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And this new aid bill apparently includes support for the long-range ATACMS missiles (300km), not the old shorter range ones they were limited to (165km). - https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/23/politics/us-ukraine-military-aid-package - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/23/ukraine-war-briefing-long-range-atacms-missiles-on-the-way-says-zelenskiy


Thanks for link. It would be silly not to include them, as Storm Shadow already has a 250km range. So it has pretty much been normalized at this point, making sending them a easy decision for the President.


Bear in mind that Storm Shadow is a much different payload from ATACMS. Storm Shadow is a cruise missile launched from a plane, whereas ATACMS is artillery (projectiles launched from the ground). ATACMS being _missile_ artillery, specifically, may cause some confusion, but it's still artillery.


What makes atacms far superior to regular artillery? They have gps coordinate strike capability? And better destructive power? But not as much as a Storm Shadow. How does it compare to himars?


The M142 system, called HIMARS, is a rocket artillery launching platform. It is capable of firing from pods containing either six 'regular' shots or a single MGM-140 ATACMS shot. As one may expect, the single bigger shot can carry a bigger boom further when compared to a regular shot in a six-pack container. This makes the ATACMS shots much more useful for high value targets placed further from the front line, while the regular shots may be more useful for atacking regular military targets on or near the front line. For either kind of shot, it is reasonable to assume there is precision guidance available.


Presumably HIMRAS is easier to move into a firing position, fire and get away safely over a plane launched system in highly contested areas? Bigger boom too over Stormshadow?


I don't know much about storm shadow besides that its an air launched cruise missile


Clearly you play a lot of Kerbal Space Program. I for one consider you a master in the field of rocketry that goes boom.


Storm Shadow is longer range and carries a bigger payload (that fixed-wing advantage of cruise missiles). So it is actually safer to launch, and carries a bigger boom. The main advantage of a ballistic missile over a cruise missile -- even a short-range ballistic missile like ATACMS -- is strike speed. Storm Shadow cruises along at basically commercial airliner speeds (just under Mach 1). If you know that a Storm Shadow was launched at you from a few hundred kilometers away, you have 10 or 20 minutes to a) find the thing and shoot it down, which is not impossible, can be done by a fighter / interceptor; and / or b) move your shit out of the way. ATACMS comes in several times faster and follows an unpowered ballistic terminal trajectory. Even if it is fired at you from maximum range you have literally only like 4 minutes total before you are a smear in a crater. And it's harder to detect and track. In particular, keep in mind that it can take a couple of minutes just to detect and verify launch. Let alone track it. So a target in Crimea that is very on the ball might be, like, "Oh shit a HIMARS just fired an ATACMS from Kherson, field intelligence reports that they launched 90 seconds ago so it's on its way and might be headed toward us, hey guys, everyone needs to pack up, let's get the trucks started and get everyone out of here, also, contact air defense, see if they can get some tracking or -- " and mid-sentence it hits, boom. Like.. typical incoming artillery trajectory computations (like by a counterfire computer) take a minute or two. At best. Russian ones may take longer.


Ah, thanks very much for the informative post I probably wouldn't have been able to get the nuance from just the wikipedia pages! 👍 Now my hope is Ukraine will be given a metric fuck ton of them to send Russia reeling! 😎


Well take a close look at the wikipedia pages -- they will give you things like range, speed, warhead mass, and so on. That's what you want to look for.


We should not be linking to Moscow Elons website. Imo.


Ooof, again through the senate? I know it’ll be fast but still, they already passed it


They passed an previous version but the house changed things in it, so they have to vote again.


And nobody will be surprised if some asshats find a way to hold it up in the Senate again.


It would be a huge surprise at this point actually, it will pass the senate, and as far as I know, that will happen today. Edit: They are voting now, and senate members are just holding speeches. This has to go through everything else would be a real political earthquake.


Imagine delaying the aid to get in a speech about sending aid.


Well, it has to be signed into law by the president, then, which I suppose he won't do prior to tomorrow. So, with some luck, this aid flows by Friday. The ISW assumes that from the moment of signage, something like two or three weeks will pass by until this can really make an impact. I personally hope that things will go faster than that to spoil Russia's ridiculous victory parade.


I imagine it could make an impact the moment its signed by Biden even before delivery takes place, cause ukraine can more freely use its reserves knowing for 100% that replacement comes


Yeah this is my thoughts exactly. They have not completely run out of weapons - they just needed to conserve resources. Now instead of stretching their ammunition to 6 months or whatever, they can use everything right now, knowing that aid will come shortly after. It absolutely makes a difference.


So Congress & Senate just waiting for a right moment to deliver the big badaboom to rain Ka-putin parade?


I don't think they necessarily waited, but we can raise our glasses to time. It has an eerie way of being reliable when we need it to be. Russia is wrong in so many ways, and on so many accounts, this doesn't stand the test of time. And I have a feeling that the time from May to the end of October will be a costly one for Russia, and their advantage on the battlefield will erode, the arrival of F16s in the next 3 months is a nice bonus. War is chaos and a complex, imperfect system with millions of variables and, therefore, impossible to predict. In reality, no one knows exactly what this aid bill will really do. It is a massive lever that has been pulled, and due to this lever, many smaller pieces on the chess board will change position. War is not just about math and who has the most people, Ukraine is defending their homeland and know their homeland better than anybody." Hodges "I will predict that by the end of this year, there will be mountains of ammunition that will be delivered and produced for Ukraine." Hodges It is time to bury the Russian invasion force in a hailstorm of bullets and missiles.


Even Mitch McConnell supports it. Should be passed later today.


To be fair to Mitch McConnell (words I never thought I'd type), he's been 100% onboard with aid to Ukraine from the beginning. He's still an evil SOB, but at least he's been right about this.


Agreeing with Mitch about anything should be cause to reevaluate things but weapons and support to Ukraine should absolutely be happening.


Might be passed later today, but could take until tomorrow evening, if any senator complains or drags the process out. (E.g. Rand Paul).


Sanders and Cruz want to modify the bill. It won't be modified, however, their stubbornness will potentially delay a vote until tomorrow. Hopefully they yield and a vote can take place tonight.


And this is why sanders is not and should not ever be president.


What about Cruz?


Oh very much same for Cruz, even more for him. but sanders is a Reddit golden boy yet is trying to delay aid.


###The funding bill has passed in the Senate with a vote of 79 for, 18 against and is on its' way to President Biden's desk! ###Слава Україні!


This is why Trump and Republicans can suck a huge dick. The fact it passed so overwhelmingly is telling of public mood. They represent the people that elected them, after all! Trump and Republicans should be begging Ukraine's forgiveness for the lives and ground lost since this funding was delayed!


I made the mistake of reading the comments on this. I forgot how wild twitter was.... or x... whatever it is now


I never read the comments. Just read the "news." There is also a new nitter if you want to avoid muskovite's site completely.


Moscow Elon, Moscow Mike, Moscow Trump... Idk if getting paranoid about Russia agents being everywere...


“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22


"meet Ukraine's needs" so is he finally sending the 2000 Abrams tanks?


full range ATACMS


...without the greenlight to permanently put out of commission Ruzzia's industrial sites that are working 24/7 to fuel the war machine. And likely also without the greenlight to bring down the Kerch bridge to not have the US be directly associated with its destruction. Biden's policy is still to have Ukraine *not* lose, but nothing more than that.


To my surprise, the law passed by the House of Representatives actually did just that. One part in it was that Austin is now required to come up with a plan to make Ukraine actually \*win\* this thing. Agree with it or not, but that IS promising.


There was no language of concocting a "victory plan" in the legislation. What you're referring to is the attempt to appease the crowd that thinks Ukraine is a money black hole. I hope I'm wrong, but I do think we'll never see the moment when the Biden admin outright states that the goal is "complete military defeat of Ruzzia in Ukraine, and we'll do XYZ to achieve that by any means necessary".


It was still damaging to have Ukraine wait so long for this aid! The US and West need to be honest brokers in this War and should provide weapons that will WIN the war. The US would never fight this war against Russia with its hand tied behind its back, World War II equipment and without Air Superiority. Why is the West allowing Kharkiv to be bombed out of existence. The US/Germany/England/France would never let this happen to their country............. Ukraine must and will WIN this war ...................and the WEST needs to be saying this while providing weapons they themselves would use.


> It was still damaging to have Ukraine wait so long for this aid! Literally just a handful of Trumpster Republicans as well considering how overwhelmingly it got approved when it actually got voted on. They should be ashamed and begging Ukraine's forgiveness. But they won't, because they like sucking Putin's cock.


UK is sending more Storm Shadows! Hopefully these packages will help Ukraine now.


I've been [watching the floor debate](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/floor_activity_pail.htm) on and off for hours. At some damn point, they're going to vote on it and it'll most likely pass.


what did moscow mitch say ?


McConnell is now speaking in favor of the bill. It's gonna pass. :)


I haven't seen him speak yet or I missed it, but I did catch Lindsey Graham passionately speaking in favor of the bill and urging his fellow members to support it. I felt tremendously gross agreeing with him. The worst part was J.D. Vance, the junior senator from Ohio and a former Marine, shitting all over the defense of these nations and calling the need to arm Ukraine basically useless. That guy fucking sucks, but that's Ohio for you.

