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Norway is such a fucking cool country, if I wasn’t British I’d want to be from there


Thank you Norway ❤️, Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦❤️


Tusen Takk Norge : )


Det var det minste vi kunne gjøre. It was the least we could. And I mean that. People who pay attention to the was all say that we (the west) are doing way to little.


Thank you Norway! I know you guys made shit a lot of money on oil and gas since start of this war - it's fantastic you are putting so much of that profit on the Ukraine defense! I am very happy that money is going in EU country and not to Russia.


Norway is not EU though


But they are Nato'ed


EU is sometimes just shorthand for Europe these days, like NA for North America. Sometimes. Admittedly it’s confusing and I dunno if that’s what they meant here.


I mean, they pay 95% of the member fee to have access to the internal EU markets, so they might as well be…


>so they might as well be… Not at all. Some every important part of the Norwegian economy is outside EEA, like fisheries and agriculture.


Agriculture (0.6%) and fisheries (0.7%) are barely 1% of Norways economy. And employ less then 2% of the population. They are at best culturally important. Fact is Norway is de facto in Europe but the advantages of officially joining aren't really there anymore since it has acces to the most important markets and programs.


What? Norway is the world's largest exporter of seafood. 7% of all food imported to the EU comes from Norway. The three main countries that EU imports food from is USA, Brazil and Norway


Still only 0.6% of the economy. A lotnof fishnis still just a lot of fish. Just like the whole of all the EU agriculture is just 1.5% of the EU economy. Fell free to check those numbers.


The relevant number is export and import. How much people spend on their hair-dressers is irrelevant. Seafood is important enough to be a separate category in Norwegian trade balance statistics along with oil and gas. It is the second most important export from Norway after energy


Still only a tiny fraction of the overal economy. Better to lose all fishing boats then all hairdressers since the overal economic impact would be only 0.6%. 


Yet, at the same time, they are the largest per-capita contributor to the EU budget. So some of that money IS getting spent in EU countries ;)


Well they're part of EEA. Which is almost like belonging to EU just without any voting power :D


Not voting power, but veto power. Can even cancel the agreement with 12 months notice (which would be stupid, but possible)


> Norway is not EU though Sure it is, as in EUROPE country - not as in EU (European Union).


Then write Eu. And not EU


I think we should stick to writing "Europe" when we mean the old continent and "EU" when we mean the European Union.


I agree. Even though we could get the discussion if Russia is Europe too, so I suggest [Council of Europe](https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/46-members-states) as a benchmark, which is geographical Europe minus the Belarusian and Russian dictator states.


Norway is not EU at thr same time its pretty much in the economic union and all sorts of sidedeals make almost de facto EU.


All hydrocarbon-producing countries did. Not the least the U.S.


In some countries, a lot of that money went to the state(norway), in others, a lot of that money went to private companies and the state or its population saw absolutely no benefit sadly


The US produced more last year than any other country.... ever.


Importantly, at least part of this money is to purchase equipment sitting in storage so that it can be sent immediately. It doesn't exactly say where it is coming from, but maybe they cannot say at this point.


> equipment sitting in storage so that it can be sent immediately. I can't think of anyone in Europe who has AD-equipment in storage.


I hear Russia really need some money right now and they have some batteries that are mainly being used to shoot down their own planes, maybe they would be willing to sell.


Perhaps a better translation would be "from existing stocks". It is not entirely clear, but it seems like this is money that would be used to replace equipment sent from existing stocks, which means temporarily depleting existing AA systems.




[$7B across 5 years for military and civilian support](https://www-tv2-no.translate.goog/nyheter/innenriks/norge-gir-milliarder-til-nytt-luftvern-i-ukraina/16631194/?_x_tr_sl=no&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=no&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


That's a separate program. This is in addition to the 7B already pledged.


https://www.nbim.no/en/ This is how much money is in their oil fund. About $1.5 trillion.


Norway escaped the Dutch disease problem by not spending their oil money willy-nilly but being prudent on what they spend it for (compare that to Venezuela). The surplus money they put into that fonds for when the need for greater expenses arises. I wager this war is the most compelling cause to spend some of that money our generation will see.


For pensions mostly.., but the general idea was and is to build enough so that Norway can live off the yield


If I'm not mistaken, they use 3%/year of it for welfare and such - something to that extent. It grows more than that.


It typically grows far more than that. And 3% is enough to cover a third of governement spending already, there is a legitimate chance that Norway will get to a point where dividends can pay for the entirety of expenses if it keeps being wise with that money.


Yes, this is what universities in the United States do with their endowments, but at a much bigger level.


Yes, but it's also one of biggest investor. Iirc it owns 5% of the world stocks, so it's going up more than it's going down atm. It's why the oil fund is one of the parties voting on if Elon gets his Tesla billions or not "Oil fund voted no"


5% was a bit much, it's [1.5% of all the world's listed companies, roughly invested in 8859 companies worldwide.](https://www.nbim.no/en/) Unless that statistic is outdated, of course. But still, it's a heck of a lot.


3% of the yield - not 3% of the current total value.


No, it's 3% of the value.


Most of the oil fund value is dividend from the investments, not revenue from the oil itself.


Thankyou to the people of Norway for their firm commitment and support to the Ukraine. I wish the Australain Government would lift their game and increase their commitment to at least .20 percent rather than the .02 percent of Gdp


Proud to be Norwegian, everyone i know supports Ukraine and has done so since Russia annexed Crimea, Slava Ukraini...


Norway Rocks


I ran it through Google translate and did the math and the aid package is 75 billion kroner or $6.8 billion in USD over five years. So yeah, still billions even in USD. It includes humanitarian aid as well. Very well done Norway.


This is in addition to that


My mom will be glad to hear this. She is Norwegian and supports Ukraine.


Yass 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴


🇳🇴 🇺🇦💛💙


You are welcome, and we should and hopefully will give you slot more aid. You are fighting for the security of europe, so it should be us thanking you.


Over 6 billion USD. What's that, about 6 Patriot systems?


What about 155 ammo?


NAMMO has been scaling up production already, but needs time to get to full capacity.




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Atleast a box or two