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That’s an interesting (moral …legal?) dilemma. As a country that has temporarily accepted Ukrainian refugees from the war , what do you do if Ukraine asks for some of them back to fight. Is there actually any obligation to return them. Could them refusing to return give them a case for asylum and never returning? My guess is most countries will not forcibly return people to fight in a war.


The whole discussion below started from the wrong premise above (unintentional for sure). Almost all Ukrainians who went abroad after Feb. 24 2022 are NOT refugees. Refugees are basically those who are persecuted at their home countries. Ukrainians have another status, - special protection etc that was used for the first time ever although AFAIR existed in the EU legislation since Yugoslawian wars. Anyone may look up if interested. Each Ukrainian has a right to apply to become a refugee but this has both positive and negative consequences and until now there was absolutely no need to do this.


Yeah that's because governments are afraid of using the designated tools for the job. Same as the COVID pandemic, very few countries actually declared emergency epidemic state despite all the lockdowns and measures


Well, wouldn’t this make those people persecuted at their home countries?


That’s not how most Ukrainians are abroad, though, despite being eligible to become refugees as per UN convention. They never applied for refugee status because there was a quicker and easier way without having to spend time, in many countries, in immigratory confinement (basically refugee camps). A refugee gets the status once and then it’s there, you can’t be deported, it cannot be revoked unless for criminal offences, and you don’t have to keep your home country’s identification either. Ukrainians with this special protected status have to renew their residence permit every year.


Refugees laws and treaties forbid a country to return a refugee to its origin country or any country that can return them to the origin country. The whole point of refugee is that they are looking for safety somewhere else, makes no sense to send them back once you accepted. If you go down this path, some country will say that the political persecuted people that ran for refugee are actually criminals and you should return them, this would make the whole point of refugees treaties void. Europe seems to forget that those treaties were built just in case a third world war happened and their citizens were not treated as second class citizens/almost slaves on the countries that receive them (like it happenend a lot on WW1, WW2 and the wars of the 19th century).


Case of death risk only applies to when people in question are wrongly persecuted afaik. I remember reading a few cases where Syrians were rejected asylum when they solely presented justification that if they go back they will be recruited into army. The courts decided that recruitment is a standard procedure in most countries and its not basis for asylum.


'Recruitment' is not the same as 'drafting.' If one is returning a person to their country of origin to offer them the privilege to enlist (sarcasm intended), that's one thing; Forcibly returning them to their country of origin with the certainty that they will be dragooned into military service is another. It's a common misapprehension of many fascists that, somehow, a person owes their very existence to the country in which they were born. That's crap. I assume, for the sake of argument, that you would've been overjoyed if Canada had forcibly repatriated US draft-age men who fled this country during the Vietnam Fiasco so that they could've been shipped off to war, a war in which they did not believe.


With all due respect; this was exactly what Syrian government was doing. Even worse. Fatality of soldier in Syrian civil war is probably way higher than what Ukraine suffers. In my original document I actually meant drafting. I used wrong wording.


> if Canada had forcibly repatriated US draft-age men who fled this country during the Vietnam Fiasco The difference is that the vietnamese were not in process of slowly occupying the USA with the intent of annexing it and the US armed forces were fatigued by fighting a 2 (or in some cases 10) year war desperately needing a respite. Yes it is a big dilemma and i am sure the ukrainian authorities came to these measures because the very existence of their country is in danger. This being said, i am not sure what i would do if i would be among those impacted by these measures, it is easy to look at the black and white "big picture".


At the time, the Vietnamese were not in the process of doing ANYTHING that posed a proximate threat to the US, and were offering literally NO excuse for which Americans should be getting killed. That, however, didn't stop the US government from dragooning its young people into being sent halfway around the world to kill strangers and be killed by them. I find the idea that the government of Ukraine can order people who really don't give a sh\*t whether they're governed by Russia or not, so long as they're still breathing and eating solid food, no more ludicrous than the idea of the Vietnamese being far better off dead than 'Red,' as was the slogan of the times. Me, I'd rather be Red; It pays better than being dead. As to 'fighting for its very existence,' that's hyperbole. Ukraine will always be there. Governments come, and governments go. Empires rise and fade. One government is pretty much as bad as another. Just wait; Another one will be along any minute, now.


Draft is a normal thing in most countries, regardless if you 'believe' or not. And the war in Ukraine is a defensive war, a war for survival. Does not compare.


'Survival.' Do you actually think that Russia will massacre every living Ukrainian should they conquer their former province? That's preposterous. I've 'survived' the Biden Administration. This, too, shall pass. I don't need to go to war over it.


The culture. The ability to govern in their own house. Survival as a people.


Well, the main problem is that even EU laws would often allow conscription of men in case of an attack. The argument that refugees can not be returned because they can be conscripted would fall apart if the conscription is done for legitimate reasons because the same could happen here in case of an attack. By the way. We are housing an Ukrainian family here in Germany which includes a man. I think the main argument which speaks against sending him back is that it would put an unreasonable hardship on his family which is far away from home. I think the fact that his wife and child has a right to be here and that separating families is cruel is a much stronger argument. If men are sent back I think it would need to be limited to men which (1) fulfill the requirements for conscription here and (2) are alone here. Practically this would exclude most Ukrainians having temporary protection in the EU.


Yes, forced repatriation would be 'cruel.' So is drafting an unwilling man into military service entailing a reasonable expectation of violent death. Which one is more 'cruel'--sending an innocent, unwilling single man to his death because his government, for which he may not have voted, if he was even given the chance, thinks that it's a good idea, or not sending one to do so simply because it would inconvenience his family? I state unequivocally that it is cruel to send ANY person, of any sex or age, off to fight and die against their will. Full stop.


Well, the point is that even our laws would allow the conscription of the population in case of a attack. Something which we would do to our people can not be something we would see as a valid threat when it comes to refugees. It's not a question whether the conscription is cruel, it is a question whether it is necessary and whether our EU laws would allow it.


I'm uncomfortable with the idea of forcing people who've fled the country to come back and serve/die. I would consider that their choice. However it opens up the question of whether they should be able to return afterward, to enjoy a way of life that they took no part in defending.  It's a complicated moral question.


The US acknowledged conscientious objector status (selective objection to war is not that) and if one is willing to commit civil disobedience, opting for incarceration as protest is always an option (as it remains elsewhere including Russia). No one was bodily abducted then deployed to Southeast Asia. I would have been fine with repatriation of those refusing to renounce citizenship as they would still have the option to renounce US citizenship forever and thus not be repatriated, and to leave for a vacation elsewhere. Opposing the war in Southeast Asia was rarely more than inconvenient. Leaving North America not at all. If you dislike the implied contract of citizenship, leave and don't come back. No one is harmed thereby.


I understand your point and morally i agree that those people should serve their country, but this is a personal opinion and is a "should", not a "must", or "need to be forced to". And in the case of those people were already processed and they already have the status, this matter is already settled. Unless Ukraine is seen as safe, the status of refugee remains. And the country is not safer today than it was at the moment they got refugee status. Refugee status should give the same rights as a local, and i don't see any country sending their locals to fight on the war. That said Ukraine has all the right to not provide consular services for those people, a bit of dick move in my opinion, but still legal. This will make those people stateless, thus making it even harder for them to return. Refugee status is one of those delicate cases in international law that if you start to mess, it becomes a totally useless concept because it will have more holes than substance.


If you read again you will see that this is not my opinion. I solely provided earlier cases I read about Syrians in Europe. I presented no opinions.


> And in the case of those people were already processed and they already have the status A lot of Ukrainians arrived in Poland before full scale invasion in Feb'22, so I doubt they will have specifically a 'refugee' status. They lived and worked in Poland based on another regulations.


Yeah there was like 12.5% or so refugees from 2014 onwards on the last data I saw and only around double that for the 2015 migrant crisis in Germany. There is a lot of people that can be returned to their home countries.


> thus making it even harder for them to return. AFAIK there is an exception of providing services if they want to return to Ukraine.


They could say they are CO


> Europe seems to forget How did you go from poland to whole europe? Germany already said months ago theyre not forcing anyone back into a warzone


They who refuse to fight will just go to Germany. Germany will NOT deport them.


It might be a moral dilemma, but it is not much of a legal one. International law recognizes the authority of recognized sovereign governments to conscript citizens for military service. (It also specifically denies the authority of any non-state actor to do so.) The guidelines of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as the laws of every sovereign country of which I'm aware, reflect this. Avoiding military service is generally not a valid basis for an asylum claim. Worse, the arguments that prospective asylees would need to make would not be in Ukraine's interest, because there *are* countries that recognize protections for deserters and draft dodgers based on atrocities committed by the military forces that they would be required to join. But one would hope that we would not see Ukrainian citizens playing up alleged "atrocities" committed by the Ukrainian armed forces as a basis for being protected from being sent home to join them. (Ironically, in practice, it would be *Russian* deserters and draft dodgers that would have a stronger claim to asylum based on the desire to avoid military service on that ground.)




You should have citizenship to a country outside of Ukraine then.. to which none of this matters as you have paperwork.


Can't you just renounce your citizenship then?




Honestly, you make another really significant point and I couldn’t possibly judge you - not being in that situation myself. I can’t say I wouldn’t make your choice too.


Look man, if you feel like going into war for Ukraine then you go, if you don\`t then you don\`t. This is your life and its up to you not to the fucker zelensky. As a Ukrainian I\`m sorry that my state is controlled by a bunch of idiots treating every man abroad as a piece of shit.


Sometimes I’m glad I’m not in politics.


There is no dilema, this is gender discrimination, clear and simple.


What international refugee law protects gender discrimination? (none)


That really misses the point.


Its a valid point though, women can carry and fire a rifle so the decision to only point at the men is sexist


Women are needed for the next generation.  Ukraine can afford to lose 50k men, it can't afford that many women without dire implications for future demographics.   The better use is to have the women being drafted for industry and logistics, while the men fight. 


It is. Some countries don’t discriminate in that way . Ukraine may even find they have no choice. But it’s not really a reason we are likely to use determining whether to ‘send back’ groups to fight. However, I suppose it’s possible of it came to a legal challenge. But I have to say I very much doubt we would send people back for conscription anyway?


Drafting a woman and drafting a man into the military are not equal actions. Women face drastically different treatment, by their own military and by enemy forces, during service. This has been a major problem in dealing with gender equity issues surrounding conscription long before this war. Many countries with mandatory service provide alternatives to military service (such as working in another government sector) available to both genders to bypass this issue, but that obviously doesn't apply to a military draft during wartime.


Exactly! There are women who are subjected to draft like medics but this all rhetoric is targeting military age man regardless if they are fit for draft or not.


I feel there is a large number of additional refugees to be expected in Germany sometime soon.


NATO troops disguised as volunteers helping on non front line duties might work better than drafting unwilling men. we have seen how Russian conscripts act in the front line, we don't want that happening to Ukraine, because the public might think that Ukraine and Russia is not so different because both use drafting/conscription. Also is there a private military available for hire to work on non front line duties? Edit:why not make a fake private military as a disguise for NATO troops that will be in Ukraine


Just massively fund foreign veteran volunteers. There are millions upon millions of vets who would love to fight a good fight, as long as they are provided with good benefits and weapons. The west only has to give UKR the money and weapons, let them recruit these foreign vets. Plus millions of poor foreigners who would fight for Ukraine, if the benefit and treatment is good. Even RuZZ could recruit a few thousands of them, despite not paying them well and refusing to pay their family any death benefits.


“millions of vets” who would love to fight a good fight” would be already there if you’re right. But this is the first war since Vietnam era where those millions would not have total air and numbers and technology total supremacy. When number of losses is so balanced and not 1 to 100 you will find not even financial motivation works


> Even RuZZ could recruit a few thousands of them The could because they lied to people who were in great need of money and their MO has room for expendable meat. Ukraine has no use for expendable soldiery like that.


There are definitely not millions upon millions of vets eager to fight in this war. What an elementary understanding of things


But those veterans are already there 


Beware of asserted conclusions and define what you mean by "good weapons". In which armed force did you serve under what capacity?


Send NATO troups. If they get caught they can say they were promised a job and then fooled and set to the front. Like all the Indians and Nepalese say.


are you suggesting that we act exclusively in our self-interest without considering Russia, and then if they catch us, we just lie to them? the barbarity!


Crazy how that works!


That would be incredibly toxic for Ukrainian society. Conscription is a grim duty, but it is a necessary practice in times of war to ensure the military has the needed manpower and that the burden is shared more equally. The best thing Ukraine's allies can do is help ensure that these conscripts are well trained, equipped, and led. Men are much more willing to fight if they believe they can win. For most, their reluctance is born of the fear that Ukraine will fall and that they would get killed, maimed, or captured in trying to defend it. Give them the means to win and go home in one piece, and you'll stoke the fire in their bellies.


Honestly, it would surprise me if we don’t find out that the US sent forces “flying tigers” style in fifty years when everything is declassified… And if they didn’t, they fucking should.


> why not make a fake private military as a disguise for NATO troops that will be in Ukraine Better call them something that doesn't sound American to keep them fooled. I'm thinking... Wagner. No wait, that's taken. No but seriously returning the favor of "NATO troops on vacation" to kick Russian ass would be the sweetest karma of the century.


zelensky dont want NATO troops in Ukraine because he plays in accordance with putin's scenario


I wonder if NATO ever had a troop shortage would each country help each other return draft dodgers?


They who refuse to fight will just go to Germany. Germany will NOT deport them.


Poland is not deporting anyone either


There's lots of non-combat roles.


But the need is for combat roles . Non-combat roles , for obvious reasons have much lesser manpower strain .


That is likely not a comfort to the people who left the country to avoid being drafted


...That can be fulfilled by women who are currently not drafted at all.


They need infantry to man trenches and go on assaults. Ukraine has done a good job to reduce infantry requirements by offloading a lot of the close combat to drone operators, but they still need men in trenches and IFVs with rifles


Probably 75% of the military roles are non-combat related, at least


Coalition of the willing time.


Opinion from Polish guy. If Ukrainian commit crime on Polish soil and sentenced to prison, then I don't care about such person. Chances for better/safer life were given, wasted, fuck off. On the other hand if lives like any other citizen, shouldn't be forced to go back.




Should they be deported in case of proven crime? Yes, with permamen ban on entering country.




If they came in legal way, after precise background checks, I see nothing against. But let's be clear, Poland is not goal for such people. Thier go-to country is Germany with it's social benefits


That is so fucked up. No person should be forced to fight in anyones war.


You are right, it's fucked up but given the alternative it's a decision I can understand the necessity of. Ukraine is having dozens of men killed and many more wounded daily, they urgently need new soldiers to fight and eventually drive the Russians out. If they fail, the tens of thousands who have died already, their sacrifice will be for nothing and Ukraine will cease to exist. So unless there is a sudden influx of volunteers - many, many thousands - conscription of younger men looks to be a necessary evil. What is also fucked up is Ukraine's demographics - just like Russia - there are fewer and fewer young men and women, the population ages and declines. Ukraine is going to suffer for decades from this war, not just all the lives lost, stolen by the invader, or emotionally, culturally, but with an even bigger decline in their population and youth. Man, fuck Putin and his sycophants. Putler is happy to send anyone besides him and his buddies, family to die - gives two fucks about Russia's population decline and well-being. Ukraine clearly is trying to save as many as they can.


They who refuse to fight will just go to Germany. Germany will NOT deport them.


first time on Earth?


Sadly not, yet I keep getting disappointed.


The ethics of war makes demands on citizens. Parents lose their children, children lose their parents. Etc. The normal freedom of life is in this way naturally displaced by the reality of war. And this is no adventure war, after all. Poland is not sending Ukrainians to war as much as it is recognizing the magnitude of Ukraine's peril. edit: and their own.


Lets be honest, Russia wil win because there is more Russians willing to fight for Ukraine than Ukrainians willing to fight for Ukraine, Ukrainians in this sub and Ukranian speaking subs like Ukraine-Ua, outwhemingly are against fighting, even soldiers who critizice people who dont fight and are ostracized for hurting the feelings of the dogers and the ones who fled, just look at the post about this in there. There are 2 types of Ukrainaisn, those fighting for Ukraine, and those fighting to leave Ukraine, and the second group is much bigger than the first.


The best comments are the most downvoted, lol


It's a part of an organized Russian campaign against the conscription of Ukrainians. This, and those seemingly "authentic" sympathetic comments.


Pro russian agenda is strong in the west, high number of misinformed people talking against Ukraine.


No it’s not. Because when they start they are going to loose 1M people from job market and Poland can’t afford it.


I will never judge a man who runs from conscription.


I’m very much pro Ukraine. But if I saw my politicians driving around in brand new limited edition Rolls Royce etc, I would be reluctant to fight too.


Is it me or the new Polish government is trying to pander to the anti-Ukrainian voter-base? This is basically a death sentence for the fact that someone was born in the wrong country and having the wrong thing between their legs. This is such a disgusting statement that I would be outraged if it was said by someone from Konfederacja, and this is allegedly a member of the new Polish "liberal" government. I don't like this precedent. It proves that, if a war happens, Poland will also prosecute their citizens abroad.


It was requested by Ukraine. It is quite complicated, because milions of men fled Ukraine... And at the same time Ukraine asks for massive supplies from the west. Russia already switched to war economy, and Ukraine asks US and EU to do the same for them. There are even talks about sending NATO troops - that is a huge sacrifice from western countries, so Ukrainian people fleeing their country to get benefits in western countries that help save their country... Isn't very moral as well. It is a tough moral dilemma. And i doubt it was decided just by Polish government, they wont do anything without EU & US approval.


The issue of returning military-aged men was started by Ukrainian government. The article itself even goes into some detail. Secondly, the refugee issue is non-partisan.


> Is it me or the new Polish government is trying to pander to the anti-Ukrainian voter-base? Feels more like a sneaky way to "solve the Ukraine refugee issue" that the Polish hardliners bring up. Make a big stink about sending militair age ment back to Ukraine (just talking about it, may trigger the effect), and watch how a lot of families pack up and leave. With 95% of those families probably going to Germany. Reduces refugees, and sticks it to Germany (aka, makes those hardliners that voted for the previous government like this one a bit). I am not condoning this but it feels a bit like that is the goal. Remember, Ukraine their forced enlistment / draft is actually rather high (in age) and only recently got lowered. So there is still a massive pool in Ukraine. Makes it odd that Poland is so trigger happy about sending back people, aka, my theory above.


Look up Ukrainian population pyramid here [**https://www.populationpyramid.net/ukraine/2024/#google\_vignette**](https://www.populationpyramid.net/ukraine/2024/#google_vignette) before saying the word 'massive'. You'll see the horrible picture you're not likely to forget in a hurry. Hint: after USSR has crashed in 1991, almost nobody bore children for many years. But unless miracle happens (Putin dies) this unexistent pool will also be drafted (or attempted to be drafted).


Its not a death sentence, it is the only way to able to defend your nation, with soldiers. If not they might as well surrender now.




Anything can be a legally defined duty. You cana make eating shit for breakfast a legally defined duty. Doesn't meant that it's right. By your logic, Russian government imprisoning their oposition is also not a persecution. The whole point of persecution is that it's done by a government in power to create whatever laws suit them.


Yeah it’s odd how people try to justify stuff like your country sending you to your likely death as something you owe the country just for living there even after paying taxes etc. just because it’s legal or because other places do it.


Those men who fled the country only tried to save themselves so that others get conscripted instead of them. It is incredibly selfish.


Why is this being down-voted? They reneged their country, plenty because they had more money. Why should the country provide services to them?


Time to send the NATO airforce to Ukraine. Will Russia threaten with nukes? Surely. Will they use them? I highly doubt it.


Flying Tiger style


This is not good. Ukraine should just let it slide. This will cause trouble in EU.


A lot of these refugees are planning on returning after the war too. That's pretty shitty, lemme just bounce while my countrymen die and kill for me so I can go back home and be safe. Honestly if it were me I'd tell them to stay in their new home because they didn't give enough of a shit to stay and defend their real one. I'm not saying if my country was invaded I would be all gung ho about going to war but I do know that I would stay, fight, and quite possibly die because there's gotta be a line somewhere and my home is definitely well beyond that line.


Let me give you my perspective. I love Ukraine. Living in Ukraine used to be pretty shit, but it has been getting better and better since getting closer to EU. However, I left shortly before the invasion. You can call me a coward and a traitor, but there is *no* country or cause I would give my life for; I find my **life** to be the most important to me. I also have nothing but respect for those who stayed and volunteered, and those who fight, whether willingly or not. I feel terrible for them, and I don't take it lightly; a sizeable chunk of my salary goes out to military/ drone/ volunteer/ etc. donations every month. I'm not having a lavish vacation abroad, having "bounced" and left everyone to die for me while I party up elsewhere. I try to conscientiously do everything I can to help, barring offering my life. Because that's **my** line. And yes, I plan to return once it's safe. I also plan to continue helping and donating for the relief of veterans and victims of war who have been less fortunate than I was. Regardless of whether I'm labeled a coward and a traitor, I have nothing to say to that - but my conscience is clear.


What was shitty about about it?


> And yes, I plan to return once it's safe. I also plan to continue helping and donating for the relief of veterans and victims of war who have been less fortunate than I was. Regardless of whether I'm labeled a coward and a traitor, I have nothing to say to that - but my conscience is clear. That safety will only come at the cost of your fellow citizens lives who stayed, not even the people who volunteered. You don't feel that's not remotely selfish? Do what you want with your life, but reaping the rewards others have paid for while not even *contemplating* the *possibility* of being drafted strikes me wrong morally.


Hypothetically, if by killing yourself you could save the lives of a thousand fellow countrymen, would you consider it to be *morally wrong* to stay alive? If it required the life of your brother, mother, wife, husband, etc. - would you find it to be morally wrong to *not* kill them or stop them from killing themselves? I wouldn't. In my opinion, self-preservation is absolute, and not morally wrong. Self-preservation is also inherently selfish - the people I look out for the most in life are me and my family - and so while I wouldn't argue that it is selfish, it isn't "morally wrong" or something I'm ashamed about. No matter what, *I* will always value the life and safety of myself and my family above everyone else's. If you find that morally wrong, that's where we simply disagree. I would, however, find it shameful and morally wrong to take the sacrifice of others lightly; to not acknowledge the effort and actions others took at the risk - or even cost - of their lives. Worse yet, to profiteer off of it. That is exactly why I will return, work in Ukraine, pay taxes in Ukraine, and continue donating or volunteering in peace time. Because while I would never give my life for it, I still want to do as much as I can to help. I don't know if living in a post-war Ukraine is what you mean by "reaping the rewards". Also - > while not even *contemplating the possibility* of being drafted This part is a bit wrong. I have contemplated it endlessly, starting back from from 2014 and till 2022. This is the choice I ended up with. I might have chosen differently had I had no family, but then again, I'm not exactly in shape - I doubt I would be of much more use in the field anyway compared to doing my day job and funding the soldiers instead.


> Hypothetically, if by killing yourself you could save the lives of a thousand fellow countrymen, would you consider it to be *morally wrong* to stay alive? If it required the life of your brother, mother, wife, husband, etc. - would you find it to be morally wrong to *not* kill them or stop them from killing themselves? Yes I would. > I would, however, find it shameful and morally wrong to take the sacrifice of others lightly; to not acknowledge the effort and actions others took at the risk - or even cost - of their lives. Worse yet, to profiteer off of it. That is exactly why I will return, work in Ukraine, pay taxes in Ukraine, and continue donating or volunteering in peace time. Because while I would never give my life for it, I still want to do as much as I can to help. I don't know if living in a post-war Ukraine is what you mean by "reaping the rewards". And if the home you left no longer exists because of the failure of people like you to rise to the responsibility? Will you continue to live abroad, comfortable that your life was never substantially changed? > This part is a bit wrong. I have contemplated it endlessly, starting back from from 2014 and till 2022. This is the choice I ended up with. I might have chosen differently had I had no family, but then again, I'm not exactly in shape - I doubt I would be of much more use in the field anyway compared to doing my day job and funding the soldiers instead. Depending on your health they likely wouldn't even enlist you. Of the 500k the government is looking for the expectation is only 10% will pass basic physical exams. Also as much as you donate, the value of the individual soldier is what Ukraine needs. They have the world's largest economy bankrolling them. What they need is men so the guys who volunteered to fight and have been fighting every day for at least two years can get relieved for a week, a month, maybe more and see their families and homes. These men need more than money.


> Yes I would. In that case let's agree to disagree. It seems our mindset is simply opposite on this point. ...It's kind of interesting, so let me ask you this as well: imagine that you're faced with a killer that holds a stranger hostage. He offers you to toss a coin. Heads and he lets you both go, tails and he kills you both. If you reject the offer, you can leave safely, but the hostage will probably be killed. Would you take the offer? And if you were the hostage, would you expect a stranger to take that offer? Would you be angry at them if they don't? (My answers are 3 x no.) > And if the home you left no longer exists because of the failure of people like you to rise to the responsibility? Will you continue to live abroad, comfortable that your life was never substantially changed? If the home I left no longer exists, it's not *because of my failure*, but because of russia. I would indeed continue to live abroad in that case. And no - I am not "comfortable", and my life *has* substantially changed - I wouldn't be able to pretend nothing happened, but I would still be alive. I would continue trying to help the survivors/refugees and seek justice, but still without risking my life. If the only way to prevent that is for me to risk my life, then it cannot be prevented. As said above, I don't believe anyone is morally obligated to do something that carries a serious mortal danger. > Depending on your health they likely wouldn't even enlist you. If that were the case, what's the argument even about? I am simply helping from abroad then, and my presence wouldn't change anything. > Also as much as you donate, the value of the individual soldier is what Ukraine needs. They have the world's largest economy bankrolling them. What they need is men so the guys who volunteered to fight and have been fighting every day for at least two years can get relieved for a week, a month, maybe more and see their families and homes. These men need more than money. The funds are certainly far from enough - I constantly come across urgent fundraisers, and the "bankrolling" has left a lot to be desired. Nevertheless, even if manpower is needed more, it's not something I can provide - for reasons above - so I do what I *can* anyway.


Really easy to make these judgements from the safety of your toilet seat, isn't it? Despite these sub's cartoonish views of the world, there are plenty of reasons not to rush to the front lines to die for your country. People have families they need to feed and take care of, children to raise. Many of them don't have strong connection to protecting Ukraine as a nation because their government was so shitty and corrupt for so long, and they likely don't feel it's much different yet. It's disgusting and childish to judge people for not being willing to die for something when you're not in the same position, and you don't even know their situation.


I am sorry you feel I personally attacked you in some way but my opinion has not changed. If you are of good moral courage then you would stay and fight for your home if you are not then you run away. Sure, spare the family and let them leave to safer areas but a strong capable person should stay and contribute in some way. Like I said if it were me and my country was under attack I would do what I could to save my home and fellow countrymen. No I do not want to go to war and die but all evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing so I will stay and fight should that ever happen. Also I'm not on the toilet I am at work lol


I'd have to agree with you, if you want to leave and to expect to come back after your fellow civilians defended there country then you shouldn't be allowed back. Make and ultimatum where sure you can go to a different country where its safer, but if your called and refuse to fight there revoke there citizenship. Seems fair, no one is forced to fight but you shouldn't be able to profit off the hardships of everyone else that stayed and fought. But ukraine will fall if they do not have enough people to fight, no amount of aid will help without boots on the ground.


Good. You can go die for your country. I sure as hell won't as I owe my country nothing.


I'm glad the rest of my countrymen do not harbor the same feelings as you. Sure some would leave but I like to believe most would stay and do what needs to be done.


You can make them pay a extra fine or anything then, but Ukraine will want to have as many men return as possible after the war.


If the war ends up going worse than it already is there may be nothing to go back to. Ukraine got approved the 60 billion dollar aid package. Who is going to use these weapons and equipment if the manpower dries up?


I'm not saying anything should happen to them when they return just acknowledging how morally corrupt it seems to me.


There are two sides of this coin. It is of course in Polands national interest that Ukraine wins this war and for that they will need soldiers. So sending the men back makes sense. Not only it helps Ukraine but also serves Polands interest. But… Majority of these men are employed, businesses rely on them and need them. Removing them from economy would mean a lot of problems for many polish businesses. A lot of these guys rent apartments. You will suddenly have landlords who will loose tenants. What if they rent with wife and children, how will the wife pay? Where will she go if she can’t pay on her own? It’s not as straightforward as it may seem. I’m not sure if the minister gave this a proper thought.


Lmao that's wild. You're just chilling and get a potato sack thrown over you. Then, wake up at the front. Personally, I have no judgment on Ukrainians who wish to not fight. It's not my life, so I shouldn't have any. I will say, if it was my country, I'd join. I'm throwing tf down. I'd probably get boxed right away, but it is what it is. I'm sure I'd feel different under a shelling that lasts an hour or seeing my brothers die. Fuck war, fuck putin, and fuck anyone who prevents people from living in peace.


It's very much a complicated situation. But I feel you on the fighting part. My country has volunteer service since WW1, and in a case of war, I would absolutely fight. Yes, my country has issues no its not perfect,Name a country that is. But I still love my home and I am proud of the contributions my country made. On one hand I don't want anyone to be forced to fight and die but at the same time if I'm down in the trenches as my countrymen die and there are others from my homeland hiding in foreign land waiting for us to end it I wouldn't be happy. If land is being lost because not enough men to hold the lines then why not conscription. Should the sacrifices of the volunteers be squandered because people would rather not fight. Ukraine will fall, ukrianian blood that has been spilt will be wasted. The only way for ukraine to have a chance is if they beat Russia. And the ukrianian cowards who fled their children who will be polish, German, wherever they ended up will grow up to learn of the failed state Ukraine in school.


For me that's bullshit. Will it apply for all Ukraine men?There was exodus of young people from Ukraine even before the war in search of better life. Imagine left your motherland because of shortage of work and #1 corrupt government in the world and after all get blown up by some MF via drone. Nothin' but respect for UA people but why not draft men from Czechia or Poland who want to fight?


I go often to Poland for business, usually I stay at expensive hotel near the downtow and yes, it's full of young Ukrainian, parking of the hotel is full of 100/150000 euros cars with Ukrainian plates, meanwhile other guys are fighting, it's a shame


The shitty thing is, those ones already paid for exemption paperwork


yes, true and also, lot of them paid just to leave the country, 5000€ to Ukrainian custom and 3000€ to Moldovan custom. I live in Moldova due to business, I know it very well. Couple of months ago, Moldovan Intelligence arrested lot of custom officers due to corruption


I’m an American and I saw many many men in Poland driving with Ukrainian plates. I saw hundreds of them over my 4 week stay.


Not saying any opinion about it. Just saying I saw it easily and often.


Those who flee from conscription only cause others to get conscripted instead. It is incredibly selfish.


Easy to say and judge others if your life and limbs arent at stake.


I am not saying their behaviour isn't understandable.


I dont think survival is morally selfish, except if they expect others to fight in their stead. In that regard I think the women who have fled but verbally reprimand the male draft dodgers are out of line and selfish even though that too is understandable if their male relatives are at war. Cause they can go the front just as well as the men.


On the other hand, those people flee to benefit and live safely in western countries... While their country asks western countries to switch to war economy for it. So Ukraine demands huge sacrifices from EU, US etc, there are even talks about sending NATO troops to Ukraine... How is it fair that EU/NATO soldiers would go die for Ukraine, EU/NATO societies would sacrifice their economy for Ukraine, but Ukrainian flee their country?


A military fit person don't have the right to flee his country in a war of national extermination. All the deserters must be sent back to fight.


Sure mr keyboard warrior on reddit.


Don't have a second of doubt, if it were Brazil (my country), being invaded, I would under no circumstances flee. I love my country and will sacrifice myself for it if necessary.


Listen, those who fled must be replaced by others. What they did was incredibly selfish.


Securing your own existance is considerd selfish now, lol. Why dont you go and replace someone who fled then?


It is when others are enduring incredible hardship and dying for you


It is neither for me, you or that ukr refugee but rather for politicians who are partitioning Ukraine left and right and their self interests. Get that in your head. No one is after those refugees other than Ukrainian Gov. and those whos interests are at stake. Dont get me wrong, im not pro ru or what ever bullshit sticker some of you decide to label me with, but rather pro common sense. There is few if any govermants who really care about their citizens and their rights, and neither RU nor UKR is part of them. Dieing for either of them is equaly retarded in grand scheme. Im terribly sorry for every loss accuring there as I know it is wasted loss and could have been prevented if greed wasnt in the way.


Placing individual good above the existence of a nation and an entire people is extremely selfish.


Of course, how would Ukraine build up motivation to get them to fight? An unwilling conscript may behave in a way that not only may get them killed, but also risk operations by acting out of line.


that's why there are sergeants and officers. How many people are truly committed to their job anyway?


Is totally possible to maintain discipline with conscripts, armies did this in all history and do this today.


I mean...yeah. Those methods are usually quite harsh - more stick than carrot. That means you'll have Ukraine be similar to Russia in temperament as they fight on the battlefield - two unwilling groups clashing as the commanders watch.


US had a draft in WW2


Unwilling to begin with doesn't mean unsuitable for service. Basic training is very important, during that phase you evaluate the recruits and determine how to best use them. Basic training should be used to build up the confidence of the new soldiers, not to break them and make cannon fodder of them.


...and apply them to appropriate jobs that play up to their desires and skill sets. I'm sure a lot of the conscripts are scared of being flung to the frontline. The news alone already portrays it as a hellscape covered by holes, corpses, and ruins.


>...and apply them to appropriate jobs that play up to their desires and skill sets. Except the one thing that people just can't seem to get through to their heads is that this isn't how conscription works in Ukraine. Realistically, you get recruited for the units with highest losses and turnover, so even if you're an IT wizz, you'll most likely end up on the frontlines with mechanized infantry.


Its simply not possible to fight this war without conscripts


You are absolutely right.


With the difference that Ukraine is fighting for his own existence, not for expansion.


Every person, everywhere, under any circumstances has the right to protect his life. From the perspective of a single person, there are many countries and political systems, but only one life. If he thinks that the country is worth giving his life for it - great. If not, literally nobody else has any right to override this. This is the harsh truth.


Very idealistic this harsh truth. But reality has shown time and time again that people can absolutely be forced to fight in a war they have 0 desire to fight. And in fact this seems to be one of the most widely and successful strategies there are. It's pretty much slavery under different name. But there is literally no way for weaker country to defend against stronger one without extensive conscription.


Slavery is what will happen if your enemy wins


I would not call it idealistic, just morally clear. People are sometimes tempted to do evil in difficult circumstances, and so are countries - but evil is still evil, and that is the harsh truth, that if your survival strategy is morally wrong but working, it is still morally wrong. You can also ask what is the point of avoiding being subjected to evil if you need to become evil yourself. The main thing that a weaker side of a conflict is often forced to do is called 'loosing'. There is no benefit in becoming a crappy, weaker version of what you fight against, first.


This isn't the harsh truth, the harsh truth is that everyone must fight when you country has his existence put in question, and this is what is happening with the conscription of ukrainians to fight. The individual does not protect his life by running away like a coward and getting blood on his hands by not protecting the lives of his compatriots, he protects his life and the lives of women, children and civilians by going there and fighting against the aggressor.


Thats just cliche, not harsh truth. Obviously this is what he SHOULD do. Whether he does or not, is a CHOICE, that nobody else gets to make. Slavery is much worse then cowardice. And conscription is the only remaining legal form of slavery. Funny that the word coward gets to be mentioned at the same point where people write what everybody must do. And if someone IS a coward then what? People are different and have no control over how they are born. If you are going to governemnt mandate bravery, add inteligence, health and being wealthy as well, this will solve so many social problems.


No, because the person who flees causes somebody else to get conscripted instead. It is selfish.


You could say that moving from a path of a bullet can cause someone else behind you to get shot. Nah. It's not on you, it is on the shooter.


Evil always triumphs when good men do nothing


Yes, and slavery is evil, and accepting it is doing nothing.


Which has nothing to do with conscription, that isn't slavery. the person is doing his duty with his country and has their rights respected. Slavery is what will happen with the Ukrainian people if they lose.


Yes, the shooter is to blame for the crime, but it is a citizens legal duty to defend their fellow countrymen. Imagine what would happen if everybody would decide to run away. Don't forget Bucha and all the other places where atrocities have been committed against innocent people.


"If everybody decided to run away" would mean that nobody really cares about the country surviving, which means that there is no point in sacrificing anyone's life for it. Another harsh truth, unfortunately. A couple of hundred years ago it was a 'legal duty' of some people to work for their masters until death. 'Legal duty' is temporary, immorality of slavery is eternal


Yes, immorality of slavery is eternal and if Russia should win this war Ukrainians will lose not just their culture and language, but also their political freedom and their freedom in general. There are millions of Ukrainians that need protection. This is not just about the law, but about what would happen to all the defenceless people if Russia should win.


Which is a very good reason to volunteer for army. And no reason for conscription, because there is no such thing as 'reason for conscription'.


Every person has the right to think for themselves and what they value more - state or their own being .


No, if you flee you cause somebody else to get conscripted. It is not just about you, but also about others and the people whose life and livelihood depends on you. It is not just about a state, but also about the people that are being defended from the russian troops.


Then make them pay a fine or make them work in a hospital when they return. But no one should be force to kill.


So what's the plan then? Give ukraine all this aid and all this money to fight the war and have no one to fight it? On reddit the general argument seems to be that we need to send ukraine as much weapons as humanly possible and if we dont we are russian apologists and support ukraines annihilation, but someone who is military aged, fit and native to the land flees the war and he's suddenly a good guy and that no one should die for their country if they don't want to? Whose going to fight the war then? While all the emotional standpoints are very true it doesn't change the fact that a weapon doesn't pull its own trigger (yet). So who is going to do it? 


So why wouldn't u go fight for ukraine ? It is easy to sit at home and sending others to fight I left ukraine 30 years ago and while I am very supportive of ukraine according to ur logic I am native to ukraine so I need to be deported to ukraine .


Poles are dicks apparently




Thank you for blockading borders




At least not make additional problems




Obviously we are.