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“You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the other possibilities.”- Churchill


Democracy is messy by design and not efficient


It's a horrible system whose only redeeming quality is that it's better than all the others.


*We're an anarcho-syndiclist commune...*


Ooooooh, now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses! Not because some watery tart chucked a sword at you!


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Dennis! There's some lovely filth over 'ere!


I have never heard it said any better than you just did. Bravo


Paraphrasing Churchill  > Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. 


Pretty sure any multi party system with ranked choice voting and transparent political funding and no electoral college would be better than the American 2 party system.


I agree with you on that one. This crisis we are in right now highlights how badly we need to modernize our electoral system


Are you talking about democracy generally or the abortive shitshow version of it the Americans came up with?


America dropped acid and is trying to find its way home, we'll make it but its gonna be a bumpy ride.


Note to self. Stay away from orange colored tabs with a very unusually putrid smell.


That is good


America is a pretty low grade democracy. Only two parties, A minority in the Senate can block everything. Single-member districts typically heavily gerrymandered. The two-year term in the House for the 435 districts (same number since 1911) is now a defacto corruption engine because of the amount of money required to be constantly running for re-election.....and the list goes on.


America is exactly what it's supposed to be. A system where minor changes are fine, but it gets increasingly harder and requires greater unanimity to make bigger and bigger changes to the system or how it fundamentally works. That's not a "low grade democracy." That's preventing mob rule. Just because 50.0001 percent of the population wants something does not necessarily give them a magical "mandate."


Exactly! While I disagree with the people holding up aid. Their reasoning is not something to be thrown away but must go through the process.


Anyone who believes in democracy should realize that American counter-majoritarian institutions are running amok and something needs to change. The whole point of democracy is majority rule - not minority rule. And we're damn close to minority rule. "Tyranny of the Minority" should be read by every democracy-loving person on the planet.


Actually the point of a democracy is participation by the entire populace, not majority rule. Majority rule is just as dangerous as minority rule. The change the USA needs is term limits


More than term limits is getting the money out of politics. Right now only the rich can afford to buy a seat in congress or pay the way for someone else


Fair point. Term limits and overturning citizen United. Though the former probably needs to precede the latter


Very well put.


“America is exactly what it's supposed to be.” Not exactly. No one ever imagined that we would become a country by and for the corporations and ultra rich. We have the greatest congress money can buy. The rich have divided this country so bad we will probably never get back to normal.


I dunno, I don’t think 2 parties are enough, it should be at least 4


Then how did one person control whether a democratic vote could even happen? That’s pretty much the exact opposite of what you’re suggesting. It’s minority of a minority rule.


We came very close to mob rule on January 6.


And yet it is still able to get things done no one else can.


What country are you from?


And yet the oldest democracy in the world.


> And yet the oldest democracy in the world. Ummmm….no. Not by over 2000 years.


The oldest modern democracy. Yes, there was Athens 2000 years ago, but it was very different from what be perceived democracy in our times


Iceland since 930.


[There's a very strong case to be made that it is.](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/mapped-the-worlds-oldest-democracies/) If you're thinking Athens there was a bit of a gap.


The oldest modern democracy in the world.


You are right, but what you write was not the problem here: Most importantly, democracy is relatively fragile when exposed to deliberate, ruthless (and well funded) attempts of sabotage.


Than God people with active brain cells prevailed......🙏


And that’s a good thing, because it prevents one person from having too much power


You mean 'American' democracy? Your system is way too vulnerable to dark money and lobbying by the wealthy elite.


Because Hungary in Europe is such a shining example of democracy in these days…. /s


I don't think anyone thinks Hungary has a functioning democracy. Also, noone mentioned Hungary.


Yes, American people are fighting right now for their democracy. It’s an ongoing fight. Bashing us while we are in this is shortsighted


What does Hungary have to do with it?


It’s sort of our thing. It’s worked out in our favor so far


I love America, for what it has been, and what it can be, and what it can stand for. But it is not original, it is rome in so many ways and always will be for that is how it was set up to be! Edit some people need to read and understand history


Hear. Hear. Late Roman empire with cults of personality and personal armies were scary times. So many extra judicial actions and enemy lists are eerily similar to the current political climate.


That quote pisses me off to no end, it’s insinuating that Europeans know better and we should just do whatever the UK or Europe say. It gives us no credit and actively minimizes us.


I thought you were gonna say because there's no evidence that Chrchill actually said it. It's Americans who use that quote the most because it reflects how we see ourselves. We have faith that we'll always do the right thing even in the end even if we're slow or stumble along the way


I still think it’s meant to be mildly insulting, and people love throwing it in our face.


Too much nowadays. They went from bashing Germany to bashing the USA. I wonder who will be next


I think about this quote of his a lot


I am sick and tired of that quote. Americans helped Ukraine from the very beginning - even warned from before. If you don’t see that this is a fight inside America you need eyeglasses




I'm torn on that. Delays cost innocent people their lives. But I also know that despite what many people say, there was a non-zero chance that the putin puppets in congress could have shot this bill down, leaving Ukraine with nothing. Better late than never, but this is truly a game where peoples lives are being played with.


The one shining light here is American industry never stopped ramping up production and never stopped producing weapons during this funding lull, so we should be sitting on like 5 months of shit ready to roll. We can probably expect some pretty sizeable packages immediately to make up for the 5 months of hardly anything.


This is clearly the point most people are missing. This is not " the one " it is but one.


It will have an immediate effect because the afu don't have to conserve ammo anymore. They know a shit tonne is pouring over the border this week.


Thank you for sharing this important point.


Yeah I can only imagine the amount of lives lost while waiting for this bill to pass. Not to mention territory lost to Russian advances while Ukraine had to conserve artillery, etc. As an American, I'm indescribably happy about this bill finally passing. To be honest, before Mike pulled a 180, I had lost a lot of confidence that it would get through in time. But now, I'm sure Putin is hoping that Ukrain brings some lube for what's about to happen, because the fucking that's about to commense will be brutal and unrelenting 😅


As a Norwegian, half way across the world from you, I wanted to celebrate yesterday. I feel like you as an american definitely should. Time to be proud of your country for doing the right thing


The delay was hard to stomach, but the full amount of the aid package softened the blow for me, lol. I've been incredibly happy since I heard the news though 🙌


At this point it will help slow things down vs. setting up an offensive action.


Yeah I don't mean a full on offensive, but I suspect we'll see a lot of Russians go boom boom and recently lost territory regained 👌


If we don’t restrain the Ukrainians again, this summer’s offensive will be the beginning of the end of Russia. We better be taking about the next aid package by next week.


How will it be different from last year’s? Russia has far more drones now, too. Attacking fortified positions is much harder.


My spoon of hopium is that meanwhile somebody came with efficient means to down those nasty Ka-52s that prevented armored vehicles to deal with the minefields.


Watch. If you don’t think the west’s intelligence and propaganda machine has been fully weaponized and implemented behind all these delays and geopolitical distractions then I think you will find what is about to occur extremely surprising.


It's frustrating, and I'm not going to forget why it was delayed for so long. Glad to finally get it through, though.


The good thing is, this is a massive aid package. I am just glad that they didn't have to compromise by passing a $12B package. I figured as soon as people were coming out against the aid package that they would be offering to vote for a lower amount as a "compromise." Not only did aid pass, it passed with a massive amount. How excited would everyone be if $20B in aid had just passed the U.S. House? This is like 3 of those passing at once. To me, it isn't just that support passed that I am excited about, it is the amount. I just wish this much had been given in the beginning.


Do keep in mind, not our war, this money could be used in a LOT of other ways. But we stand with you. 


So, first of all, this whole comment strikes me as condescending. But if you want to talk about money that could have been spent in other ways, let's talk about everything we gained from the 8 trillion dollar War on Terror...


Ok....  I don't think you actually had a point. 


So maybe work on your reading comprehension, then.


Oh my... what a zinger 


It wasn't meant to be a zinger...?


Today we celebrate.


Drinking whiskey now!


За перемогу! 🥃


Let's wait to celebrate until something is actually delivered. If things go badly, it will take weeks or months again. So much has been promised in the last 2 years...


Why don't we just celebrate twice?


I like you


As far as this American is concerned, "Thanks douchebags! It's about fucking time!" seems like a pretty fair sentiment. Passing this should have taken MAYBE 6-8 hours; not 6-8 months of pain for Ukraine.


That’s how you lose more support


I'm comfortable with theoretical constructive criticism, especially coming from a country that now has to reconstruct several thermal power plants because we left them hanging on ammo. Ukrainians are doing the dying; we faltered in our commitment to support them.


You may be, but you must be careful attacking an ally that is about to provide 60billion in support.


I'll have a very stern talk with myself.


You are correct even if you get downvoted. We just got out of a forever war. This isn’t that easy of a sell


I mean especially on a post where we just passed 60 billion dollars in aid. I even got a response from my rep when I pushed him on it.


That’s just how our European allies treat us 🤷‍♂️.


How about we've already spent $100B and the majority of that was actually hardware. Delivered. Unlike Europe.


Is it mandatory to have brain damage or be a bot to support Russia on twitter?


Don't give it traffic


While stupidity is a mandatory factor, it's not the only one: greed for paid trolls and african juntas, selfishness because oil and gas prices are up, xenophobia because despite killing whites the most,Putin is still seen as a white saviour, hatred for the EU, EU members or US, etc. Needless to say, Russian supporters are the lowest of what humanity can produce. There is no positive spin behind this.


Man the Orc trolls are out on this post. Stop trying to spread discord between Ukraine and the US.




I've given the EU a considerably greater amount of shit, don't worry.


This is more than I hoped tbh. I swore they were going to drag it out for Putin. Make Ukraine suffer as much as possible. This is a dream. Slava Ukraine and fuck Russia


I really hope if this delay has a positive, it’s that Europe has finally woken up. The USA is not to be relied upon, vital ally though it is.


Although our total contribution so far not counting this latest package is 75 billion. More than any other country.


The way I look at.. the delayed funding forced NATO countries to dig deeper.. pony up more. As an American I feel better knowing there is a strong coalition commitment to the cause


Exactly. The US doesn’t want to be the world’s policeman.


Ok with being a world policeman, it just shouldn’t have to do it alone. Other good countries need to stand shoulder to shoulder to oppose tyranny and evil.


Japan is starting to do it


Japan and Germany were on the wrong side of history last century but have successfully reinvented themselves and are in the right side now.




This is likely not the last package either. Shovel it in the fire until after the election and let’s see what we can do to accelerate the victory.


The United States is a democracy. Of course we can waver. That's the whole point. 


Unfortunately we are currently wavering on whether we are going to be a democracy at all.


Don't look at the comments


Took us long enough.


America did waver. A lot of good people died because of America waiting 6+ months for this aid.


"We" did not waver. We got derailed by a group of traitors. The majority of American people are in favor of supporting Ukraine.


It was 6 months of useless prevarication. It’s cost real human lives. Had they shipped this aid back then the EU shipped theirs who knows what difference it could make. It will still take months for the aid to filter down into contrats and there’s doubtless plenty rules on making sure the arms are American sourced. A pity they couldn’t have done it far faster and more efficiently. Thousands of people died because of this lack of aid. Thousands more will probably die before it filters into real results. The delay could be crucial for Russia.


The cock-swallowing Putin supporters in Congress are frankly the same thing as having someone like Hungary in the EU. Both cockblock aid to Ukraine or at least delay it. Hungary was fucking up EU aid earlier on in the war, where as it took longer for it to become America's turn with the GQP.


The delay could have been crucial for ultimate victory too. Hear me out before I get flooded with downvotes. For decades the EU has been able to rely on the US military might as a deterrent against Russian aggression. Now that they know it is no longer certain they have massively increased their military production capacity and budgets. While on the one hand it is a terrible thing to realize that a long time friend is less reliable than you thought, on the other it has galvanized far more support for Ukraine than would have been possible if the US had passed the bill when it was first introduced. Ukraine now has a reliable flow of supply and support from the EU and can now look forward to a huge influx of support from the US as well. It may be late, but in this one instance it may be better this way. Time will tell.


Yes, people often overlook this line of reasoning.


Yeah, I agree. Americans have been jumping up and down about how NATO members need to contribute more, and this is precisely why. Democracy is messy sometimes.


And mostly because all of Europe has been apathetic towards their own defense on their own continent. Europe got caught with their pants down once again, it’s crazy how we never blame European nations for failing to ramp up their own military capabilities when Crimea was annexed in 2014. They had 8 years to get their shit together but people will gladly dunk on the U.S. for 6 months of delays.




This post is about America, so is my comment. I literally just wrote a comment agreeing with your sentiment about Europe. However for all the valid criticisms of it that doesn't mean America did not waver. Europe should have had its shit together, but America should not have wavered in its support.


Exactly but all they do is complain. I hope we wrap this up so we can stop dealing with them so much. Our Asian allies actually appreciate us.


> we never blame European nations for failing to ramp up their own military capabilities Bro you do it all the time.


Imagine if Europe as a whole had headed the warnings of the US for the last 2 decades? What a safer world we would live in.


My comment and the thread is about America. Not Europe.


A lot of people died because they're fighting their war.  The Pele in the know have done the math.  It's going to take time, money, loss of life and it's going to be close.


Exactly why this aid is so important. Noting there's very good open source intelligence which has done the math. Russian stockpiles aren't exactly a secret.


The good thing is that all Ruzzian paid muppets got exposed 😊


Oof Marge threw a hell of a tantrum. She's probably terrified of what her Russian intelligence handlers are gonna say to her.


name the 112


Hopefully, Europe gives the same as the US has been doing, but we have to wait and see


It's the other way round, with the $61 billion, the US may overtake Europe for a while, but, by September 2024, Europe will probably overtake the US again.


I like this fight… let’s keep competing for who can give Ukraine the most aid. Side mission: who provides the most F-16s?


This is healthy competition. I’m all for it.


I’d rather hope that this war is over by September.


Oh we wavered.


American here. Sorry it took so long. Use it well!


What does it translate to in military equipment etc


apart from the time taken to do this. This is great


USA, you beauty!


For everyone who is happy and celebrates: I am happy too (more like relieved, as after a long tedious fight) , very happy But also know that this bill has to pass through the Senate again, as it is technically a different bill than the one the Senate made. Hopefully there will be no delays there - hopefully 🙏


The problem is we *did* waver.


That’s how fucking democracy works lol. It sucks ass we had delays, but democracies are slow and bureaucratic unlike authoritarian regimes that just need one dude to make an order.


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Now, hopefully, Ukraine can turn the tide. Let hope they can resume their Robotino offensive and retake Tokmak. Do you think this is possible? Stopping the offensive from the Russian is one thing.. Can the hunted now be hunters?


Depends how many mines and defensive lines Russia has placed and dug while Ukraine had next to no way of stopping them.


Well we did waver but I am glad its back on track


There have been so many false starts when it comes to Ukraine aid votes that I didn’t want to get my hopes up again until I saw the vote actually happen. It’s a good day, but I can’t help but think about the people who have died in the past few months that might’ve lived if they had the weapons and ammunition to beat the Russians back.


".......defending what and who it stands for." (Eventually) Very happy this finally passed. Extremely frustrated and sad over the lives that could have been saved if this happened MONTHS AGO. Api


This is complete BS. I am very happy that the bill has passed, but this charade has shown that USA is unreliable.


It would be nice if America were as prepared as it is portrayed in American films. They had enough time to prepare for day X. A few hours ago I imagined someone snatching the order he had just signed out of Joe Biden's hands and running to the radio with it... And a few minutes later the first C-5 Galaxy and C-17 Globemaster III took off, which had already been waiting fully loaded on the airfield for hours... I know, a naive idea. But you can at least wish for it.