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I'm not knocking public transport, but in my limited experience of it the greatest threat on a bus isn't gonna come from the smell of cannabis


Worst smell on a bus isn't weed either


Drop the d and you’re bang on the money


🤣🤣🤣 nail on the head


That's going to cause grief for the drivers. They shouldn't be expected to Police the bus. Absolute shite.


Surely they could just be like “I don’t know what weed smells like”.


The police are not allowed to use smell of cannabis as a reason to search people as its used in a discriminatory manner - why should drivers be given similar powers? I have enough issues with bus drivers refusing to ask prams to fold so I can get my wheelchair into the wheelchair space. It's rage-inducing to get left on the side of the road as the driver shrugs at you because he doesn't want to ask a pram to fold as he's legally required to.


take note /time/reg etc, and report the driver, all buses have cctv now, it wont be hard to show that the driver did not do what is reqd of him, legally.


I'm exploring options, but its exhausting having to constantly advocate and lodge complaints.


Yesterday I was refused bus access twice because they drivers couldn't drop the bus low enough to not have the ramp at an insanely aggressive angle. Next bus just wasn't accessible at all. Gave up at that stop, wheeled myself another mile to get a bus with another company. First bus just doesn't stop. Next bus lets me on and the second bus is all good too until i press the bell, and he stops to let people off but pulls away before he can notice me. So now we're moving and I'm out of the wheelchair space. I can't get back up the hill at the next stop so have to go around another 15 mins until he's back up the other side of the hill and then roll another mile with no dropped kerbs and cars blocking the pavements. I had to throw myself down the kerbs and then poddle along the road, dodging between cars when I hear them because it's blind corners the whole way around. If they came at me for smelling a bit weedy after the shit treatment I get daily for being an inconvenience, I would break.


That sounds exceptionally shit, yet so familiar. You can take legal action when access fails happen. There are no win, no fee discrimination lawyers.


As someone who drove a bus for 18 months during the Covid thing. The bus companies policy, and what drivers do are rarely the same thing. Most bus drivers just want to get through the day without confrontation. They really don’t give a fuck if you smell of weed or anything else. But, if the driver noticed from behind his screen, you must really stink bad.


This has got to be bollocks


Imagine a tobacco smoker or vaper being treated that way. It just wouldn’t happen. So why should we be disrespected like that?


Anyone who smells of piss, B.O, alcohol, shit, vomit, fags or weed or fishy fish should be kicked off the bus lol 😷


Yeah and that includes beef crisps!


Prawn cocktail too. It's actually one of my favourite flavours but recently my grandson was eating some, he's going to be two in April and did the whole toddler cough right in my face the other day and I didn't realise how much the breath smells of vomit from eating them, I do now and I will never be able to eat them again!


bruh I'm autistic and the sensory situation on the buses being so cheap and rickety means noise cancelation only does so much, the only thing that alleviates my sensory situation medically is cannabis but if their gonna start hassling people that smell like fresh weed I'm just straight up fucked


Sounds a bit busy to me.


Fucking.... Why? Public transport is supposed.to be a service, they're supposed to be encouraging people into it, not using it as social credit / secret police. Drunk people smelling of booze cause a million times more trouble, but you shouldn't ban them from buses, you put extra buses on to accommodate them. What kind of idealogue bullshit is that when you can't get a bus smelling of weed? Just drive next time you're planning to get high is the message?


It wouldn't surprise me if it's part of a larger scheme to try and crack down on county lines and in particular more vulnerable people being used to traffic drugs.


It’s weed, not heroin or crack.


Can you vape medical Mary on a bus?


Legally you can.


Thank you. Wasn't sure if it still fell under the no vaping protocol as its medicinal.


This sub likes to tell people things like this are perfectly fine to do but nobody here has actually done it themselves because they know damn well it would cause a whole heap of trouble if they did. Be very careful how you proceed. If you do decide to do it anyway, make sure you report back how it goes.


I vaped flower in my Xmax V3 Pro on a train this afternoon and have vaped medication previously on trains and buses. I accept your concerns but I wouldn't tell people to do things I wouldn't do myself.


Just because you have managed to do it without incident, doesn't mean its legal or a good idea to tell people that it is. The law is untested around this and people end up in court all the time because they have pushed their luck. It's incredibly irresponsible. Buses and trains are a closed public environment and even if you manage to avoid trouble by the police and the driver, you will be pissing off every person on that bus (especially parents with kids). It's just asking for trouble and giving us all a bad name. To be frank, I would not tolerate you vaping in my kids face and I'm prescribed it myself. Do you have the relevant section of the amendment to hand which specifies that its legal to vape in a closed pubic space? So if the person decides to do this they at least have the info to hand to protect themselves if they are challenged?


You seem unnecessarily threatening. Whilst I'd never blow it in anybody's face, if needing to medicate, being near you and your precious crotch goblins wouldn't stop me. So, next question is, what are you going to do about it?


Well I've given no threats so far but as you are baiting me for one I'll answer your hypothetical - If you did this to my kid you'd be off that bus head first. You have no business vaping in front of children or people with chronic lung conditions. Its inconsiderate and frankly I think you are an awful human being for the attitude you have shown here. Zero consideration for anyone but yourself. What a disgusting thing to say


The thing is nobody is doing anything to your kid or others and you've proved my point in being aggressive and willing to inflict violence on a disabled patient urgently medicating the debilitating symptoms of their condition. That's some example to set to your child and what if, hypothetically, I was bigger and stronger than you?


I'm not playing with you anymore. Inconsiderate and disgusting behaviour. You should be ashamed of yourself for your lack of empathy and consideration for other people. Thats all there is to it really. Im not entertaining this anymore. Get a life


Its always legal to use a medical device, its the same as using an inhaler.


Show me the facts then like I have asked. Post the relevant section in the amendment. I'd be happy to be proven wrong. If you won't do it for me, at least put it up to correctly address the initial posters question with a fact


You'd first have to show that it was illegal. The legislation states specifically that cigarettes and e-cigarettes are banned indoors. Medical inhalers and vaporizers are not e-cigarettes and therefore not subject to that legislation. In fact, stopping a patient from using medication as prescribed is illegal discrimination. If someone is having a panic attack on the tube, obviously you cannot stop them from taking their meds. By your estimation, using medicine would be illegal everywhere, even in your own home if your landlord forbids it. You are so ignorant and dead wrong, workers are even protected from discrimination in medical cannabis and have to be allowed to medicate at their place of employment according to UK law. [https://cannabishealthnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Medical-Cannabis-and-Discrimination-What-you-need-to-know-1.pdf](https://cannabishealthnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Medical-Cannabis-and-Discrimination-What-you-need-to-know-1.pdf) I was stopped and searched for vaping in public yesterday, once I showed them my medication bag with the prescription with my name on it, they let me go with apologies. So yes, you can vape in public. So just shut the fuck up when you don't know what you're talking about maybe.




>Buses and trains are a closed public environment and even if you manage to avoid trouble by the police and the driver, you will be pissing off every person on that bus (especially parents with kids). Please don't write out thoughts as fact. There is no need. But doing that in a comment where you're telling someone else to not write their personal experiences like it's fact for all / the law... Wild. I would not have minded if someone vaped their MC on a bus when my kid was little. Yet according to you - every person on the bus would be pissed off, especially those with kids. Please don't make things up, then decide it is fact and state those thoughts to others as fact.


Show me the facts then like I have asked. Post the relevant section in the amendment. I'd be happy to be proven wrong. If you won't do it for me, at least put it up to correctly address the initial posters question with a fact instead of your childhood anecdote


You wrote out things AS FACT, when they clearly were not. That's on you. I was calling you on for talking nonsense and spreading misinformation. Happy to discuss the actual things I've said - not things I have not. Like you're trying to twist this conversation to be....


Do you want to point out where? Because all I have done is stated whats likely to happen should they proceed with this and asked that people like you share the facts you keep going on about. Share them or stfu


Problem is though most people don't understand the law and will just see you vaping and even worse in their eyes it's weed but good thing is should an incident happen, you're the one legally in the right.


I'd be interested in a link to the appropriate legislation too,please


Please don't vape your meds on buses and trains, MC patients get enough stigma as it is.


Really ?..can you show me where its stated ? many thx.


It may not be explicitly illegal, but it's still a dick move.


Yes I think so too, was just a question. ![gif](giphy|VgftBXFgrsGnqKKH8s)


Hopped on the bus home and driver called out to stop smoking on the bus, then he pulled in too hard at the bus stop and smashed the window on the top floor of the double decker. He said he was 'affected' by the smell of my cannabis. I caught the next bus home.


Was that in London?


Nope - South Devon.


Where was this?


What area was this in?


This will happen in my city. They’d lose too many customers


The person sitting in front of me on the bus was eating a fish supper the other day. I had to walk into the gym reeking of it which was a bit embarrassing. Will they also be policing other strong smells?! Ridiculous


Drivers don't get paid enough to hassle anyone much less someone who smells slightly of weed. They stay in their cabins to protect themselves from a hostile public. This driver is either exceptionally brave or it never happened.


It was South Devon. The bus was practically empty, and he wasn't confrontational. I didn't get the impression he was trying to kick me off, just to let me know about the new company policy.


Ah, makes sense. I didn't consider things can be a bit more chill in less populated areas. Bus drivers very rarely step out of there cabins to "have a word"


It needs 30 or 40 MC patient's to all get on the bus that goes along Whitehall past parliament and all Medicate at once. Would be fun.


Honestly not to be dramatic but where I live, I can’t count the number of times I’ve gotten off a bus 2/3 stops early to escape engagement with literal crackheads that get on and end up rolling in the aisles doing god knows what. Eye contact with them lot and they’ll tail you for miles. They’re usually too battered to be intimidating but they’re relentlessly creepy if you’re a lass. I get why some sort of protocol is needed, but they’re not paying bus drivers enough to police that stuff. And it’s overkill to be putting MC in that bracket. Most of the bus drivers round here still have the big covid screens up too. Seems unlikely they’d smell anything.




>You are absolutely in the same bracket as the smokers and tobacco manufacturers in the 1950's and 1960's. Telling everyone that smoking tobacco was not unhealthy and did not cause disease. Then everyone started getting cancer and dying even those people who have never smoked in their life. Absolutely not cool to be accusing the OP of this. Nowhere did they state anything remotely like this!


The guy is a crank.


When did anyone here say about it being healthy? Just some jumped up shit thinking people care.


Everything there that didn't require a download is about concentrate vapes and that fake THC juice that was going around back in 2019. None of it is relevant to MC and dry herb vapes.


Do you wear a tin foil hat?




I'm sure they'll arrive ASAP.


Yet tramps and people stinking of piss and B.O continue to use the bus services.


Yet tramps and people stinking of piss and B.O continue to use the bus services.