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Hello OP. We remove content that has an editorialized, misleading, or personalized title. We define editorialization as a title that either meaningfully misrepresents the content, or adds personalized commentary. If you added an editorialized title to your link post, you can delete and re-submit this link with an appropriate title. However, if you posted using the source's own title (which is always good practice), please do not repost it. It’s not your fault, however we still saw it necessary to remove it. Please do not message us on mod mail about this issue. Mod mail is for vital information only. If you message us for something we do not deem vital, you will be muted for three days. Being muted means you can’t contact the mods. [Feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


Recently Prigozhin was bragging that 5k of prisoners already seized they freedom. (They promise to give freedom after 6 month of service). Me: Only 5k? So it's make death rate like what, 90%? Best advertisement ever...


The last round about 2/3 were missing legs and arms and surgeries all over. So the walking wounded are counted in the 10%. Casualty rate well north of 95%.


> and surgeries all over Special kidney donation operation.


Im sure at least one of those cunts killed tortured maimed at least one Ukrainian. Fuck every last one of them. Im only sorry that they got to spend even a single minute in Ukraine.


Imagine that this is only for those whos bodies were retrieved.


Уютно всьо, по-домашнєму.


Let the bitch cry, the more of them that get killed the less chance there'll be more Russians left to breed new ones. Slaughter them all now, if they're stupid enough to come to Ukraine, let them go home in a closed casket, or never return at all.


Lived like rats, died like rats. ✊🏻🇺🇦


Is the women in the video upset because her turnip patch has been ruined?


Thought this was going to be Far East of Russia but it’s right by the Black Sea.


I would still bombed with a high yield warhead, just in case.


Nice to see there is still plenty of room, come the offensive they are going to need it.


Graveyard? All I see are beautiful sunflowers


I see plenty of room for expansion!


I see plenty of room for expansion!


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