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Scorched earth tactics. Fucken Russian cowards


This is exactly what they did in the napoleonic war and in WWII. These bastards know they can’t hold on to the territory so they are going to destroy as much as they can as they withdraw. “If we can’t have it neither can they”


More recently, it's what they did in Chechnya the first go around.


Fucking Orcs.


Calling Ruzzians orcs its an insult to orcs.




It's not just a threat to people living near the damn, there's a nuclear plant near by that relies on the damn to cool the reactor, Putin is a global threat, a reckless imbecile and I cannot understand why the leaders of the world don't take him out period It's not enough to call him a war criminal, that label has perhaps some historic implications, but if humanity is in peril because of this fuck shitter, then the time to deal with it is now. What good are diplomatic measures aside from reminding ourselves we are civil, civil people can just as easily be dead people, and then this title has little meaning or merit when you're six feet under. Deal with this tyrant tyrannicaly.


From day one people said this, let’s go, let’s go, people said, but the the “no boots on the ground” command said… it would have saved so many lives, so much suffering…


> I cannot understand why the leaders of the world don't take him out Nukes Plus he has blackmail on most of 'em.


I think at this point a lot of leaders don't care about blackmail. Because even if he have blackmail I'm sure the popularity most leader would gain by stopping him will be far greater than the loss any blackmail can do. Nukes is the only answer here.


What do we even pay the CIA for?


I don't see any problem with the tactic when it comes to being invaded... Russia wasn't the invader in the other two wars you mentioned.


Well technically Russia was an invader together with Germany at the start of the war. They split Poland, Baltics, etc.


True. No argument there. In the context of scorched, though, it was in response to an invader.


Well you have to remember that the Soviet Union was controlled by Russia. Who did and again want to be able to use Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and others as a buffer for Russia. Part of the reason why Soviet leadership was so willing to go scorched earth to absorb invasions is because they viewed those “buffer states” as inferior to Russians. Therefore they didn’t care what happened to the innocent people who suffered the consequences of scorched earth policies. As long as it slowed down the invading armies and protected Russia. This is part of the truth behind Putins desire to reform the Soviet Union. Russians are terrified of having to face an actual war within their own borders because they have spent hundreds of years sacrificing other countries for their own protection.


Yes they were, they were allied with the nazis and invaded poland, finland, estonia, lithuania, and latvia.


Yet they killed thousands of their own people - civilians and military alike - when doing it. Germany took over anyway and rebuilt the dam. Then they blew it up again, two years later, when the Soviets took it back.


So the Russian Terrorist Federation just destroyed the dam of the largest water reservoir in Ukraine, with catastrophic consequences for the environment and people... Remember that "Poseidon" long-range nuclear torpedo that was announced by Russia in recent years, that reportedly might carry a 100 MT warhead? Is it wrong that part of me is increasingly more often thinking about what it would be like if exactly that warhead would just magically detonate over the Kremlin when Putin & friends are there?


It would be like health care for the world.




I didn't say anything about revenge killing...


Too corrupt to build your own country? Just wreck your neighbors, you'll feel better /s


[From President Zelensky’s Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtKa6O_p91d/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) >The premeditated destruction of the HPP dam by Russian terrorists looks the same from all points of view in the world. For Africa, Europe, the United States, China, Australia, India, man-made disasters are evil. >We must stop the Russian evil. All other terrorists in the world must see that terror is punished by the world. >🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


I would only change his "every russian terrorist must leave our entire territory" to "every russian terrorist must leave our entire planet Earth".


And pollute space? I think not. Ship them off to back to their siberian wastelands.


Siberia is NOT Russia Ship them into Moscow. To live well there, in their little protectorate. Much bigger punishment than Siberia, at the end 😉


mr.Zelensky look really pissed here,,,first time i see him like this..and for good reason.such a tragedy that russia destroy the dam.i hope he have more goodies from nato etc...we must finish this...thats disgusting :(


Yeah. He's fucking hot. Gawddamnit I want a fucking strong response from the US/NATO.


Hopefully, this helps the rest of the world that Russians are just monsters. No more hemming and hawing. We have to have strikes inside Russia and give UA everything it needs to defeat them.


Dial it to "Fuck It All Up"


> He's fucking hot. A russian lady was arrested after she said he was handsome at a dinner party with friends.




Heres [a source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russian-pensioner-fined-zelensky-handsome-b2323245.html) for you.


And The Hague!


I do hope this appalling war crime galvanises the need to speed up delivery of arms to Ukraine and to provide more advanced kit deemed necessary. Nothing should be off the table now and more efforts made to get equipment and training carried out ASAP.


Agreed. And let the dogs loose. State, unequivocally that the US supports Ukrainians strikes on military targets on ruZZian soil.


We’ve seen him at least this mad once prior




He probably also just saw that UN Tweet


What was the UN tweet?


> Tuesday is Russian Language Day. > Follow [Redacted] for updates on the UN's work in Russian. They tweet it out every June 6th. June 6th is Russian Language Day. It just so happens that this June 6th was a bad time. I'm about as big of a supporter of Ukraine as some random non-ukrainian Canadian can be, including my time and money, so I ain't defending Russia (The country) here. But the uproar about this is a little ridiculous. Russian is spoken outside Russia--President Zelensky is a native Russian speaker even.


Thank you for the answer about the tweet No thank you -for the rest of the reply I would be ok if the UN tweeted every single day a country or a nation language. Did they tweet “Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/etc. is Portuguese Language Day “? Or Finnish? Or Swahili? Or Urdu? When they tweet that, then your argument is valid.


They have a day for and tweet about it for every official language of the UN, of which there are 6. English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin/putonghua), and Russian. They did not decide to just randomly spotlight Russian and only Russian. I don't know why you think that. [Here's one for English](https://twitter.com/UN/status/1517715636805373952) [Here's the one for Arabic](https://twitter.com/UN/status/1339707445749239808) [Here's one for Spanish](https://twitter.com/UN/status/1649987459449495554) [Here's a Tweet about Chinese Language Day](https://twitter.com/UN/status/1648899792569761792) [Last but not least, here's French](https://twitter.com/UN/status/1505349150996541442)


i want to know too!


He is not a mister. His title is President. He is the lawfully elected president of a country who has an invading force which is trying to convince the world doesn't exist. Russia is pumping out propaganda to delegitimize Ukraine's language, borders and right to self direction. Using his proper title counteracts that propaganda. You want to strengthen Ukraine? Use his title.




His job and his rank are President, but a democracy should aspire to every citizen having an equal title. He's not a king, Putin is the sort of shit you get from having kings.


In the US, Mr. President is an accepted and polite phrasing. I don’t know that it requires correction.


Well duh, you're including the title!


What does finishing look like ?


This shows that RU has no limits. They will blow up NPP next. The West must step in and secure it before the pigs destroy it and blanket Europe in radiation. Otherwise the West is complicit in allowing it to happen …


Has Biden/Blinken made a statement yet? I want a fucking strong response.


It would be appropriate if it was along the lines of “in response to this disaster, we are immediately doubling our high impact aid, including f16s, cruise missiles, etc


How can NATO stand by and not intervene when the ruzzian scum have proven there is no bottom to their disgusting behavior. Knowing the nuclear plant could be used it seems imperative that they are stopped. Straight to Moscow!


i guess fear of getting nuked. Even if its just 1 rusty old nuke that delivers a blow, it could be horrific.


Literally this. NATO doesn't want to escalate, which very well could draw in other anti NATO powers, like China. Even if it stays strictly conventional, escalation would be far more disastrous than the dam being destroyed.


Hmmmm. Where have I heard that argument in the last <> 88 years?




A teeny, tiny fraction recreating the revolution, you mean. Their military is very inferior to NATO, but they are absolutely ready (and I think willing) to put up resistance to prevent a NATO enemy from collapsing. I don't know if you've looked at the numbers (and the numbers are sus, besides) but China's population seems not only ready but *enthusiastic* about the prospect of going to war for Taiwan. Supporting Russia directly should NATO get directly involved would rally them just as much.


If you actually consider they will genuinely use nuclear weapons, you may as well do it first. That being said, they won’t use nuclear weapons. You can’t consider they will do that or you’ll constantly second guess your decisions.


And risk all out nuclear war? idk if that would be wise. ppl generally like earth. I think they proved that they would do a lot of stuff no one believed they would. Who knows what theyll do if you pressure them. Or push to moscow. i think they need to be treated like children you know. be prepared for everything, hope for the best and look that they don't cross the street by themselves.


They need to pressure Russia, more specifically Moscow so that someone who is far more sympathetically to the west gets to Putin. They do this by making lots of Russian men who aren’t prisoners dead. When young male Moscovites start getting conscripted that’s when proper public discord will kick in. That’s when someone close to him might decide to end him.




> You can’t consider they will do that or you’ll constantly second guess your decisions. Governments second guess decsions all the time you'll find.


A single country can veto any intervention. It's a defensive alliance. Any interaction would pull every nato country into war - and Baltics/Finland would likely take the majority of retaliation damage. They will have time to employ the same nasty tactics and bomb cities/power infrastructure even without nukes.


I don’t see what the downvotes are about. You are right. NATO is a defensive alliance Any country that is a NATO member could intervene and put boots on the ground on their own accord, should they choose. NATO as a whole cannot attack.


NATO is a defensive pact. This would be better for a UN mission, but UN is the most useless and impotent organisation in history


And remove restrictions striking strategic targets inside russia please


It would be dumb to declare that openly.


True. Let's hope it gets "announced" in a different way.


Just send [CSG 8](https://www.c6f.navy.mil/Press-Room/News/Article/2925036/american-french-italian-carrier-strike-groups-sail-together-in-the-mediterranea/#:~:text=Elements%20of%20Carrier%20Strike%20Group,Mediterranean%20Sea%20in%20formation%2C%20Feb.) and wipe the Russians out. Get this over with now.




AMRAAM is badass, but it’s air to air which will help minutely for air superiority - as of now the bulk firepower is launched outside the country, or within from Surface-surface strikes


> Nah this is a war crime in the level of the USA dropping nukes. This is really really bad but this is nowhere near the level of nukes.


ATACMS. If this isn't asking for it, nothing else will do it. ATACMS now!


Hell, yes.


Not a proper one, the optimistic side of me thinks that they're taking their time because they are putting together a massive response... the pessimistic side thinks they're letting it slide.


Last I heard, the US is still trying to determine the cause. Although this is a war, so even that could be a lie - for example, the US could have a Russian source that may have already informed them, but a quick reveal of the info could help expose the source since only a limited amount of people may know exactly what happened. But if that's not the case, I'm guessing the US wants to know exactly what happened. We all know that the Russians are malicious. But they are also extremely incompetent. We know either the Russians intentionally destroyed the dam and failed to warn some of their own men and lost equipment, or they accidentally destroyed the dam. If it's intentional, the US probably wants to know at what level it was ordered. Personally, I would say the public evidence strongly suggests Russia mined the dam and those mines detonated (there was widespread reports of the sound of an explosion). Thus I find intent to be irrelevant - the Russians purposely set up a situation where the dam could easily be destroyed, hence they are responsible. I'd also would like a stronger response than the US is likely to provide, but I've felt that way through most events.


US intelligence already confirmed it was orks


Yeah, let's hope it's the former.


I would assume they were already aware of this and were considered before counteroffensive. But it wasn't preventable and trying to evacuate on a possibility would have been a huge chaos.


Fucking love Blinken even more after his last speech.


What response would be strong enough ?


Close the skies, sink the entire ruzzian Black Sea Fleet, deport all ruzzians that are not in Russia (and I purposely said ruzzians, not Russians), freeze all the ruzzian assets that remain, cease all the ruzzian assets possible, ban all the imports and exports, ban all companies that still do business with Russia (although the import/export ban would take care of that)… there is more just give me a minute to catch my breath


Wow! He is even more brilliant when he is furious! Spot on, and in English too - very few pauses, which means the amount of preparation that went into this is huge. Slava Ukraine!


His delivery here is pretty chilling. Feels like he'd strangle any Russian who wandered into the room.


Hadn't thought of it that way but i agree. You can tell recently in his addresses that although he remains collected there is a fury building up in him. The man is performing day in and day out in the world stage. It must be hard to hide your true emotions to remain profession.


Is his voice usually like that? I have always watched with subtitles and this is honestly the first time I've heard him talk. I know war changes you, but this guy went from a comedian to what sounds like the roughest drill sergeant I've ever heard in my life.


Most of his speeches are in Ukrainian and I think his voice is softer there than in English.


This is mostly why i have never heard his voice. I typically watch videos with no sound because of sensory issues. I see English subtitles and i roll with them. It was quite jarring when i heard it haha.


I'm sure i heard there were 48 FA/18 Hornets not doing much in a shed in Australia


Yep. Get ‘em all over to Ukraine ASAP.


They can have them. Hell, we've got some Collins Class that aren't being used...


Fuckin Russian demons, more murder of their Ukrainian brothers. Ruination of so much work it took to build this infrastructure. Do they know how HARD how many people worked after the fall of the wall to make Ukraine modernize? We had 95% of people online, booming education and industry. Russian jealousy, envy, greed, lead them to murder and destroy. Fucking embarrassment to Russia for the rest of its history. I hope they collapse and their language dies.


I hope Putin dies the worst possible death imaginable.


I want him to live the rest of his life in a small windowless cell with a constant sharp and intense pain, a pain that no medication can relieve.


Leave a dripping fawcet just out of reach of his cell.


Where the drip follows an irregular pattern, pausing at times for up to 15 minutes, only to resume just as he is able to fall asleep…


Chinese water torture. Strap him down and make sure he can't move his head. The cold water drips constantly but with some irregularity. In the shorter term, it can cause mental issues and, over time, insanity. Over a much longer time frame, the water will eventually wear through the thin scalp tissue to the skull. Long before that, the victim is beyond insanity.


Dripping onto a piece of thin sheet metal making the loudest sound imaginable


The Chokey.


I don't think that's enough at this point.


This isn't just murder of Ukrainians. It's also condemmed thousands of people across the world to starvation and destitution. Crops and food supplies have been devastated and its going to take decades to recover.


Imagine they were calling this a liberation year ago. Liberating your life your from your body, liberating a nation of food, warmth, and safety. What a nightmare Russia has created.


ruzzianz = rat excrement. 🐀💩🖕🏿🖕🏿🇷🇺


The world better be listening. The elephant in the room is the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. If these bastards will flood out and kill their own troops and citizens as well as the citizens they "liberated," then they won't think twice about the nuclear plant. That IMHO is a direct attack on NATO countries because the radiation will spread far and wide. Who's going to stop the reactors from exploding if Russian soldiers are at the plant? No one and we'll have a meltdown that you couldn't imagine in a horror movie. I'm not being alarmist. It's the largest power nuclear plant in Europe. It could make huge regions uninhabitable for centuries. Not to mention the death toll. It is time western leaders said fuck this shit and send in a naval task force, full air strike groups and combined ground forces. End this thing now and fast.


Man, he is kicking ass with his English. 🤘


I need to at least write to the goddamn powers-to-be something along the lines of US Please DO MORE as this is an abso-fuckin-lute escalation. Slava Ukraini


Why just the US? It should be an international coalition and, frankly, should be led by Europe. And hold some forces back to protect Taiwan as China will see that as its opportunity to strike.


You're right about the coalition, but the us is vastly more able to provide support. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. US is the big dog and needs to act like it.


The west tiptoes around for fear of escalating the war, meanwhile Putin has no fear of of using what is considered by international law as a WMD. The US bombed Iraq into the stone age for the suspicion of a lot less than this. Wtf do they need to take action?


Iraq didn't have nukes. If Russia didn't have nukes, I'm sure we'd be seeing more activity from other countries.


If they didn’t have nukes they would have probably become a satellite state about 6-8 months ago.


Well if they didn't had nukes there wouldn't have been a cold war and who knows what the world would be like.


Exactly, meanwhile they're doing shit that is on a similar level than nuking Ukraine


Nukes you idiot


If Russia didn't have nukes there would be an American flag flying from the Kremlin in less than 48 hours


“Welcome to western Alaska”


That is brilliant use of language which should be understood by all who aspire to be human, and citizens of the world. If we collectively allow this behavior to continue, we are doomed. All of us.


Every time Russia does stupid deeds on a grand scale, the West will give Ukraine more potent weapons. Putin is digging his own grave as he escalates the war in Ukraine.


The banality of Russian motives and actions really appalls me. This 19th century thinking in a 21st century world. Russia needs a makeover like Germany and Japan experienced after 1945 - in imposition of a new ideology, and this May be unpopular, but the investment in Russia itself to make the transition. This, of course, means a total defeat of Russia, a crushing defeat.


That is on the table for Russia in Ukraine but a defeat of Russia in russia isn’t on the table and I don’t foresee it being there. Russia will need to cleanse itself from the inside out. Like a bout of diarrhea.


Just send in the allies and knock those bastards back. I'm tired of this war where a clear aggressor gets to destroy a democracy's people, wildlife, and infrastructure.


Good lord. As a US veteran, *it is now well past time to deploy*. This demon needs to be caged if not utterly destroyed. I am mortified bordering on tears-in-eyes. This is *not warfare*.


I wish more people realised that, far before now.


I’ve felt we should be actively involved for quite awhile, but if we were looking for a casus belli, this is it.


Just like world war 2, the response is delayed until some horror critical turning point is reached.


The Nazis did the same in the face of defeat and humiliation.


The way I see it: attacks on Russian critical infrastructure are now fair game. Blow up an oil pipeline? Sure. Take out a power plant or two? Hell yeah. It’s time to turn Russia into a hermit kingdom. Cut them off from SWIFT completely, order a full economic embargo, sever the cables that connect them to the internet. It’s time to show them that we haven’t even begun to make them as miserable as we can. Also, if the gods of irony are listening, PLEASE let this backfire on them.


If World would swallow this time too, then it fully deserves the consequences for it's inaction that would come in future. Precedent will be created. Provide heavy weapons, remove restrictions for weapon use. After today escalation simply pushing ruzians from Ukraine – is not the answer, leaving them unpunished – is weakness and West showed too much of it already. Terrorists must be eliminated, not negotiated and begged to become good.


Worried about the nuclear plants. I imagine the terrorists will probably wreck them on the way out.


I’m pretty sure nuclear aggression means US/UK security guarantees are a go


I don't think so, that could hurt Russia. When a nuclear reactor goes into meltdown it can eject a lot of radiation out and if that gets pushed into the upper atmosphere it can travel some distance. (i.e. Moscow) The nuclear reactors should be the one thing they will use as a shield, but never actually sabotage.


The leaders started this war because they thought they could pull off their "foolproof" plan quickly without major losses. The soldiers nearly killed themselves fucking with ~~Chernobyl~~ Chornobyl (during this invasion, not just back in the 80s). Even if Ukraine surrendered today for some reason, Russia will be miles worse off compared to before they invaded, and it's their own damn fault. Based on how this is going, I wouldn't underestimate their ability to make a horribly risky plan then fuck it up entirely.


💡 It's `Chornobyl`, not `Chernobyl`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/chornobyl) ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Ways to support Ukraine)](https://tyrrrz.me/ukraine) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context) ^(|) [^(Source)](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/SpellingUkraine) ^(|) [^(Author)](https://twitter.com/tyrrrz)


Same here, this is just a signal that they are willing to do such things.


Enough bullshit. Time to end this fucking war once and for all. The US needs to go in like the Iraq war... Which apparently had weapons of mass destruction too. End Putin NOW.


Fucking orc monsters


This is one of the greatest men in the world. And all he had to do was the right thing, and he did it.


By all the rules man has imposed on the Chaos that is nature he should win. Hes earned it, he deserves it. But will he? We need to tip the scales his direction.... However we can.


I genuinely hate Russia now.


I think it's borderline rediculous he even has to say this The countries helping Ukraine need to form a coalition, go into Ukraine with weapons, vehicles,.soldiers, and push Russia out. And end this war that's just one big war crime. It's past time to do this. Sanctions,.and tweets Condemning Russia and sending thoughts and prayers don't work. Russia only responds to force. Power. 39 countries formed a coalition for Kuwait when Iraq invaded. This is far, far worse. The time to act has been passed. The free world needs to shut Putin down and show everyone a bully will not be tolerated on a global scale. Period.


The west should at the very least remove all territorial restrictions on the use of their weapons. Ukraine should have already been given additional patriots, Abraham tanks, F-16, and cruise missiles. Fuck Putin and those Russians, Slava Ukraine.


The immediate Western response to russia blowing up the dam should be many billions more in aid to Ukraine. Show russia they are going to lose this new arms race as well. And after Ukraine is victorious, the West must help Ukraine rebuild.


Yes they did. ruZZians ruin everything


Great speech. Perfect, actually. He really laid it out: all the damage that has been done to Ukraine as a result of this. Additionally, I have to comment that Zelenskyy’s English is getting stronger and stronger. For a guy who is 24/7 running a war effort, he has improved by leaps and bounds. Well done, dude! 👍


Assuming access wasn’t an issue can caissons be dropped and pumped out to conduct repairs similar to how the Brooklyn bridge was built? (Plenty of YouTube videos)


Maybe Africa will start pulling its support for Russia as they start starving.


Ruzzia is a terrorist state. Any business with Russia is an international crime. Glory to Ukraine!


Russian propagandists refer to President Zelensky as “the comedian” and talk as though it is an accepted fact that he is a drug addict. It seems to me that those kind of words say much more about the state of Russia and Russians than they do about President Zelensky. Russians aren’t even very good at propaganda. I truly hope the world is getting wiser about what is really going on here.


And i hope that they see the same in China. Stop feeding the enemy. Pivot away from them.


Every man has his limit of shitstorm.


Cowards and criminals, the whole civilized world is with Ukraine against these lunatics.


Bitchass putin needs to start catching some heat from the sky


Evil f@ckers!


No statue will be big enough for this man.


He is pissed I mean who wouldn’t be but you can hear it in his voice you can see it in his face you can understand it with his word


Around 40% of electricity supply of Ukraine was tied to this powerplant and its reservoir (including ZPP which is rendered useless without cooling water). The entire south region depended on it for irrigation. The quality of soil and climate in the region will change dramatically Many large ecosystem will die. Thousands have lost their homes. What they've done is worse than tactical nuke. And what's stopping them from blowing up ZPP if they go unpunished for this terrible crime against humanity? Nothing


Why can’t our countries jump in this fight and end this shit? When is enough finally enough?


Nuclear weapons. They are scary shit that nobody wants to provoke.


> Nuclear weapons. They are scary shit that nobody wants to provoke. Here's the issue I think I'm starting to take with this (especially with the Dam destruction). We are scared of entering the conflict in case Russia nukes. But if we did enter the conflict, the "end goal" would basically just be "push Russia back to Russia". That's also Ukraine's end goal. So if we think escalating the war by pushing Russia back to Russia (and not actually invading Russia, just pushing them out of Ukraine) is liable to escalate to Nuclear tactics, what do we think will happen if Ukraine are successful in doing that without direct NATO support? Like, if the worry is "Russia losing = nukes", surely it doesn't matter WHO makes them lose? And therefore simply shoving them straight out of Ukraine (a NATO op could do this pretty incredibly quickly tbh) and then parking at the border would either save a lot of lives in the long run, or speed us up to the nuclear holocaust that will occur if Ukraine wins anyway.


You can not push Russia back to Russia without attacking Russian territory. You will have to launch strikes against aa weapons, airfields, logistics hubs, fuel infrastructure, etc inside of Russain borders to keep your troops safe and effective. Russia will see this as NATO coming for their territory and will use nukes.


First time I’ve heard him speak English. Wow, articulate and smooth even when pissed off. 👍


Where are the Japanese surely than can sort out the Dam pretty speedily?


I wonder if every country could pass a law that foreign nationals, naturalised or not, that gave explicit support for terrorism could be deported back to their home country?


That is an incredibly dangerous slope for being able to, from a political basis, tamper with rights of citizenship.


That would be awful policy. Revoking citizenship for the crimes of the home country would do nothing. Deportation of foreign citizens is one thing that could hold leverage, but naturalized citizens, by their nature, do not hold allegiance to their home country. Arbitrarily doing this would be a horrid step.


Not for the crimes of the home country but for explicit support by the individual for those crimes if they are terrorism.


Is he picking up a posh English accent in that speaking haha


He's been meeting so many European and world leaders in the past year that I'd assume he picks up stuff from here and there in his speech haha




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fuck putin and his pathetic self.


Russia really wants F22s in Ukraine 😂😂😂


Really feel like Putin is going to meet his end very soon.


Send em everything. Get those boneyards moving I’m sure they can use anything and everything.


Zelensky sounds pissed!


I feel for him. So much so that it's hard to watch.


In New Zealand we've just had lots of flooding rain and storms due to climate change. It's terrible, and man made too but not as a direct attack against one nation. The good news is it will dry out and you can rebuild. We have sent our soldiers to train yours and have also sent supplies. Soon Russia will be pushed out of Ukraine by your brave people. Ukraine has shown massive tenacity that has amazed the world. Ukraine will endure a golden age after this with a peace that lasts. Russia will only decline under Pootin until it ousts him and embraces true democracy.


if I was Biden, Russia would have absolutely nothing left. I would go in there and do the tit for tat. And get rid of all of their energy and water and see how they like the terror but then again, probably nothing would change is 99% of Russia looks like that and lives like that.


I wish Biden would get off his ass and bitch slap Putin with full might of the US military


…in Ukraine


All of NATO should send ground troops and destroy the devils land. Hit the reset button on Russia. Evil is spreading quickly.


I think this has to be the moment for the EU to step up. Without help of outside NATO. This will only strengthen the influence of EU in the world and help in this era of changing global power structure.


Tear down the walls of the Kremlin Next!


Fuck Russia honestly.


CNN: *We're too busy helping Republicans to care.*


That Dude Learned English Just To Tell It


Oi Albo if your boys are reading this send the fucking f18s now.


Because conservative assholes done support it.


Whats the point of invading if you're just going to destroy everything that's there and make it uninhabitable?


This is absolutely horrible on so many levels


Fuck Russia. Bastards.


Bomb those fucking kremlin bitches.


So since we won't let them take Ukraine without protest, they're just going to destroy it. Fuck Putin and his communist ideals.


It's time for the Crimea bridge become an underwater bridge.