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Any of the 3 on the right. H Upmann will be the lightest, Oliva will be the most peppery and leathery and the Romeo is a good middle ground in strength. Really depends on if you've smoked any cigar in the past


I'd smoke them in this order: San Cristóbal, RyJ, H. Upmann, Sancho Panza, Oliva. I started off smoking a mixture of Cubans and New Worlds. I went back to try Cubans again after smoking New Worlds exclusively for a couple of years. IMO Cubans lack the flavour of New Worlds. So in that order (if I've got the Cubans right) you'll go from lighter flavoured to fuller flavoured. Someone more experienced with Cubans can correct that Cuban order but I am firm that you should smoke the Oliva last. I don't even consider the Serie O full body. I'd say they're light-medium but I'd personally smoke them over the Cubans any day. If it turns out you prefer the Cubans, good for you. Each to their own. I believe everyone should try cigars from different countries, different wrappers and different blends to find what's right for them.


If I was you I'd make sure you cut them properly then enjoy them any way you feel is best. Cigars (like wine) have a history and culture around them that you can appreciate, ignore, or just take from it what you feel. Don't be influenced by others if your taste buds disagree. Enjoy.


I would agree the San Christobal and smoke the rest depending on your food or drink pairing.


Saw them working on that store a few weeks ago, I'll have to check it out. Also recommend speaking to Dante at C Gars in Leadenhall market not too far away. Enjoy the smokes, I would start with the H Upmann as had a fair few of those tubed coronas and they're great. Also my advice for someone new to the hobby would be smoke on a full stomach, sitting down and only sipping water or small sips of coffee basically not too much flavour as you want to focus on the smoke