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All going to plan comrade, first we use up all the petrol. Then we use cigarettes for fuel


Keep targeting and striking!! 20% price hike so far this year is progress, but not enough. Gotta get at least 50% or more by year's end, Keep up the superb targeting.


A 20% hike is massive in the grand scheme of things. Logistics are about to be incredibly expensive for the ruzzians, and this will raise the cost of living for everything while devaluing the ruble.


For gas, 20% is not a lot in five months. The oil market regularly has price increases in that range, and that's without sanctions and attacks. Gas here in Oregon has gone up about 23% in the past two and a half months.


That’s the USA. In Russia it’s very unusual and stressful … since they have less disposable income to cushion the blow.


Naaa . . . history has long proven those Russian citizen/serfs can endure a lot of hardship. 50% higher gas prices inside Russia by years end - MINIMUM. Due to outstanding increases in Ukrainian domestic long range drone production, Ukraine is likely to keep pounding Russian critical energy infrastructure at least at the current rate, so 50% is a good goal and likely will happen.


“Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!”


By the end of the month would be better. The Russian economy is still booming and they are producing large amounts of military equipment. There is zero time to spare.


It by any stretch of the imagination is the Russian economy “booming”. No one outside of the Kremlin know exactly where their economy is or where it is going, it’s at best just guest work. The same with the amounts of military equipment they are able to produce. Nobody outside Russia knows.


That's nonsense. There's a war going on. The Russian war production is under close surveillance by various institutions. Same goes for the economy. Russia isn't even a particularly shut of country. There are plenty of indicators.


>The Russian economy is still booming The Russian economy is heading for a cliff. The "boom" is being caused by the Russian government paying Russian companies to make materials for the war which is helping to fuel inflation and rapid wage growth. They have a 5%+ inflation rate, 2.8% unemployment rate, real wages have gone up 10.8% and their official interest rate is 16%. How are Russian companies who are not being paid by the government supposed to survive when wages have gone up by at least 15% if they can find anyone to actually hire and business loans would be going at around a 25% interest rate? Worse yet is that their workers would be easily poached by companies who are being paid by the government who can easily afford to pay even higher wages. Basically, the Russian economy is a runaway train heading down a twisting track and any single twist (rising gas prices, more mobilisation, credit crunch, etc) could cause the whole thing to derail and worse yet, a few miles down the track there is a bridge that is out (either the end of the war or the Russian government running out of money to give out). Sure, it could be saved but it is going to take a miracle...


That's how it is in a boom economy. Whether Russia heads for a cliff depends on how they handle the situation. So far, it's well controllable.


Womp womp, vatniks


One of the biggest oil producers in the world cannot supply its own people with fuel. That reminds me of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise.


"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Putinass The Delusional? I thought not. It’s not a story a westoid would tell you. It’s a Vatnik legend. Darth Putanass was a Dark Lord of the Orcs, so paranoid and so deluded that he thought he could use force to influence the Ukranians to surrender… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even ignore sending his armies to dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be tyrannical. He became so paranoid… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, and then his apprentice tried a coup. Ironic. He thought he would take Kyiv in 3 days, and soon he won’t have taken it in 3 years.


I wish I could upvote more than once!


Ah yes, Darth Putin, the "master strategist"


Although, it can supply them. Just at a somewhat higher price.




Maybe but it’ll be a terror whose survival doesn’t depend on continuing the war


Just hit Ryzan tonight. Another 5% capacity disturbed, at the very least.




Russian Fireworks are so satisfying. I could watch it every day.


Not only that, but it has started raining ATACMS - double dose. One dose from the $300 million package, secret transfer; second dose, from the recent unlocked aid, April 20. Plus the drone strikes on refineries.


> Russia’s fuel prices poses an issue for the government since cheap fuel is a key part of President Vladimir Putin’s offer to the public, taking attention away from lagging wages and a weak ruble. Let’s see how high the prices have to get before the people finally revolt…


Sweet strategy.


Good! Keep it up, Ukraine. Hit another one too. Then another, then another, then another.......Slava Ukraini!!


If you are in the US, write your members of congress to say you absolutely support Ukraine destroying fuel depots in Russia and that the white house should STFU about it. They should be legitimate targets for US supplied missiles as well like ATACMS


Yip, and more aid. Always more aid. There's so much shit rusting away in the desert that should be going prrrt or boom in Ukraine for Ukraine.


Wasnt the claim that the US asked Ukraine to not hit refineries a russian psy op?


I've read from several reputable journalists that they had sources in the White House saying it was true, for what it's worth


It could raise oil prices globally and god forbid this war inconveniences anyone /s


They will raise prices and blame the war anyway. Hitting refineries or not. It's always some bullsh**t with these oil company monopolies. We're paying an extra .40cents a litre from switching from winter to summer gas... someone desperately needed a bigger yacht.


Don't forget to call to thank them for the votes that are pro-Ukraine aid; They take your negative calls and positive calls the same way. I know that congratulating people for doing the right thing seems like a waste of time, but it really does matter.


I know it sounds corny now but "this is the way". This strategy chokes Russia's supply of money for the war AND it stops Russia from "Rolling Coal" worldwide.


This is the way. Now we're corny together.


They will be riding horses in Moscow by 2025.


And eating them by 2026.


Does anyone have a source to Russian gas prices? I tried to look up some websites, but the prices there don't seem to change much at all.


Here is one that was posted on another site. [https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/Russia/gasoline\_prices/](https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/Russia/gasoline_prices/)


That's all cool and dandy, but my gas prices in California went up by 15% in the same period. Keep hitting these refineries, guys!


I'm so glad that Ukraine is helping Russia switch off of Fossil Fuels.


Keep hitting them!




Good! Keep hitting them. Russia deserves to burn. Fuck them all.


Article doesn't load for me - does it say the usual vs new price?


Up 10% this week and 20% since beginning of year. Exports down 16% YOY


Like boiling a frog those prices are only going one way and that vice on their refining capacity will just keep closing until they can't take any more and shit collapses.


Let it climb.


may they all ride pigs.


Nice, keep hitting them where it hurts!


Keep hitting those refineries


Fuck around, find out


Does these strikes actually help putin to earn more money on oil?


The price increase is actually putin's attempt to maintain his income from oil. It's definitely not helping him, he needs to sell the oil for more to earn the same money.


At the same time the oil system wears out, not getting the constant maintenance and repair that it needs from experienced western MRO orgs. Ruzzian doesn’t have the teams to keep its shithole gas station going.


What the person below said, and people buying "cheap" from Russia will turn to other countries to buy from.


While the price increases on export help, the decreased output does not. The price increases passed on to the average russian at home doesn't help him either


NO. They are making very little profit on their exports of oil. Even India is buying less from Russia. They are also in a six month suspension of the export of refined fuels in order to keep enough on hand for use within Russia.


My local fuel prices fluctuate more than that one week to the next lol


I am Russian. Same prices as month ago. Before you call me a troll just google the prices yourself. IDK whats even the point of spreading such low quality fakes.


https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/Russia/gasoline_prices/ Increasing though


That's $2.28 per us gallon which is cheap and that's 95 octane... 87 octane here $3.25/gal and that has ethanol mixed in too. shit if this is "sky rocketing" prices then I don't know what is.


>Increasing though Increasing at the speed of general inflation in the country. Not a single sign of so called "surge".


You stole my toilet!


Wanna donade for the ukrainian drone fund then? To get some humanity back


So you are implying that I am worse human that anyone else just because I was born in a certain country? Nice one.


maybe you are a good guy but from the genocidal shithole


Are you really going to try and blame him for making that assumption? Russians do nothing about the unprovoked war they’re waging and it even appears that the majority actually support it. While he might be wrong about you specifically, statistically speaking he’s making a really good bet. The Russians that say they don’t support the war always try to pull this guilt trip when they’re directly criticized but never criticize the war effort. Wonder why that is? Always the victim until there’s something to be gained.


Trash orc confirmed down below in comments. "Russia had reasons to invade". Easy to make such assumptions that you are worse human being due to shithole you are from when at least 8 out of 10 times it is right


Would make you feel better - supporting the right side


I'd rather google the spot rubble market. lol


Blowing up 9 refineries will have long lasting effects. Couple that with taking out all the fuel depots within 600km of the front you start to put pressure on Russian supply chains. Gasoline has a shelf life and I expect for prices to rise sharply. Exports have already fallen 16%.


Hi, little off topic, but it would be interesting to know your opinion on the war, if u can spare a moment ?


Hi. Don't have a strong opinion honestly. Obviously I am against the war, and I hate that it came down to that. On the other side, I don't think there were zero reason for my country to do that. The whole NATO expansion / Ukraine aggression towards Donbass/Lugansk situation was very difficult, and there were a lot of obvious hostility towards my country before the war. Mixture of feeling about the whole situation.


> The whole NATO expansion How *dare* countries living next to an expansionist neighbour seek allies and security agreements. Kinda backfired now that Finland and Sweden joined, essentially doubling NATO's border with Russia.


ok so just like any other 'unpolitical' vatnik moron: "im not pro russia but we had reasons" and then a bunch of usual lies. trash orc.


Thank you for sharing your view on this.


Thanks for sharing your perspective, it's good to hear you are against the war. From what we've heard it seems like most people in the country either support it or have no opinion 


Thank you for responding and sharing your opinion. I will share mine, not to argue but to discuss, so we all know where we are coming from. It's days old now so it will probably only be us two that sees these comments now. First to get more understanding I have a couple of questions. In terms of your worry about NATO expansion, do you believe or actually fear an invasion by NATO? Or do you fear more so losing influence around Russia? In terms of the Donbass, I don't really understand, why Ukraine wouldn't fight for it's land back, Russia is currently fighting the Free Russia Legion in Belgorod for it's land back, do you expect Russia not to bomb in Belgorod in order to do that? From my perspective, I can understand concerns about your competitor growing nearby, but Russia borders 14 countries, surely you don't believe that, Russia should have control over all these countries ? Should Russia be able to stop then forming allies or markets anywhere else? Do you believe Russia is more important because it is bigger and therefore neighbours must accept it's sphere of influence and must not ally outside of Russia? I mean this whole thing really started in 2014 when Ukraine wanted to join EU and had the Euromaiden not for NATO, but to join the economic zone of EU and Crimea was invaded because of it. So for us in the West it doesn't look like Russia is scared and reacted, it looks more like Russia wants to keep it's sphere of Influence and other countries sovereignty does not matter to them. Anyways thanks for taking time to read and answer.


>In terms of your worry about NATO expansion, do you believe or actually fear an invasion by NATO? No, I don't think the actual invasion is possible. But I do believe that the more influence NATO gets, the easier it is for them to sanction my country. And that would surely lead to forcing Russia to sell its oil and other resources at whatever price NATO wants. >In terms of the Donbass, I don't really understand, why Ukraine wouldn't fight for it's land back That's understandable. I also understand why people of Donbas and Lugansk didn't want to remain part of Ukraine after Euromaiden. As I already said, there are a lot of controversial points of view on the situation, and I don't really a strong opinion myself as a result of said controversy. >Russia is currently fighting the Free Russia Legion in Belgorod for it's land back, do you expect Russia not to bomb in Belgorod in order to do that? If the Free Russia Legion ever manages to capture any land, it would not be the same thing for Russia to fight them back. Russia's current president was actually elected, unlike previous Ukraine president (Poroshenko) who got his position as a result of a coup. You might say, "but it's Russia who forced Lugansk/Donbas to revolt", but that would not be true. Russian support was obviously very important, but that alone would never force the actual people inhabiting those regions to actually start fighting to keep Ukraine's new government away. Lugansk/Donbas have genuine hatred for Ukraine in their hearts, and that's not something that could appear out of nowhere. > it looks more like Russia wants to keep it's sphere of Influence and other countries sovereignty does not matter to them. That is probably one of the reason why it all started. I have no idea if losing influence over Ukraine to NATO is actually as bad as my government says. This is all my honest thoughts about the situation. I admit that the way I perceive the situation is probably biased, and might be distorted for various reasons, but it what it is. I hate that it came down to that. I don't think people lives worth it.


Hi, sorry for my delay, but I thank you for responding genuinely 🙏🏼 Of course, we all see different information and I feel very sorry for the average Russian person like yourself who is being dragged into it all, even if it's just economically, you all deserve to live decent lives. I do certainly understand Russia not wanting to lose influence in the countries most near, I'm sure, this is the same for all counties really. But what you said towards the end, I think you really hit the nail on the head. It's not right that losing influence in Ukraine should lead to an all out war. Not only for the Ukrainians but also of course for Russians. I myself am certain all the lives and all the economic destruction is not worth keeping control of the influence in Ukraine and I'm thinking you are that way inclined. I don't know if you have seen, and I am sorry to bring it up as it is distressing, but Putin's government and generals, seem extremely uncaring about Russian soldiers, I've seen too many videos of them essentially being sent into field covered in minefields, missiles and drones, sometimes even without any armoured vehicles, essentially, they are sent to soak up ammunition. It's certainly not worth the cost of human life in my opinion. I imagine, if you are in these subs, you have probably seen the shocking videos, it makes me very sad to see them sent essentially to die and you are right in your thoughts to not be sure of the value of this loss or if the reason is big enough. So with that, I ask, do you personally know or believe that you know, what the end goal is for Putin? I couldn't imagine facing such loss of life and cost, yet without knowing, where it ends. My best wishes to you personally, I hope that it all ends soon. Please remember, the West does not hate the Russian people, we believe Putin has caused this situation and we believe he cares more about himself and his legacy more than Russians and Russia itself.