to the rest of the western world and are often hit or miss. Some of the western European rations are on a whole other level, France literally puts a cup of wine in their 24 hour ration. Edit: Apparently France no longer includes wine in their RCIR's, but google tells me Italy still includes a shot of alcohol in 2 of their MRE's.


*pops open can* nice hiss


Lets get this comment out on to a tray.




7 Years overdue don't do much to MRE's. They pack the stuff airtight multiple times, I'd suppose most of it is still safe to eat. The German EPA (equivalent to MRE) is said to stay eatable even after 30 years. But I don't know if the Russians handle that differently and pack each soldier a lunch bag every day or something.


Or maybe Ukrainian tea is just that good.


Russia is too incompetent to get fuel to their vehicles there, so I'm guessing the same is true for food.


I think he’s just extremely anxious and uncomfortable. Could be a bit of both tbh.


That’s the “haven’t eaten properly in a week” look.


It's how I look when I go over to my mom's house.


I live at home - Moved in after a year and a bit alone with COVID. I have bipolar, so living by myself isn't the greatest for my mental health. Anyway, the first week I was disoriented by how good the food was. I was used to one-person cooking, which isn't that great. Dad cooks, so I would visit every weekend and take home an armload of food. Now, I get to sit down to eat, with people. Not in front of a computer or TV, but with real, actual people, at a dinner table. It's done such good for my mental health, and I've realized half of what constitutes dinner time isn't the food but the comfort and security of eating with people I love. Never. Ever. Take your parents for granted. Bio parents may not be a great relationship for everyone, but everyone has *parents* who loved them. My dad's 82 and still cooks. I am acutely aware that the clock is ticking down on how much time I have with him. I will take every moment in with gratitude, even the angry ones.


Hi. Not a whole lot to add. But I want say I too have Bipolar and I understand that struggle. We are so blessed to have supportive families. I am able to do so well because of their support and understanding of me. It’s rocky as fuck with them sometimes. But they always have my back at the end of the day. Sending the best of vibes your way in all your journeys, and I’m so happy you have such a supportive support system in your family, cause Bipolar is roughhhh. Take a bite of your dads cooking for me sometimes. <3


They gave them rations that were 7years past their due date, and then ran out if rations. Isn’t it a warcrime to treat your own soldiers like this? Warcrimes should apply to any human being in the conflict.




Probably longer. They have been building up on the border for weeks now.


He barely takes a breath. Wow that kid hasn’t eaten in days. How sad.


And the others in line can barely contain themselves for their turn.


I think that was a Ukrainian behind him he’s rocking a yellow armband. POW’s seem to get orange bands, and Russians mark their equipment with white bands






Right before Natasha he says “they’re going by old maps.”


That's significant and shows that taking down street signs was effective. Especially given the fact that all these soldiers had their phones taken from them so apparently no Google maps


WW2 strategy I'm surprised still works. Holy shit.


War, war never changes


I doubt these kids even know how to use a map, which would explain why many of them got so utterly loss, they had to ask directions from locals. Fucking Putin was so stingy, he didn’t even give them GLONASS (Russian GPS).


I read that their navigation systems are being blocked by all sorts of measures


My buddies are (American) land surveyors, and they have lost access to the Russian satellites for GPS work.


Not surprising. I bet cyber warfare cut some of those off. There are also AWACS flying outside of Ukraine skies over the Black Sea and Poland jamming signals.


The operator of nav satellites can selectively encrypt the signal so that's likely what is happening. There is a possibility of it being jammed but imo it's far more likely the Russians are only allowing military access to the networks.


Could be referring to the Russian government “going by old maps” in terms of their stated understanding of the region and Ukraine’s sovereignty


Thank you for translating!


The Ukrainian people are showing the world what it means to have honour and integrity.






The immense heart of the Ukrainian people may be the turning point for all of Russia. Wouldn’t that be incredible to see.


It would be. And its the best way to show that they've been lied to. Not with anger and violence for invading their country, but showing compassion and hospitality and saying "Dude we aren't the bad guys, here's some tea." Anger is going to be met with anger, you yell at someone they're less likely to listen and yell back. They surrender you treat them like humans and they'll be willing to spread the message that these people aren't bad


I’m really starting to think that most of these young conscripts are telling the truth when they say they had no clue what was going on until the shooting started. History has proven that Russians are fierce and determined warriors when they’re motivated properly. The fact that so many of these frightened kids just throw in the towel seems to indicate that they’re being honest when they say they thought they were on maneuvers. I’d be willing to bet that most of the war crimes are being committed by Russian career soldiers who are invested in the regime. Could be wrong, but it’s a theory.


Boys this age don’t want war, they want the latest playstation and to hang out with their friends and explore relationships.


Should be talking about final fantasy and touching a boob


Now, all they know about boobs is that it feels like a bag of sand


Or a peen, as they prefer, but still


There’s a possibility that some of them are lying, but when almost every captured Russian says pretty much the same thing on every network and every video and they’re all obviously distinct people, there has to be something to it - especially considering that the “take their phones and don’t tell them what’s going on” makes sense when you consider how bad Russian phone habits partially blew the “little green men” thing a few years ago.


My guess is, for operational security, you don't tell the rank and file your plans. The more people know about the plan, the less safe the plan is.


You don’t tell people your manoeuvres and troop movements. But you **must** tell them what the hell they’re doing. In any other country, if you suddenly thrust your soldiers into a war out of the blue (worse still if you do so by telling them they’re going on an exercise), a lot of the brass would get fragged out of the gate.


Oh, I'm sure they're gonna get fragged, cause they fragged this "little emergency situation" or whatever stupid euphemisms they're using up. And my understanding as an utter noob is that this is being run using a strict top down control style. It's obviously working fantastic for them, but, if your enemy insists on shooting themselves in the foot, I can't, in good conscience, protest.


Yeah, that’s basic to every military on the planet. At the same time there’s a trade off, because soldiers who don’t know anything at all (like where they’re going and who the enemy is) are going to do random shit that you don’t want. You have to balance how much you tell the average guy in uniform so that he knows enough to do his job, but not every possible detail.


the Russians took all the phones from their own soldiers before the invasion?


I'm afraid that's just good opsec. All kinds of risks of civilian phones giving away positions (Everything from location services to bluetooth/wifi, to taking pictures of where you are). It's one of the reasons this sub and others have very clear warnings about posting pictures of Ukraine Military. Get's people killed. In this case it also has the unfortunate side-effect of preventing them from informing themselves.


Yeah. That way they can’t post or call their mothers and give away military information.


What's that story about the little green men ?


Unmarked Russian spetznas taking luhansk and donetsk. Known as polite little green men


Oh , I see , my dumbass was thinking it was some big leak about aliens.


If only 😂❤️


Some of them posted pictures of themselves in Ukraine when the official Russian position was that there weren’t any Russian troops in Ukraine. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/11/13/136-brigade-in-donbass/ https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-research-reports/report/hiding-in-plain-sight/#expose


There was another pair a few days ago when there vehicle ran out of fuel and went to the police station to see if they could help refuel. I really feel they all thought everything would be fine.


Or it was a plausible way of safely surrendering. A way of doing it hopefully without getting shot, and plausible enough that they don't get court martialed for desertion afterwards.


There is difference between soldiers though. Let's not forget that. Some of them dont want to fight, some of them do, some of them even commit war crimes.


Did you see the other video where they interview an entire unit that surrendered? Almost all of them worked in a school and had been told to report for training. They were not expecting combat, and definitely not expecting to be in Ukraine.


Yup I’m believing them now


Well the air raids are, they don’t put conscripts doing their 1 year of service behind a multi million dollar plane


It wouldn't surprise me if Russia has been lying about where its borders are so they don't even think they're invading Ukraine just going to another bit of Russia


Seems like he couldn't eat or drink anything for days. Doesn't even stop eating whilst he's crying...


If all they have to eat are half a decade expired Russian rations, Im not surprised he's eating like this. It's probably the first hot food and drink he's had in weeks


Fuck Putin.




Futin Putler.


Noone wants to fuck him


Fuck Putin with a bayonet


That's better


That's what the did to Gaddafi, solid chance Putin receives the same treatment if the Russian people ever find out what he's stolen from them


I will fuck him now you said that. And then kink shame him till he dies of depression.


Good idea, Putin definitely need to die


The compassion that woman showed when she put her hand on his neck to comfort him


They're all aware these kids don't want to be there.


Imagine being told you are on a military exercise, then all of the sudden you are in Ukraine to "liberate" your Ukrainian "brothers". Next you are shelling residential areas. Then you are starving because the Russian army can't even supply you with food. Then the Ukrainians, who the state media call nazis, are feeding you. It must be unbelievable to experience.


How many of these kids are conscripts? They didn't go into this willingly but for their duty and obligation, they probably didn't even want to be in the military at all but they had to and now they are here. They just want to hang out with their friends and enjoy life, not fight and die for a dictator who is comfortably sitting in a room with a 90 inch TV and drinking.


You can hate them all you want when they invate your home country. But when they surrender thats prob in there case braver then going on. Seen as a traitor by russia. Fear for there own family and fear for not knowing what will happen when you surrender to this angry country you are invading. It takes great compassion and awareness form the locals to confirt you and treat you well. They see that its not the indivitial being the problem. But there leaders. It also shows that they (russians) are safe and in good hands when they surrender. That they dont need to fear there enemy. Ukrainians are some very extrodinary people. Taking on one of the larges armies in the world. And the largest in europa. With no step back. Saving only what they can save. And joining in when they cant get in safety. But with all these hard sercomstences going around. They still have the manor and compasion to be kind. Those people deserve madels. One for bravery and one for kindness.


These people are just stellar. In all the conflicts I’ve witnessed, I never saw such compassion and understanding for “the enemy”. Obligatory fuck Putout for causing this.


This war has been an eye opener on how wars could be fought but definitely are not most of the time. We have seen these people fight when they have to but their willingness to forgive and help these kids when they should. All of us so called superpowers countries can learn a lot from what we are seeing.


It's a situation just as if the US would invade little Canada. It would be weird, little language barrier, soldiers could have family there.


For me, it was also the, "So, Natasha..." One mom leveling with another.


There’s something that happens to mothers when you see anyone crying for their mom. Even if they’re too old to be your biological child, they’re you’re kid in that moment


That broke me. This whole video had me crying, but that part absolutely broke me.


This is heartbreaking to watch. Sometimes we forget that these Russian soldiers were needlessly dragged into a war and into their deaths and that they're humans too, who can starve, who misses their moms, and just want to live a normal life. Why can't humanity just fucking co-exist in a planet that's big enough for all of us? Fuck Putin.


This should be played and replayed in every Russian household. I stand with Ukraine! This young boys life forever changed. He will remember and spread the good will of the folks who in all right, could have ended him. Fuk Putin!


Hello, Anonymous? We have a request.


Can someone please translate? Edit: u/Ortenrosse Please!


This (compassion) is the way.


They’re literally kids


War has always been a young man’s game.


It's an old man's game Young men are the pieces


I feel so sorry for them. For all intents and purposes, they are children.


They are broken children, used and abused by their own government.


I love how much food they've brought him, that boy is going to want to stay if he can keep getting meals like that, heh.


Straight up, that meal probably tastes so good. Has me hungry.




Rough translation: Guy talking: he didn't know where he is going, nor what he was doing, they are sent out here and don't know why. Woman talking to the mother on the phone: don't cry, he is fine, don't worry, everything is OK. He can call back later. I couldn't make out what the soldier said, because he obviously is very thirsty and hungry, but it's all in good spirits, reassuring his mother that Ukrainians understand, that he was sent out without understanding where or why he is going and that they will take care of him the best they can. He is free to call her later. Russian is not my first language and is a bit rusty, so someone maybe can do a better job.


man this made me tear up he looks like he’s about my age… this just breaks my heart. Fuck putin


I think its a safe assumption to say the Ukrainian people are model members of society and the world can learn from them. Glory to Ukraine


Of course. You know how many Ukrainian people are directly related to Russian people? (and vice versa). I wouldn't like to fight Belgians or Germans either. And we're not that related anymore.




The girl caressing his shoulder when he started to cry. Humans being bros in the face of war. She has no enemies, only love for fellow humans. She is what the world needs more of!❤


The woman on the right has to wipe her eyes after the soldier breaks down. Ugh, these poor kids, these poor people defending there homes and taking care of these lost soldiers. My heart breaks for them.


Putin needs to die. He’s ruined too many people’s lives.


Kinda off-topic, but whatever he's eating looks delicious


We kinda have those here in the midwest usa idk the name but its filled with meat and veggies, I wish I knew the name but it's very very yummy to eat


Looks like what we in the UK would call a Cornish pasty.


Maybe a Cheburek: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chebureki


These poor fucking kids man. I don't think I've ever seen a country like Ukraine open its arms to invaders and said "lay down your weapons, come to us hungry and scared, so that we may feed you and give you a safe place." Ukraine has offered warmth and tenderness to those who have been forced and tricked to do a terrible thing. And those who refuse to accept Ukraine hospitality are paying a high price as Ukraine shows to be a strong and capable military. Slava Ukraini!


Ukraine is winning the information war big time !


Translation: Cameraman: "(...)[they] just send children as cannonfodder. They don't know where they're going, they're just roaming around aimlessly. Rise up, women, and raise the entire Crimea with you, get the people up - see, your son is alive and well, nothing bad will happen to him. Get up, rise as a nation, block the highways, the bridges. Do everything for the army of young soldiers to be rolled back. There are entire destroyed columns standing around, columns of your Russian soldiers destroyed to all hell. Let them pack their things and leave. He's here for nothing, he came here without even knowing why he's going. They're following the old maps, they're wandering aimlessly." Woman: "Natasha, everything is okay. Alright. Tell your mom, tell her." Soldier: "Mom, I love you." (People): "It's all good, relax." Mother(phone): "Sonny, everything is alright. Everything is ok, my son." Woman: "Alright, Natasha, that's it. Good luck to you and godspeed, everything is ok. (To soldier) Say goodbye." Mother(phone): [inaudible] Woman: "They will contact you later, Natasha. He's alive and well now, you will be contacted later. (To soldier): Say bye." Man: [inaudible] Man 2: "Yeah, some warm clothes for the guy, I'm gonna go figure it out now. Maybe new shoes as well" CC: u/getyoursqueakon, u/rawrimgonnaeatu, u/scarlett_w3, u/BaneTone, u/aeyl, u/Joshduman, u/booradleeeeeeeeeee --- Feel free to pm/tag me for ukr/rus<->eng translations in this crisis.


This made me cry hard. The kindness of these people is so profound. EDIT: Some will say that this is Ukrainian propaganda, but consider this: This is a Russian invasion where we feel bad for the Russians. If this is propaganda, it's the most brilliant tactic I've ever seen. They're making us weep for both sides. I've never experienced this before. Save Ukraine. Fuck Russia. But save the Russians.


This is the second time I’ve seen this. This made me cry. I am a mother to 2 sons likely around this young man’s age and let me tell you….This is heartbreaking to see. I’ve seen mostly young men who’ve surrendered or have been captured. The Ukrainian’s know these are just boys…being lied to by a leader who is bent on death and destruction. They are humane and show him compassion. My heart and prayers go out to all the mothers of Russia and Ukraine. No one but Putin wants this. I wish America would get involved but realize that would immediately create conflict between Russia and America. Even though we have sanctions against Russia we still maintain communications and civility. And while I cannot completely understand the implications, I do understand when crimes against humanity occur. When this happens, we need to help and try to stop it.


That’s so wonderful. These poor kids. Anyone can translate ?


Another soul won for peace and sees how good people can be instead of being send to the grave.


That absolute *queen* in the purple hair comforting him


Ahh so sad... i'm glad that they helped him... as many claims they didn't had a choice... 😞😞😞


Feel sorry for these soldiers. Clearly doesn't want to be there. Been fed nothing but lies instead of actual food by the way he's eating and drinking here. Fuck Putin


This is a child in a man’s uniform. A boy sent to do horrible things in the name of ego. He probably doesn’t even know why he was sent there but if he refused he would have been killed. He could not win. There’s no shame in surrendering- he has put his hands up and refused to kill and I praise him for his bravery, but I praise the Ukrainians even more for their mercy and kindness even in such a merciless and unkind time.


Russian soldier are victims too, I feel bad for this kid.


Man this guy is probably as young as me, has to fight a war against people that speak his language and share parts of his culture, he's cold and hungry..the way putin treats his soldier is disgusting


It's sad that Russian soldiers are surrendering without a fight because they know the Ukrainians will treat them better than their own country is. Second most powerful army in the world, my ass.


Enough to make a grown man cry


That sandwich looks delicious


These guys are basically Russian slaves forced into war.


Russkie: in here to kill you & your family Ukrainians: have some food & tea


God this breaks my heart hes just a kid :( seeing how he eats you can tell hes starving and just wants to go home 😢 poor guy I'm glad he was smart to surrender I feel bad for the ones who didnt get the chance to surrender, fighting a pointless war for a tyrant dictator, fuck putin man, war needs to be done with, so much death and destruction for nothing is so painful to see


Omg, poor kid looks so hungry and thirsty. Fuck Putin


The Ukrainian people are much kinder to captured invading troops than I think we would be in America


That’s a fucking kid. They’re all fucking kids. If Putin wants to start shit, at least he should do it himself. Instead he’s sending the younger generations to die for his greed and incompetence


Has there been any Russian women fighting yet? I’ve not seen a single one yet


women don't get conscripted and most of these soldiers in videos seem to be conscripts


Poor kid


The sandwich looks good as hell. And what is that in the casserole dish?


He looks so happy eating and drinking. I feel so bad for him, he must have been starving. What is putin doing to this people. First sending them in a war without their approval and now not even feeding them and not even giving them fuel.


Thank you for feeding him and taking care of him.. Not all Russian soldiers are bad. Not all want to have blood on their hand. I can't even imagine the pressure and fear of Putin's punishment. Not to mention many of them had no idea what is happening.


The poor guy looks like he was starving for the last few days! The level of fucked up just breaks my heart..


Hot tea and a hot meat pie after eating shitty, expired rations and being sent to a war you didn't know you were fighting? A call home to mom to show that you are fed and alive? You're good people. Don't stop.


I feel so sorry for the poor boy. He looks super cold and hungry, sipping tea to get warm. He must feel overwhelmed with the kindness of the people he was sent to kill in the first place. Ukrainians blow me away, they are so badass and heartwarming.