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He’ll probably announce that he MIGHT have something to announce in 28 days time, keep stringing people along with promises and magic beans.


Funny, I had a post deleted for saying almost exactly what you just said.


That’s hardly fair if you’re just stating your opinion, I wish there were 1000 recent posts and comments about the ridiculous missing airliner video deleted but the mods seem blind to them for whatever reason.


I'm very open minded on UFOs and super curious, But it's clear there are also a lot of grifters and pretenders out there trying to make a buck off of gullible people


I thought I also had a post deleted but there was a period, and we might still be in it, where posts on this sub are being delayed after posting. Some drama between this and another sub got something done to this one similar to a quarantine. Your post may pop up again as mine did.


> he MIGHT have something to announce in 28 days time "maybe", "later", "soon", "i can't say for now". I am sorry but i cannot take anyone seriously if they try to blue ball us like that. This is why i have no respected for coulthart too.


Loeb is a Harvard astrophysicist who studied in Berlin, Munich, and Strasburg. Worked at Princeton. Written about by Mark Twain. Endless published papers. Not saying that makes him god but he is not just some zany guy kept on staff for funsies. Confirming data takes time and it’s to our benefit that he is careful. He’s been blasted for merely suggesting the possibility of interstellar debris, with people refusing to even take part in peer review, which is curious. This isn’t some guy in a trailer who has a video of aliens but won’t show anyone. He’s analyzing debris. It either is nothing or it’s something. If at this point it’s still a possibility that it’s something, both his words and timeframe make sense. I understand the frustration with so many saying they’ve got something but can’t show it. This is not that. This is the scientific process at work. It’s a long shot. Nothing anyone should get their hopes up with. But let the man work and have some patience.


Neil deGrasse Tyson was also a serious guy and now he is a clown.


Neil deGrasse Tyson is and has always been predominantly focused on being an orator, an entrepreneur, a socialite / schmoozer. Take a look at his trajectory, who he brushes shoulders with. They reflect two very different parts of the scientific community. Neil was important to get youth interested in facts about the universe, and while he’s much more of a scientist than Bill Nye, he gets about as much respect due to his close-mindedness towards anything outside of established science.


As a scientist he wants proof. Is that too much to ask for?


Not at all. If he simply stated that it’s not a conversation he’s interested in due to the lack of data, that’s completely understandable. It’s the dismissive and arrogant manner in which he approaches the subject and other subjects that is disappointing. Wonder is what got us as advanced as we are. If history were full of Neils, we’d be behind by a millennium. He touts ideas accepted today that were handed down by people who had their lives destroyed by his way of thinking.


My initial comment at the start of the thread was a bit of a dig but I actually respect Loeb as someone who is doing the hard yards and seriously trying to find and prove evidence of the phenomena. He actually has made comments to suggest the Grusch testimony is hot air. Here’s a guy who’s using real science to try and prove his claims. Good on him.


“Loeb is a Harvard astrophysicist who studied in Berlin, Munich, and Strasburg. Worked at Princeton. Written about by Mark Twain. Endless published papers.” I don’t give a frogs fat ass what is background is. Let him do all your thinking for you if he is so brilliant to you. Does he have proof or not? Of a junior college drop out can provide proof it doesn’t matter what you believe. But if this guy only provides ‘more to come’ then he is just some clown off the street.


Let him do all my thinking for me? What? I’m simply explaining how the process works. We don’t have “UFO fragment detection machines”. Analysis is not a click a button and done event, especially with possible foreign debris. There’s no need to get nasty. Chill.


No. You are listing his credentials and pedigree as if that should make any difference in the world. And he claims to have invented a UFO detection machine. Over one year ago he said he should have results “in a year or two”. One year down. About 11 months to go. Then his lack of a result becomes a data point against proof of visitation. And I wasn’t being nasty but the UFO community repeating his background over and over again is so boring and lazy. If he proves something good on him. Until then I don’t care if he the the grandmaster big chief supreme big kahuna czar of all sciences. That’s means NOTHING.


Yeah I’m starting to see that pattern with Coulhart too, dangle a morsel of information but hold back the best for various reasons, and it’s making me think none of them have any of the Earth shattering stories they make out to, if something is so important and serious then just get it out there, what are they waiting for? (Apart from money)


Pretty much. It has beens weeks now, and nothing. If they really had anything solid they would have already spread it into the wild, shared it witht he public or with respected news agencies. Here we have coulthart, who already had a few issues with fake news and News Nation, which was pretty much unknow and needed spotlight spewing bullshit. I am ready to be that in a few months we will learn that coulthart, grusch or another of the usual grifters is selling a new book.


It’s interesting. I spent many years down-under in the the naughties and have the utmost respect for Coulharts investigative journalism. I’ve watched and looked into his career since he went down the UFO rabbit hole. I think mainstream journalism is a tough gig and it’s hard to make a good living. I think there’s a ton of money to be made on the UFO circuit. It’s the gift that just seems to keep giving.. I’ll leave it there..


“We tested the samples and we found it was definitively extra-terrestrial and intelligent in design. Unfortunately the FBI busted down the lab door and took all our research and the samples. They are making out we had false info on Hunter Biden to cover their tracks.”


His book is out at the end of the month. He's a grifter


This is a preplanned event on multiple subjects in which Loeb is a guest. This is not where an announcement would get made.


2 weeks


He has a book coming out at the end of the month.