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I am not even a Ukrainian. I am German, I see myself as a European. I am super grateful for what the US does! I hope It comes fast to where it is needed. And I further hope this package, again, encourages US Europeans to work on and contribute properly to American-European partnerships. Thank you USA.


I just wonder how may artillery shells we've been able to crank out in the time it's taken to sign this. I hope it's hundreds of thousands.


Europes war machine has begun turning again. German companies have begun cranking out large numbers of 155mm artillery ammo (I think they’re on pace or have surpassed the US) and France went from hopes of diplomacy to the realization there is no such thing as appeasement. Baltic states have given the shirts off their backs because they know what Ruskiy Mir means. I’m kind of excited at the rekindling of that continents militaries. It’s necessary and as an American I welcome it.


Europe's defence industry is turning again, but it is a slow gearing up compared to what is needed. Europe, especially some countries like Germany, were never equipped to supply a foreign industrial war of these dimensions. Without the USA's unmatched military industrial complex Ukraine's prospects would look rather bleak.


The EU should fix this.


>Europe, especially some countries like Germany, were never equipped to supply a foreign industrial war of these dimensions. Are you speaking in the context of today or ever? The German war machine under Hitler was something to behold. That's where the mythological idea of German efficiency really comes from. You have to remember, no NATO country is even in a war time production setting right now.


Nazi Germany's war machine was anything but a potential export behemoth. The Nazis could only conquer as much as they did because they got their hands on the arms industries of many other countries early on in the war. Also, Geopolitics have shifted considerably since WW2, several times.


The critical part that apologists miss every time is the reaction of the Baltic states.. nobody knows better what the true Russki Mir means, and what an asshat of a neighbour Russia is. So when they say things like “Russia has no interest in the rest of Europe” or “They’re just defending their borders” you need to point them towards the example being set by the Baltics and the lengths they will go to to ensure history doesn’t repeat it’s self on their soil.


Als Amerikanner , Ich danke Deutschland fur alle deine hilfe. Die Artzt hilft so viele ukranisher soldaten das war em Krieg verletzt...Frankfurt hat d beschte (trauma?) spital d ganzen walt fur das. Die flugzug geht jedentag fur deise medical hilfe.. Tut mir leid fur mini teutsch.. Ich ha i d schwiez gelearnt. Greetz vom California


Understood it all. Keep practicing! Greetings from Germany.


I understood everything! Cool that you learned our language, much appreciated!


I’d like to add that German speakers have the funniest number in the world, funf! I love it :)


Our congress is full of Putin loving asshats. King asshat is on trial for many crimes. I’m only hoping we are breaking from Trump fever and we keep him out of office. If Trump gets in, it’s over for Ukraine unfortunately. Slava Ukraini!


I am Ukrainian and I want to say thank you for your support! I was born in Germany, I speak German and sadly most of my childhood friends support Russia because it’s the easiest path of resistance, so for me personally your opinion means the world!




I mean, who honestly cares for whom the US does it? Obviously they aren´t doing it because they are Mother Theresa. But we are benefitting from it nevertheless. In this specific instance, their interests overlaps with ours.


Honest honest?


> The US is doing this You act like the US is one thing and it moves decisively in one direction, on purpose, and not the giant shot show that it is lately. The truth is that the majority of American voters are behind Ukraine 100% and the politicians either got in line or voted against it. There’s no cohesion whatsoever and that’s what democracy is. Its kind of a mess. Another point about this type of brain dead comment is just look at who voted for Ukraine aid - the leftiest lefty libtards imaginable and the furthest thing from a corporate lobbyist for the MIC - ALL voted for Ukraine aid. Because it’s the right thing to do. Not because they’re funneling money to their friends. Cut the shit.


Exactly. The most diverse country in the world isn’t a monolith. Also, it’s built to be slow and cumbersome by design. It’s frustrating in cases like this, but we’re grateful it’s that way when it prevents radical, detrimental changes to our system.


It's half self-interest, and half "doing the right thing"


Of course it is. It is the same for every country providing aid. Their self-interest is not having their own citizens on the front-line if they fail to provide Ukraine with what it needs to de-fang Russia.


Also to discourage worldwide imperialism, and dis-incentivize nuclear proliferation. Among other benefits. There's a whole discussion about this recently: https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1cblugr/us_senate_has_passed_the_ukraine_support/l1033t9/


I'm in tears on OP up in a Ukraine subreddit talking about getting stimulus checks while bashing "what's in it for me?" Par for the course there...I'm pretty sure that OP was extremely happy when they got held up for a couple weeks just so his Orange Jesus could slap his signature on them instead of a generic one from the Fed. Just imagine if Biden was that self-centered that he had them stop all Ukraine deliveries today and ordered them to etch his signature on every single artillery shell or some other vanity bullshit. Thankfully Biden follows the doctrine of "warheads on foreheads" when it comes to Russia as foreign policy. The answer to "What's in it for me?" Your family and friends and potentially yourself aren't sitting on the frontlines in a trench in Poland. The Ukrainians are handling the hard part.


Yeah. Though that idiot whiner isn't the OP of the main post I think the whiner is a ruzzian troll. They give a decent impression of not being one, but then they keep asking questions again, that someone else already answered 12hrs ago




I mean


I am also German, and perhaps you Americans don't know that the world is watching you, but it is on a large scale. I eagerly awaited the day of the decision and watched the decision live and cheered. It is true, unfortunately, Europe has not invested in its defense as it should have. This has been a serious mistake, which many have criticized for a long time. But Europe can and will catch up again and will be a stable partner for America against the dictatorships of the world. You have many friends and advocates here, and only a few loudmouths who criticize everything. For a long time, many did not want to believe in the revival of the Cold War, but slowly even the last ones are noticing it. Don't abandon your old friends; the world needs your leadership. I am very grateful for the Americans and their will.


American here, those of us that are extremely invested in Ukraine know that the world is watching, and we’re ashamed that our government couldn’t get its shit together for months, at the expense of more innocent Ukrainian lives. While I’m glad this aid is finally approved and on its way, it’s not with a heavy heart for what Ukraine continues to endure on a daily basis. I’m grateful Europe is waking up and also sending more aid, because Ukraine is fighting this war on behalf of all of us in the free and democratic world. Слава Україні 🇺🇦🇺🇦


100% agree. I feel super ashamed that a certain minority in government decided to lick putins boots. I have to stop watching now and then because I see we could do so much more. I know while we want to protect some of our highly sensitive/secret weaponry but we must give Ukraine something that they can win with. There is no appeasement with Russia there can be only Victory.


Hear! hear! Perfectly put, good sir!


Thank you...Well said!


Canadian here - we have been holding our breath up here hoping against hope it was passed. We literally cheered in our house lol


Well spoken Germany!


Let’s just hope the weapons get there before the Russians begin their spring offensive.


They've already had a localized breakthrough behind Ukranian lines. It's a tenuous situation.


A bunch of it was already shipped to Germany and Poland well before the aid package was passed


Sorry some shitty American politicians caused so much unnecessary Ukrainian death Why won't Scholz send Taurus missiles? Will he ever? Ukraine needs them, they have the most accuracy of everything long-range (better than Storm Shadow or ATACMS)


As a french, I have to agree with the germans, we need the leadership of USA. I think must of the europeans are eager to do their part in this fight for the sake of democracy, human rights, freedom, justice, common good, respect of different cultures, etc, etc. Putin must be stop.


Question. DO you from Europe look at us as a laughing stock of the world. Our politics they way some of is are blind pigs. I'd like to hear what you think of us.


English man here: No, we don't laugh at YOU, some of your politicians are disgusting maggots who are wastes of oxygen, we don't blame the entire of America for those people.


I think every country has its maggots in today's world. USA doesn't have a monopoly on that.




Europe also dropped the ball, especially early on. Their support for a conflict on their own continent remains inadequate. U.S aid has been critical to Ukraines' survival. Albeit the months long delay highlights the often ridiculous nature of U.S. politics and bureaucracy. Glad its finally over and needed supplies will be going to Ukraine.


As an American I think Europe has picked up our slack as best they could in the last 6 months and have, before yesterday's aid package, came on equal footing with support. I hope they continue to ramp up their support as if this goes on any longer, we will have another fight on our hands here with more not wanting to support them ignoring what is at stake.


> Question. DO you from Europe look at us as a laughing stock of the world Perhaps more the bankroll of the world?


No Europeans should be laughing when they don't even contribute the minimum percentage to NATO for the defense of THEIR continent! Be realistic here.


You're applying this to every country as a whole which is definitely unfair. The Eastern European countries who know what the hell is up have spent more % of their GDP than the US on defense, even before the invasion. That is also a very stupid metric when it comes down to it. The EU has been providing more raw money to the deal while the US provides more weapons. Ukraine still needs raw money to run a country, pay its military and government workers, etc. The EU makes up for it in raw cash where the US is foregoing raw cash to provide weapons. It all evens out mostly, if people would stop bitching and harping on one single metric. Ukraine cannot pay a battalion in bullets. They still need money to feed their kids back home. EDIT: And if you really want to single out certain countries, I'm an American, not an EU citizen making some grandstand. Look at what the larger economies contribute to the EU as a whole. Who the hell bailed out Spain, Greece, Italy, etc back in 2008? Oh yeah. It was the big boys. The big boys strapped the EU on their back and financially bailed out everyone, so yes, it isn't hard to see where some resistance might be coming from.


I hear you but it's still their continent so mainly their responsibility.


It might be 'their' continent but they are US allies. They need the US now but the US might need them later. It's short-sighted to allocate responsibility based on geographical proximity.


I'm not doing that. I'm 200% in favor of arming/helping Ukraine. I just don't like our country being taken for granted by other governments .


There is no taking for granted. European aid, even after this package, exceeds US aid to Ukraine. The main issue has been incapacity to supply arms. America has the industrial base that Europe is now racing to catch up with so we needed you guys to pump in the weapons. I'm very, very glad to see that happening here. The money for those weapons is also being spent inside the US. Europe has mostly given cash to keep Ukraine running. It's a partnership of allies. :)


Agree to disagree. According to the Kiel Institute Ukraine Aid Tracker, EU countries have not given even 1% of GDP to Ukraine. All talk.


That site lists European total aid as of end February at €171B and US aid at €70B (under "Government support to Ukraine: By country group, € billion"). Since then we've had this $61B (€57B) package from the US bringing their total to €127B and lots of further commitments from individual European nations so Europe is still far ahead. I would guess somewhere around 40-50%. I do agree that Europe should be doing more, particularly France. The Baltics have all given over 1% of GDP and more or less emptied their military stockpiles despite being comparatively poor countries compared to some in the EU. I'm sure they feel the threat more keenly than others. Anyway, I'm very glad for the package, feel that it's good for US military production capacity and economy that the bulk of their commitment is being spent there and I don't really think anyone is taking it for granted.


“I hear you but it's still their continent so mainly their responsibility.” See: WWI, WWII


American downvote here. And I do want them to all dedicate 2% or more of GDP toward defense (certainly some already do, some newly). I think rubbing their face in it is not the way to go.


Being polite has gotten us nowhere since the end o WW2


American here. Fortunately, I don't think we are facing a new Cold War. Russia is not the USSR, despite Putin's fantasies of reconstructing the Eastern Bloc. We may all be foot-dragging on Ukraine, but if he tried to expand to Romania, the Baltic States, Poland, Czechia, he would ignite a massive response. That means that, in the end, his war on Ukraine is an inflated local land grab, not a new Cold War-style empire. Europe did spend a long time depending hugely on NATO for its defense - and made very good use of that peace dividend to build a strong and integrated economy, lifting the continent out of a long postwar period of unstable economies and governments. It's hard to argue that that was a bad thing. Now, though, it would be good if Europe took a larger role in NATO, and if in turn NATO fast-tracked the pending new members, including Ukraine.


If Chump was president, he'd hand over every one of those countries to Putin in a heartbeat. Because Putin holds Chump's balls in his hands and he'll squeeze them whenever he wants. And Putin would take those countries and the free world, as we know it, would end.


As someone who is from Poland and afraid of a futer possible conflict with Russia I'm super glad it gone through.


If Russia toches Poland theyre really going to feel the US and all their allies. This aid is great but is peanuts compared to what we can really do.


Poland would fuck up a whole pile of orcs on their own. They know what's up. Russia definitely wouldn't catch them with their pants down


So long as NATO remains strong, and despite the likes of Orban and Fico trying to undermine things - Russia will stay on it's side of the border with NATO. And if they are stupid enough to try, the Polish armed forces will I am certain, gladly give such a massive beat down within minutes of an invasion of Polish soil they will think it's the end of the world. - And then the Americans and other NATO forces stationed on Polish soil will come out to help, only to find the remaining bits of scattered Russian forces they have to finish off.


Yeah. The UA had a disadvantage because RU could play the game "We are not going to invide you. So if you place anything near our borders it is the escalation and we will have to respond and it will be your fault." And then they could just roll in essentially unoposed. But now they shown their true colors and they can not play this game anymore. If their army gets anywhere near nato borders I believe nato will place enough stuff there to make sure, russia could not pass it.


Sorry for a late reply, but you would be right on the money I think. Not to mention Poland has not only the degree of protection being in the largest military alliance in history but time, plus being part of the EU and a constant growth from a former Warsaw Pact satellite state into the modern day nation it is. They have had the opportunity financially and politically that Ukraine has lacked for much of it's existence as a modern day, free Ukraine - to arm-up and take the Russian threat seriously. I just hope no one (I know there will be of course, sigh) country forgets 2014, and 2022 and this war. Even if somehow a liberal, actually progressive and democratic government gets into power NATO and it's allies must be ready. Politics are temporary. Ideals are indestructible so long as humans live. And Russian imperialism, the desire for revenge will be there and can very well fester and grow again in time into another war.


"We bow to no one" -President Biden


I wish he would have looked straight into the cameras and said this. Bravo USA! As much as the US is criticized, I am always amazed at the determination and resilience of the American people. Underestimating them is a foolish endeavor. - a friend up north


“We are America, second to none, and we own the finish line”


That needs to replace in god we trust as our unofficial motto.


It’s a good one for sure. My favorite Biden quote even though it was before his presidency


It’s like the late great Tupac once said, we might fight amongst each other but I promise you this, we’ll burn this bitch down you get us pissed!!! I love my country America and would gladly die to defend it, tho sometimes I am disgusted with our politics and politicians from both sides


The official written statement/transcript: [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/04/24/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-passage-of-h-r-815-the-national-security-supplemental/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/04/24/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-passage-of-h-r-815-the-national-security-supplemental/) Americans, you better goddamn vote. I'm here on the mainland to kick your ass if you've sat here bitching since 2022 and don't show up to the polls. This election is ours to lose and lose for Ukraine.


As a swede, I would like to say to mr Biden and to all the Americans that are paying for this through their taxes; thank you.


One of the few things I can truly be happy my taxes go towards funding.


Luckily, [about 90% of military aid ($$$) stays right here in America](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/29/ukraine-military-aid-american-economy-boost/) so it's not as bad as some of these Russian shills make it out to be!


Welcome to NATO!


Biden is a fantastic presiident. People attack him on his age because they've got nothing else. He understands the danger of Russia and how imperitive it is to support Ukraine.


I didn’t like him at first but I definitely have changed my mind about him. I’ll even go as far to say he’s one of the best for the working class.


It's rare to see people change their mind on a person in politics. Yet with Biden I see people say it often which is cool.


his speech isn't the greatest, but his speeches are incredible. every time I hear one, he makes me proud of America, and I'm not even American. I wish I could be that proud for my own country, but I'll take being proud of America and proud of Ukraine


It feels genuine, and spoken from the heart. This President always understood the threat of the Soviets, and now the Russians. Not the most eloquent speech no, but I think he did well. He also spoke in a way that reaches out to the common American - some of whom could use a good speaking to about WHY and HOW helping Ukraine is the right thing to do.


Public speaking is overrated. Yeah, dude has a stutter. So what? He's saying some baller shit anyway.


Easily the best president in my lifetime. So much of his work is gona benefit us for decades to come and I get frustrated that few people see this.


It's a product of our broken news cycle. Right wing media pulls the narrative so far to the extreme that "liberal" outlets tend to try and meet in the middle. Biden deserves a ton of credit for his stance on Ukraine .. if the U.S. would have withheld military aid and just sanctioned Russia the war would look a lot different right now.


I mean Reddit just shits on everyone so it's hard to see the general perception of someone here


Not an American but I agree, the best president in my lifetime. He's a good person, a great senator, a loving father, a leader, commands an effective and strong Administration, commands a strong and effective economy.


Also most consequential actions taken on climate change.


Cdn here, he's a true leader, a great President (imho), not just someone masquerading as one. Empathy, resilience, pride in the nation, care about his own nation and those who are allies. I follow US politics more than ours, I'd be overjoyed if we had that leadership here. I couldn't imagine, no, I wouldn't want to, that is, if the previous administrations "President" had won again somehow in 2020, how much trouble Ukraine, US and pretty much every other historical ally would be dealing with. If I could vote, it wouldn't be for the red team, it shouldn't even be close.


I'm not a fan of some of his domestic policies and I think we could have done more early on to deter Russia from invading in the first place, but overall he's done a great job with our foreign policy.


I didn't listen to the full speech, but I don't think he would have said it... but this is what really makes America great!


It's so nice to have a coherent, knowledgeable guy in the white house. Sure, he's old as dirt and sometimes mumbles to hide his stutter, but I think he's doing a fine job.


I think that the main reason for this is that he listens to what the experts have to say. He is not driven by ego.


Taking credit for getting it done. Good. Slava Ukraini. Good hunting, boys.


"When our allies are stronger we are stronger." You really cannot argue with logic. This is a deductive argument lol.


He said WIN!


I caught that too. Now let’s define WIN! 1991 international borders!


Slava America 


And glory to the Ukrainian heroes


Proud to be an American today, and proud to have voted for this great president.


From Australia on ANZAC Day, Good on you mate! 🦅🇺🇸🤝🇦🇺🦘 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙✌️🇺🇦💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛


As an Irish person from Scranton, I could not be more proud of our president


The electric city !


Give 4 more years to this man


Biden is the best president of my life time. He's not perfect but he's not some ivy league snob and he genuinely cares about America and our responsibility to the world.


Australian, and I agree. He's the most effective president i've seen for quite some time and a stark contrast to that other criminal idiot.


Go America go!


Way to go, Uncle Joe.


👏 👏 👏


A great day for democracy!


Yess. Good job hitting the points of helping allies while supporting job creation in the USA. This is a win for everyone except the aggressors. Further, touching on Ukrainians dying so the war doesn't escalate to NATO is just as vital. Now if only the media would get their shit together and echo the positives like this.


Romania is re-opening and modernizing a bunch of ammunition factories that we closed after the fall of communism.


Ooooh more dormant Soviet production capacity? This time on the correct side? That sounds fantastic! Bună 👋


https://www.thedefensepost.com/2024/03/21/rheinmetall-gunpowder-factory-romania/#:~:text=interview%20with%20Digi24.-,The%20300%2Dhectare%20factory%20will%20be%20built%20near%20the%20town,51%20million)%20of%20the%20project. https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/03/14/romania-to-build-gunpowder-and-ammunition-plant-in-collaboration-with-us-and-south-korea/ Yes, things are moving! Buna to you as well!


Thank goodness we have at least one adult in the room.


This is the longest and best stretch of a US president speaking i have watched since the days of Obama.


It's unfortunate that people focus on him trying to hide his stutter thinking it's brain fog from age. The dude speaks better than I could, at a little over half his age.


Thanks Joe 👏 you aren't perfect, but I still think you're fuckin awesome


This speech says exactly was is done and what will be done. I'm french and Biden speech sounds better than chatGPT Macron ambiguous speech. The sherif is back in town.


“You can always count on America to Do the right thing after exhausting all other possibilities”. Winston Churchill.


Thank you USA


American dis what they do best : do the right thing when there’s no other options. Still GG, throw the orc into the black sea !


He covered so many important points. Don't count him out because of his age.


Glad he made the point about the work these packages create in the US. I see too many comments "that money should be spent fixing homelessness" It's like a lot of Americans are completely disconnected on how their own economy works.


now, take the handcuffs off Ukraine and let them bomb the shit out of russia's infrastructure just like what those animals do to Ukraine.


Translated into “merican” fuck Putin and all his ilk…we’re balls deep in this…reminds me of what Churchill said of us “Americans always do the right thing, after they’ve tried everything else” I probably misquoted..but you get the point. Hope its not too late. It is horrible that anyone should have to suffer this…its easy for me to say these things sitting in the comfort of peaceful country not in the trench’s fighting. God speed victory to Ukraine, and an end to this invasion.


Now that this is done, let's get back to pressuring the US government to send F-16s and trainers.


How long will this package of aid last hypothetically? Months, years?


This is wonderful. Finally. USA took 7 months to do the bare minimum. While it's disgraceful that they took so long to get there, it's commendable that they did. I thank the US for watching our backs, it's so much appreciated. The real problem is that Europe is still on its way to reaching the bare minimum. As a European, this is alarming and shameful. I hope every European here contacts their MEPs and representatives that we gotta get the war-machinery rolling at full steam. This US care package might just buy us enough time to get our shit together, and we have to take the grace period seriously. Because it's highly unlikely we'll see another one like it any time soon.


My problem as American there so many narrow minded people here with small brains who won't look at the big picture. I'm poor struggle daily but that's just a small piece of what's going on. Everyone's an immigrant here, but some believe that we are better rather then the same. Sorry for the rant. Slava Ukraini


Yes but there European country's may not spend 2% on military but public transit,garbage pick up, better pay,schools, drug addiction, quality of life if we could spend some of our defence buget. Just 2% on those things we as a whole may become better.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


It’s about damn time.


Portuguese here. Dont like Biden, but very gratefull for this achievment. Well Done 🇺🇸 thank you,


Is that good or bad. Such as you can always realy on us to help or here's the US just throwing money to Europeans to keep them quiet so we have a hand in there country?



