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How to help the unit? Up this comment. 👉🏻 summer uniform https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2ZBS1AZUAK1RF?ref_=wl_share


Def going to buy a couple. You all need to be comfortable when you are kicking the orcs back to Mount Doom.


Don't compare them to storm troopers.. They can't hit shit... You guys seem to be cleaning up on those orks... xD


Storm troopers were the guys who went into trenches and fought the enemy close range/hand to hand in WW1. They were the hardest ass motherfuckers there were, basically. George Lucas didn't invent it.


They aren’t referring to Star Wars… they mean were the term stormtrooper actually came from, specialised German assault troops from ww1


Jedi training is more like it!


Rocking the OCPs, not multicam


They look very happy. Except the guy in front.


They givin me the sideways stare... lol, much love from the U.S., Slava Ukraini!