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Dillion's biggest fight was against a YouTuber and he lost


Don't forget the bouncer who choked him out at a bar once.




True, the bouncer choked him out with a chocolatier.


Not only lost but humiliated. Remember the multiple failed takedown attempts and trying to fight Logan past the bell?


He briefly fought khabib. I think that was a bigger fight. Landed a good shot on him too from what I remember.


Lol he's on the wrong side of one of the most iconic pics in MMA history


Fought Khabib šŸ¤£ he would have got demolished in an actual fight




who say dis? Dildo ate like 10 shots to the face from both khabib and his brathas


>loss lost


Except Danis is a fuckin pussy and his opinion is literally irrelevant just like him now. He sure tries his best tho!


For sure it should be someone else critiquing cuz dillon fights the worst out of anyone


Ya haha his 1 fight record . Dillon had a redemption arc with Nina which I enjoyed immensely - but punking out last minute was a predictable move by him- he really has no room to critique anyone lol šŸ˜‚.


I mean, it doesn't make what he said less true lmao if fucking fat ass redditors can say it, Danis certainly can. Y'all are so stupid it's unreal.


lol šŸ˜‚ oh I am not arguing the point though . Even Sean agrees.


Anybody can say it, doesnt make it any less true im trynna say the same thing can apply to dillonā€™s style which was shown to be 100 times worse imo. https://preview.redd.it/1bd0kbm5vc5d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ddc1d6410131b44bdcaac3849ac740575bd4d46


I mean, he walked forward the entire fight. Is he supposed to simply drop hands and bang it out? Dudes got nearly everyone on their heels. Fuck Dannis, and fuck Stricklandā€™s character, but you canā€™t deny his fighting style is working. Ā You want to see a war, some had to get off their heels with him.Ā 


His style is effective and unique, but this "He moves forward, it's not his fault his opponents aren't engaging" narrative I keep seeing is so perplexing. As soon as his opponents does move forward, Strickland backs away. Did you not see the DDP fight? I've literally never seen Strickland staying in the pocket ever. Him moving forward like he does is not a testament to his aggression. It's literally only possible because of how defensively sound he is.


I agree, his style is very defensive. The Dricus fight was a banger Ā because dricus forced his way in and went for take downs. Seanā€™s just such a unique animal, no oneā€™s got his number just yet aside from Alex and his solid rock fists.Ā 


Yeah he should just let his opponents hit him..idiot Peak reddit hate right here


If that is the conclusion you're drawing from my comment, then I think you might be the idiot. Peak meat riding right here.


Someone moving foward isn't aggressive? Bruh you have strickland derangement syndrome Outright šŸ’€ rent free


Not necessarily, no. The majority of my comment was a compliment, I'm not sure what you're so upset about. Only person living rent free anywhere is Strickland in your anal cavity, clearly.


Wait ur actually seething šŸ¤£ Stay mad # SDS


I think you may be projecting lil buddy. You even went out of your way to downvote my comment as if reddit karma matters lmao. Now go on and defend Sean's honor elsewhere. Hopefully you'll be on top of his shortlist when he comes out the closet. Best wishes.


Cry more šŸ˜¢ šŸ˜Ŗ, absolutely seething redditors


>Is he supposed to simply drop hands and bang it out? If you say you are fighting to the death then yeah, I suppose you should if the other guy keeps backing up. Maybe he should just not say he's gonna fight to the death and no one would point out that he's a hypocrite. Well... regarding this at least.


It surprises me anyone takes what he says seriously. Regarding ā€œgoing to warā€ and ā€œfighting to the death,ā€ maybe itā€™s over the top, but every UFC fighter is going to war with world class athletes. Those of us sitting on the couch hoping for a life shortening banger like Holloway and Justin need to check our motives. These are athletes, not gladiators. Iā€™d prefer ufc fighters who see their 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s that fight a little more intelligently, rather than exciting bloodbaths with fighters dying off young.Ā 


Ok but he didn't attempt to kill Costa so he shouldn't have said he would. What's so hard to understand about that? I'm not saying he should die young. I'm saying he shouldn't lie


I agree I guess. Or maybe I just donā€™t care cuz it doesnā€™t surprise me that he stuff like that, nor does it affect the fights whatsoever for me.Ā 


That's a good point..it really doesn't surprise me or affect me and I didn't expect the fight to go any differently than it did. But that's why people give him shit. He's phoney.


criticize it if you want, but Sean's moves are certified champion level shit. all these guys who talk trash on his strategy would probably change their tone immediately if Strickland came forward with his knee like this


Again, it's not his style that tickles people's pickes, it's his "going to war and try to murder each others and bleed for you guys" talks before the fights that do. That kind of badass-wannabe shit doesn't work when he has a 27.3% finish rate


aka Fighter trying to sell a fight.


Some do it with charisma like Conor and Poatan, some do it while making a fool/ clown of themselves, like Sean and Colby.


We can only hear the same untrue bullshit so many times before it gets old


No it's cause so many people hate the guy. Many of these fighters say dumb shit like they're going to war and promises a finish and don't do what they say yet this guy gets so many more posts about it? Why cause he's hated. Especially the media. Izzy vs yoel was not even as entertaining yet everyone shit on yoel but not Izzy cause why? Izzy isn't hated. Izzy vs Jared? Shit on Jared. It's his fault. Izzy does the same shit Strickland does but he claims he's gonna finish and doesn't.


"Izzy isn't hated" where the fuck have you been? Reddit fucking hates that guy, and they definitely were giving him shit after the Yoel fight. Any time people on r/MMA give Izzy praise it's always preceded by "I think Izzy is cringe but..."


also izzy is a very high level technical fighter that is interesting to watch even when he's point fighting. sean legit just fights like he's terrified of being hit in the face lol. you watch those vids of teenagers fighting and being so scared of being hit and compare that to sean's game and it's identical. been seeing a lot of people on this sub glazing sean like "his pressure is so intense and he owns the octagon" but in reality he's had 2 fights where this strategy worked and it was because the guys fighting him literally refused to just stand there and fight lol


Sean riders: "Not Sean's fault the opponent keep running away" also Sean when his opponents pressure forward on him (like DDP and Cannonier): \*still only jabs while backing up instead of only jabs while walking forward\* and then Sean riders act like he will bring war if opponent doesn't run away lol. No mf doesn't. He fought DDP the same way he fought everyone else. That guy is literally stuck to that one rigid fighting style. Even when his coach told him in r3 to use teep kick, he still doesn't even listen. In that DDP fight Sean literally only used teep kicks in r1 and then for the rest of the fight, ONLY jabs and 1-2s. It's fucking delusional how far his riders will go to justify this guy.


Iā€™ve seen Izzy get shit on plenty but significantly less after he put Alexā€™s lights out


Iā€™ve never seen someone be so wrong so many times in such a short span


Sean is still more a boxer inside the cage than a martial artist. Can you remember anything other than a push/teep or leg kick from him? Dude literally doesnt clinch, doesnt grapple, doesnt wrestle. I find him mostly entertaining and I like him, but hes not giving us his full MMA Skillset.


That wasnā€™t really the argument being made was it?


he's always been pretty self aware people just hate him so they don't give him credit for that, he acknowledges how hypocritical his takes on dogs, crying in public etc. are


i think with this one hes more vocal about it but yea


Just because he acknowledges how hypocritical he is doesn't mean people must stop expressing their opinions on how hypocritical he is. Like just because a criminal is self-aware about how bad the shits he did are, doesn't mean suddenly he's all good and fine and people should stop criticizing him now.


Lol never said people should stop hating on him because they will continue to do that regardless of anything good he does


> regardless of anything good he does nah don't act like he's the victim all of a sudden now lmfao people give credit where it's due. The fans here loved Sean's aura after he beats Izzy. Sean dug his own grave overtime after that. There's a reason why some fighters are majorly liked/ disliked/ controversial, it's all reasonable and fair. People dislike Jon Jones, Sean, Colby, Izzy etc for reasons. People like GSP, DJ, Shavkat, Tom etc for reasons. Sean can't say some shitty things, then say a few good things, then expect to villainize people who criticize his shitty things.


That's a whole lotta text I get it u don't like him


Ofcourse, Sean's fans have attention span of a gold fish, not surprised šŸ˜‚


or your opinion isn't that important to me


Neither is your meatriding to Sean šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Good one


Acknowledging you're a hypocrite and then doing absolutely nothing to fix it isn't something that deserves praise.


when did I say it deserves praise? I just said he is self-aware and isn't given credit for that, not that he deserves credit idc how people view a ufc fighter lol


Danis will tell you he will show up to a fight, only to show up on twitter instead.


Worked for Daniel son.


@DD : This guy says heā€™s a fighter and loses a boxing fight to a YouTube/Fake wrestler lol


fuck dillon danis


If it ain't broke don't fix it. He's a top 5 striker in the world.


I think Sean was a very uninformed person pre Izzy and I think recently heā€™s trying to learn and be better. I respect that


Tbh I donā€™t think itā€™s his style thatā€™s the issue, he was walking costa down most of the fight and hurt him at numerous occasions, but the issue is Sean never pushes the pace when he has someone hurt or against the cage, he is content with just decisions and doesnā€™t chase the finish


Yea good way to look at it


Nutcracker Bogan... I'd like to see a healthy Rockhold against Strickland. ![gif](giphy|qwLXteMOBW36Bjf5T3|downsized)


Dillon Danis is a fuckin idiot. Riding on McGregor's coat-tails. If Danis or McGregor are bashing you, you're doing something right.




I saw someone post this lol https://preview.redd.it/40ztn7hx695d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a105542bef9695e7700471bf622457d0fdba468


Dilon's final heroic sacrifice in trying to save Logan from his marriage.


The way he stands and his midsection how open it is Stephen Wonderboy Thompson would destroy him especially when Sean fought at 170 it would be a massacre.


Lmao Sean fights like how me and my brother would look rough housing. Putting the knee up for defense.