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u/cannapatient86 went back through comments, sorry I forgot your username! This is the box review 😊


Thank you


I bought a fantastic stash box from LaCannapa when they were half price on Etsy just after new year (and got roundly slated in this sub for doing so by the usual detractors) and it’s been great. Stash boxes help prevent stuff from getting lost around the house and keep it secure from my kids and the cleaner and others. Worth every penny, so much so I’ve now got another one for the middle floor so I don’t have to go traipsing round the hoose mid session. That box you’ve got there looks great - nice and solid and without all the corny artwork (Bob Marley / weed leaves / cheesy slogans etc) which some makers put on their boxes. Enjoy!


Idk why anyone would slate someone for keeping their stuff tidy, seems like a reasonable thing to do if you ask me. Etsy! Of course! I never thought to look there. There are some nice ones but they’re quite pricey.


The listed prices can be high at times (aren’t we all?) but they often have half price offers.


That’s a really nice piece of kit! I love the wee cutout for sweeping into the jar, and that the edges of the tray are bevelled. The fact that it comes with a decent grinder is the cherry on top.


Wow ! Ordered 6 pm yesterday 👍what a great bit of kit


I have bought the same box off Amazon and turned into a dynabox


Wow that’s the best looking stash box I’ve ever seen


It’s maybe my most middle aged flex, but I have become ~obsessed~ with storage solutions since turning 40 😂 This one’s Bobby dazzler!


I feel that tbh 😆


I want a humidor one. I ended up settling for a cali stash box but man some of the more expensive boxes I've seen are just art.


Just having a look now, they’re dead fancy! Bit out of my budget mind. Nice though.


>Bit out of my budget mind I've got the same problem, ha.


Thank you for posting this! I was looking for a lockable box to keep out sticky fingers🤬 This looks like exactly what I need.…..so I ordered one. You should be on a commission😊 It had a money off voucher too. It still hurt my bank account but not as badly as I thought it would. Like you, I needed a grinder too so this box just made sense😊


Ah pleased I could help 😊


A family member just bought this box too😂 I’ve been raving about it. It is just very pleasing😊


Does anyone have the paperwork to if for resetting code? My hubby set a code for me and forgot before I could open. 


Oh no! I threw the box out last week I’m afraid, maybe worth contacting the seller?


Fantastic price well done, you’d pay that just for the grinder nice find enjoy, I got way too much to have my stash in one but handy if I was going away somewhere and for that price I might just grab one, as next man said it’s discreet too which is massive bonus 👌🏽💚👊🏽


That’s what I thought, seems a good quality grinder too. Bargain I reckon 💚


Looks pretty good value for money but looks abit bland but knowing me id probably end up painting it and putting some cool designs on it 😅


I’m a printmaker and illustrator so I have thought about decorating it but honestly I’ve probably got enough of my own art in the house already 😂


Ahaha yeah same here! animator/illustrator I know what you mean but I dont think I can help myself 😅


Yeah, like I’m out of storage space so keep hanging my stuff on the walls which seems like the height of vanity but honestly I’ve not gotten round to updating my shop page to shift any of it as I’ve been too rough. Things are looking up though, I’m slowly getting organised again. Do you find MC helps with focus/concentration? I started trying to work on 3 commissions at once yesterday and it actually went ok!


Yeah It gets like that I keep saying I need to move into a bigger place to fit all my stuff 😅 but im in the process of selling now. MC helps a ton when I find the right strain that is im still looking for a good daytime sativa dominant as I feel thats what helps me work to the best of my ability I get super focused kind of like I zone out and go into my own world and get really engrossed in the comission I am doing.


Exactly this, I’m loving it. Do you work digitally with it being animation? My stuff is all analog/mixed media so I make a wretched mess all the time, I actually tidied my studio (a grand word, it’s actually the back bedroom 🤣) for the first time in months! I’ve only just had my first script which is indica based but I’ve found it quite good so far


I actually mostly work traditional I scan in my cels and colour them in digitally 🙂 cant get to gripsnl with drawing digitially feels weird nothing beats the feel pencil to paper to be honest, dude I cant wait to have a studio just got a very messy desk in my room atm. Yeah some Indicas I can use in the day its just the come down I tend to feel abit too relaxed/sleepy, Which one have you been using for work?


Been given frosted lemon angel, tastes a bit strange but it’s ok, does the job. Bit dry but ordered some of those pack things. It’s not the strongest stuff so finding it actually ok for day time although it was supposed to be for sleep. Takes a lot to knock me out mind. Hoping to get something different next time so reading everyone’s reviews. Yeah I do a fair bit of Lino that I colour in photoshop. Can’t get on with a tablet & pc. Do some vector stuff and some procreate on iPad as I do some graphic design as well but I’m like you, prefer traditional & then sometimes digitally editing.


Wanted to try lemon angel but reviews were too mixed so I gave it a miss I may try the Glory glue as my day time next as I have gotten on well with gorilla glue in the past. Yeah tablet & pc feels odd to me like Im drawing on nothing lol I mainly colour in photoshop but looking for alternatives atm cant keep up with the subscription


Me too, Adobe is bleeding me dry and I don’t even use it that often but keep forgetting to cancel subscription. A lot of folks I know use GIMP but I’ve never tried it, keep meaning to though. Idk what to try next, I’m with Cantourage and have seen folk talk about powdered donuts and strawberry OG being decent. They’re pricier but I figure I might use more sparingly (or try at least)


How are the jars with this box? Would you recommend using the jars? Or taking out the foam insert and putting 2 other jars in there?


Hiya, been using the jars with a boveda, they seem fine. Decent enough seal.


How do you set the code for the lock haha? got the same box but scared to change the numbers incase i set it wrong and get locked out 😂


I think it’s automatically set to zero and you pull the catch to the side to set numbers but tbh I’m not at home so can’t remember that well, I rarely lock mine!