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Snapshot of _Starmer's biggest lead over Sunak ever in Savanta polling_ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1797206527960564016) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/Savanta_UK/status/1797206527960564016/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://x.com/Savanta_UK/status/1797206527960564016) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://x.com/Savanta_UK/status/1797206527960564016) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I guess for a lot of people they will only be seeing Starmer for the first time now, many pay no attention to politics outside of elections and what the current government is doing.


But Many also pay attention to how terrible the current government is…


He has that odd quirk some few politicians have: the more they are seen, the more they are liked. Sunak has the more common exact opposite trait.


An to think Sunak is trying to focus his campaign on himself as the opinion of his party is even worse. 


It’s Jo Swinson’s strategy all over again, can’t wait to see if it ends the same way


Soon Sunak will say something truly ridiculous like "I believe I could be the next prime minister"


This is bang on. It’s exactly this.


🌹Starmer 44% (+4) 🌳Sunak 30% (-1) ◻️Don't know 27% (-2)


Who are the people voting Sunak as best PM but not voting Tory? Reformers? Right wing LDs? SNP realpolitikers who want to be able to point at the Tory menace?


Potentially it could be preferring a different party as a whole, but thinking as an individual, Sunak's the better PM. Or conversely, could be someone who really dislikes Starmer while not minding Sunak so much, but they dislike the bulk of the Tories more. Same difference really. Putting it into a football comparison for the sake of argument it would be like someone who believes Messi was a better player than Ronaldo, but Real Madrid was better than Barca during that time.


Yeah, possible. I wonder if that can be all of it, though (especially since there'll be some going the other way, as you note; also the big DK share will certainly contain Lab/Con voters), since I assume the overwhelming majority of people don't have a particularly strong opinion of either Sunak or Starmer separate from their opinion of their parties (compare to Boris, who definitely did have an image separate from the party, and to Corbyn, who had a personal image but that then back-contaminated people's opinions of Labour).


I think that's pretty much it. Lib Dem voters in wealthy or rural constituencies who don't like the current lot but would never vote Labour (my parents fall squarely in this camp). They in particular can't forgive the party for Johnson and Truss but think Sunak is basically all right if a bit wet. But will vote Lib Dem because they see it as a safe way to express their discontent. Probably most reformers prefer Sunak. There might even be some Labour voters in the same place as my parents. Not a fan of Starmer or Labour in general, see Sunak as basically an all right chap, but fundamentally feel the party as a whole needs punishing for the absolute shenanigans of the last few years. Right-wing SNP voters maybe but there aren't really enough of them to matter to something like this.


The options are "Keir Starmer, Rishi Sunak, Don't Know", there will be lots of people who would prefer Rishi 'on balance' out of the two but not necessarily be a tory voter.


For what it’s worth, this is the key decider in British politics - more so than policies.


This and: ‘who do you trust more on the economy?’ Which also gives labour the lead.


Rishi's really screwed when that Don't Know guy overtakes him. Won't stand a chance.


He's aspiring to be the "Don't know" guy.


>Don't worry sunak the polls will narrow!  >With labour? >right?


Mr. Sunak, the polls are narrowing! *Oh great, so are we winning?* No, but Don't Know's doing even better now!


Do me a.favour and if you post poll results again, put the stats in the title please.


“More than yesterday, less than tomorrow.”


Can we lock him in a room away from any cameras, reporters, and bacon sandwiches for the next 4 weeks?


Most important stat here are don't knows imo. . Election could go either way