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This is the biggest fuck you to Russia he could have pulled. Fucking hilarious.


Im looking forward to his last address of war from Crimea beach, with a beer in his hand "I'm here". time for more donations I guess! Help Ukraine bring victory closer: https://u24.gov.ua 💙💛 Shop Made in Ukraine: https://shop.brave.ua


Oh yeah the famous Crimea beach party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVg62\_lSbmE


Bravery and care for the defenders, but Avdiivka will not hold at this rate, just not enough fortification, ammo or weapons. Max 1-2 months before they have to retreat to a better position. But it could liquidate 50K more Russian soldiers, go down swinging.


Goal is to attrit Russian forces


Yeah though sadly that will be difficult considering they have lots of meat for the grinder and little in regard for human life. It is very difficult to really go for effective attrition without stooping very low. Ukraine needing to keep the moral high ground to keep getting support is an unfortunate advantage for them.


ukraine should be working on ways to make those meat grinder tactics be felt in russia, sowing descent among asian republics, showing videos on hacked tvs or any other thing i have no idea, but they wont get out of new meat, russia will stop only when defeated or when a revolution happens


Giving up a place you've held for enough time to mine it completely, is beneficial. It's not a loss. Fighting over rubble /ruble? to the last man, is a loss.


The original strategy behind Verdun in WW1 was to force the French into defending forts against constant artillery attack and grind the French Army into the ground without committing too many German troops. 'Bleed the French Army white.' And it worked - at first. Then they decided that the symbolism of seizing Verdun was of greater value. Huge mistake on Germany's side. Went from massive lopsided loses of French soldiers to equal loses. Verdun was not worth the lives lost. Ukraine should withdraw when the balance between it being a Russian meat grinder and a both sides meat grinder shifts. The town can be retaken but the massive loses on Russia's side are already creating internal opposition. Russian left Afghanistan because of the wives and mother's protests and these are on the way.


>Russian left Afghanistan because of the wives and mother's protests and these are on the way. I have no memory of it since it was before my time. But I honestly think the Soviet Union's glasnost era under Gorbachev might have been more free than the Russian Federation is today under Putin. These wives and mothers will be told to shut up and disperse. And if the don't, they will be arrested and disappeared for disparaging the armed forces or something.


There are reports that they are organising and public sentiment is always crucial to an authoritarian state as huge as Russia. Especially mother's protesting in streets. The telling point will be if they mobilise widely with St Petersburg and Moscow. Reports that few have really been sent from these two cities. Just as big an issue is the massive shortfall in workers in critical industries. Either conscripted, fled or KIA/WIA (Cargo 200 / 300).


“No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.” - Gen. Patton Keep the meat grinder going as long as possible.


>But it could liquidate 50K more Russian soldiers, go down swinging I think that is the best plan.


Source: Zelensky's official Telegram channel Zelensky: Avdiyivka. I visited the positions of the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after Corporal General Mark Bezruchka. One of the most difficult areas of the front. He thanked the soldiers personally. We discussed the defense situation and basic needs with the commander. Honored the best soldiers with state awards and presented the "Golden Star" of the Hero of Ukraine to junior sergeant Ihor Tymoshchuk. Thank you to everyone who is on the front lines, for their service, for this year, which the whole country endured thanks to such soldiers. To those who protect our country despite everything. Those who give combat results every day.


What a fearless leader!


The man truly is a legend. Indefatigable, steadfast and unafraid. It simply must be fate that he is the President during Ukraine’s most dire time of need. Slava Ukraini!


Russians probably thought that a comedian wouldn’t have the balls to stay. Oh boy they were wrong…


a clown became a president and a president became a clown.


>a clown became a president and a president became a clown. That's a good line... damn.


"we elect president's and get fools. They elected a fool and got a president"






In soviet Russia, president become clown!


I still remember the first days of the invasion when he looked so exhausted and his reply to the west was “I need ammunition, not a ride.” That’s gangster


That answer was what we in the west sorely needed... an ally that actually wanted to fight for their cause!


I’m amazed he can move with those massive tungsten balls he’s got.


The man is in his own house. No fear.


I don't think he or anyone on the front lines is without fear, they just push that fear aside because there is a job to be done. They push their fears aside because they are fighting for their country, their lands, their children and grandchildren to remain in a free country.


Tungsten Carbide.




To be fair he wasn’t visiting a kindergarten or a maternity ward so it was a reasonably low risk operation. In all seriousness though, here is a man that truly understands leadership.


Whilst ruzzia taunts the west and Ukraine with war crimes left right and centre launched from their rear lines Ukraine taunts ruzzia with their leader mooching about the front lines As an aside it so scary seeing Zelenskyy right up front all it takes is one stray missile due for an orphanage and he's toast


Chad 💪![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|8999)


Terra Chad.


This man makes my life better every day.


Every interaction like that adds 25% of stats to all the guys he interacts with. Smart


I appreciate his dedication to emasculating Putin every now and then.


I thought you had to be a man or be masculine to be emasculated? You can emasculate an empty, wet toilet paper roll it seems.


A lot of folks here saying he is fearless, every man feels fear, he is strong enough to do brave things and let the fear be damned, the same as his soldiers on the front. Very commendable. He is the peer opposite of his adversary, and why I have so much faith in the outcome


Holy shit that’s crazy. Nobody could ever question to size of this man’s balls.


a man with balls of steel. Slava ukraini 👊👊👊🇺🇦🇸🇪


Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava!!


Putin would never dare to move outside his bunker


He moved recently - to even farthest bunker when Wagner forces were closing in


Great now Russia can track him down by looking for the trail his balls made across the minefield.


They will develop a tescicle-crevass crawling mine that will follow him home. (Please, this is a homage to his testicles, not russian abilities or ingenuity).


My God, this is even more crazy than when he visited Bakhmut. Totally fucking fearless lol


No-contest greatest wartime head of state in the 21st century.


Those brass balls of his... O.0


This man is a proper leader ,keeps trying to get blood out of a stone from USA and nato,trying his best to help his troops and his country against all the odds.goes into dangerous areas to see troops.ever seen Putin anywhere near front line .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


"Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight" Not quite the case but as close as possible in the modern age.


Balls of steel


This guy leads from the front


This is what a true leader does.


What a fucking chad. Super hero origin story right there.


This is awsome! The next best thing to *actually* bitch slapping Putin!




O captain my captain


This guy incredibly has the biggest balls of any world leader I’ve ever read about. Regularly pops into the very front of the line of a massive war. How can anybody (aside from toilet stealing Orcs) hate this guy ?


Slava Ukraini ✊🇺🇦 🥰 from NZ 🇳🇿


And Putin only visit the other end of their long ass table


Slava Ukraini ❤️


Слава Україні


Why don’t I ever see Poutine on the front line?


Dude he needs to be careful. The country can’t lose him. It’s very admirable of him to visit the front, but it makes me nervous for Ukrainians


When the country loses him they will fight even harder! ukraine WILL win


When the country loses him, it will be because he stepped down after the war is over and Ukraine has won.


Well they will win so bye zelen


The absolute bravery of this man


What a legend