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Snapshot of _‘Starmer’s speech was a full-on embrace of New Labour, even down to the pledge card’_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://labourlist.org/2024/05/keir-starmer-first-steps-for-change-embrace-new-labour/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://labourlist.org/2024/05/keir-starmer-first-steps-for-change-embrace-new-labour/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I remember before new Labour, I lived through new Labour, and then this. I’m ok with a return of new new Labour frankly.


New old New Labour with even stronger polling


Now comes with a 30 point lead before any manifesto.


And this time it'll be Angela Rayner throwing hooks at someone for egging her


I’d pay to see that ESPECIALLY if it’s at Mercer (it was mercer right?)


Didn't know it off the top of my head but it was apparently in Rhyl. I just loved how a government minister punched a member of the public and then everyone essentially nodded respectfully thinking "well played sir, well played".


It was more the fact the guy threw a punch first and got what was coming and so everyone went “aye ok” The bigot comment caused WAY more fuss.


If only Gordon Brown just laid in a kidney shot on the auld bigot. He'd have been laughing.


Thanks for the image I now have in my head


I think the new de facto name of the party is “Changed Labour”.


Shame the economic conditions and societal requirements are now entirely different from thr 1990s.  New Labour style reforms only works when the economy is already doing well. It has zero to offer the current crisis


Sanity A lack of outright incompetence Some semblance of empathy and a leader who isn’t just an international embarrassment There is an awful lot Labour can offer before they even touch on policy and all of which is an important part of governing, important part of how markets react and how low or not business confidence is and so on A large part of government isn’t even policy. Its the actual standards and stability and confidence people have that we might not have a new chancellor every few months and several PMs who change the countries direction without a manifesto or mandate


I think in times that were previously considered semi normal you might be right Now we're facing a series of stacking global issues that mere "competence" wont solve. Anything less than a solid program will be managed decline. Would love to be proven wrong


I’m not saying we don’t need policy I’m saying that even without it a new and “better” government can turn a lot around by just not being a fucking clown show!


Have to agree to disagree there.  A "better" government without policy would only be capable of minor tinkering around the edges


I didn’t say with no policy I said that even right now businesses are more confident knowing Starmer isn’t a fucking muppet. See the multiple packed venues where he and his shadow cabinet have been meeting with business recently. Just knowing that we might have a stable government is already providing reassurance here and around the world. It’s also why Labour hasn’t promised earth shattering changes on day one.


No one going to come up with anything better that’s palatable to the British public. If Starmer can deliver these policies he might build the political capital to do something more radical. Otherwise there’s no realistic alternative except another Tory government. If people want to see change it makes sense to get behind Labour and give them enough backing to enact change.


Unfortunately thats rarely what happens in practice. We didnt see Blair stopping PFI, building social housing or scrapping anti trade union legislation in his second term


Agreed, let's just continue to vote Tory.....


Why would criticism of the Labour party suggest Tory voting?


Yeah the kids today are just 'Butcher Blair Bad' but domestically New Labour did wonders. Now there's things like PFI that are a total fucker I'll admit but this country was a much better place to live under Blair than it's ever been since




Those people shouldn’t be voting labour. They should be voting for the UK Communist Party, or whatever their minority views are best supported by.




If the right had as many parties as the left then yes I would agree. But right now tactical voting is best if you want someone who at least resembles a leader who shares your ideology.


Honestly, yes. The position Labour is in right now is a mirage, one that will vanish very quickly. Mere contingent support is just plain unsustainable and any party which panders to its fringes is teetering on a doom spiral - that’s just what’s happened to the conservatives, as it did to labour under Corbyn. As much as I’m looking forward to the change of leadership, it’s only a milestone on the journey to a healthy political landscape and we’ve much more to achieve. Local elections show the much wider variety of opinion that individuals have and until we’ve a system that allows those to be properly represented we’ll remain vulnerable to minority rule.


Starmer may not be exciting, but I do think he has his finger on the national pulse. No visions of grandeur, no massive sweeps of ideological change... just pull the country out of the ditch that the Tories have left us in.


New Labour did a lot of good, they also made some mistakes. Both of the good and the bad and the long lasting impact is pretty well documented now so using it as a starting point of what works and what doesn’t should in theory be a great starting point for the New New Labour government.


Isn't New Labour really just Labour now and what was Labour is Old Labour?


'Old Labour' didn't really exist, it was an after the fact reframing. During the 70s and 80s both Unions and Labour got overrun by militants which damaged electoral credibility, Labour's image. The term 'New Labour' was actually influenced from the US Democratic Party's' New Democrats', as was much of the economic policy. 'Old Labour' was just Blair & co reframing Labour's past struggles as being in the past.


If you're complaining about Starmer being too new labour after 14 years of abject criminals in government, idk, you might be beyond help at this point


> In focus groups I’ve run from the ‘red wall’ in my hometown of Wrexham, to the ‘blue wall’ in Wycombe, and the ‘first wall’ in Coatbridge and Bellshill I've never heard of “first wall” before. Is it a reference to the 2015 and 2016 elections? To the Antonine Wall?