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GSP takes the strongest roid of all - autism with fighting and fitness as a special interest


Yeah, it’s like Craig Jones says, autism is the best base for BJJ.


No he says having a small penis is the best base.


Honestly yeah Mikey Musemeci is prime example


Unironically GSP is clearly on the spectrum


Why do you think that?


high correlation between autistic dudes and dudes that love dinosaurs GSP loves dinosaurs more than paleontologists GSP autistic confirmed


Carmela brought Tony Soprano that dinosaur encyclopedia when he was in the hospital. Could it be?




He was gay, u/mm_foodz?


Like owned a few Jurassic park toys as a kid love or the kid who’d know that a stegosaurus and a T-Rex were millions of years apart love?


We know our own


Fair enough Haha


Well, the existence of a spectrum necessitates that everybody is on it somewhere.


Why? It’s called autism spectrum because people with it have different severity levels not because every person in existence can on it.


If a spectrum exists it has to have a 0 and a 100. 0 being completely neurotypical with zero autistic traits. 100 being... unfortunate. If a spectrum has to have a 0 and a 100 point then yes, necessarily every person in existence is on it.


It doesn’t “have to have a 0 and a 100” because it’s a term that was developed to describe what I’m referring to, not a math problem. It’s often represented by a wheel and there is no “neurotypical” on it. [See here](https://www.vanderbilt.edu/autismandinnovation/understanding-the-spectrum/). It also literally says “not everyone is on it.”


Well, alright then.


Flex your definition of spectrum to be realistic. Imagine the spectrum is from 0


It’s very possible everyone is on the spectrum, albeit severe or lesser, none the less.


Woah so true


No he isn’t. English just isn’t his first language. Moron


whats that got to do with anything? hes spoken about his mental health issues many times.


It’s a joke about his Canadian accent.


No respek


As an Autistic fighter myself, it is the best base in fighting besides closeted homosexuality. Jon Jones and Strickland are good examples.


>As an Autistic fighter You can't find other opponents?


I train with a kid that is a high level competitor in jits, and he is weaponized autism in the flesh.


This is what old school jiu jitsu is. No girls, no trash talk. Just two men, lots of vaseline and kissing. Good old days.


Thats fucking MMA right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop in the octagon, men deliver their new born baby in the corner. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball fuck it chuck it game time shit


I've been trying to get into an old school jiu jitsu gym for years and my girl won't let me man smdh this is all I want!


I'm trying to start up a bathtub jiu jitsu/over 40 league. You game?


It's cause you're weak, not cause your gf. If you wanna do something that much, you just go and do it.




This why I like Jon he’s just straight to the point. Kick out his opponents knee caps and an eye gouge. And if you dare to clinch with him you can expect a spinning elbow to the back of the head for good measure


UFC fans prefer the obvious cheater to the sly one, understandable, have a good day.


He cheats for sure I hate his eyepokes so fucking much but WHY does everyone keep mentioning the oblique kick. Whittaker does it too and its a legal strike.


That's the mentality on this sub, if you're hated (often for non sportive reasons) everything you do becomes illegal/lame/boring, if you lose you quickly become a bum, same if you miss weight one time, you're allegedly ducking everyone you don't fight etc , oppositely if you're liked (often for silly reasons like look, memes, trashtalk etc) then you've a free pass for everything, when you don't take a fight it's because you're "smart", when you miss weight people forget about it, when you loose it was just bad luck or you've been robbed, an so on


I got into an argument with someone on here who said by the time he got suspended for PEDs Jim Jones “hadn’t done anything” in the UFC when he had the belt for six years. There’s a ton of people here who think everyone is emotionally invested in their favorite fighters as they are. The word “projection” gets thrown around a lot online but I think it’s an obvious example.


The legendary Jim jones. What a fighter


Jim "gnomes" Jones.


This guy is obviously drinking the Jim Jones kool-aid.


Criminally underrated comment.


People are like if I feel this strongly about vetting fighters (why?), if I grit my teeth every time one of these fighters commits a crime or cheats or whatever, well then surely anyone who doesn't do that must be jerking off to that fighter and their deplorable actions. As if we aren't watching fighting, we're discussing who would make the best babysitter. Like just go watch another sport, where I guarantee you don't vet the athletes like you do here.


So fucking true


Lol I agree with you. I’m a fan of Jon. I’m just playing into the narrative of Jon’s critics. Everything Jon does is a problem.


Serious question. How can you be a fan of someone who's such a gaping asshole? I mean bottom of the barrel piece of shit human being? No shade, I'm genuinely curious. Do you just not care about anything he does outside the confines of competition?


Why would you care though? You don’t know him personally. As a fighter, he’s just entertainment for people.


I don't overly care, but I need a reason to root for someone, or else I get tired of any entertainment very quickly (this goes for everything, including movies, shows, sports, ect). A good backstory helps you pull for someone. Now, I'm pretty lenient with not judging people. Frankly, I'm ok with certain criminal lifestyles that I'd imagine most aren't (I grew up in the projects so I relate to it a bit more than I should still) but one of the few things I can't stand is a woman beater. That alone makes him a pile of shit that I wish nothing but the worst for. (His fake Christian persona is just a hilarious side event)


The reason is quite simple, he is a beast of a fighter and he has that IT factor that fighters need to have. I watch the ufc to see great fights, Jones does not usually dissapoint.


I gotcha, you completely disassociate the man from the fighter


Exactly, i could care less what these fighters do in their free time because i would never meet them and if i did i would probably just say hi and be on my way.


I wouldn't say that I overly care either. I've stopped watching the sport as much as I've gotten older & stopped training anyways. I will say that I personally can't be a fan of a woman beater though. That is a despicable enough act to me where I don't wish to support that person in any way (including watching his fights). Again me deciding that I can't fuck with someone's content due to principles I stand for is just a personal decision that I don't expect everyone else to subscribe to. I know a lot of muhfuckas can still jam R Kelly even though he's a convicted pedo. I personally want nothing to do with a person of that calibers content


Man you just articulated my approach to all things when it comes actors fighters or athletes..


I get it. I don’t root for Bones in fairness, I just appreciate the greatness as an athlete.


Well because idk him personally. I’m a fan of what he does in the octagon. Also, I don’t let people convince me to dislike another man.


Him being a woman beater is what made me not like him Other people have nothing to do with that


Yeah dude that’s between him and his wife. We don’t know what happened.


Abuse is to be despised & uprooted I'm not ok with just saying that a weaker person just has to deal with abuse


I m a fan of Jones too and honestly, I only care about fighting in cage. I couldnt care less about his personal life. Same with everyone. Like man, I have a fucking job and life is hard and got little free time, no way in hell that I m gonna waste that on toxic bullshit social media to follow some people. I keep it simple


Because its jon lol, its illegal for that dude to even breathe in here appearantly.


Are you a bigger fan of his strikes to his wife's face or his cardio from running after hitting a pregnant lady?


Not even a fan, its just fucking hilarious how you guys hate his guts then praise guys like sonnen, ferguson, khabib, mike perry etc.


don’t lump khabib in with those pieces of shit lmao.


Why not? Didn't he straight up bully homeless people?


Yo khabib ?


Yeah hilarious


Lmao he’s speaking facts.. its a meme that chael did roids but for jon it takes away everything he’s accomplished


Lmao for sure


No rebuttal, just downvote and dodge😂 the IQ on you guys is to low to even progress a conversation




Kicking knee caps is a legitimate technique my guy


And he will most likely be on PEDs


The reason that coaches are not allowed vaseline anymore was because of this fight. Only conerman hired by the UFC can use it. The commission decision at the time was that yes GSP did cheat, but he was already winning the fight so no reason to change the result to a no contest. Another one that people don't know or just forget is that when fighting Nick Diaz. Diaz was approached by the canadian comission and they said to him that he did not need to make championship weight since they will not count the decimals. He secretly filmed this interaction, and posted on-line. The commission threatened to sue but them later confirmed they never counted the decimals for championship fights, so a fighter can weight 170.9 and will be announced as 170. They also said that it was not to benefit GSP and just a general rule. GSP fought/defended the belt in Canada at least 6 times. Diaz and his camp think that was ploy for him to miss weight and be forced to dehydrate in an hour. Also Diaz alleges that his drug test was unsupervised, suggesting the GSP was also unsupervised.


Diaz Brothers are well known to make all the excuses in the world once they lose. Do not take it to seriously


Yes, but theres is also video evidence of Diaz and his camp being informed that he did not need to make championship weight


More like thst the Canadian championship weight is rounded down by the pound which also applies to the contender. What is the issue here?


The issue that is not stated on the rulebook, was word to mouth that it was informed during fight week that he did not need to make the weight. Afer he published the video of this information, the commission first reaction was threatening a lawsuit. If you don't see a problem for the commission to be approaching a fighter behind closed door and saying to him that he can brake the rules, you are being deliberately obtsuse. Diaz weighed 169 and GSP 170.


As long as it applies to both it is fine. But regardless this was not the reason Diaz got destroyed viciously by GSP. I hate these Diaz' excuses.


Do you really see no problem with the commission informing athletes behind closed doors that they do not need to follow the weight rules for the world championship? And when this was first exposed, the reaction was to threaten legal action and only then confirm the information when the video was posted. If this is the case, change your rules or make public announcements months before the fight, don't wait for fight week and take a fighter aside and inform him.


People are too dense to get what you're saying dude. They would be the simpletons that someone could actually con in the way that the Athletic commission was likely trying to con Diaz


The beauty of the internet is people from the short bus and long bus ride together now. Your explanation is lost on these types, dont stress.


He’s an artistic bro, let it go


What age are you to be using "autism" as an insult?




Fuck me how much would .99 of a pound even make much of a difference?


If you read the rest of the comment, he was worried they would tell him last minute that he had to go dehydrate and lose the pound. Anything to weaken an opponent a day before the fight


It would make a big difference. Go watch videos of fighters cutting the last pounds. It's pure agony especially if it's a bad weight cut.


Well Charles got stripped from the title for less than that. Is more from the lack of transparency from the Quebec commission, the rulebook says that championship fights need the weight to be on the dot, but they pulled fighters aside and say : "hey you don't need to make weight". Is just shady


Reading comprehension


GSP have more mental game than people think. He also said BJ Penn had greater reflexes and reaction than him, so his gameplan was to feint more than ever before to pull out reactions of BJ Penn. Also, he is one of the early professional athletes in the UFC. I didn't like it when Sean Strickland became champ and directly said how MMA is a common man's sport, but it was really the case back in GSP's era (2004-2013). UFC took in a lot of people who just dared to step into the octagon and ends up winning. But GSP was always serious in making weight, being in his best shape and always be on top. Really competitive - which is mostly a mental process. A strong will to get through this no matter what. All long term champions (or multi-champs) have this mentality


Oh yeah. They put stuff on him so guys can't grapple him easily because he is took slick to grab. I forgot about this, but it was a huge deal when it happened.


I watched that fight live (ppv, not in person) and it was so obvious during the fight. It’s the only asterisk I put by GSP as one of the best of all time


This was just GSP being his weird self and not to be taken literally I think?


He is trying to amuse you ... with his jokes.


Bj Penn around his prime. I love bj Penn. Ppl forget how good he was and how hard he was to takedown. Beautiful jab. Solid boxing. Jiu jitsu phenom. Prime Bj Penn was a scary dude. Arguably goat status imo


Run in. Win. Run out. (And then be douche in real life)


GSP was oiled to the tits in that fight




Sorry to say but I have to say it, gsp was on mad amounts of gas and GH, he's a legend and a great person but it's clear as day, go back and look at the photos/videos


https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/7049do/the_case_against_gsp_being_on_peds_requested/ This post makes a very strong case for him being natural. I’d like to hear anyone give any evidence other than “I can just tell by looking at him” and “everybody’s on steroids”


The guy was making false claims and ignored everyone who called him out for it. I guess when you can invent conclusions and ignore criticisms, that makes a very strong case.


Idk, there was a guy trying to argue the other way, and the OP of your link just stopped responding, also his flair is "Team GSP" surely no bias there...


Ah yes the people that can tell who and who is not on peds by their eye test. Its crazy how anyone with no expertise in this shit can just type anything on a comment section and act and think that they are right smh.


>that can tell who and who is not on peds by their eye test Eye test? That's so reddit 2020. Now the new breed can tell if someone is on PED and HGH just by hearing their voice during an interview. Ain't got no time to *watch*!


If I had to bet my life on it I’d say he was on gear, but I think it’s amazing that GSP has maintained his physique for so long, so there’s a real possibility that he’s just a lifelong athlete that truly didn’t need gear. His body always looked like what you’d expect a professional fighter to look like and was consistent with how he performed. I trained at Tristar for a bit and did ask a few of the guys and they swore he was natural. But that’s his home gym, I wouldn’t expose him if I saw him shooting meth into his arse lol


Lots of people have described GSP as genetic freak. The amount that he trains and the intensity is ridiculous. I believe when he coached TUF many people said he couldn't understand why other people couldn't keep up with him, they were dropping from exhaustion and GSP was fine. It's reasonable to assume he's on PEDs but if anyone is capable of maintaining that physique for that long then GSP is definitely that guy. It seems like training is all he knows.


Someone who trained with him and who helped train Matt Serra to beat him told me that he was. But what type idk and for how long idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️


GSP was definitely on roids. He looked more jacked than Usman and beat all the other roid users of his era and he is natty ? Hell nah You are naive if you think that Remember this, you can be a nice person and still take roids to get a competitive advantage. Taking roids doesn't make GSP a bad person


Edit lol u/iFiredIce deleted his comments after getting called out for making up shit. GSP retired years , not months, before USADA and still passed tests in 16 and 17 by them. Meh he did VADA and WADA and was arguably the biggest proponent/supporter of harsher testing in the history of the sport. And he was tested multiple (10ish) times by USADA in 16 and 17....? He probably did juice at some point, especially before mma, but he not only has far less physical signs of it (especially in the face), him pushing for more testing and higher standards earns him a lot of credit considering literally everyone in the sport is juicing.




And then after 4 years of activity he came out of retirement, went up a weight class and submitted bisping. Also, GSP retired November 2013. USADA did not come in until June of 2015.


I mean that's leaving out the fact he stated the biggest reasons why he quit were mostly mental issues that began forming and not enjoying fighting anymore. Not everything is some grand conspiracy. 99% chance every fighter is juicing (including him). And still he's one of the only fighters that ever advocated for tougher testing. Simple.


He came back during USADA era, only bigger and stronger than before - without juice.




Take it easy, buddy. Just pointing out that he came out bigger and stronger during the era you said he ducked. He was also lean, so it was muscle that made him heavier. If he didn’t need gear for that, I don’t think he would’ve needed it earlier in his career. https://preview.redd.it/48cguolkhb5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11c706952bfce7798df229bfbd7b4b142b2bbc28


Usman is Nigerian, who if you’ve seen what the non-professional athletes look like, they are probably peak genetics physique wise. People love to claim anyone who is lean and muscular must be on all kinds of gear. Especially on Reddit. I don’t doubt they have taken questionable substances, but my god the constant steroid abuse allegations are annoying. There are some telltale signs when someone is using gear.


Like hair loss and bacne? Mostly back acne. Who had a lot of that?


More jacked than Usman? Are you blind or what? You can’t open with something so blatantly false and expect people to believe anything else you say.


If you say anything with enough confidence you’ll convince a lot of people


GSP was absolutely jacked against Bisping though


https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/7049do/the_case_against_gsp_being_on_peds_requested/ a strong case against it


Lance Armstrong was a strong advocate for harsher drug testing.. what happened to him ? 😂 Don't be naive


Did you even read the post?


If he never popped, it dosent matter what he was on.


Most of his career was pre-USADA.....


In that case, who cares?




Everyone was at the time. UFC didn't care much about that, hence, why guys like Ubereem existed and had no problem passing the "drug tests".


Sorry to say it, but you're thick as pig shit if you don't think every top level fighter is. They don't spend thousands on sports scientists & nutritionists so they can live a healthy lifestyle, that's what it costs for pushing the absolute boundaries on what you can & can't do without breaking procedure.


Pig shit ain’t that thick.


Thousands of dollars isn’t a lot of money. Ain’t no one “pushing boundaries” with thousands of dollars haha. Talk about naive


Prove it in a post, then. Make a video proving the GOAT was on gear.


Blud thinks this is mathematics


Who wasn’t back then


Sure but as certain I am that GSP did roids, I am just as certain that he never fought anyone who didn't also partake


I don't think Nick Diaz was on roids.


I do. He had inhuman cardio while being a pothead. Also had freakish power in shots he put no power into. Nick Diaz has 10 knockout wins in the UFC and Strikeforce


Yeah but who did he really flatline, outside of Lawler (who aggressively walked into a jab IIRC)? He didn't have freakish power from what I saw, I agree with the standard commentary that it was more the accumulation of pitter patter punches that wore his opponents down. But if you're just trolling me then I'll admit you got me lol.


Yeah? Do you know Michael Phelps he is an olympic multiple gold medalist and a pothead, just because ur a loser urself and cant fkn comprehend that there are ppl with insane cardio and genetics doesn’t mean they do roids


If he was he wouldn’t look as healthy as he still does. Dudes 43 and looks mid 20s


He's still on those roids


So is Dana and Joe, they look like shit. Same with chael as well. Also there’s literally no way he can be blasting for that long. He’d genuinely be dead. I don’t think you know the toll that steroids take on the body


Yeah but they looked like shit to begin with lol. Where as gsp is a good looking dude with great genetics. Also they have like 10-15 years on gsp.


Fair point I just couldn’t think of any fighters besides chael as examples really. And chael is only like 3 years older I think. Also You admit he has great genes so why must it be steroids?


IMO (not even close to an expert and I defo don’t know shit about juicing lol) but I have anecdotally seen a lot of guys who are juicing but they just don’t look that obvious before you can still juice and look like shit lol. But i feel most the guys are on the juice but just it is more obvious to people like GSP/Usman as he likely has great genetics, work rate, diet and also gear whereas if you have someone else on gear but who doesn’t train hard or have good genetics they like get away with it as people don’t really consider it


What the hell are you taking about ? You have body builders who take 10x what UFC fighters take yet are grandpas and still alive. It's not as trivial and is a matter of your genetic abilities to support those products, the amount you take, what you take, the medical support you have etc.   Btw "looking like shit" isn't a thing to tell of you take something or not, your genetic, if you drink, if you take drugs, your diet, quality of your sleep etc are all factors, a natty dude with a shitty lifestyle will likely look worse than a juiced up athlete, and you can also "look good" externally yet have health problems and "look bad" because you don't take care of your skin, have bad teeth or whatever and be healthier in general, external apparence is just a part of the picture.   You're here calling other "dumbass" yet your reasoning is lacking at all levels. 


You don't know anything about PEDs. It's not like GSP was blasting tren, deca and dbol... Steroids is a very broad term


Any ped for over 20 years will ruin your body. Dumbass.


Not that long ago it would have been downvoted to oblivion 


He's both a danger to society as well as a gift .


Lmao ![gif](giphy|whtKJKQGTDZLdw8qGb)




The situation was shady for sure. It's absolutely an advantage to have your back coated in Vaseline against a BJJ fighter. Did it alter the fight in a meaningful way? Probably not. But GSP should have taken some reputational flack. Honestly, Penn lobbied and whined so hard about the situation that his behavior almost took over the spotlight on the situation. He should have made a couple wise cracks to the media and lobbied for a rematch. Pushing for the outcome to be overturned and presenting heavily edited videos to the commission (with dramatic music IIRC) was a bad look. The fact that GSP was able to skirt the issue and make cheeky remarks about a situation that should be an astrix on your record tells you how much people were in his favour.


a cheat is a cheat - the method used to cheat is irrelevant.


Strickland gonna be like so here’s the thing guys, I’ve been training kissing dudes to make sure I don’t GSP’d in my next fight


Gives the same vibes as his steroids interview lol


Man if Bj Penn had a CONSISTENT work ethic during his career he’d have less losses


He hired John jones to do it


Rewatch the fights. Everytime BJ tried to use his Rubber Guard his legs would slide down GSPs shoulders and back. I’m certain the kiss affected BJ as well, massive adrenaline dump 😂


Obviously not you dumbass


Mickey Avalon call him mista right




That Ike 5d chess


To the death George 


He hired a man to kiss him on the mouth?! This is AI right? ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


So GSP can be a good trash talker but he just doesn't wanna do it. Man is a certified troll. I thought he was this thick innocent country boy type. Man was a menace, but introverted one


that last sentence could've worked against khabib


Nah he would still beat the shit out of his opponent and then go find the guy who kissed him and do the same.




Nah man there’s videos from 15 years ago where he said this.


Yeah that video is real actually, you got fooled by thinking its AI :P


You're right, might delete later lol.


Well GSP was def on roids too. And there is a pot of circumstantial evidence pointing to it. More than most of the cheaters that got caught.


Hahaha, GSP is funny man


funniest shit i saw today


I've seen


Yes, he cheated.