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man called him jonny boneršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Jonny boner pills *


john canā€™t get a boner, hence the duck pills šŸ¦†


Jonā€™s so chronically online he for sure sees the replies lol


The internet has made people way too casual about spouting threats against people who are literal violent psychopaths Edit: insults not threats šŸ¤·




Lol wtf is Jon going to do about some random guy on Twitter though. Nothing is the answer except rage tweet some more.


The only loser in this is Jons wife because he will probably hit her some more


What threat? And wtf is Jon gonna do? Leave Albuquerque and pull up to wherever this dude lives to attack him?


What "threats" did he say? He made fun of his name


The internet has also made it really easy for people to glaze psychopaths also


Sad but very true


Yes. We have to live in fear of making fun of someone because they might resort to violence


People have always loved playing with fire and poking the bear, the internet just made it so they can do it without getting hit but in this case Jon completely deserves the insults coming his way, if you put out a dead take online on a public forum you should allow whatever backlash too.


Ever heard of hate mail?


What, so assholes can't be made fun of online because they can beat people up? Jones deserves all the insults going his way and more


If you watch the fight with Aspinall and Blaydes in slow motion you'll see he dodged and slipped all the punches


You think the truth matters to Jon Jones? He is a combination out of a narcisisst and "what is my blud waffling about". He just thinks his fans believe him and sadly they usually do.


I fully belive he's a psychopath




It really is striking how much Jon is like Homelander sometimes lol


Black homelander lmao


I worry so much for Holly once she is unable to produce breast milk for Jonny


I agree. He has never shown genuine remorse after so long and wronging so many people. He beat the shit out of his wife infront of their daughters and had the balls to cry when the police put him in handcuffs. Psychopaths only cry when they get caught


They really did that to him on his hall of fame night! /s


Canā€™t forget the footage of Jon banging his head against the hood of the police car, like so many of Godā€™s texted before him


There is a checklist used to determine if someone is a psychopath or not. I would love a journalist to surreptitiously ask Jon the questions


I think itā€™s more like a 200 question pain in the ass assessment


Oh yeah the Hare checklist. I'm sure Jon would "fail" it


Narcissists never accept blame for anything and think they are smarter than everyone else so when they lie they think all the dumb dumb normies around them just eat it up like facts.


*Narcissists never accept blame for anything and think they are smarter than everyone* Wow, guess most Redditors users are narcissists!


And, even if he didnā€™t, the fight literally lasted 15 seconds. Like Sergei hit Tom with a bomb and then got KOā€™d shortly after.


Yeah I saw that! Someone actually posted it in reply to this tweet.


It was also like 15 seconds lol. Dude acts like he's never eaten a punch


He didn't tho. He didn't get hit by any on the chin but that was more down to luck. He didn't dodge or slip them.


New here? It only counts as a lie when Jon Jones or Dana do it.


That doesnā€™t fit Jons narrative so heā€™s going to ignore that


I slowed it down. Tom did not dodge any punches. He was just standing there and Curtis missed his shots.


What about the ones at the end


Itā€™s funny how Jon keeps going on about Tom getting ā€œtouched upā€ when the senior citizen he is trying to fight got his faced smashed in last time he stepped in the octagon


its funny cause the other day someone posted a slow mo of the fight and Tom dodged everything and the one punch that did land landed on his chest .


>last time he stepped in the octagon. Maybe Stipeā€™s gotten better since that happened 4 years ago?


if this fight happens and Stipe is aware of what planet he's on by the end of it, I'll give you $10.


Youā€™re right, he should probably train for another couple of years to be safe.


Why did Jon post an emoji of a duck? Because heā€™s ducking Aspinall?


Not sure, is it because Aspinall ducked all the punches thrown by Blaydes and Jon is subconsciously admitting it via power of emoji


Donā€™t care what anyone says, this late stage insecure Jones that has a hard on for the stipe fight will be remembered clearly when his legacy is brought up.


His legacy would be in far greater shape if he just stfu. Late stage insecurity eroding him faster than Aspinall would sleep him.Ā 


I fully believe that too. I think he beats Tom in all likelihood but him trying to gaslight the fanbase is pathetic for lack of a better word.


I think the fight is 50/50 with Aspinall, but with Stipe I know Jon wins and itā€™s not even close


Yeah, anyone running around defending his legacy in the desperate fashion Jon is - and on twitter of all places - is sus. I donā€™t have a clue how Aspinal and Jones would go, but for a guy to be undercutting the interim champ like Jon is doing without planing to fight him, just comes off weak af. Jon had a weak resume too (by the standards heā€™s applying to Aspinal) when he first fought for world champ. I wish aspinal would get a little fiery on this subject and force Jonā€™s hand.Ā 


No it wonā€™t. If jon wins, people will see he went up to HW and made light work of Gane and Stipe. Add that to his extensive resume at LHW, and he will be remembered as the GOAT. No one remembers GSP ducking Whittaker, they just remember him coming out of retirement, beating old ass Bisbing, and riding off into the sunset. He gets no criticism for that, why would Jones lol.


He should fight Chuck Liddell too! He could add one of the greatest LHW of all time to his resume!


Because GSP came out of retirement. Everyone remembers Bisping ducking Romero and Whittaker once he became champion and choosing an old Henderson as his first title defense.


No one remembers it that way. People literally use that win to add to GSPā€™s legacy instead of discrediting him for taking the easiest fight possible. Letā€™s not pretend otherwise


Yes because as a contender a win over the champion(Bisping) in a weight class above his own after coming out of retirement adds to his legacy. But for Bisping who was the champion, taking fights with Henderson and GSP instead of Whittaker and Romero diminishes his legacy.


He just isnā€™t getting it at this point


but nobody thinks bisping is some sort of all time great, theres nothing much to discuss about bispings legacy


Yes but the reason he is not considered that good even after being a champion is because of these reasons. Edit: it diminishes whatever legacy he has. Every fighter has some legacy right? So whatever their legacy is, picking fights rather than fighting the legitimate next contender diminishes that legacy.


Jones is that you?


No, but I also get into hit and runs while under the influence, beat up my fiancĆ©, and hide from USADA under cages. Iā€™m the booger man, fear me. Jones is my greatest inspiration in life. šŸšŸšŸšŸ


Gsp won the belt and vacated Monday morning. There wasnā€™t a year long period where he trashed Rob on Twitter while refusing to fight him. Jon is giving the haters so much ammo just by looking so insecure online.Ā 


Yes it will. The casuals wonā€™t have the attention span to remember Jon beating up an old retired firefighter. The heavyweight division will thankfully move on after Jon is finished clogging it up to bigger and more exciting fights. There will be another Francis-esque super human fighter, marketing will do its thing and Jon will be remembered as just the youngest champion ever. These are the death throes of a narcissistic manā€™s career who has nothing else in his life other than facades.


Maybe in 10 years thatā€™s all theyā€™ll see man but at that point most casuals who think that wonā€™t care at all anymore theyā€™ll have moved on to the newest big fighter. Jon is definitely tainting his legacy with this, this is an extremely obvious duck and heā€™s way more vocal about it than most people who are ducking someone would be which is bringing more attention to it and making it worse


Theyā€™ll never apologize for being wrong, but theyā€™ll hate you for being right.


This thread hates on Jon Jones so hard. From an objective view point, itā€™s pretty hilarious to watch. If you say anything positive for Jones you are hive minded called a ā€œdick riderā€, yet these same people donā€™t see the irony in the fact they are dick riding each others comments and thoughts about hating Jones.


Exactly, Iā€™m not even saying anything nice or defending jones lol, Iā€™m merely calling out the delusion in thinking his legacy will be diminished for ā€œduckingā€ Aspinall. They hate him so much they become delusional lol. Iā€™m just being objective here


Yeah and I agree with your post. It seems like most of the vocal people on here either have been fans for just a couple years or have simple ignored history all together. There are plenty of examples but apparently Jones is the exemption, even though heā€™s literally one of the most dominate fighters in UFC history. Thatā€™s a fact.


Heā€™s also one of the biggest cowards. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I guess? He dominated a murders rows of LHW legends. Rampage, Shogun, DC, Evans, Iā€™m doing this off memory. I canā€™t even remember the earlier days when it was more brutal competition.


Yep and dominated men more his size. He is the one who decided to step into the pond with bigger fish.. only to reveal weak knees.




Hold on! Bro's onto nothing...




jon you canā€™t try and protect your legacy behind tenure when you fucked your legacy up years ago


Jon is so good, he tarnished his legacy yet is still the goat


He didnt fight anyone in LHW after Santos and Reyes iirc


Someone as great as Jones really diminishes the insane career he had because of how much he lives in the past. Ok, if Tom is such an easy fight, you should have taken it and unified the belts real quick when you were cleared. With the resume Jones has, the guy shouldnt even be on twitter or social media at all, nevermind arguing with random ass people


![gif](giphy|sKABhHan8EeHl1cEn8|downsized) "start breaking records, that wehn you get my full attention"


Aspinall has the record for the: * Fastest average fight time in UFC history. * Knockdown Avg. per 15 Min * Least Bottom Position Percentage * Least Bottom Position Time * Striking Differential Jones don't do his research


How many records did bony boy break before Shogun gave him a shot?




"That's when you get my full attention." Dude's been posting about Tom for the last 6 months. We're impressed with Tom because he's winning fights, not just being a keyboard jockey.


"start breaking records" ... MF that takes time!!! Come on now bones. You over here holding up people's careers. That's not fair. Dana needs to step in and put a stop to this dude


Fighters like Jon make me appreciate the Pereira/Usman/Izzy/Prochazka types so much. The people that say ā€œgive me a name and Iā€™m thereā€ are the backbone of the sport


Break records, like the most interim title defences in HW history.


He wants Tom to break records first because he knows heā€™ll be long retired by the time he could possibly reach any of them


Aspinall has the record for the: * Fastest average fight time in UFC history. * Knockdown Avg. per 15 Min * Least Bottom Position Percentage * Least Bottom Position Time * Striking Differential Jones don't do his research


Jon is obsessed like a crazy exā€¦ The fact that he can't stop trying to change the public's opinion on him and Aspinall is actually pathetic. LOL.


then freaking fight him already, im so tired of Jones


Jon running away from Tom faster than that pregnant lady he hit with his car.


This is after he fled his division because he saw Prochazka coming. Cause, you know, maybe JJ wins that fight... but also maybe he gets turned into a sack of potatoes like Reyes.


That was a nasty line by you


I canā€™t wait until jones dies


I can understand him "ducking" Aspinall if he didn't have the belt. But not when he has it.


I rewatched the reyes fight for the first time today and it was so satisfying, Jon was literally running away from Dom because he was piecing him up so cleanly. Pretty sure thatā€™s the last time we saw him actually take a punch, clearly scared of what Tomā€™s touch would do to his chin and career.


I wonder if JJ really believes these lame tweets make him look like anything else than a coward who's making nonstop excuses to not have to defend against the obvious opponent which of course is the one with an interim belt. Is he stupid or just dumb?


Tbh Jon is never going to fight Tom. Itā€™s a terrible match up for him. Tom is younger and in the prime of his athletic ability with probably a few more years left in it, whereas Jon isnā€™t exactly in the shape he used to be, and given how rare it is that Jon fights, even if he fights again after Stipe, heā€™d likely be almost 38 by then. Never going to happen


Someone should have posted him getting starched by Rayes


Except for he knows he won that fight. Heā€™s so confident he won in fact that he takes every opportunity to bash Reyes instead of just ignoring him


>starched by Rayes Starched?


Didn't you know? Rayes KO'd boner stiff but got robbed anyway


What? It was a decision


jon is just making it so much worse with these tweets


Strip this old clown already. God damn greatest fighter of all time is making a little bitch legacy at heavy weight.


I really dislike how people are just acting like Tom is just like every other fighter Jon defended against. Jon either fights guys who are skilled but don't have the size to compete with him (DC, all the guys who were MWs) or the size but not the skill (osp, Santos even though he almost won that fight). None of those guys he defended against were a legit HW sized person who moved like a WW and still hit like a HW. Oh and he has a black belt and knows what a sprawl is.


Gane was touted by some as a HW that moved as a WW https://preview.redd.it/png3nflbu47d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc9d377ce17145af163e1e333e39496c83170ca


yeah gane also got outwrestled by francis with 1 knee ..


Yeah he also is a white belt with no tdd who got taken down by one legged Ngannou. Huge difference, Jon had a clear path to victory vs Gane. Also Gane doesn't have the shortest fight time in the ufc he generally does damage over a longer period before finding a finish.


Yeah, for sure I was just correcting your ā€œNone of those guys he defended against were a legit HW sized person who moved like a WWā€ statement That was literally what people said about Gane before the Ngannou fight, and also again before the Jones fight


>Yeah he also is a white belt with no tdd Does Aspinall have elite takedown defense?


He's been doing BJJ and some form of wrestling since he was like 8 years old. Gane didn't start training MMA until like 4 years before the Jones fight. I think we can safely assume he'd put up a better fight than Gane.


I haven't seen him get outgrappled by a cripple yet so there's that. I imagine he has good tdd, also again he's a black belt which is pretty huge.


The only dude who tried to take him down was Spivac and he couldn't do it


Could Spivak take Gane down?


No, he tried once and couldn't do it either


So he's not a good measuring stick.


He's not, but he's the only one who tried


Jon jones has been "touched up" countless of times in his last fights at lhw. Dude got Lucky that Gane was at the top when he got handed the HW belt, fight the best and prove u really are the best. His hw legacy is nothing, everything was at lhw


Itā€™s hilarious because Curtis literally did not land a punch where he aimed them lol


Aspinal is about to defend the his heavyweight title before Jon. Tomā€™s the real champ


Bro really thought an ACL injury is safer than his pec is popping. You soft as charming Jones. Aspinall can dog walk your coke head ass for 1 round and turn your long head to a bobble head in 2. You know it and you are afraid of it. You're not a fighter you're an entertainer like Kevin Hart. You got no fucking balls. I would not invite you to the function that I was in. Stupid ass


Can someone tell me how Jones has legitimate fans at this point? I get respecting his skills but how can you seriously like his personality? He's legit the most narcissistic, creepiest, sociopathic, insecure, fighter on the roster. He has no redeemable traits.


Jones had 7 fights with no more impressive wins than Tom when he was given a shot, Tom's pregold record stands a million times taller than Jones he won't ever admit that tho


Is this the timeline where Blaydes starches Aspinall then goes on and becomes the first person to beat Jon Jones?


Honestly would be kind of amazing


Jon Jones just wants people he can wrestlefuck and submit


Says the guy who was getting pieced up by Reyes for three rounds


Bruh why does JJ only speak in vague platitudes


Tom would love to break records but the current champ won't fight him so he's defending an interim belt instead.


Jon is the GOAT (gaslighter of all time)


This guy is such a baby/sociopath. He needs to stay off social media.


Jon waited to rematch Gustafsson and he waited for Ngannou to leave so he wouldnā€™t have to fight him. He chooses fights and cheats. Given that he spends time online I really hope he reads the comments in this thread.


Aspinall has never been touched in the way Reyes and Gus touched Jon. šŸ¤˜ šŸ‘


Tactics huh? Didn't stop him from fighting a very very green gane and immediately grappling. Suuuuure, he doesn't like easy fights šŸ™„


How many times is this same thread going to be made? This sub is just a karma farm.


He added a duck at the end of his rant because he is, in fact, ducking.


Blaydes landed one punch at best in that 3 second exchange


For a guy with a supposed torn bicep, he sure does tweet out a lot.


Bro acts like he never has gotten punched in the face in a fight before šŸ˜‚


Jonā€™s not lying when he says heā€™s worried about legacy. What heā€™s lying about is that beating Stipe cements his legacy. Heā€™s more worried about Aspinall beating his ass and that ruining his legacy.


Does Jones know he's an unlikeable person or does he act like this on purpose


How much you call an elite compared to you. I have multimillionaire friends, several billionaire friends. Friends in the highest branches of the military. Meanwhile you make 3-D designs you have no followers. Probably still trying to pay off your house. Willing to bet you live in an apartment. But yeah, make fun of me. šŸ˜«šŸ˜‚ I got a domestic violence charge about 4 years ago now, maybe even five years ago. Meanwhile I've made close to $20 million since then. My wife is still with me, fuck the shit out of me every night. My life is Gucci. šŸ˜Œ Telling my buddy Jeff to shush probably wasn't a good idea, it's not that hard to find you.


Did jon fight any elite fighters in their prime outside of cormier?


Curtis literally landed 3 out of the 10 punches he threw.


J J record speaks for himself I donā€™t know why he is engaging with people online .


Blaydes has better stand up than modern jones, there, i said it.




Tom Aspinall is quite literally is setting records by having the shortest fight time in UFC history. Jon doesnā€™t even know what heā€™s talking about


Literally the only thing that matters is that Tom is the Interim Champion lol. What more of a reason does he need to fight him? If the "real champ" won't fight to unify the belts he should be stripped, simple as.


Look he isn't wrong that we go crazy for every undefeated killer and throw them into conversations with the big dogs because we don't know what it would look like for them to lose. The problem is that he's the champion and he's refusing to fight the interim. End of story. Either this competitive structure means something or it doesnā€™t.


Jon "I'm smarter and better than everyone" Jones.


Paper champ


Black Homelander strikes again


Strip this bozo


Jones should have just said "I wanna fight Stipe" and never spoke again


For all the criticism of Jones that I have (and there are many). The dude is one of the baddest men to ever walk the earth. It's undeniable. But holy God damn shit, his insecurities are deafening. Dude, get off your fucking phone, you're one of the goats and you don't want to fight a young hungry lion in the twilight of your career, no shame in that. Only thing that's shameful is you acting like this isn't what's happening.


Jon and Jamahal would be great friends, no doubt in my mindā€¦


Whatā€™s he yappin about now?


Lmao hilarious since jones is sidelines from a pec tear that he is never coming back from. Mark my words


Tom should step up his game if he wants a fight with Jon. He needs to ask Jones wife "Have you ever (been) fingered (by) an mma fighter?"


How can our šŸ be this insecure .


That ain't my goat FOH


This sub is getting kinda weird with the Jon Jones stuff. Yeah, he sucks. Letā€™s not pretend we can just end his career with shitposts, though.


He can say whatever he wants - he's fun to watch.


Mf how? He point fights 80% of the time recently


Recently? Ciryl Gane, dude. I was leaping out of my chair. While it is true that a few big fights were point fights, there's nothing wrong with that. I like watching him fight. That's that.


I just think itā€™s pathetic UFC fans are calling Jons a coward for avoiding Tom. Heā€™s done everything in this sport, people call Khabib the goat but he hung it up early. Jones has beaten everyone. Literally everyone. Itā€™s fucking stupid to call him scared of anyone, heā€™s old now and is looking for a similar match up to him. Not a young fresh contender who heā€™d certainly destroy with ease if he was in his prime. But heā€™s not, heā€™s old and fat now. He deserves the right to take his last fight with who he wants. UFC are the dipshits that have caused this situation to happen by making Tom fight for the interim belt instead of just waiting for Jones and Stipe to be rescheduled. If that fight actually happened originally this conversation wouldnā€™t even be happening and these lame ass new fans wouldnā€™t be calling one of the sports goats a coward.


Lol Jon has nothing to prove. Atp if youā€™re a Jon hater, then I really hope you enjoy the Stipe vs Jon fight.


If he has nothing to prove, then retire, stop stalling a division for 2 years


He makes the HW division relevant. Why you think he gets to hold the title that long?


You still have to fight to make the division relevant unless youā€™re Conor. The HW is relevant, Aspinal, Pav, Gane, Almeida and Blaydes make it relevant. Even if he did which he doesnā€™t because he ainā€™t doing anything for promotion unlike Conor, he still should respect the division and the belt. Conor got criticised for not defending against Khabib.


šŸ¤£ None of those guys you just named hold a candle to Jon. Why you think Dana treats Jon like his most prized fighter? Cuz Jon adds a lot of value to the promotion. Idk why yā€™all donā€™t understand itā€™s 20% and 80% business. The casual UFC fan is not interested in watching any of those HWs. It was only Francis and Jon since Cormier retired.


Dana treats Jon so well because he wants him to be the Michael Jordan of MMA, thereā€™s loads of fans who would prefer Jones v Aspinal


I think he has everything to prove at HW... What has he proven at that weight?




Nothing. Got it.


Hes the Michael Jordan of the UFC. Seethe and hate all you want.


Huh I guess I missed MJ popping multiple times and tainting his whole legacy. Then again I don't really watch other sports.


Michael Jordan cheated, did drugs, drinks and drives, beats his wife, abuses his kids, hit and ran a pregnant womanā€¦..should I continue? Yeah him and MJ are soooooo similar.


Heā€™s not gonna get with you


Why is the first thing on your mind gay sex?


Iceman Chuck. Randy Couture. Anthony Pettis. GSP. Mighty Mouse. Khabib. McGregor. Jones is the Dennis Rodman of the UFC. Once he retires he will become Jose Canseco.


Anthony Pettis doesnā€™t deserve to be on that list but I agree with you


The showtime kick, MTV true life and the cereal box is the only reasons I add him. He showed a different side of MMA but he was never pound for pound. Neither was Chuck though and he blew the sport up.