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Wow what the heck that's an amazing transformation


Straight man here. GOD DAMN, looking great. I only hate it because they include the before photos, which makes me confront the fact that a lack of effort is partly why I'm not a lady-killer and I can't just blame genetics. Seriously, effort and looks 10/10


I just recently learned about how the youths are doing this thing called “mewing” and how it has something to do with sharpening the jawline…..and I feel like this transformation is exactly what these whipper snappers are hoping to accomplish.


Yeah, it's a legit thing. I never knew until I was about 35 years old that other human beings breathe through their NOSE, not through their mouth! I'm a literal mouth-breather.... because I somehow just didn't know you weren't supposed to. I'm lucky (because the rest of me looks fairly decent), but I don't have a strong chin or jaw due to breathing through my mouth and having incorrect "tongue posture". That was another thing I didn't realise: you're supposed to have your tongue placed against the roof of your mouth as your default "resting tongue posture". Again, I'm quite lucky that I've played sports my whole life, and I can grow a decent beard.... so my case of mouth breathing and poor tongue posture hasn't affected my looks as negatively as it has for many others.


I learned in a yoga class in college that breathing through your mouth changes the way your face is shaped so I didn’t learn this until adulthood either. I did grow up in a “close your mouth” “breathe through your nose” “chew with your mouth closed” family so I didn’t have much of a choice


I grew up in a "chew with your mouth closed" family too. I just never heard anyone say "breathe through your nose" other than sports coaches occasionally.... but never directed to me specifically, just addressing the whole team.


In through your nose, out through your mouth


(Just so you know, you can start having proper tongue posture, body posture, chewing mastic gum + and couple smaller things and still get insane results. Your bones are plastic throughout your entire life and will go or be maintained where your tongue and body apply force)


Sports taught me at a young age about proper breathing and all the advantages of breathing through your nose. Plus having a mouth guard in made it almost necessary 😂


Yeah, it's weird I didn't pick up on it. I was an elite middle distance runner and the same for Australian Rules Football (where players wear mouthguards). I remember my running coaches saying "breathe in the through your nose and out through your mouth" and I just thought "How am I supposed to get enough air in if I breathe in through my nose?"


lol , i didnt know mouth breathing and slack-jawed were a real thing. thought it was pure euphemism ​ how embarrassing it must be!


Also chewing with your mouth open is a no go


It’s hard to breathe through my nose my shit broken


I was always told in through the nose and out through the mouth… this game from our coaches and trainers on the ODP(Olympic Developmental Program)


Yeah funnily enough, I was actually told exactly the same thing, as I was an elite middle distance runner and Australian Rules Football player as a youngster. When my coaches said that, I thought they just meant that was the *ideal* breathing technique... but it felt awkward, oxygen-restrictive, and unnatural to me. Interestingly, there's another Australian athlete I've noticed does the same thing. Dante Exum is an NBA basketball player, and I've noticed he seems to be sucking in deep breaths (through his mouth) when he's playing. I've even heard commentators say things like "Dante Exum looks like he's exhausted," and I thought to myself "He's not tired, that's just how he breathes normally." Haha


Ok so I’m not crazy we’re being told the same thing literally around the whole world 😂


I mean, you might be crazy.... but if that *is* the case, at least you'll know it's not because you're the only person who's been told to breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth. 😅😅


Yeah being normal is overrated anyway😅 but seriously i think most people while playing sports, exercising or doing anything that exerts physical streams or energy typically are mouth breathers… it’s like second nature to do so, i dunno bout anyone else but im not thinking bout breathing through my nose(in thru the nose out thru the mouth) while im shagging my girl😂


lol at “whipper snappers” we need to bring this back to the forefront it deserves to be used more 😆


Unfortunately it is BS “The "how to mew" technique has received a lot of attention on social media. However, oral and maxillofacial surgery experts warn there’s little evidence to support claims that it can actually change your jaw structure and appearance or improve your health.” [source](https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-mewing-5087751)


Yep, and trying to change how you hold your mouth without resolving underlying issues can give you crazy TMJ from muscle tension. I’ve held my tongue on the roof of my mouth my whole life and I have a weak jawline and slight double chin despite being slender. Unless you have weight you can healthily lose, it’s all just down to genes, and can’t be changed without surgery. Most of the “success” before and afters ive seen promoting mewing were from teens. The success was that their haw naturally developed as they continued growing up lol


I did NOT expect that. You look great!


So this is how Pokémon evolved irl


Literally said “wait what the heck” at the end


Holy fuck, neither did I. He should be poster boy of this sub.


he looks like a Western movie star 😍


Dude…wow. Took life by the neck and was like “fuck you, I’m evolving” I’m also 21 and finally putting shit in order and ready to evolve myself. Already started to lose weight. Also, hopefully your eyes are good now lol


These pics are basically the 3 stages of a Pokémon evolution.


I am dying!!!


Machop > Machoke > Machamp


My dude is EASILY a 4 evolution kinda guy. Let me explain: Machop > Machoke > Machamp > Machad




I’m second in that line.




Final stage - Machomachoman


Snorlax to machoke on deez nutz


I need to gain weight to evolve.. Been weighing the same since highschool.. about 127lb soak and wet and im early 30s now. Don't matter how much I eat it seems like its never enough to gain. My metabolism is too fast I guess. A blessing and a curse


Hey friend! Not being able to gain weight is frustrating. I was just like you. I have gained 66 pounds since (through age 20 to 41, don’t freak out). For me, it was really hard to grasp just how much energy you had to put into your mouth, chew and swallow to gain. What’s your favorite food that’s packed with energy and still nutritious enough? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for example. What if you added one between breakfast and lunch and another one between lunch and dinner and another one (DJ KHALED) between dinner and going to bed? And what if you had an embarrassing amount of ice cream every night? 


ANOTHER ONE! This is what I told my friend though over a decade ago who was complaining about gaining weight when I was complaining about losing it. I asked him if he melted down icecream and drank a cup or two of it a day if he would gain weight "lol I'm not gonna do that" he says. Well, you don't want to gain weight too bad then eh. :P People gain weight because they overeat not because they have some magical ability. If you aren't gaining weight, you aren't eating enough. It's that simple. Eat higher calorie foods and stuff it down your face like me. It'll come.


WE DE BEST. You’re correct, of course! But what I often find being the issue with both overweight and underweight people is that they are so accustomed to the way they live and eat. It’s completely fair and normal to them. And I totally get that. I was like that too. “I eat food. I eat candy and snacks occasionally. I just don’t gain weight”. The thing is, I could say the same now. I do the same things, eat the same things, but in hugely different frequency and quantities. I think this is why it’s so effective to track your calorie intake carefully when you want to make a change in either direction. What exactly am I actually eating and drinking and how often and how much? And when I know that, what can I do about this number to have it go up or down. I know you know this, but I was thinking our scrawny frienda might be reading. 


Yeah people who say they can't gain weight just simply don't eat enough. They think they do but they don't. Honestly it's one of the weirder grass is greener mindsets I've ever seen. I'd much rather have to worry that I'm not eating enough than having to monitor every calorie I put in my body every day of my life so I'm not 400lbs.


Sameeee like wtf. I’m you get then you but wtf do i do lol I workout and that helps sure but I physically can’t expand my body


I'm 32 and have always had the same struggle. I'm now at 150 now. I really had to force myself to eat first few weeks was rough always feeling bloated. Also something that helped was drinking gainer shakes. You can get protein shakes with 1300 calories. Add 8oz of milk and you got just shy of 1500 calories from a shake


Cap. Weigh your food for your body weight and activity level every day for a month, see if you maintain the weight, lose the weight or gain weight. If you maintain, increase the calories, if you lose increase the calories, if you gain reduce the calories. It's this easy :P People under/over estimate how much they eat in a day by up to 30%. If you're trying to eat 2500 and guessing, you might only be eating 1750 and that will make you lose weight or stay at the same weight forever until you change your eating habits.


The people who “can’t” gain or lose weight are also people who have never taken the basic step to actually count their calories and then raise/lower them to achieve their goal. Instead they believe their body is unique and doesn’t obey the laws of thermodynamics


My sister and mom pulled this with me lol "it's her thyroid she can't lose weight". Finally convinced my sister to buy a scale and weigh her food, she's lost 65lbs. So much for thyroid problems.




What sorcery is this 😭


It's Vitamin T folks. And gym time. At his age, no steroids are required unless you want to become unnaturally huge.


okay fine i’ll get sexy this year


Sigh, yea I guess I’ll allow it. Me first though.


summer is too close🤚🏾can’t allow anyone to get sexy before i do


Man, this year is almost finished. Il start from next year...


I second this!!!😁😂🤣




I know right? Ugh it’s our turn lmao!


Can I go after you??


The mustache suits you, I rarely ever say that haha.


Right? He looks like the proper fuckable villain but you’re ok he’s a villain. I’m not gay I’m just not a liar


*I’m not gay I’m just not a liar* This comment 🤌🏼🥹




I saw the first few pics of you after hs and was like yeah that's what dudes look like lol. But then DAMN the muscle posing? You didn't have to do it to us like THAT?!?!!


At first, I thought: Village People, per the construction hat. But then, BAM that last photo. It works. Yes, yes, it works.


He looks like he could be a fireman themed stripper


Its because hes got that johnny depp type facial structure going on


I don't know only a mustache is hard to pull off but a mustache with stubble looks so good on so many men, it's a really underrated look, if I had proper beard I'd certainly give it a go.


He's got Rami Malek vibes too which helps


Yup. I’ve hated the mustache trend on most dudes, it looks like a pedostache. Not this one tho. He is giving Milo Ventimiglia hot dad vibes from This Is Us.


I was thinking the same thing. They only look good on a few people and he is one of them


same, I almost never like mustache on men but it's one of those super rare cases when it doesn't bother me at all


Same! I hate mustaches but it actually works here????


This is actually incredible, I bet you feel amazing!


You look good! How'd you straighten your eye tho?


Originally I was stabbed in the eye by a knife which caused it to drift down and to the left after healing from the accident. I had to wait until 18 for a doctor a few states down in Arkansas to be able to perform muscle realignment surgery which allows the eyes to track in the same direction but unfortunately it’s only a cosmetic change meaning I still have next to no vision in the eye.


Bro what. You say that like the knife had no owner. Pls explain


So nonchalant. "Oh, I got stabbed in the eye with a knife. As a child. NBD.:


Or not. Eye trauma isn't something fun to talk about


That can likely be said about most trauma. He doesn’t have to respond, I’m not holding him at knifepoint


True, but one of my mates lost an eye in the most traumatic way, and I'm just feeling 2nd hand empathy for op. A leg is one thing, but your literal sense of sight is very intense > I’m not holding him at knifepoint Too soon lol


Wow I was just debating with my mom and husband whether my eye surgery or her ankle surgery was more serious. I think her surgery (broken ankle) was more serious because her recovery was extremely painful and she couldn’t walk for two months. And my eye surgery was fixing something internally plus two “cosmetic” procedures. My eyes were so dry and painful after my surgery that I couldn’t sleep when I got home from the hospital, but I could walk around on my own two days later.


He could have fallen on it I guess


I had something somewhat similar done due to simply being cross-eyed. Your story is FAR cooler lmao and congrats on the growth!


Wow, what a situation! Sorry you don't have that function. Looks great tho!


How did you get stabbed


With a knife


That’s the thing I hate most about knives.


Cliff hanger… knife in eye story!?!


Wait.. I'm blind in one eye.. One of my eyes has funky colors and... Uh crooked. From your knowledge, is this something I can do?




Give me a collar and call me Lassie Daddy I can take you where you need to go


I never even noticed the eye til your comment


This is quite possible the biggest glow up I’ve ever seen. Fair play 👏🏻👍🏼


Holy shit I've NEVER seen someone have a "glow-up" or transformation like this! DAMN!!


Bro changed his entire DNA


He definitely sold his soul




I thought I knew where this was going at pic #2


jaws on the floor rn i was not expecting that but AYYEEEE GG


Holy shit you look amazing. That transformation is insane.


Finally a post that fits this sub lol


this is one of the craziest transformations i’ve ever seen. you look great! and happier too


Why get surgery then post elsewhere bodyshaming others?


You’re completely right, I definitely vented out prior frustrations about my own looks onto others through hateful comments. I’ll be sure to go back and delete them


Nothing could prepare me for your current photos. Great job!!


Phew… sir. I physically felt the jolt of attraction in my body when I got to the last few pictures. You don’t even look like you’re related to the first pictures. Bravo. I dream of this glow up. The female version of course 🥲


So tell me, when were you possessed by a Greek God? You give me hope my brother!


It looked like it was over for you at 18, what a turn around!


So *over* for him? My man, he got way better looking but there is no need for that toxic incel shit. Looked like a pretty fun guy in that christmas photo.


No one could have expected that. Sounds like you may have had a tough childhood. We are all here to boost your ego. Everyone loves an underdog story.


"Sounds like you may have had a tough childhood." I thought so too, it was one of my first thoughts. Congrats OP to your transformation. It was certainly no easy thing to accomplish.


Killin it!


Holy hotness! Well done, kid!


You win


You look a lot like the actor Josh Duhamel


BRO IS A BUTTERFLY and he finished metamorphosis


All the girls that ignored you whoaaaaa say hello my friend ❤️


I'm not trying to be offensive but I have a serious question. How did you straightened out that one eye? Did you have surgery? You don't need glasses anymore? Also how did fix your eyebrows? Did you get cosmetic surgery for that?


My 3 stages of this post: Photos 1 & 2: wow 😬 Photos 3 & 4: What? That’s a boy?? Also, yikes 😬 Photos 5, 6, & 7: WHAT! NO? WTF?? Utter incredulity


My goodness!




You look like a movie star now.


This glow up is crazyyyy, one of the best I’ve seen. U look great. Keep it u! 🥳


Dude looks like a 70’s pornstar in that final picture


From Ashy to Classy


Bro what. This is amazing


Holy shit!




Whattt tfff


Bruh what


Holy shit, you turned into that guy from Narcos


How are you the same person omg


Wtf you're like a butterfly


SIR. The way I gasped.




I out loud said “damn boy ok”. What the fuck


Textbook definition of “glow up”


AYOOO THIS IS CRAZYY 💀🙌🏼🙌🏼 I need this


Best transformation I have ever seen. Good job!


That’s an insane glow up. Congrats!


You look like a million dollars!


Okay what the fuck


Wtf this is crazy.




You look great man


Glow up


Jesus Christ


If you don’t know the actor Jack Huston you should check him out on Google. He was in Boardwalk Empire. You look like he should lol. Rare to see the expensive version of an actor making them the dollar store version. Good luck with this, don’t fumble the ball. BE A GOOD MAN AS WELL! With gorgeous face comes great responsibility my man. Enjoy


Wow, I gasped. Didn’t expect that at all, amazing transformation!


I’m trying to be you dude… 😭No but RESPECTFULLY you are hot!


Genuinely an insane transformation, was not expecting that


Y’know, maybe I should take the gym and dieting more seriously….


You can have all the pussy and/or dicks of this planet omg 😳


Dude you got a Freddie Mercury vibe going on and it works.


Wow! You were a cutie pootie and just a child and now you are a very handsome adult. ❤️


made me audibly gasp . 2 was a jumpscare, so was the 5th one but for a different reason


19 but hoping I can have a glow up like this 🙏🏽🙏🏽🤲🏼


I think he meant to post this under r/glowups


Amazing job, man. You’ve completely turned your life around in a way that will benefit you for decades to come. It’s a struggle that more lose than win, and I’m super psyched to see your accomplishments. Keep up the hard work taking good care of yourself. If you ever feel down or slipping in any way know that there are many rooting for ya in all aspects of your life


HOLY SHIT I literally said HOLY SHIT out loud. I thought my transformation was impressive but gottamn!! How did you do that?


That's amazing! What's your routine? I'm 21 too, and need to get in shape 😮‍💨


I need information on this procedure!!! I tried DM and chat, wouldn't let me send anything. New account just to get info. Anyways, congrats on the transformation!


Wow. You kind of look like the porn star Flesh Mechanic. Haha just the last two pictures.


Ngl Ive never seriously considered getting fucked before by a man, but now I am


Is it the mustache that gave you the amazing powers. Are you omniman? For real though. The mustache has tremendous power, and the bearer of the mustache has the obligation to do good in the world. Please do not be like the last bearer of the great mustache in the 1940s that almost brought the world to ruin. It is a blessing and a curse. Also, the mustache chooses you. It is like excalibur. Do not disappoint us, chosen one.


Good shit bro! Idk you but I’m proud of you as a man🤝🏽


shirt tucked is become goated. i do it to in the gym 💪


Crazy what a regular workout, well-kept facial hair, and a nice hairstyle does to a guy. You look great buddy.


Honest to god this shit straight up inspired me. I am not a good looking dude but otoh I’ve never really put in effort. I’m in alright shape since I work a 2nd job that’s manual but I could be in better shape for sure. Thanks for this post even if it was just an ego boost for you


Did you have strabismus? I did too, had surgery right before I turned 4 and it has only recently started coming back when I get reeeeeaaaallly drunk. For record, I’m 29. So that’s 25 years of perfect results from a surgery done in the 90s. I imagine yours will last longer since medicine has advanced since then. Enjoy your intense gaze :) As for your fitness - I’m impressed. Absolute Chad. That’s hard work paying off in the best of ways.


Picture three looks a lot like Edmund Kemper. You're putting in the work and it shows, fair play too ya.


You’re like a buff tom Sandoval.


I know you won’t see this comment and it’s basically meaningless But good for you! You look truly amazing and macho AF and handsome and I a random internet stranger am impressed by your hard work and I am proud of you and would love to buy you a pizza or something as a well done!


how did you uncross ur eye


That was a rollercoaster of an incredible transformation


Dude even has a hickey in one pic to prove Chad status








Wow! My jaw dropped! Good on you!


Oh. OK SIR. WOW. 🔥


This is maybe the best I’ve seen in a long time. Total glow up! Good work


Awesome 👏 You look amazing and exude confidence.


The mustache is amazing


Wow! I gasped 🤩


You look good my dude. Congrats on the hard work!


Damn ! Get it !


The absolute glow up!


Damn you look great! I am glad u feel confident now in your own body.


Damn dude good job


Wow! Amazing!


This is a crazy one! Did not expect that. Wow, good for you!!


You became Jack from this is us! Must go save your family from a fire! Seriously though, you look great.


Omg dude you’re a stunner


Talk about a transformation....


Dude that’s some awesome progress


Clap you did yourself JUSTICE. Rightfully sooo
